genius evil

Chapter 909 Can You Still Have Some Face?

Chapter 909 Can You Still Have Some Face?

"Did I tease you? Is it really okay for you to slander me like this?" Jiang Chen refused to admit it.

Then, Jiang Chen waved his hand, and said calmly: "I'm just talking casually, who would have thought that you would be such an idiot, and really kill Chang Zhile? Poor Chang Sect Master's death is not clear, and he died with regret. .”

In the end, Jiang Chen changed into a tone of regret, as if Chang Zhile's death was not what he wanted, and Wei Dashan deserved death for killing Chang Zhile.

The three of Yan Fengnian couldn't laugh or cry at the side, Jiang Chen was too cheap and good-looking, too underrated.

They had the same understanding as Wei Dashan before, thinking that Jiang Chen had agreed to be Wei Dashan's disciple.

And letting Wei Dashan kill Chang Zhile is a gift from him as Wei Dashan's apprentice.

This kind of behavior may be a bit too much, but Wei Dashan has already promised Jiang Chen two extremely favorable conditions. Compared with those two favorable conditions, killing a Chang Zhile can be said to be extremely simple thing.

After all, whether it is to let Jiang Chen break through the innate realm within ten years, or to help Jiang Chen rebuild the order of the capital city, it will not happen overnight.

Especially the former, if Wei Dashan hadn't broken through the innate realm, when he said that, the three of them would think that Wei Dashan was in the Arabian Nights.

And even if Wei Dashan broke through the innate realm, he did so after a narrow escape. His own breakthrough does not necessarily mean that he was able to make Jiang Chen break through the innate realm.

As for Sha Chang Zhile, for Wei Dashan, he only needs to raise his hand to kill him!

Who would have thought that after Chang Zhile's death, Jiang Chen would say such a thing.

With Jiang Chen's move, he put all of them together, and they didn't lose anything, but Wei Dashan's fury was inevitable.

After all, this kind of thing would be unbearable for anyone else.

Fortunately, Chang Zhile was already dead, otherwise, the three of them felt that if Chang Zhile heard Jiang Chen's words, even if he hadn't been slapped to death by Wei Dashan, he would have died from a burst of anger.

When Jiang Chen said this, it was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, completely enraged Wei Dashan.

"Very well, in the past few decades, no one has dared to tease me like you. Now, you can either kneel down and kowtow to worship the teacher, or I will send you to hell." Wei Dashan said sharply, the breath in his body , horror to the extreme.

"Why are you so angry? It's just a joke." Jiang Chen chuckled nonchalantly, and said, "Although I am very talented, but you are so eager to accept me as an apprentice, it really makes me confused Very watery."

"I have my own reasons." Wei Dashan said coldly.

"Then, what's the reason?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You will know in the future." Wei Dashan didn't say much.

"Really? Let me take a guess first. Could it be that there is a granddaughter in your family who has been unable to marry because she is too ugly, so you want to accept me as a disciple and let me marry your granddaughter?" Jiang Chen said .

"Isn't it? Isn't it a granddaughter, but a granddaughter? It's a pity that you are so old, and you are so considerate of the younger generation. It's really admirable." Jiang Chen said again.

"Isn't that right? Could it be that it's actually your daughter, but at your age, the daughter at home is not too young. Even if you want an old cow to eat tender grass, I am so tender, is your daughter willing to eat it? By the way , you haven't told me how old your daughter is this year." Jiang Chen said again.

Jiang Chen was making fun of Wei Dashan here, while the three of Yan Fengnian were breaking out in cold sweat. Jiang Chen was too bold, this is a posture that will not stop until Wei Dashan is offended.

"Have you finished?" Wei Dashan said coldly, looking at Jiang Chen like that, as if looking at a dead person.

"So, after all, what is the reason?" Jiang Chen asked very sincerely. He really wanted to know the reason.

After all, it couldn't be because he was too handsome that Wei Dashan wanted to accept him as his apprentice wholeheartedly, right?
In that case, he would rather disfigure himself...although, he must be reluctant.

"You can go to hell." Wei Dashan ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense, slowly raised his right hand hidden under his sleeve, and slapped Jiang Chen with a palm from the air.

From Wei Dashan raising his right hand to Wei Dashan's shot, the two movements seemed slow, but they were extremely fast.

Following Wei Dashan's slap, Jiang Chen immediately felt a great pressure.

The pressure was like a big mountain, hitting towards his chest, and all the blood and energy in his body boiled up.

With a movement of his feet, Jiang Chen quickly retreated like the wind.

At the same time, Jiang Chen clenched his fist with his right hand, punched several times in succession, and violently blasted out.

The wind of the fist and the wind of the palm touched together, making a crackling sound, and when the wind of the palm subsided, Jiang Chen had already retreated to a corner of the main hall, retreating several meters in a row.

Leaning his back against the wall, Jiang Chen took a low breath. He didn't know how much strength Wei Dashan used to slap him, but Wei Dashan's strength was enough to pass through this palm. Really learn.

It was an indescribable strength, an invincible strength.

"Yan Fengnian, you three, why don't you make a move?" Immediately, Jiang Chen said coldly.

The three of Yan Fengnian's eyelids twitched when they heard the sound. If they had a choice, they certainly didn't want to be enemies with Wei Dashan.

A strong man in the innate realm is too powerful.

Even if they were as strong as Jiang Chen, Wei Dashan would take a random shot and force him into a panic. Naturally, they had no luck.

But they have no choice at all, no matter how reluctant they are, they can only be enemies with Wei Dashan.

Otherwise, when Jiang Chen died, they would not even have the strength to resist in front of Wei Dashan.If Wei Dashan wanted to kill them at that time, it would not be more difficult than trampling an ant to death.

This is the gap between the acquired practitioners of ancient martial arts and the innate powerhouses. Such a gap is like a gap, and there is no room for making up for it.

"It's useless." Seeing it, Wei Dashan shook his head.

"Did you hear that, the old guy is humiliating you, calling you useless? Can you bear this kind of thing? Anyway, I can't bear it." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Jiang Chen, do you know what I admire most about you?" Wei Dashan asked, ignoring Jiang Chen's nonsense.

"As expected, it must be my appearance." Jiang Chen stroked his chin and said incomparably narcissistic.

"One of the reasons why I accepted you as my apprentice is that your character is quite to my liking, shameless, despicable and cunning..." Wei Dashan said.

"Wait, are you sure you're talking about me, is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen interrupted Wei Dashan's words, which was not happy.

"These characteristics are not shortcomings. In my opinion, they can be regarded as advantages. Only in this way can we live longer and go further." Wei Dashan said lightly.

"Are you praising me or scolding me?" Jiang Chen was a little confused.

"Naturally, I'm praising you." Wei Dashan said noncommittally.

"So you really intend to betroth your daughter to me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Shut up!" Wei Dashan was furious.

As far as his identity is concerned, if other people in the capital know that he is not dead, they must respect him one by one, pious and fearful. Who has dared to let him go like Jiang Chen? In eyes?
"Even if you don't let me speak, then I will definitely refuse, and I would rather die than obey." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, you can't save your life with a mouth full of nonsense. In my eyes, these little calculations of yours are not worth mentioning. Although I think you should be given another chance, but you didn't want to. If I want to seize the opportunity, I can only send you to die." Wei Dashan said coldly.

At the end, his gloomy gaze swept across the three of Yan Fengnian, and said disdainfully, "Three idiots."

"Hey, how can you scold people? It's wrong to scold people." Jiang Chen yelled.

"Old Wei, although the three of us are inferior in skills, it's not something you can humiliate at will." Yan Fengnian said angrily.

"Wei Dashan, you call us idiots, what are you?" Chu Yan came back with a fiery temper, and cursed back in a confrontational manner.

"It's fine to be used by Chang Zhile, but now being used by Jiang Chen, I don't know it yet, so what are you if you are not idiots?" Wei Dashan said without doubt.

"Wei Dashan, even if you want to sow discord, do you need to be so obvious?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"Chang Zhile wants to restore order in the capital, so why don't you do the same? Chang Zhile uses you to remove obstacles. Now, aren't you just trying to use me to remove obstacles for you? Is the essence different?" Wei Dashan chattered .

The three of Yan Fengnian were all stunned with anger as if they had been struck by lightning.

What does Wei Dashan mean by this?Could it be that Jiang Chen wanted them to take action, not to join them in dealing with Wei Dashan, but to use Wei Dashan to kill them?
If this is the case, then what Wei Dashan said is correct, the three of them are indeed very idiots, because if Wei Dashan hadn't reminded them, even if they died in Wei Dashan's hands, they would not understand, yes Was calculated by Jiang Chen.

The reason why Jiang Chen would count them is very simple, that is, Jiang Chen wants to rebuild the order in the capital.

You don't need too many reasons, just this one reason is enough.

"Wei Dashan, you old bastard, you are really shameless. You are obviously afraid that the four of us will join forces and kill you without a way to go to heaven or earth, but you made up such a clumsy lie, can you still have some face? "Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Jiang Chen, it's time like this, you are still calculating everything all the time, but do you know that when your life is gone, what's the use of calculating more?" Wei Wei Dashan scoffed.

It's true that he is old, but he hasn't reached the point where his eyes are dim. The three of Yan Fengnian couldn't see Jiang Chen's tricks, so how could they escape his eyes?

"Wei Dashan, I'm warning you now, you are doomed." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"Jiang Chen, you don't need to be so angry. Although I have seen through your intentions, I have no intention of letting the three of them leave here alive. Of course, including you, all of you must die." Wei Wei Dashan said slowly, he was about to do it.

"Jiang Chen, don't you really want to know why Wei Dashan accepted you as an apprentice? I know!" At this moment, an elegant and ethereal voice sounded abruptly...

(End of this chapter)

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