genius evil

Chapter 902 Blaming You For Being Too Beautiful

Chapter 902 Blaming You For Being Too Beautiful

The Zheng family moved very quickly. Just before noon the next day, Mr. Zheng and Zheng Chengze boarded the plane going abroad.

At this moment, the century-old family and super wealthy family came to an abrupt end and came to an end.

Countless people feel sorry for each other, and they don't know if the Zheng family's today will be their tomorrow.

But these have nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

One must know that from the day Chu Yan looked forward to death, the Zheng family had existed in name only, no matter whether there was external force or not, it was only a matter of time before they reached this point.

However, due to Gui Yuanzong's use, the arrival of this day has been accelerated.

Jiang Chen had lunch in the cafeteria of Capital University, but he was not alone, Zhou Mingzhu was sitting opposite him.

When Zhou Mingzhu ate, she had exactly the same personality as her. She chewed slowly and slowly, which made people feel pleasing to the eye.

If it is said that beauty can serve food, then Zhou Mingzhu is undoubtedly the best proof of this.

"Miss Mingzhu, you are so beautiful, do you know that?" Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

Lips pursed, Zhou Mingzhu stared blankly at Jiang Chen, Zhou Mingzhu giggled, this smile was as bright as snow, as delicate as a flower, it made Jiang Chen stare straight into the eyes.

"I know." With a blushing face, Zhou Mingzhu said shyly.

"Miss Mingzhu, how can you be so narcissistic? Look at my face, I'm so handsome, have I told others about it? Even if I wake up every morning because of my own handsomeness, do I have to show it?" Are you very proud? You have to be humble, do you understand?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Zhou Mingzhu smiled cheerfully again, and said, "Jiang Chen, if you tease me again, this meal will be over."

"Well, for the sake of your beauty, how can I have the heart to let you go hungry, you eat, I ask questions, you answer if you want to answer, and continue to eat if you don't want to answer." Jiang Chen said.

"Here comes the question, it's so good, why would you want to invite me to dinner?" Jiang Chen asked immediately.

Capital University is not big, but it is not small.Today is the second time Jiang Chen met Zhou Mingzhu at Capital University since the start of school, and the place was still by the Weiming Lake.

The sky was clear and the white clouds were long. Jiang Chen was sleeping leisurely and comfortably on the grass. Zhou Mingzhu appeared in front of him somehow, and even said that he would treat him to dinner.

Sleep is important, but eating is obviously also important.

Especially when there is a treat from a beautiful woman, Jiang Chen will naturally not refuse, that's why the two of them appeared in the cafeteria together.

After thinking about it, Zhou Mingzhu said: "My sister asked me to bring you a message. She said that if you have time these two days, she would like to invite you to Zhou's house."

"So you invited me to dinner?" Jiang Chen said.

"My sister also said that if I have anything to do at school, I can come to you. I thought it might trouble you, so I treated you to dinner." Zhou Mingzhu said seriously.

Jiang Chen smiled, what did Zhou Jinse mean by saying this to Zhou Mingzhu?
Could it be that he was worried that he coveted Zhou Mingzhu's heart and planned to confess his relationship with Zhou Mingzhu?But, doesn't Zhou Jinse know that if he really wants to play with Zhou Mingzhu, sisters seem to be more exciting, okay?Where is the reason to give up easily?

"Ms. Mingzhu, you really made me sad. Fortunately, I thought it was because I was so handsome that you invited me to dinner." Jiang Chen said heartbroken.

"Ah... ah—"

However, as Jiang Chen's words fell, two exclamations came from his ears, each of which was louder than the other. The person who made these sounds seemed to have seen a ghost in broad daylight.

"Beauty Maodan, are you alright?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly, not understanding what Maodan ghost's name was.

It was Mao Dan who exclaimed, and Mao Dan did indeed have the feeling of seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

Because of some personal matters to deal with, Mao Dan didn't have dinner with Jian Xiaoyu and his three daughters at noon today, and ran to this cafeteria alone.

As soon as Mao Dan entered the cafeteria, he found Jiang Chen.

There was no way, Jiang Chen's sense of presence was too strong and conspicuous. Of course, the more conspicuous one was Zhou Mingzhu sitting beside Jiang Chen.

Because of the fact that Jiang Chen and Zhou Mingzhu were together, the two became the focus of the cafeteria, even if Mao Dan didn't want to find Jiang Chen.

When seeing Zhou Mingzhu for the first time, Mao Dan thought he was hallucinating, but after rubbing his eyes vigorously, he realized that it was not, so he exclaimed, unbelievable.

Zhou Mingzhu, as the number one campus belle of Beijing University, has a great reputation. Mao Dan has heard of and seen Zhou Mingzhu's photos countless times.

Zhou Mingzhu is low-key and mysterious. Although she is the number one school belle, there are few gossips. Mao Dan doesn't know when Jiang Chen met Zhou Mingzhu, but seeing Jiang Chen and Zhou Mingzhu talking and laughing, it can be seen that they are related Not cheap, this made Mao Dan's brain buzz several times.

Originally, the relationship between Nangong Hua and Jiang Chen had already made Mao Dan feel aggrieved for Jian Xiaoyu. Now that Zhou Mingzhu was added, Mao Dan felt that Jian Xiaoyu had no competitiveness at all.

Sure enough, even as a school belle, it is extremely difficult to have a good relationship.

"It's okay." Hearing Jiang Chen's question, Mao Dan said hastily.

"It's fine, you're here for dinner, why don't you eat together?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

" need..." Mao Dan hurriedly shook his head.

It's true that she came here for dinner, but now she has no intention of eating. She feels that she must tell Jian Xiaoyu earlier about what happened here.

"I treat guests." Jiang Chen said sincerely, saying that he quite liked Mao Dan's straightforward personality.

"Buy me?" Mao Dan glared at Jiang Chen, and said angrily, "Is Mao Dan such an easy person to buy? Even if you invite me to dinner at Sister Lan's restaurant, don't even think about buying me, I will definitely tell Xiao Yu of."

Jiang Chen wants to cry but has no tears. Is this woman so sensitive?
He was simply in a good mood, so he planned to treat him, so why did it become a bribe?
"I really didn't see that you have such a backbone, Miss Maodan, but what do you want to tell Miss Xiaoyu?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I'm not afraid to tell you, anyway, it's not a good word, I'll go to Xiaoyu in a while... No, I'll go now." Mao Dan said, talking, before Jiang Chen could respond, Mao Dan left in a hurry .

"Jiang Chen, is the Xiaoyu that the female classmate named Mao Dan mentioned just now, Jian Xiaoyu?" As soon as Mao Dan left, Zhou Mingzhu looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes and asked curiously.

"You know Jian Xiaoyu?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I've heard that Jian Xiaoyu is very famous in our school. However, Mao Dan said that he would tell Jian Xiaoyu, what would she tell Jian Xiaoyu?" Zhou Mingzhu asked in confusion.

"Didn't you see the bewildered look of Maodan beauty? It's obviously because I'm so excited to see you, and I can't wait to share this joy with Xiaoyu beauty." Jiang Chen said solemnly.


The sound of chuckling rang in Jiang Chen's ears. The soft and weak beautiful girl's face was flushed red, she seemed to be about to laugh, but she seemed to be enduring it very hard.

"Miss Wanxi, what's wrong with you?" Jiang Chen asked inexplicably.

It's okay that Mao Dan's reaction was weird, but this Gu Wanxi actually reacted in the same way. Could it be that he and Zhou Mingzhu had a meal together and they were so unpopular?
"No, I'm so excited to see the beauty of Zhou University." Blinking her eyes, Gu Wanxi said narrowly, stretched out her hand, and said to Zhou Mingzhu: "Student Mingzhu, my name is Gu Wanxi, nice to meet you."

Zhou Mingzhu shook hands with Gu Wanxi, glanced at Jiang Chen, then landed on Gu Wanxi, and said, "Hi, I'm glad to meet you too."

"Okay, Jiang Chen, you can have dinner with Mingzhu beauty, I won't bother you." After shaking hands, Gu Wanxi said, turned around and left quickly.

"Jiang Chen, what happened?" Zhou Mingzhu asked in a low voice, looking a little uneasy.

"Miss Mingzhu, I asked you just now, and you admitted it." Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Ah—" Zhou Mingzhu was slightly startled.

"Obviously, it's because you are so beautiful, Miss Mingzhu." Jiang Chen said immediately.

Zhou Mingzhu was a bit at a loss, not sure what the inevitable connection between the appearance of Mao Dan and Gu Wanxi was with her being too pretty.

But she is not the kind of girl who likes to ask the bottom line, and she has a very shy personality. After thinking about it for a while, she didn't understand it, but then she stopped thinking about it and ate in silence.

Fortunately, no other girls came over to strike up a conversation, and after a meal was finally finished, Jiang Chen and Zhou Mingzhu walked out of the cafeteria together.

"Boy named Jiang Chen, stop for me." Jiang Chen and Zhou Mingzhu had just walked to the entrance of the cafeteria, when behind them, there was a burst of shouting, which suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by the sound of speaking, a tall man walked over with a few strides, looked at Jiang Chen coldly, and looked extremely displeased with Jiang Chen.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen asked, turning his head to look at this person.

"Jiang Chen, don't you think you're too ostentatious?" the man said angrily.

"Does it have something to do with you?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, what I said may be a bit serious, don't take it to heart, what I mean is, even if I show off again, it's none of your business." added embarrassingly.

Just listening to his tone of voice, there is no sign of embarrassment at all.

Hearing Jiang Chen's embarrassment, the man thought Jiang Chen was ashamed, but he never thought that Jiang Chen would say such a sentence, and his face turned red immediately.

"Jiang Chen, maybe it's none of my business, but have you considered the impact on other students?" Soon, the man said angrily, full of resentment.

"So, do the other students have anything to do with you?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"It has nothing to do with me, but you..." the man said, he originally wanted to tell Jiang Chen that it was Jiang Chen's fault for affecting other students, but he was interrupted by Jiang Chen's wave of his hand before he finished speaking.

"That's right, it's nothing to do with you. In the final analysis, it's one word—it's none of your business!" Jiang Chen said coldly and unceremoniously.

(End of this chapter)

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