genius evil

Chapter 906 You deserve death

Chapter 906 You deserve death

"Good means and courage. No wonder at this age, the capital is full of wind and rain. He is really a young hero. He is unparalleled in the world. I, an old man, admire him very much. I think the old man was far inferior to me when I was young. Your ability." After the man came out, he sighed and said, with a look of admiration for Jiang Chen.

"Don't praise me like that, I'll be proud." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's true to praise you, but it's also true that you're digging your own grave. Young people don't want to have a good life, but they don't want to have a good future. They just want to die. After thinking about it, the old man really doesn't understand what you think Yes. Isn’t it good to be alive?” said the man.

"Old guy, are you out of your mind?" Jiang Chen said in a panic, can you still have a pleasant chat?

It's rare for him to be humble, okay?
For the sake of his modesty, shouldn't this old guy praise him more, even if he is embarrassed to praise him, he can't scold him.

"Old Yan, this son has always been rude, so don't take it to heart." Chang Zhile said.

"It's okay, everyone has a time when they are young, I just feel sorry for him, after all, he is a very good young man." Yan Lao said with a look of regret.

"Old Yan, you have always been kind-hearted, but there are some people who really don't know what is good and what is bad, and they deserve it if they die." With a cold snort, Elder Wen said.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?" Jiang Chen said innocently, as if he couldn't understand at all. The other party was talking about him.

Mr. Yan laughed, and said: "The ability to pretend to be stupid is indeed very good, but it's a pity that it is not really stupid. If it is really stupid, it will not be reduced to such a fate."

"Old Yan, what you said is wrong. Since he wants to die, we will make it happen." Elder Wen said feigning displeasure.

"Old Wen, what you said is very true, but I am talking too much." Old Yan said.

"Master Chang, I have to criticize you, you really don't know how to be a human being at all." But at this moment, Jiang Chen said.

"Me?" Chang Zhile looked at Jiang Chen in bewilderment, puzzled.

"Master Changmen, you really don't have any eyesight at all. Haven't you noticed that these two old fellows are going to be unable to keep blowing? Hurry up and get some wine, and let the two of them keep blowing. I'm listening with gusto. From my point of view, it is estimated that with a bottle of wine, these two old guys can blow for another hour." Jiang Chen urged.

"Nonsense." Yan Lao's face darkened, very displeased.

"It turns out that you also know that you are talking nonsense, otherwise, I would have thought that what you said was true." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

Old Yan couldn't help but blushed, but he also knew that what he said just now was suspected of relying on the old to sell the old.

"Jiang Chen, if you don't know good from bad, it doesn't matter if young people make a little mistake, but if you make a mistake, you don't know how to repent. Even if you die, you can't blame others." Elder Wen said.

"You said it as if you could kill me. Otherwise, let's not just talk and practice, but just shoot. To be honest, I am very looking forward to how you will kill me." Jiang Chen looked very excited, as if Can't wait to be killed.

Ever since, Wen Lao's old face also turned red.

If he was absolutely sure of killing Jiang Chen, he would have done it before Jiang Chen killed Qu Jin.

After Jiang Chen killed Qu Jin, he still didn't do anything, precisely because he was not sure about killing Jiang Chen.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's words were very annoying and hit the nail on the head.

"Don't you dare to shoot, right? Then shut your stinking mouth, or I'll shoot you to death right away." Jiang Chen raised his voice and said sharply.

I don't know where the sense of superiority of the two old guys came from. They looked dignified and thought about him, but in the final analysis, they still had to speak with their strength.

Jiang Chen's words were a slap in the face with his strength, Wen Lao's old face became even redder, with purple in the red, and he was very angry.

"Jiang Chen, you are so outraged by the public, aren't you afraid that you will die without a place to die?" After Jiang Chen's words fell, a stern voice came.

"What about you, aren't you afraid that I'll kill you every minute without a place to bury you?" Jiang Chen said, not hiding his arrogance at all.

Naturally, from another point of view, whether he is arrogant or low-key, the end result is the same, so why should he be low-key?

Why not simply, generously and arrogantly?
"You damn lunatic." The person who spoke didn't seem to expect Jiang Chen to reply like this, he froze for a moment, and then said angrily.

Accompanied by such a voice, the man finally came out, but he was a black-faced man in his fifties.

After the black-faced man came out, he stared at Jiang Chen with fire-breathing eyes, sparks in his eyes, as if he wished he could tear Jiang Chen's body into pieces.

"No kind of idiot." Jiang Chen said dismissively.

To be honest, he really planned to let this guy die without a place to bury him, but this guy withered all of a sudden, which made him a little embarrassed to make a move.

"You—" the black-faced man was furious, pointing a finger at Jiang Chen, looking at him, he couldn't help but want to strike.

"Master Feng, don't get angry." Seeing this, Chang Zhile said.

Then, without waiting for the black-faced man to speak, Chang Zhile introduced to Jiang Chen: "This is Feng Daoguang, Feng Clan Master, and he has an inseparable relationship with the Zhao family."

After that, Chang Zhile introduced Mr. Wen and Mr. Yan respectively. Mr. Wen's name was Wen Qing, and Mr. Yan's name was Yan Fengnian. The two belonged to the Li family and the Wang family respectively.

"Is this considered everyone has come? Then let's have dinner." Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Chang Zhile didn't know whether to laugh or cry, did Jiang Chen really want to have good wine and good food?
However, Chang Zhile was also a little curious, whether Jiang Chen was just pretending, or was he really fearless.

The people Chang Zhile arranged were very fast. A few minutes later, a table of steaming meals was ready. Jiang Chen did his part, picked up his chopsticks, and began to eat.

"Is this really delicious?" Chang Zhile was a little confused.

Not only was Chang Zhile messy, but the three of Wenqing were also very messy. They never thought that Jiang Chen would be so unscrupulous.

"Haha, let's all eat." After a while, Chang Zhile picked up the chopsticks and said to Wen Qing and the others.

This situation, I have to say, is quite weird, even Chang Zhile didn't expect that things would develop into this way, or, it didn't expect that Jiang Chen would turn things into this way.

But all of this was beyond his control. When Jiang Chen appeared, he was completely obtrusive and completely ignored his existence.

The three of Wen Qing naturally couldn't have the appetite to eat, their eyes all fell on Jiang Chen, quietly watching Jiang Chen wolf down.

This situation lasted for about an hour. Jiang Chen put it on his chopsticks contentedly, and said, "Master Changmen, remember to order a better restaurant next time. Oh, no, there will be no next time."

While talking, Jiang Chen moved his hands and feet, burped, and said, "Very good, we've had enough food and drink, and we can start business now."

"There are still some leftovers. I think you can finish them. It's good to be a full ghost." Feng Daoguang sarcastically said.

As soon as he appeared, he was squeezed by Jiang Chen and couldn't come down. He hated Jiang Chen to death, and the scene of Jiang Chen eating and drinking as if no one was around made Feng Daoguang feel very ironic.

He couldn't take it anymore, if Chang Zhile hadn't been giving him winks, the table would have been overturned and slapped on Jiang Chen's face.

"Then I'm sorry, you can only be a starving ghost." Jiang Chen said lazily, belching again.

"Master Feng, don't worry about this son. This son is very sharp... After all, this is also his last meal, and we don't need to worry too much." Wen Qing said slowly.

He was also very annoyed by Jiang Chen's eating and drinking, and he endured it for a long time before he had an attack, but now that Jiang Chen had finished eating, he naturally didn't need to endure it anymore.

"Um, did I not let you eat?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"Is there? No, since there is no, why do you all hate me so much?" Jiang Chen said inexplicably.

"Jiang Chen, what is the purpose of calling you here today? You know exactly what you want to eat and drink. You don't need to say too much. Since you are full, go on your own way." Yan Fengnian ordered Said in a tone.


A voice of categorical denial sounded like thunder.

"Jiang Chen's life, I, Chu Yan, has come to pre-determine it. Let him kill himself. It is too cheap for him. I want to kill him one by one by Ling Chi. Only in that way can my brother's spirit in heaven be comforted!"

"Brother Yanlai, you are here." Chang Zhile responded, and then a big man with a beard came out.

"Chu Yanlai? Who are you, Chu Yanwang?" Jiang Chen looked at this person and asked with great interest.

"Chu Yanwang is my elder brother. If you kill my elder brother, I will kill you with my own hands to avenge my elder brother." Chu Yan looked at Jiang Chen like a dead man.

"Very good, this logic is very touching. Since Chu Yanwang is your eldest brother, and the two of you are so brotherly, you must be very reluctant to let him live alone under Jiuquan, so you hurry up and accompany him Alright." Jiang Chen said.

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chen made a move in an instant, and with a slap of his big hand, he slapped Chu Yan back and forth.

Chu Yanlai didn't expect that Jiang Chen would be the killer just after he appeared. There was no warning beforehand, and he had no time to react. Jiang Chen had already appeared in front of him.

"Things that deserve death, dare to resist, get out!" Wen Qing shouted loudly, stopped in front of Chu Yanlai, and punched Jiang Chen with a clenched fist.


Jiang Chen slapped Wen Qing's fist with a slap, and made a dull sound. Wen Qing felt a strong force coming, and the blood around him surged like boiling water.

"Things who don't know how to live or die, why do you block me?" Jiang Chen shouted, followed Wenqing back, approached instantly, and punched directly at Huanglong's chest with a punch.


When the fist fell, Wen Qing's heart burst suddenly, his body folded strangely, and flew out like a broken sack, and landed, lifeless...

(End of this chapter)

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