genius evil

Chapter 96 Too anxious

Chapter 96 Too anxious
"No, don't shoot!"

Seeing Chen Lin suddenly pull out a pistol, Xu Anqi's face changed drastically. She didn't understand how the matter would develop to such a degree. Moreover, why did Chen Lin have a pistol on him?

"An Qi, you don't have to worry about things here, go and rest." Chen Lin said coldly without even looking at Xu Anqi.

"Yes, An Qi, go and rest." Chen Mu also said.

Xu Anqi bit her pink lips tightly, her face turned red and then pale. She faintly felt that what happened today was a bit abnormal, but she couldn't figure out what was abnormal.

Just letting her go to rest at this time, she would never agree, let alone worrying about Mr. Xu, now that Jiang Chen is still being pointed at by a gun, how could she go to rest?After all, Jiang Chen was invited by her, if Jiang Chen was hurt, she would be restless all her life.

"Don't hurt Jiang Chen, he really came to treat Grandpa." Xu Anqi said softly.

"An Qi, I have invited the best doctor, and I will give the old man a full body checkup in a while." Chen Sen said to Xu Anqi with a smile on his face.

Then Chen Sen pointed to the last middle-aged man who had not spoken and said: "This is Dr. Wang Yuanliang. I just came back from the United States. I specially invited him to treat the old man. An Qi, you can rest assured that Dr. Wang will help you." , the old man will be fine."

"Brother Chen Sen, thank you, but, can you ask Brother Chen Lin to put the gun away, it's too dangerous?" Xu Anqi said anxiously.

"No, it's two different things. He has to pay the price for his actions." Chen Sen shook his head resolutely, with a non-negotiable tone.

"I found that members of your Chen family have a very bad shortcoming. It is always easy to think other people are stupid." Jiang Chen said at this time, in a calm tone.

"It's you who are really stupid." Chen Sen said coldly.

"Actually, you really shouldn't provoke me. After all, I'm an outsider, and the Xu family's affairs have nothing to do with me." Jiang Chen said again.

"Are you begging for mercy? It's okay to beg for mercy, just obediently give me three bangs, and you can get out." Chen Lin took the words and said in a fierce voice.

"Congratulations, you have successfully angered me." Jiang Chen grinned, and a smile appeared.

Chen Lin was slightly taken aback, not understanding why Jiang Chen was still smiling at this moment, but in the next second, Chen Lin felt a light touch in his hand, and the pistol disappeared at some point.

"Knocking your head three times is indeed a very good idea. Maybe you can clear your mind a bit." The pistol that disappeared appeared in Jiang Chen's hand, and the muzzle of the black gun was pressed against Chen Lin's. On the brain gate.

Chen Lin's face suddenly turned pale, and he looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, but he didn't see clearly what Jiang Chen did, why did the gun appear in Jiang Chen's hand.

"Jiang Chen, you also said just now that you are actually an outsider." Chen Sen's expression also changed a little, and he said with twinkling eyes.

"Kowtow three times for me, and I can accept your begging for mercy." Jiang Chen looked at Chen Sen and said with a half-smile.

Chen Sen's complexion suddenly became extremely abnormal. What is going on? Why is the whole thing turned upside down all of a sudden?

"Jiang Chen, to be honest, I don't believe you dare to shoot." Chen Sen said indifferently.


As soon as Chen Sen's words fell, gunshots rang out, and the imprint of a bullet was left on the clean floor.

"Sau Rui, the quality of this gun is too poor, why did it go off fire?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"You—" Chen Sen was dumbfounded, but he clearly saw Jiang Chen's action of pulling the trigger. It wasn't a misfire at all, but Jiang Chen shot.

"If you still need me to prove to you whether you dare to shoot, I think I will be very happy." Jiang Chen said firmly.

Chen Sen was so angry that he wondered if he had encountered a psychosis?

"No need." Chen Sen said, Jiang Chen had the guts to fire the first shot, and there is no doubt that he would have the guts to fire the second shot. The first shot hit the floor, and no one knew where the second shot would hit. Chen Sen didn't want to and didn't dare to bet against Jiang Chen.

"Since you are so timid, why can't you honestly earn a little money to support your family? High risk means high return, but it really doesn't match your IQ." Jiang Chen said shaking his head.

"Jiang Chen, what nonsense are you talking about?" Uncle Fu's face was ashen.

"Of course you can think that I'm talking nonsense, but some people definitely don't think so." Jiang Chen curled his lips, and then said: "Mr. I can't continue acting."

Mr. Xu?
Hearing Jiang Chen's call, everyone was very surprised.

"Boy, I didn't meet you last time, so I was really looking forward to meeting you this time. I didn't expect you to be more interesting than I imagined." The wheelchair walked slowly out of the study room on the second floor, and the old man sitting in the wheelchair spoke. Ruo Hongzhong said generally.

"Grandpa, are you alright?" Xu Anqi was both surprised and happy when she saw Mr. Xu coming out in a wheelchair.

"Little girl, of course grandpa is fine." Mr. Xu smiled dotingly, and then Mr. Xu's eyes fell heavily on Uncle Fu.

"Chen Fu, don't you feel that you are a little too anxious?" Mr. Xu said slowly after staring at Uncle Fu for a while.

"I've been waiting for this day for more than 20 years." Uncle Fu spoke very slowly, "I just didn't expect that you would pretend to be seriously ill. It seems that you are not poisoned."

"But you didn't have any accidents, did you?" Mr. Xu was noncommittal, and then said: "If it was three days ago, maybe I wouldn't be so guarded against you, but unfortunately, someone reminded me, he let me know, I should do something."

"But so what? Do you think you still have a chance?" Forber was not surprised at all, and was very calm.

"Chen Fu, for the sake of you and me, as long as you take the initiative to cleanse yourself and leave my Xu family, I can pass the exam and let you live." Mr. Xu seemed to have not heard what Uncle Fu said, looking out for himself Said.

"Xu Xiuyuan, do you know what I hate the most about you? It's your hypocrisy. You always think that you are in control of everything and you are superior...I, Chen Fu, have been by your side for many years, yes, but what have I gained? Whatever you have given me, I am nothing more than a dog in your eyes, I have had enough of this kind of life, and my son has had enough." Fu Bo said loudly.

"You said enough is enough and you can leave. Your unwillingness to leave only means that you are not willing to give up what you have now, doesn't it?" Mr. Xu said in a very indifferent tone.

"It's not that I'm reluctant, I'm just unconvinced...All the affairs of the Xu family have been taken care of by our father and son these years. What have you done, and what has your granddaughter done? Inferior?" Fu Bo said coldly.

"It's you who despise yourself." Mr. Xu sighed.

"Xu Xiuyuan, you are still hypocritical. Unfortunately, these words are useless to me now. Even if you are not poisoned, so what, you will die today, and your granddaughter will also die. The Xu family will never die. The surname is Xu again, but it will be changed to Chen." Uncle Fu was talking frothy.

"Too ambitious is not a good thing." Mr. Xu shook his head.

"It's not that I'm too ambitious, I just want to get back what belongs to me." Uncle Fu didn't mean to say anything more. He had been waiting for this day for many years and planning for many years. It's good that Mr. Xu was poisoned. a cent.

As soon as the words fell, Uncle Fu had a pistol in his hand, and at the same time, Chen Sen and Chen Mu also had a pistol in their hands.

The gun in Uncle Fu's hand was pointed at Old Master Xu, Chen Mu pointed at Xu Anqi, and Chen Sen's gun was pointed at Jiang Chen.

"Xu Xiuyuan, what do you think?" Fu Bo said gloomyly.

"You came prepared, so what else can I say, but, you really don't intend to accept my suggestion and leave the Xu family cleanly?" Mr. Xu said in a deep voice.

Then, Mr. Xu also had an extra gun in his hand.

"Haha--" Seeing the gun in Mr. Xu's hand, Uncle Fu laughed, and said sarcastically, "Why, do you want to commit suicide by swallowing the gun?"

"Suicide is a good idea. At least, after I die, you won't be able to obtain a power of attorney from me. In that case, the Xu family will always be named Xu, and it will never be possible to be named Chen." Mr. Xu smiled lightly. said.

"Damn it!" Uncle Fu was stunned. He never thought that Mr. Xu would have such a move. If Mr. Xu really committed suicide by swallowing a gun, then the efforts he expended, the day and night planning, would become meaningless at all. No.

"However, I will not commit suicide, because that is the behavior of the weak. I, Xu Xiuyuan, have never been weak." Then, the voice of old man Xu came out again.

Uncle Fu's mood was a little turbulent. One second, he was worried that his previous efforts would be wasted, but the next second, Mr. Xu actually said such words.

But no matter what, if Mr. Xu didn't commit suicide, he would still have a chance. Otherwise, he would not end well if he risked his entire family's fortune and lost his bet.

"You may not be weak, but you are old, and when you are old, you should abdicate and give way to the virtuous. Of course, you can rest assured that I, Chen Fu, are not the ones to kill everything. After handing over the Xu family to me, I will protect you for the rest of your life. .” Uncle Fu put forward his own request, intending to stabilize Mr. Xu.

"You're wrong. I mean, I'm not going to commit suicide, you guys are going to commit suicide." Who knew, Mr. Xu shook his head. After that, Mr. Xu pressed his big hand on the wheelchair, and a sharp voice sounded. A bodyguard in black, with a weapon in his hand, rushed into the hall of the villa. His black muzzle was aimed at everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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