genius evil

Chapter 901 The Big Event Begins

Chapter 901 The Big Event Begins

Just one hour later, what happened to Zheng's family was like a tornado, quickly sweeping across the entire capital, with waves everywhere, and everyone was in danger.

With Jiang Chen's words, the Zheng family's life and death were determined, extremely ruthless and domineering!
No one would think that Jiang Chen was joking!

No one would think that the Zheng family dared to disobey Jiang Chen!
Unless the Zheng family did not hesitate to use the power of the whole family to challenge Jiang Chen, but such an approach would be nothing more than hitting a stone with an egg, and it would be meaningless other than hastening the demise of the Zheng family.

That is to say, the Zheng family was erased from the territory of the capital by Jiang Chen overnight.

In the future, the four major families in the capital will go to one of the four, which will not be worthy of the name, and this, very likely, is just the beginning, the beginning of Jiang Chen's rebuilding of the order in the capital, a harbinger of a bloody storm!

In the afternoon, the Zhao family.

Zhao Zhongxing was originally outside. After receiving the news from the Zheng family, he rushed to the Zhao family immediately. When he entered the family meeting hall, he found that all the senior members of the Zhao family had been summoned. .

"Bank of China, come and sit here." A middle-aged man saw Zhao Zhongxing, waved his hand, and signaled Zhao Zhongxing to come over. It was Zhao Zhongxing's father, Zhao Zhicun, the current head of the Zhao family.

"Bank of China, you came at a good time. Tell me your opinion about the Zheng family." This family meeting of the Zhao family was hosted by Mr. Zhao.

The silver-haired Mr. Zhao seemed to be in good spirits, but it might be because of the Zheng family incident, which was too sudden, but it made his brows and eyes a little more inseparable. , a little more old-fashioned.

Zhao Zhongxing was stunned when he heard the sound, and subconsciously wanted to say that he had no opinion. When the words came to his lips, seeing Mr. Zhao glaring at him, he quickly changed his words and said, "Jiang Chen is going too far, this is going to force the Zheng family to death. , we can't sit idly by, or the next time, maybe Jiang Chen will bully my Zhao family."

"The Bank of China is right. This matter of the Zheng family is a lesson for my Zhao family. If I am not careful, my Zhao family will repeat the mistakes of the Zheng family. I must pay attention to it." Mr. Zhao said in a deep voice.

"Old man, is this statement too serious? As far as I know, the reason why Jiang Chen will deal with the Zheng family this time is because someone from the Zheng family caused trouble at Sister Lan's restaurant." Someone said suspiciously .

"That's right, our Zhao family and Jiang Chen's relationship is pretty peaceful, and there hasn't been much conflict. Jiang Chen will never be unreasonable. Let's attack my Zhao family." Another person said.

"This matter, I also think so. Looking at Jiang Chen's actions in the capital, even though he is domineering, he has never caused trouble. Why should our Zhao family have too many scruples?" Another person said.

Mr. Zhao listened to the words of these people, and said in a cold voice: "Could it be that you think that Jiang Chen's attack on the Zheng family this time is really because someone troubled Sister Lan's restaurant?"

"I have inquired about this matter, and it is true." The person who raised the question said.

"Short-sighted things." Mr. Zhao cursed mercilessly, and said angrily: "It is precisely because of people like you that the Zhao family has not made any progress for many years."

The man was scolded so badly that he felt aggrieved, and murmured, "Why are you angry, old man? I'm just telling the truth. What's more, the Zheng family is the Zheng family, and our Zhao family is the Zhao family. If something goes wrong, will you become a frightened bird?"

"Shut up." Mr. Zhao scolded, and said sternly, "Could it be that you have forgotten the rumor that has been circulating these days?"

"Old man, it's just a rumor and it hasn't been confirmed, how can it be taken seriously?" someone said unconvinced.

"The rumors have not been confirmed by Jiang Chen himself, but have you heard that Jiang Chen has denied it?" Mr. Zhao snorted coldly, and said slowly: "One of the four major families in the capital has gone. Jiang Chen did such a thing. It's obvious, don't you guys have any vigilance at all?"

It was when Mr. Zhao said this that some people's faces changed slightly.

What happened to the Zheng family, for some people in the Zhao family, they thought it had nothing to do with it, and they were just watching the fun. After being reminded by Mr. Zhao in this way, they discovered it belatedly. This matter is not simple.

"Furthermore, even if the rumors are false, just because someone from the Zheng family caused trouble at Sister Lan's restaurant, Jiang Chen would destroy the entire Zheng family. Don't you have any sense of crisis at all? Do you have to wait until disaster strikes? Are you willing to give up?" Mr. Zhao said sharply, hating iron for nothing.

Mr. Zhao's words are more serious than each sentence, and the mood of the Zhao family has become a lot heavier.

They don't know whether the rumors are true or not, and they don't know whether Jiang Chen will take action against the Zhao family, but there is no doubt that the Zhao family must take action.

"Things have developed to this point, any luck may cause disaster, our Zhao family and Jiang Chen, there is no room for coexistence, we must work together, at all costs, get rid of Jiang Chen's cancer." Mr. Zhao Said in a cold voice.

"Old man, Jiang Chen doesn't even pay attention to the Zheng family, one of the four major families. Why should my Zhao family be an enemy of Jiang Chen? In my opinion, we should do the opposite. Making friends is the best way to resolve disputes." Someone suggested.

"That's right, the Qian family and the Sun family have some, and our Zhao family is not bad at all. Although it is different today, if my Zhao family is willing to pay a little price, why can't we make friends with Jiang Chen? In that way, You can avoid disputes." Someone nodded in agreement.

"Jiang Chen has no foundation in the capital. Even if he intends to restore order in the capital, it will not happen overnight. It is said that it is easy to add flowers to the icing on the cake, but it is difficult to give charcoal in the snow. Nowadays, Jiang Chen is bound to be targeted by many families and forces. If my Zhao family Being able to stand on the same front as Jiang Chen, if Jiang Chen succeeds, he will definitely not treat us badly. If Jiang Chen fails, my Zhao family will not suffer any losses!" Another person said with certainty.

"A bunch of idiots!" Mr. Zhao cursed viciously.

His words were already so straightforward. These people still had illusions in their hearts, thinking that they could avoid danger by currying favor with Jiang Chen.

As everyone knows, this will only put the Zhao family in a more dangerous situation.

One after another, for the sake of their own interests, without a trace of fighting spirit, they would only bow their knees, even if they wanted to curry favor with Jiang Chen, how could Jiang Chen take it?
Mr. Zhao is very heartbroken. Is this the Zhao family that he has spent countless time and energy running?

Without Jiang Chen making a move, the inside would have been disintegrated. If Jiang Chen really made a move, he might just need to reach out and push gently, and it would collapse.

"I have made up my mind. The Zhao family and Jiang Chen have sworn not to coexist. If there are any more gossips, they will be dealt with according to the family law and severely punished. If there is a second time, the family's rights will be directly deprived and they will be kicked out of the house!" Almost viciously, Mr. Zhao said.

The crowd was in an uproar and remained silent after all, but seeing the flickering eyes of each of them, they clearly had their own thoughts.

Seeing this, Mr. Zhao sighed deeply, knowing that this family meeting would be meaningless if it continued, so he waved his hand to signal for everyone to disperse, leaving only Zhao Zhicun and Zhao Zhongxing to stay.

"Old man, is there room for maneuver in this matter?" Zhao Zhongxing asked after everyone left.

"No." Mr. Zhao said indisputably.

"Actually, I don't think there is any problem with their suggestion. In the final analysis, my Zhao family and Jiang Chen have no conflict of actual interests." Zhao Zhongxing said slowly.

"Dead wood can't be carved!" Mr. Zhao said harshly.

It's fine for other people to say such things, but Zhao Zhongxing, who is the next heir of the Zhao family, actually said such things, which made Mr. Zhao's heart ache.

Shrugging his shoulders, Zhao Zhongxing said: "Old man, it's just a small suggestion, why be so angry, anyway, no one can change your decision, just treat me as nonsense."

"Get out!" Mr. Zhao was furious immediately, his face turned pale with anger.

"Old man, calm down." Zhao Zhicun said, "Since everyone has objections to Jiang Chen's question, we might as well discuss it in the long term."

Hearing Zhao Zhicun's words, Mr. Zhao was heartbroken.

Gui Yuanzong has always been in contact with the Zhao family during these times, but, due to some concerns, Mr. Zhao has not made a decision to form an alliance with Gui Yuanzong.

But now, Mr. Zhao realized that he shouldn't have hesitated.It is precisely because of his hesitation that he has given many unrealistic fantasies to everyone in the Zhao family.

From a personal standpoint, Mr. Zhao naturally did not want to be an enemy of Jiang Chen.

I have to admit that Jiang Chen is a monster. In the past hundred years, I have never seen anyone who turned a city upside down by himself, and made countless families and forces look up to him.

Going against Jiang Chen is definitely not such an interesting thing.

But standing at the height of the Zhao family's survival, Mr. Zhao knew that he had to be an enemy of Jiang Chen, otherwise, the Zhao family would be ruined, and the century-old foundation would be destroyed!
Therefore, it can also be said that he has no choice but to be an enemy of Jiang Chen. This is beyond his control.

Like the Zhao family, they were forced or took the initiative, decisive or hesitant. After the news of the Zheng family, many families and forces that were originally vacillating made decisions that they thought were beneficial to themselves.

Either form an alliance with Gui Yuanzong, or stay out of the matter, or, actively invest in Jiang Chen's side.

If Wu Mengdi's death was a cause, then the rumors about Jiang Chen's plan to restore order in the capital and Jiang Chen's plan to acquire five entertainment companies were a trigger.

Today, the Zheng family was destroyed, and this fuse was finally ignited.

Countless families and forces, on this day, heard the wind and moved. Under the calm appearance of the capital, an undercurrent is raging, and a storm is about to come!

(End of this chapter)

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