genius evil

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

As more than a dozen bodyguards rushed in, the situation in the villa instantly reversed. A dozen guns faced three guns, and it was clear at a glance who would win.

Uncle Fu's expression changed, obviously he did not expect such a change in advance, he clenched his teeth, and Uncle Fu said angrily, "Xu Xiuyuan, I have to say, I still underestimate you."

"It's not that you underestimate me, it's that you are too anxious." Mr. Xu shook his head, with a slightly perplexed expression, and said softly, "I'm already so old, even if I'm healthy and healthy, I can still live again. How many years have I lived, not to mention that I have been sitting in a wheelchair for so many years, and my bones have long since failed. I will retire completely in two or three years at most. I only have one son. After my son and daughter-in-law died in a car accident, Leaving a granddaughter like An Qi, An Qi is still young and doesn't understand anything. In the end, the Xu family will still be handed over to you and your three sons to take care of it. At that time, even if you are not the real master, you will The master on the bright side, why are you in such a hurry? Why can't you wait a few more years?"

"Wait a few more years, and An Qi will grow up. Do you think I don't know what your wishful thinking is?" Forbe gritted his teeth, and then said: "The dogs I have made for you for decades are not enough, you need mine. Three sons, you are really good at making dogs for your granddaughter."

"It's better than now, isn't it?" Mr. Xu said simply without denying anything.

"No, it will only be worse than now." Forbe said angrily.

"At least, you and your three sons will still be alive by then, right?" Xu Xiuyuan's voice became a little more indifferent.

"Life is worse than death, what's the point?" Uncle Fu sneered again and again, with a posture that even his own life and death were beyond his control.

Mr. Xu was obviously surprised, and said slowly: "Chen Fu, I didn't expect your determination to be so great. You must know that if a person dies, there is nothing left. What's the point of arguing about it?"

"You're not me, you don't understand many things at all." Forbe's voice was cold and hard.

"Maybe I really don't understand." Mr. Xu looked a little sad, and said, "I've said all the good things, but it's a pity that you don't know how to repent. How about it, the four of you, father and son, kill yourself, and I can make things happen here." Keep your affairs secret, and give you a beautiful funeral."

"You must want our father and son to die? You won't leave us any chance of survival?" Uncle Fu said in a grim voice.

"I once taught you a word, and you have always done it very well. I must have never forgotten it." Mr. Xu did not directly answer Uncle Fu's question.

"I do remember it all the time, and I have always done a good job. I have always said that sentence to my three sons, and let them take it as a motto." Say it once.

Those who can't grasp it will be killed!
"I didn't expect you to really remember, then you should understand what I am doing now... For me, the four of you, father and son, have become people who cannot be grasped, so you must die, isn't it I don't leave room for you, but your actions have blocked all your escape routes." Mr. Xu said, staring closely at Uncle Fu.

Chen Fu has followed him for more than 20 years, and he has taught and cultivated him personally, so that he has the status and achievements he has today. It is really necessary to get rid of Chen Fu in this way.It's not that Mr. Xu doesn't have any feelings. After all, people are not grass and trees, so how can they be ruthless, but he has to do this.

Chen Fu knew too many things. For Chen Fu, there were no secrets about all matters inside and outside the Xu family. This is why Chen Fuhui was so bold and wanted to seize power by force.

If he hadn't prepared such a move, or if Jiang Chen hadn't reminded him in time, then Chen Fu and his son would have succeeded.

If you can't succeed, you can only become benevolent. Before doing these things, Chen Fu must be mentally prepared for failure. Failure means death.

It is impossible for Mr. Xu to leave any hidden dangers. In this case, he must not show any affection. He is a semi-crippled old man. Maybe it doesn't matter, but she must pave the way for Xu Anqi's future, and she must not let Chen Fu and his son threatened Xu Anqi.

"It's not that we blocked the way out, it's because you never left us a way out, but that's good too, everything that should be said and shouldn't be said, everything is explained clearly, and then, I don't have to worry about anything anymore." Chen Fu said in a low voice.

"What do you mean by that?" Mr. Xu said in surprise, frowning.

"It's not interesting, but, Xu Xiuyuan, do you really think that I only made such a little preparation when I did this today? Do you really think that I am not afraid of death?" Chen Fu suddenly laughed, and the smile was abnormal weird.

"Do it, kill their father and son." Mr. Xu was also a decisive person. Hearing that Chen Fu's tone was a bit wrong, he immediately gave an order.

"Ha ha--"

As if he heard a big joke, Chen Fu laughed out loud without any warning, he beat his chest while laughing, and almost burst into tears.

"Xu Xiuyuan, are you really old? Have you lost your mind? Could it be that you have forgotten who the person who has been doing housework for Xu's family over the years is me." As he spoke, Chen Fu Roaring, pointing a finger at Mr. Xu, he said sharply: "Xu Xiuyuan, I arranged your daily necessities, and An Qi's life and study, and even this villa was also arranged by me three years ago. I bought it, don’t you understand that everything is actually under my control?”

After the words fell, Chen Fuhong said in a loud voice: "There is no need to cooperate with the old man in acting anymore, just point the gun at him. I think the old man has never had such a wonderful and exciting time in his life."

Accompanied by Chen Fu's voice, the muzzles of the guns turned immediately, pointing at Mr. Xu one after another. If the triggers of more than a dozen guns were pulled together, it would be enough to smash Mr. Xu into a sieve in an instant.

"Chen Fu, you..." Mr. Xu turned pale with shock, his whole body seemed to be more than ten years old in an instant, and the wrinkles on his face became deeper.

"It's a matter of course, isn't it?" Chen Fu said triumphantly.

"So, as early as three years ago, you were preparing for this day, right?" Mr. Xu's voice was a little weak.

"Actually, it wasn't just three years ago, to be precise, it was ten years ago, the year your son and your daughter-in-law died. I know you have always been curious about why the two of them had a car accident and why the police investigated For such a long time, no clues can be found." Chen Fu said bitterly.

"It turned out to be you." Old Master Xu suddenly understood, coughed violently for a while, and became listless.

"That's right, it's me." At this point, Chen Fu didn't hide anything anymore, because he knew very well how much this kind of thing stimulated Mr. Xu.

If Mr. Xu can be directly stimulated to death without further action, then Chen Fu would be extremely happy to see it succeed. It fell into his hands without any twists and turns.

As for Xu Anqi hearing these words, Chen Fu didn't care at all. Xu Anqi posed no threat to him at all. He could either kill him directly, or spend a small amount of money to send Xu Anqi abroad and find someone to monitor him. It's all very simple things.

"I have doubted countless people about the death of my son and daughter-in-law, but I have never doubted you, Chen Fu, what you have hidden is too deep, and you are so tolerant, from that incident to now, enough It's been ten years, and you'll wait ten years before you do anything, this time I'm dead, and I have nothing to say about my death." Mr. Xu said with a dejected expression.

"When dealing with an old fox like you, it is natural to be careful in everything, and not to show your feet." For Mr. Xu's words, Chen Fu thought it was the best compliment, but felt aggrieved.

He endured it for ten years, ten years, just for today, if it wasn't because Mr. Xu was difficult to deal with, why did he need to plan for so many years?

"I'm not the old fox, the old fox is you." Mr. Xu shook his head and said, "Three years ago, you bought this villa just to let me die here today. In this regard, I am far inferior to you." you."

"There's no need to pretend to be humble in front of me. It won't change anything. Next, it's up to me to give you a choice. Do you want to be shot to death, or take the gun in your hand and point it at your own? How about a shot to the temple?" Chen Fu said gloomily.

"Wait for this question first." Jiang Chen, who had been silent for a while before Old Master Xu could speak, interrupted.

"Boy, who told you to talk?" Chen Fu turned his gaze, landed on Jiang Chen, and said violently.

He had been Mr. Xu's servant all his life, and finally he was arrogant, and the day when he stood up and called the shots was the happiest time. Jiang Chen wanted to interrupt, but he couldn't do it because he was disgusting.

"It's just a word, what are you doing with such a temper?" Jiang Chen looked a little upset.

"If you dare to say a word again, I will make you speechless for the rest of your life." Chen Fu was even more upset.

"I say you're an idiot, I say mine, you don't like to listen to it or not, what are you talking about, I hate you idiot the most." Jiang Chen cursed, raised his hand and slapped him on Chen Fu's face.


The crisp applause sounded in an unusually abrupt way. Chen Fu was stunned. He stared wide-eyed and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost. He couldn't react for a long time.

There are more than a dozen guns here, if anyone shoots, Jiang Chen will be dead. Under such circumstances, how dare Jiang Chen do it?
What's more, there is obviously a little distance between him and Jiang Chen, why did Jiang Chen appear in front of him all of a sudden, and slapped him with his hands?
"I told you not to be so angry, you still want to lose your temper." Jiang Chen muttered, ignored Chen Fu lazily, hooked his fingers at Chen Sen, and said: "Chen Sen, hurry up, Come here and give me three bangs."

(End of this chapter)

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