genius evil

Chapter 99 I'm also someone you can't grasp

Chapter 99 I'm also someone you can't grasp
"Jiang Chen, is my grandfather really poisoned?" Xu Anqi panicked and asked hastily.

"I'm not mistaken." Jiang Chen smiled. He didn't have the patience to talk to Mr. Xu, but he still liked talking to Xu Anqi.

"Then can you detoxify?" Xu Anqi was very nervous.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

"then you……"

"I can detoxify your grandfather." Jiang Chen said before Xu Anqi could speak.

"Brother, are you really good?" Zhou Ji didn't quite trust Jiang Chen, although he felt that Jiang Chen's performance just now was very powerful, but being powerful is one thing, and curing diseases is another.It can't be that Jiang Chen is good at fighting, and he is also good at curing diseases, so how can he be messed up?It will put him under a lot of pressure, okay?

"How can a man say no?" Jiang Chen glared at Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji chuckled, and said: "That's right, that's the reason. If you can do it, you can do it, and if you can't do it, you can do it. "

"Shut up." Jiang Chen was a little speechless, could this living thing speak?

"Treatment should require a quiet environment, so, Jiang Chen, come upstairs to my study." Upstairs, Old Master Xu said a word, then turned his wheelchair and entered the study.

Jiang Chen smiled, took a few steps up the stairs, and entered the study.

"It's really quiet here." After the door closed, Jiang Chen casually found a chair and sat down, and said calmly.

"You are a very interesting person, and also a very smart person." Old Master Xu didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but said something else.

"Whether it is an interesting person or a smart person, generally speaking, they are not people who attract people's liking." Jiang Chen answered casually.

"You're right, I really don't like you." Looking at Jiang Chen, Old Master Xu said it very directly, in his cloudy pupils, there was a glimmer of light, that kind of eyes seemed to be enough to pierce Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen showed no signs of coddling, and let Old Master Xu watch. After Old Master Xu looked at it for a while, Jiang Chen said: "Old Xu, I don't think you are the kind of old guy who is indifferent to life and death. You can say no." Like me, in the final analysis, do not believe what I say."

"Why should I believe you?" Mr. Xu smiled coldly, his eyes shining brightly, and he said, "You're a strange person, it's hard to believe, isn't it?"

"Could it be weirder than you?" Jiang Chen jokingly smiled and said, "You really want to kill me, right?"

"Young man, it's better to leave a little room for speaking. It's not a good thing to speak too bluntly." Mr. Xu didn't deny anything.

"Your right hand is hidden in your sleeve, and your index finger is holding the trigger. You may shoot me at any time. What else do I need to think about?" Jiang Chen was very relaxed.

Having said that, Mr. Xu's face changed slightly, and he asked in a deep voice, "You are really a student of Yilan Middle School."

"I'm really surprised how someone can fail like you, even his own granddaughter doesn't believe it. No wonder the person you cultivated with your own hands will betray you." Jiang Chen shook his head, and looked at Old Master Xu with pity.

"It's not that I don't believe in An Qi, I just don't believe in you." Old Master Xu said coldly, how could Jiang Chen mess up his senses with a few words.

"It doesn't make any difference. After all, Squad Leader Xu trusts me so much." Jiang Chen said in a very leisurely tone.

"An Qi is naive, simple, and inexperienced. If you want to deceive her intentionally, there are plenty of ways, but I am different. Even though it is the first time I have met you, I know that you are more difficult to deal with than Chen Fu and the others. "Old Master Xu said solemnly.

"Are you complimenting me or scolding me?" Jiang Chen laughed and said, "What did you say just now? You said that An Qi was innocent and simple. I believed it. As for you, how could you be as good as you said yourself?" Okay, can you stop putting gold on your face?"

Old man Xu's old face twitched, when did he put gold on his face?
"An Qi is naive, but you are stupid." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said another sentence.

"Young man, don't talk too much." Mr. Xu was a little annoyed. When Jiang Chen scolded Chen Fu's family, he felt quite relieved. When the scolding came to him, he realized what it was like to be scolded. It's really uncomfortable.

"I'm just telling the truth, it's not too much." Jiang Chen said with an honest look, "I asked you if you wanted to kill me very much, but you didn't admit it or deny it, and the implication was acquiescing. I can understand this kind of thing. After all, the Chen family and his son plus that fake doctor have a total of five lives. It’s better not to let too many people know about killing people. But, you have to be stupid to kill people. What about the idea of ​​killing me?"

The veins on Old Master Xu's forehead twitched violently. Jiang Chen guessed that his thoughts were correct, but the last sentence made him unbearable.

"Old man, don't be angry. In fact, what I want to say is that if you want to kill people to silence them, the premise is that Chen Fu and his son are really dead, so you need to do that." Jiang Chen said again.

"They must die." Mr. Xu Hong Sheng said.

"If you want them to die, they will die? It's really rare to be so stupid as you are." Jiang Chen teased.

This time, Old Master Xu was not angry anymore, but was incomparably shocked. He looked at Jiang Chen in a daze, and asked in a voice: "Jiang Chen, you mean, they..."

"If there is no accident, they have already run away at this time." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"What about the evidence? What is the evidence?" Old Master Xu was a little flustered. Listening to Jiang Chen's words, he seemed to be confused, but every word often directly pierced his heart, making him very uncomfortable.

"Of course I don't have any evidence, but at your age and status, the only way you can solve problems is money. You can buy one person, you can buy ten people, but when you buy people's hearts, Chen Fu Don't forget, he is the person who knows you best." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Mr. Xu's complexion finally changed drastically. He knew that he didn't need evidence, and he didn't need to confirm anything. Compared with Chen Fu's understanding of him, why didn't he also understand Chen Fu?

What he can do, Chen Fu can naturally do, more likely, Chen Fu can do better than him?

Mr. Xu's spirit suddenly weakened a lot, and he murmured: "From the very beginning, you knew that this kind of thing would happen, right?"

"That's why I came upstairs to see how stupid you really are." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Old Master Xu didn't have the heart to argue with Jiang Chen at this moment, he said with a wry smile: "It turns out that I still lost this round after all."

"No, you didn't lose, because I still have me." Jiang Chen pointed at himself and said, "What you have to do now is to beg me, beg me to cure your illness and detoxify you."

"Am I really poisoned?" Mr. Xu asked bitterly.

"Then from now on, you can wait to die." Jiang Chen was really lazy and nonsense, he turned around and left, and soon, a person appeared beside the door.

"Slow down!" Old Master Xu suddenly raised his hand and stopped in a low voice.

"It's really a guy who toasts and doesn't eat fine wine. It seems that you are ready to beg me, right." Jiang Chen turned his head, looking like he knew this would happen a long time ago.

Mr. Xu was a bit dumbfounded. At his age, he had never experienced any kind of storm and waves, and had never been in contact with any kind of person, but he had never seen such a freak as Jiang Chen.

It is said that Jiang Chen is strong, but in fact Jiang Chen is not strong at all. Jiang Chen just used his own ideas to take the initiative unconsciously. Even an old fox like him has to be led by the nose by Jiang Chen. .

This kind of feeling made old man Xu a little frustrated. He had never been disobedient in his life, but now he said that he admired Jiang Chen a little. Of course, he admired Jiang Chen's shamelessness more.

"You were invited by An Qi, and you are here to treat my illness." Old Master Xu said, he couldn't let go of his figure to beg Jiang Chen.

"I can completely say that I can't cure you at all." Jiang Chen chuckled, extremely coquettish.

"You—" Old Master Xu's mouth was almost crooked.

"Don't be so angry, and don't try to threaten me. You should be clear enough that I'm not someone you can handle." Jiang Chen was rarely serious.

Mr. Xu was speechless, and said slowly: "Do you know why I didn't deny whether I wanted to kill you before? It was because I really wanted to kill you, but it is not easy to kill you, so , I will hesitate, I can't see through you."

"Is the last words right? Sure enough, people's words are good when they are about to die." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Old Master Xu sighed, and said, "Jiang Chen, do you like An Qi?"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Chen looked at Old Master Xu warily.

"I can tell that An Qi likes you." Mr. Xu said.

"Damn it, don't you want to sell your granddaughter to me so that I can treat your illness and detoxify you?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"It can't be said like this. Instead of waiting for the Xu family to fall into Chen Fu's hands after I die, I would rather hand over the Xu family to you in this way. I don't know what ability you have, but I believe you can Take good care of An Qi, that way, even if I die, I will have no regrets." Mr. Xu said seriously.

In an instant, Jiang Chen scolded Mr. Xu's ancestors for eighteen generations in his heart. How could this old guy be more shameless than him?In order to survive, even his own granddaughter can be used.

"I finally understand why Chen Fu must have you die." Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"I'm old, and I don't know how long I can live. I don't know if I can hold my nephew." Old Master Xu said with a slight smile.

"Damn it, believe it or not, I'll take Squad Leader Xu to open the room right away?" Jiang Chen gritted his teeth.

"Yes, I believe." Mr. Xu answered quickly.

"You won." With a movement of Jiang Chen's right arm, a handful of silver needles were stuck on Old Master Xu's body. Immediately, the screams like killing a pig rang out inside the villa for a long time!

(End of this chapter)

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