genius evil

Chapter 908 The agency is too smart

Chapter 908 The agency is too smart

"Old ancestor." Facing the old man, Chang Zhile said respectfully.

The old man who came out, his hair was as dry and yellow as weeds in late autumn, his face was deeply sunken, and no flesh and blood could be seen. He was dressed in a black robe and looked haggard. He had an indescribable age. Feeling old, like a walking dead.

After he appeared, he just stood there quietly, didn't say anything, and didn't do anything, just invisible, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Following Chang Zhile's old ancestor, the three of Yan Fengnian's expressions changed drastically, and they were all shocked, as if they saw a monster.

"This—" Yan Fengnian lost his voice, but he only said one word, and he couldn't say the words after that.

"How is it possible?" Feng Daoguang was in a trance, staring at the old man again and again, his eyes flickering.

"Isn't he already dead? Why didn't he die? Why did this happen?" Chu Yanlai muttered to herself, looking in disbelief.

"Who is he?" Jiang Chen asked coldly.

Judging from the reactions of the three of Yan Fengnian, it is not difficult to see that the three of them are extremely afraid of this old man who appeared out of nowhere, but Jiang Chen is also a little curious about the origin of this person that makes the three of them so afraid.

"If I remember correctly, this person is Gui Yuanzong's previous sect, named Wei Dashan." Taking a deep breath, Yan Fengnian said slowly.

He had already spoken the old man's name, so he knew the old man's identity and origin clearly, but his tone was full of uncertain factors.

"Oh?" Jiang Chen asked thoughtfully, "It seems that you are all afraid of him, so what's going on?"

"Jiang Chen, you haven't been in the capital for a long time, and you don't know anything about the past in the capital." Yan Fengnian smiled wryly, and said: "As early as ten years ago, Gui Yuanzong issued an obituary, that is to say, If there is no accident, this Wei Dashan died ten years ago, and he shouldn't have appeared in this world."

"A person who is already dead?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

Jiang Chen didn't think that Yan Fengnian was lying. Judging from the current situation, Yan Fengnian didn't need to lie. That is to say, this Wei Dashan died ten years ago.At least, according to the information known by all parties, Wei Dashan is dead.

The dead cannot be brought back to life naturally.

What's more, it was a person who had been dead for ten years.

This naturally means that Wei Dashan is not dead at all, and if he is not dead, he issued an obituary. It is not difficult to know that there must be an ulterior purpose.

"There's nothing to be afraid of the dead." Immediately, Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "I'll be fine if I die again."

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva suddenly, Yan Fengnian's face turned pale, knowing that only Jiang Chen could say such words.

Because he knew too well how terrifying this Wei Dashan was.

One must know that ten years ago, the reason why Wei Dashan died was rumored that his attack failed congenitally, resulting in a lack of energy and blood, and he died of a burst of blood.

However, Wei Dashan reappeared ten years later. There can only be two possibilities for his appearance, one is that the rumors are false, and the other is that Wei Dashan broke through the innate realm.

And you must know that when the rumors first spread, the several big families in the capital spared no effort to inquire about its authenticity, and it was finally confirmed that it was true.

That is to say, there is only one of the two possibilities left, that is, Wei Dashan has broken through to the innate realm and is able to live until now.

How can a strong man in the innate realm, the legendary existence, not be terrifying?
After thinking about it for a while, Yan Fengnian's scalp felt numb and was about to explode.

After realizing this, Yan Fengnian finally understood why Chang Zhile was so confident. With Wei Dashan, an old monster like a living fossil, Gui Yuanzong swept the capital, and there was nothing to worry about.

"Jiang Chen, you still dare to talk nonsense in front of the ancestor, do you think your life is too long?" Chang Zhile said angrily.

"A dead person must have the consciousness of a dead person. What's more, he has been dead for ten years, so why run out to scare people. Even if it doesn't scare people, it's not good to scare flowers and plants, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said lazily. Said.

"Fart, the ancestor is not dead at all." Chang Zhile said loudly.

"I will personally send him to die." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Haha--" Chang Zhile laughed loudly, stared at Jiang Chen viciously, and said word by word: "Jiang Chen, after you die, I, Chang Zhile, will definitely peel your skin and beat you!" muscle."

Having said that, Chang Zhile said to Wei Dashan: "Ancestor, you have also heard how arrogant this kid is. I implore the ancestor to take action and send this kid to hell."

"No rush." ​​Wei Dashan, who had been silent and inactive all this time, finally spoke and asked Jiang Chen, "Boy, I plan to take you as a disciple, are you willing?"

"What?" Chang Zhile was taken aback, what's going on, Wei Dashan wants to take Jiang Chen as his apprentice?
As for Yan Fengnian and the others, they were somewhat confused and did not understand what was going on.

"If you are my apprentice, you are willing to accept my mission. Within ten years, I will let you break through to the innate realm, are you willing?" Wei Dashan asked again.

"Old Ancestor, this son is a disaster, we must not be soft-hearted." Chang Zhile said in shock.

He didn't know how Wei Dashan planned to accept Jiang Chen as his apprentice, and he said that within ten years, Jiang Chen would break through to the innate realm. With such words, there is no doubt that Wei Dashan admired Jiang Chen very much.

Otherwise, accepting Jiang Chen as an apprentice is nothing more than that, so how could he make such a promise?There is a tendency to be thirsty for apprentices.

This made Chang Zhi very happy. You must know that many of his plans were all used to deal with Jiang Chen. It could be said that if there was Jiang Chen without him, there would be no Jiang Chen if there was him.

If Jiang Chen became Wei Dashan's apprentice, wouldn't he become an outcast?
In any case, this situation is unacceptable to Chang Zhile.

"Shut up." A cold shout came from the depths of Wei Dashan's throat.

The sound like an explosion exploded in Chang Zhile's ears, Chang Zhile only felt his head buzzing, and his whole body was surging, and under Wei Dashan's drink, he almost vomited blood.

"Jiang Chen, I can write off the conflict between you and Chang Zhile. At the same time, if you need it, I can help you restore order in the capital." Wei Dashan said, promising Jiang Chen the second condition.

With the two conditions promised, Wei Dashan looked at Jiang Chen with burning eyes, waiting for Jiang Chen's response.

Wei Dashan wanted to accept him as an apprentice. This matter did not make Jiang Chen deeply surprised, it was even absurd, but he also knew that what Wei Dashan valued was his own potential.

Cultivating a disciple from scratch is naturally not as good as recruiting a disciple who has become a monk halfway.

As for what Wei Dashan said to allow him to break through the innate realm within ten years, Jiang Chen just laughed it off. He is not an ancient martial arts practitioner. Wei Dashan's seemingly tempting promise is, to him, It doesn't make any sense at all.

Furthermore, as far as his current cultivation base is concerned, going further is just a matter of course, so why does he need to rely on external forces?

However, I have to say that Wei Dashan's second condition moved Jiang Chen a little.

It's just that Jiang Chen would not be so stupid as to really agree to be Wei Dashan's apprentice, unless he was willing to become Wei Dashan's puppet.

"Are you serious?" On the surface, Jiang Chen pretended to ponder and said.

"I, Wei Dashan, never lie." Wei Dashan said proudly.

"Then, if I want to kill Chang Zhile, will you stop me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"When you become my apprentice, don't say you kill him, even if you let me kill him with my own hands, it's fine." Wei Dashan said.


In an instant, cold sweat broke out on Chang Zhile's forehead.

In order to accept Jiang Chen as his apprentice, Wei Dashan actually said the words to kill him with his own hands, which made Chang Zhile feel as if he was in an ice cave, cold from head to toe.

The three of Yan Fengnian were also very surprised that Wei Dashan would say such a thing, but they didn't open their mouths and watched the show quietly.

Because they couldn't be more clear about what evil intentions Jiang Chen had hidden in using them to deal with Jiang Chen.

After Jiang Chen killed them, Wei Dashan killed Jiang Chen again, and after that, Chang Zhile only needed to make the most of the situation to control the overall situation of the capital with ease.

They are chess pieces in Chang Zhile's hands. From another perspective, intentionally or unconsciously, Jiang Chen is also a chess piece in Chang Zhile's hands.

Chang Zhile's game of chess was not insignificant, and everyone was counted into it.

It's just that Chang Zhile probably didn't expect that, after all his calculations, in the end, there would be such a reversal.

The organ's calculations were too clever, and it cost Qingqing's life. Chang Zhile deserved it.

"Well, let's do it and kill him." Jiang Chen then said.

"No." Chang Zhile said tremblingly, "Old Ancestor, Jiang Chen is extremely treacherous, don't let him fool you."

"You mean I'm old and dizzy?" Wei Dashan said coldly.

"No...not..." Chang Zhile broke out in cold sweat, and said anxiously, "Old Ancestor, I'm just worried that you will be deceived by him."

"Could it be that the old man is so unbearable in your eyes?" Wei Dashan sneered, and as soon as he raised his hand, he shot it out.

In front of Wei Dashan, Chang Zhile hardly even had the slightest strength to resist, but was smashed by Wei Dashan's palm and fell to the ground.

"Jiang Chen, from today onwards, you are my disciple of Wei Dashan." Wei Dashan said to Jiang Chen without even looking at Chang Zhile's corpse.

"Wait, when did I say I want to be your apprentice? It seems that you are really old, and you can't even hear clearly." Jiang Chen said.

"You—" Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Wei Dashan would not know that he was played by Jiang Chen.

Because, Jiang Chen really never said that to be his apprentice, he just let him take action and killed Chang Zhile. It was like digging a hole for him, and he jumped into the hole on his own initiative.

"Boy, how dare you tease me, you're courting death." Wei Dashan was furious, and at this moment, his aura suddenly changed, becoming extremely strong...

(End of this chapter)

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