genius evil

Chapter 98 1 Family Is All Idiots

Chapter 98 The Family Is All Idiots

"What did you say?" Chen Sen thought he was hallucinating, but Jiang Chen made him kowtow three times. This guy must be crazy.

You know, even if Jiang Chen snatched a pistol from Chen Lin, he still has a gun, and the gun is pointed at Jiang Chen. Besides, the dozen or so elite bodyguards all have guns. , How crazy is it to say such a sentence.

"I told you to come over and kowtow." Jiang Chen repeated, his words were extremely simple and clear.

"Jiang Chen, are you sure you didn't say anything wrong?" Chen Sen's complexion just became unsightly. He was sure that Jiang Chen was a complete psychopath.

"Chen Sen, is your IQ so low that you can't even understand human speech? If I'm not sure, why should I say that? Do you think everyone likes talking nonsense like you?" Jiang Chen looked displeased. Look patient.

"Jiang Chen, how stupid do you have to be to say such a thing?" Chen Sen looked at Jiang Chen contemptuously, the way he looked at Jiang Chen was completely looking at a dead person.

"I still know a little about you. Yilan Middle School is rumored to say that you were taken care of by An Qi. Of course, I don't believe this kind of thing. It must be your hands and feet behind the scenes. Speaking of which, what do you have?" Especially, just a guy who likes to show off."

"It's true that you like to be in the limelight, it's true that you don't want to be lonely, but the most stupid thing about you is that at this moment, you are still focused on giving yourself a sense of existence. Could it be that you don't like your existence enough to be an eyesore, and you want to die faster? ?”

After Chen Sen spoke eloquently, he despised Jiang Chen as much as he wanted.

"There's so much nonsense, is it hard to kowtow three times?" Regarding Chen Sen's words, Jiang Chen didn't listen to a single word. When Chen Sen finished speaking, Jiang Chen strode towards Chen Sen.

Then, Jiang Chen put one hand on Chen Sen's shoulder, "bang", there was a dull sound of landing, and Chen Sen fell to his knees on the ground directly by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen pressed Chen Sen's head again, and pressed it straight, making Chen Sen give him three kowtows, which were indeed three kowtows, and after the three kowtows, Chen Sen's forehead was bruised and swollen.

"If you see it, just kowtow three times, what's the big deal?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

Chen Sen was dumbfounded, Chen Fu was dumbfounded, and everyone inside the villa was dumbfounded. They looked at Jiang Chen together, not so much looking at Jiang Chen as if they were looking at an idiot, but more like looking at a monster.

Jiang Chen didn't care what they thought of him, he hooked his fingers at Chen Lin and said, "Guy named Chen Lin, show me how to get fucked."

He asked Chen Sen to kowtow first, and then asked Chen Lin to roll. It was obvious that he didn't take the members of the Chen family seriously.

"Jiang Chen, what are you on the nerves?" Chen Fu was a little annoyed.

"You say I'm crazy?" Blinking, Jiang Chen smiled, and said meaningfully, "Why do I think you're the one who's crazy?"

"Kill him, kill him for me." Chen Fu couldn't take it anymore, Jiang Chen was too lawless, this was contempt, Hong Guoguo's contempt.

"Don't make your voice so loud, everyone can hear it. On the other hand, if someone wants to ignore what you say, no matter how loud you speak, it won't help." Jiang Chen's expression was relaxed, and he couldn't see any tension.It seems that inside this villa, it is not Chen Fu's home court, but his home court.

"I'm so mad, shoot, are you deaf?" Chen Fu raised his voice a little higher, and yelled directly from his throat.

"Stop arguing, they won't shoot." Jiang Chen looked at Chen Fu pitifully.

"What?" Chen Fu's expression changed drastically.

"You old bastard, what should I say about you? After all, you are a servant of the Xu family. To put it bluntly, you are a dog raised by the Xu family. You take the dog food that the Xu family gave you to feed other dogs. Those people, aren’t those people also the Xu family’s dogs? How can you be so naive if you want to seize power just like that?” Jiang Chen had a helpless look on his face.

You know, at the beginning, Jiang Chen thought that there would be a good show to watch today. In fact, he was quite looking forward to it, but when he found out that Mr. Xu's situation was not as serious as Xu Anqi said, Jiang Chen I understand that his desire to watch a good show is doomed to fail.

Chen Fu directed and acted by himself, jumping up and down all by himself, thinking he was great, but in fact he was just a clown singing a one-man show. It's a pity that he was too involved in the play, and he still couldn't wake up to this point. What happened? What's up.

As for Jiang Chen, he didn't want the whole thing to be too boring, so he decided to finish what he wanted to do before Mr. Xu Lei Ting took action.

What Jiang Chen had to do was naturally very simple, let Chen Sen kowtow, and let Chen Lin get the fuck out of him, but Chen Fu was so stupid that Jiang Chen couldn't bear it, so Jiang Chen could only make Chen Fu calm down by the way.

" is it possible!" Jiang Chen's words were not very clear, but Chen Fu was not a fool after all, he soon understood.

He gave the order to shoot twice, but no one obeyed the order to shoot. This is really obvious, he can't command these bodyguards at all.

"Maybe it's impossible or something, I don't want to worry about it, Chen Lin, why don't you let me go?" Jiang Chen ignored Chen Fu and said to Chen Lin.

Chen Lin's Adam's apple was shaking non-stop, because he found that the guns in the hands of the bodyguards that were originally pointed at Mr. Xu had now been pointed at their father and son of the Chen family.

"I won't roll." Chen Lin said dryly as his Adam's apple trembled more and more.

"The members of the Chen family are all idiots, and none of them can understand human speech." Jiang Chen sighed, walked over, and kicked Chen Lin to the ground.

"Okay, I've finished what I have to do, old man Xu, what do you have to do next, just continue." After telling Chen Lin to get lost, Jiang Chen was satisfied, and said lazily.

Old Master Xu looked at Jiang Chen a little weirdly, because he looked at Jiang Chen a little weirdly, so when he laughed, his expression was also a little weird.

Mr. Xu nodded and said, "Chen Fu, I know you have been preparing for this day for many years. In fact, why haven't I prepared for many years? Also, do you really think that I have nothing to do with the death of my son and daughter-in-law?" Suspect you?"

"Then why?" Chen Fu's face was pale and bloodless.

"My Xu family is thin, and when it comes to grandchildren, there is only An Qi. An Qi is still young and needs time to grow up. I am too old. Many things are powerless and I need someone to help me take care of them. The big and small matters of the Xu family, and you, I taught and cultivated by myself, you happen to have this ability." Just as Chen Fu no longer hides anything, Mr. Xu knows everything at this time.

"So, you are using me?" Chen Fu was a little hard to believe, but the words came out of Mr. Xu's mouth, even if he didn't want to believe it, he had to believe it.

"This is something that can't be helped. Standing on my side, I let the vengeance of killing my son be in front of me, but I can't take revenge for a long time. You may not understand how difficult this decision is." Mr. Xu sighed, and then Said: "You killed my son, which is equivalent to destroying most of the foundation of my Xu family, but what you have done in the past ten years has helped me stabilize the foundation of the Xu family. , are equal to each other. Unless I have to, I don't really want your life."

"Xu Xiuyuan, is it interesting for you to say these words now?" Chen Fu is now dumb and eats coptis, unable to express his suffering.

What he thought was a master move, but in front of Mr. Xu, it was not enough at all. He was like a marionette, and he couldn't escape from Mr. Xu's control. This made Chen Fu die. .

"Although it doesn't mean much, it's better to explain clearly." Mr. Xu raised his hand, indicating that he had something to say, "If you didn't let someone put cyanide in my meal Huawu, I can still pretend that I don't know anything, but you are really embarrassing me."

"Xu Xiuyuan, that's enough for you, shut up!" Chen Fu was roaring angrily, unable to listen to a word of old master Xu's words.

"You don't want to die so understand?" Mr. Xu asked curiously.

"Kill if you want, you think I'm stupid enough to let you humiliate me." Chen Fu sneered again and again.

"Forget it, take them all down." Mr. Xu just stopped talking, and with a wave of his hand, the dozen or so bodyguards dispatched together, and brought the Chen family, father and son, and the doctor named Wang Yuanliang out of the villa together.

A lively farce, at this time, it finally came to an end.

A series of reversals and reversals caused Xu Anqi and Zhou Ji to be in great shock from the very beginning. In fact, although there was no bloodshed in the whole process, the ups and downs were by no means normal. Most people can bear it.

Of course, Jiang Chen was an exception, because Jiang Chen had already seen through everything.

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, I made you laugh." After seeing off Chen Fu and the others, Old Master Xu said to Jiang Chen.

"It's not that I read the joke, it's that you are a joke, but it has nothing to do with me. I said, old man, is your disease cured or not? If not, I will leave." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and said.

"I have old bones and a whole body of diseases, what difference does it make if it is cured or not?" Mr. Xu said.

"Of course it's very different. You've been poisoned, so you can probably live for another week. Of course, if you think it's okay to only live for a week, just pretend I didn't say anything." Jiang Chen said lazily. Said.

"Am I poisoned? That's not right, I've already noticed the cyanide, how could I be poisoned?" Mr. Xu was very confused.

"Master is such an idiot, no wonder the servants follow idiots. Did I say you were poisoned by cyanide? Or do you really think that Chen Fu is not afraid of death, he just knows that you will die soon too." Jiang Chen It's all kind of lazy nonsense.

"What did you say--" Mr. Xu's eyeballs were bulging, he was terrified, and both sides were hurting, this was actually a situation where both sides were hurting...

(End of this chapter)

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