genius evil

Chapter 910 Born to be proud

Chapter 910 Born to be proud
Before people arrive, the sound arrives first.

The figure in white appeared slowly, scurrying around as if startled.

Seeing the white-clothed figure appearing at a glance, the three of Yan Fengnian stared straight at him for a moment.

And when Wei Dashan saw the figure in white, his pupils shrank slightly, whether it was an accident or other reasons.

"Miss Shen, long time no see, I miss you very much, how are you doing recently?" Jiang Chen waved his arms and greeted with a smile.

The white-clothed figure that appeared was none other than Shen Shijing.

There is a kind of woman who is born different and born proud.

Pride seems to be an innate trait for them.

Shen Shijing is undoubtedly this type of woman.

"Thanks to you, it's not too good." Shen Shijing smiled lightly, his eyes, inadvertently, swept past Zi Chang Zhile's corpse.

"Oh, Chang Zhi is happy to death?" Shen Shijing said a little bit unexpectedly.

"I didn't kill it." Jiang Chen said quickly.

Shen Shijing smiled but turned his eyes to Wei Dashan. Jiang Chen said that Chang Zhile was not killed by him, so among the few people present, only Wei Dashan had the strength to kill Chang Zhile.

That is to say, Chang Zhile died in the hands of Wei Dashan.

If Chang Zhile died in Jiang Chen's hands, there would be no accidents in Shen Shijing, but it didn't die in Jiang Chen's hands, but in Wei Dashan's hands, that's more or less , making Shen Shijing a little surprised and puzzled.

Wei Dashan did not kill Jiang Chen first, but Chang Zhile first. Shen Shijing felt that such a scene was really interesting. Perhaps, she should have appeared earlier, as if she had missed the good show.

Fortunately, it's not too late now, the real good show hasn't started yet.If she wants to watch a play, there are plenty of opportunities.

"What are you doing here? Could it be that you intend to intervene in today's affairs?" Seeing Wei Dashan staring at Shen Shijing with gloomy eyes, he said coldly.

"I came for Jiang Chen." Shen Shijing said with a slight smile.

"Come here for Jiang Chen? What's your relationship?" Wei Dashan frowned suddenly, and Wei Dashan's face quietly became a little ugly.

"Wei Dashan, you must not have looked at my face carefully. If you have looked at my face carefully, it must not be difficult to know why Miss Shen came here for me." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"You two?" Wei Dashan glanced at Jiang Chen and then at Shen Shijing, his face couldn't help becoming even uglier, faintly feeling that today's matter might be a bit troublesome.

The three of Yan Fengnian were completely attracted by Shen Shijing's beauty, and they didn't know Shen Shijing's identity, but he was clear about Shen Shijing's identity.

Shen Shijing is the No.1 of Tianzu, but she is too low-key and rarely shows her face in public, so she is not known to too many people.

And according to Jiang Chen, he and Shen Shijing should be in a relationship similar to a couple. Shen Shijing also said that they came here for Jiang Chen. Obviously, the relationship between the two is very deep.

Under such a relationship, if he killed Jiang Chen in front of Shen Shijing, how could Shen Shijing agree?
"Jiang Chen--" Shen Shijing gave Jiang Chen an annoyed look, his eyes slightly sad.

It looked like this guy deliberately made Wei Dashan misunderstand the relationship between her and Jiang Chen, and judging from Wei Dashan's reaction, it was obvious that he had misunderstood her relationship with Jiang Chen.

Unexpectedly, on this issue, she still has no way to explain it.

Because Jiang Chen only asked Wei Dashan to look at his face carefully, he didn't say anything else.

If she explained it, it would give people a feeling that there is no silver 300 taels here.

"Miss Shen, you just said that you know why Wei Dashan accepted me as an apprentice?" Jiang Chen pretended nothing happened to divert Shen Shijing's attention.

"We'll talk about this later." Shen Shijing said.

She does know, but now is not the time to talk about it.

"That's right, the two of us whispered." Jiang Chen nodded seriously.

So Shen Shijing's eyes looking at Jiang Chen like that became more sad for no reason. She said that she would say it later, but she didn't want some words to be heard by the three of Yan Fengnian. Did you whisper to Jiang Chen?

This damned guy is really like what Wei Dashan said, never forgetting to plot. She has just appeared, but she has already been plotted twice by Jiang Chen.

Undoubtedly, as soon as Jiang Chen said this, Wei Dashan's misunderstanding of the relationship between her and Jiang Chen became deeper.

Even if she tried to explain at this time, Wei Dashan would not believe it.

Shen Shijing was too lazy to pay attention to Jiang Chen, and said to Wei Dashan: "Old Wei, last time we met, I told you where you came from and where you went back. Could it be that you forgot my words?"

"Shen Shijing, your tone is really getting louder. Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Wei Dashan said coldly.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, but the capital is not the place where you should appear. You have a better place to go, why stay in the capital?" Shen Shijing's voice was also slightly cold.

Hearing this, Wei Dashan laughed loudly: "Well, you little girl, you take yourself too seriously, you have to be clear, if it wasn't for your master's sake, I would have killed you long ago. "

"If my master is here, how dare you show up in the capital?" Shen Shijing confronted each other.

"You——" Wei Dashan's face was ashen, and his breathing became rapid in an instant, as if he was caught by Shen Shijing and hurt his feet.

"Wei Dashan, you died ten years ago. If it wasn't for these ten years, if you still kept yourself safe, how could you still be alive today? Don't waste your life." Shen Shijing said coldly .

"Shut up." Wei Dashan became angry from embarrassment, and shouted angrily.

What is his age, and what is the age of Shen Shijing?
At his age, to be reprimanded by Shen Shijing like this, Wei Dashan's old face can't stand it.

"Shen Shijing, what you said is correct. I am indeed a person who died once, but since I have already died once, do you think I will accept your threat? I will definitely kill Jiang Chen today. If you stop me, I will kill you as well." Wei Dashan said solemnly.

"If you kill Chang Zhile, I can turn a blind eye. Firstly, Chang Zhile is the one who returned to Yuanzong. Second, Chang Zhile deserves to die. But if you want to kill Jiang Chen again, the matter , I will never let it go." Shen Shijing said without giving in.

"Miss Shen, you are so kind to me." Jiang Chen sighed and was also very moved.

He and Shen Shijing had only dealt with each other twice before and after, but he didn't expect that Shen Shijing would be so kind to him. Jiang Chen felt that no matter what he did, there was nothing he could do in return, so he could only promise him with his body.

"Jiang Chen, this matter has nothing to do with you." Shen Shijing said dumbfounded.

Looking at Jiang Chen's appearance, how could Shen Shijing not know that Jiang Chen misunderstood the meaning of her words, but he didn't know whether Jiang Chen really misunderstood, or just pretended to misunderstand.

"Miss Shen, you don't need to say more, I already understand what you mean." Jiang Chen looked understanding.

"When you are about to die, you are still flirting. Jiang Chen, do you think that this woman can save you? I, Wei Dashan, want to kill you. Even if I am the king of heaven, I can't save you." Wei Dashan said viciously. Said.

"Are you jealous of me?" Jiang Chen asked.


"There is no doubt that you must be jealous, but you are so old, is this really okay?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly.

Wei Dashan had the urge to vomit blood. He would only be jealous of Jiang Chen when he saw a ghost, but he was angry because he saw Jiang Chen flirting with Shen Shijing and didn't take him to heart.

"Shen Shijing, today's matter has nothing to do with you. If you retreat now, I can act as if nothing happened. If you are stubborn, don't blame me for being rude." Wei Dashan turned to Shen Shijing.

"You are the one who is obsessed with obsession." With a sigh, Shen Shijing said.

"Then you all die to me." Wei Dashan was furious to the extreme, and slapped Jiang Chen brazenly.

Following Wei Dashan's slap, the air rolled and churned, as if a hurricane had blown, everyone's clothes were being blown, and the whole body felt as if they were being scraped by a sharp needle.


Seeing Wei Dashan's palm strike, Jiang Chen couldn't dodge it, so in a hurry, he could only strike quickly, punching each other.

A shocking explosion sounded, shattering the eardrums. Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen stumbled and retreated more than ten steps. There was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, quietly overflowing.

"Is this the strength of a strong person in the innate realm?" Jiang Chen said inwardly, reaching out his hand and wiping the blood stains from the corner of his mouth.

However, this didn't make Jiang Chen fear and shrink back, on the contrary, it made Jiang Chen's fighting spirit soar. His eyes were as bright as a sword, and he stared at Wei Dashan.

"Take another palm from me." After one palm, Wei Dashan raised his right hand lightly, and slapped Jiang Chen with another palm.

"Wei Dashan, the capital is not a place for you to be presumptuous." It was Shen Shijing who yelled coquettishly, and made a move. In a flash, a figure appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

A white and slender hand like jade showed a white wrist, and with a flip of the palm, Shen Shijing slapped out with a palm, shaking Wei Dashan together.

"Shen Shijing, I said before that if I want to kill Jiang Chen, you can't save me. You are too much in the way. Since I insist on saving Jiang Chen, then I will kill you first." Wei Dashan chattered, and the third palm shot out.


The palm wind roared, and the air became violent. Shen Shijing made a strong move, but under Wei Dashan's palm, his delicate body shook, and he retreated several steps.

But Shen Shijing was happy and fearless, the moment he retreated, he jumped up and fought with Wei Dashan again.

Ten seconds later, accompanied by a shallow moan, a figure shot out from behind, it was Shen Shijing.

Impressively, she saw that Shen Shijing's sleeves were broken, her hair was disheveled, and her face was flushed. It was obvious that she was slightly injured.

"Die to me." Wei Dashan laughed loudly, and in a flash, he walked in front of Shen Shijing, and slapped Shen Shijing's Tianling cover with his big hand like a cattail fan.


A low growl came from the depths of Jiang Chen's throat, Jiang Chen's figure flashed, and appeared in front of Shen Shijing, standing sideways like a glaring King Kong!

(End of this chapter)

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