genius evil

Chapter 907 What a big ambition

Chapter 907 What a big ambition


Seeing Wenqing vomit blood to death, Chang Zhile and Yan Fengnian narrowed their eyes slightly, with a strong look of surprise in their eyes.

As for Feng Daoguang and Chu Yanlai, their eyes were filled with horror.

Especially Chu Yanlai, who broke out in cold sweat, and the hairs on his back stood on end.His face was so pale, how could he not know that if Wen Qing hadn't helped him, he would be the one who died at this moment.

In other words, Wen Qing's death was for him. Inadvertently, he owed Wen Qing his life, even though, Wen Qing would no longer need this favor.

But Chu Yanlai also knew that it was a fluke that he was still alive.

"Why, you all seem very surprised." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"I'm really surprised. I didn't expect Mr. Wen to be your enemy." Chang Zhile said slowly, with a slightly more dignified expression on his face.

You must know that even though Wen Qing was not the strongest among these few people, he was definitely not the weakest, but he was killed instantly by Jiang Chen's thunder strike.

Too fast, Jiang Chen killed people too fast.

It was so fast that it was too late for him and Yan Fengnian to help, Wen Qing died at Jiang Chen's hands.

From this, it is not difficult to see how terrifying Jiang Chen's cultivation is.

And it was also at this time that Chang Zhile discovered that compared to the last time he went to see Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen had a slightly more unpredictable aura.

That is to say, in this short period of time, Jiang Chen's cultivation has probably improved again, and it is undoubtedly more difficult to deal with than before!
This situation was somewhat beyond Chang Zhile's expectations. Although he knew Jiang Chen was very evil, he never expected that Jiang Chen would be so evil.

An unprecedented sense of crisis surfaced in his heart.

Chang Zhile knew in his heart that Jiang Chen absolutely couldn't stay.In any case, at any cost, Jiang Chen must be killed today.

Otherwise, if Jiang Chen is given more time, no one knows how terrifying Jiang Chen will grow to. At that time, no one will be able to do anything to Jiang Chen.

"Master Chang, what you said is very interesting. How could you not have thought of it? It's an obvious thing, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"Jiang Chen, in my opinion, Elder Wen is just being careless. If there is a fair battle, it is not known who will win between you and Elder Wen." Feng Daoguang said with a cold snort.

"I see that your cultivation is on par with Wen Qing, how about we fight head-on, and I'll convince you to death?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

Feng Daoguang's eyes flickered slightly. He naturally knew that there was no suspense at all for Wen Qing's death in Jiang Chen's hands. The reason why he said that was just to blow Jiang Chen's arrogance.

Jiang Chen's counterattack was so sharp that he was instantly speechless.

Feng Daoguang didn't dare to fight Jiang Chen, otherwise he would definitely follow in Wenqing's footsteps.He certainly wouldn't commit himself to death when he knew he was bound to die.

"Why, don't you dare? Shut up if you don't dare, I have been displeased with you for a long time." Jiang Chen said coldly.

Feng Daoguang choked for breath, his face flushed red.

Thinking that he was in the Zhao family, that was also the supreme existence, but in front of Jiang Chen, he was reprimanded by Jiang Chen like a grandson.

"Jiang Chen, you are wrong. It's not that Master Feng doesn't dare, it's just that it's meaningless to fight you head-on." Chang Zhile interjected at this moment.

"Master Chang, I find that your words are becoming more and more interesting. In fact, you are the one who hopes Feng Daoguang will fight me the most, don't you?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Chen, I just think that there is no need to talk about morals with people like you. Our purpose is to kill you. It doesn't matter how we kill you or what method we use to kill you." Chang Zhile said lightly.

"Speaking is better than singing." Jiang Chen teased, and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, anyway, I have no intention of letting you leave here alive."

"What a loud tone." Yan Fengnian said gloomyly.

Although he was surprised by Jiang Chen's strength, did Jiang Chen think that if he killed Wen Qing, he could kill all of them?Big joke.

"Oh, could it be that you are not convinced?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"A small man succeeds, once he is rampant." Yan Fengnian sneered, staring at Jiang Chen and said: "I admit that your performance surprised me, but at your age, even with such strength, you are not a genius at all. It’s an exaggeration, but the so-called genius can only be called a genius if you really grow up, if you just die like this, you are nothing.”

"You said it as if you could kill me." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Master Chang, what do you mean?" Yan Fengnian didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but asked Chang Zhile.

"Old Yan, with people like Jiang Chen, there is no need to be polite, we will join hands and take his life." Chang Zhile said knowingly.

"Yes, let's work together." Chu Yan said with a heavy breath.

"Count me in." Feng Daoguang said coldly.

"Very well, that's it. Jiang Chen, I'll wait for the four of us to join forces. Even if you die, you should feel honored." Yan Fengnian chattered.

"Say the wrong thing, slap your mouth." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Fengnian appeared in front of Yan Fengnian in the next second, raised his hand and slapped Yan Fengnian's face.

Yan Fengnian's face turned pale with shock. He never expected that Jiang Chen would take the initiative to make a move in this situation, and retreated quickly in a hurry.

"Do it."

Just as Jiang Chen moved, Chang Zhile said instantly, and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Feng Daoguang and Chu Yanlai's reaction was not slow at all. They followed Chang Zhile, left and right, and launched a fierce attack on Jiang Chen frantically.

The three of them hated Jiang Chen so much that they wanted to die. When they made a move, they showed no mercy, and once they made a move, they did not hold back. They only wanted a quick fight to save Jiang Chen's life.

Feeling the opponent's strong killing intent, Jiang Chen grinned, smiled lightly, and punched Chang Zhile three times quickly.




Three thunderous sounds sounded violently. Chang Zhile and the three attacked fast, but retreated even faster. Under Jiang Chen's domineering fist, they divided into three angles and retreated respectively.


Both Feng Daoguang and Chu Yanlai were stunned, looking at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

Is Jiang Chen actually frightened to this extent?When the three of them teamed up, they didn't even touch a piece of Jiang Chen's clothes, but they were knocked back by Jiang Chen!

For a moment, the two of them were so excited that they both forgot to do it again.

"Do you understand?" Zhen retreated the three of them, Jiang Chen stopped, and he didn't intend to do it again, and asked with a faint smile.

"What?" Feng Daoguang subconsciously responded.

"It's already obvious, isn't it? You guys, even if you join hands, it's impossible for you to be my opponent. It's hard for you to be so focused on killing me that you're being teased without realizing it." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense." Chang Zhile heard the sound and said hurriedly.

"Master Chang, I just said that they were teased, but I didn't say that you were the one who teased them. Why are you so guilty?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

Chang Zhile was stunned, not knowing how to respond.

"Jiang Chen, please speak clearly." Yan Fengnian asked in a deep voice.

"IQ is really worrying." Jiang Chen said helplessly, "Back then, there were rumors that I wanted to restore order in the capital. You all know that, right?"

"Isn't it?" Yan Fengnian asked back.

It has always been groundless, and besides, Jiang Chen has never denied this matter.

Since Jiang Chen doesn't deny it, it's an acquiescence, isn't it?
"You're so stupid, really." Jiang Chen said solemnly, looking at Yan Fengnian like an idiot.

Yan Fengnian was so ashamed that he wished he could tear Jiang Chen apart with his own hands. The humiliation in Jiang Chen's eyes made him so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Of course the rumors are not true, but since the rumors have spread, I don't mind it becoming true at all. It's just that I'm not the only one who has such thoughts, so you should be able to understand, right?" Jiang Chen followed up, speaking unhurriedly.


Yan Fengnian, Feng Daoguang, and Chu Yanlai, the eyes of the three of them all fell on Chang Zhile, and they really understood.

Judging from the current situation, whether they fight alone or team up, they cannot possibly be Jiang Chen's opponents. It can even be said that they make trouble for Jiang Chen like this, which is no different from sending him to death.

In other words, this was a meaningless thing, but Chang Zhile tied them tightly together, so that they had no choice but to point their spearheads at Jiang Chen.

At the beginning, they didn't think about what benefits Chang Zhile could gain in this matter. After all, Chang Zhile and they were regarded as grasshoppers on the same rope.

However, after being repeatedly reminded by Jiang Chen, they finally understood what benefit Chang Zhile could get, that is, Chang Zhile wanted to replace Jiang Chen's role and rebuild the order in the capital.

And they were just pawns that Chang Zhile used to deal with Jiang Chen.

The rumors are indeed groundless, but they may not only refer to Jiang Chen, but also Chang Zhile who has been hiding behind and controlling everything.

Such a ruthless calculation, such a big ambition.

"Jiang Chen, you are really powerful, I was hidden so deeply, you were the one who discovered it." Chang Zhile laughed.

He has made so many foreshadowings and planted so many foreshadowings. It is impossible for him to just take charge of the Wu family. A mere Wu family is not worth his effort.

"With such great ambition, aren't you afraid of being overwhelmed?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, don't you forget, you are a street rat now, everyone shouts and beats me, my ambition is based on you." Chang Zhile said.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you will die soon, I will forgive you." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Kill me?" Chang Zhile smiled even more happily, and said, "Jiang Chen, do you think that I will be so naive as to rely on these idiots to kill you, do you think that I have no other means? Too underestimated I Chang Zhile."

"It doesn't matter, I will kill them together." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

But after Jiang Chen's words fell, an old man suddenly and silently appeared in the main hall...

(End of this chapter)

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