genius evil

Chapter 911 Do you want to fight alone or in groups

Chapter 911 Do you want to fight alone or in groups

Roar like thunder!

Suddenly, Wei Dashan's heart exploded.

In an instant, Wei Dashan felt as if his seven souls and six souls were blown away!
His face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but suffocate his breath.

The palm that slapped Shen Shijing like that was unsustainable anymore, and he had no choice but to put down his offensive, and his figure moved backwards.

Landing on the ground, staring at Jiang Chen, Wei Dashan was still in shock, unbelievable to the extreme.

"how come?"

Wei Dashan stared at Jiang Chen steadfastly, not understanding why Jiang Chen's roar actually brought such great pressure to himself.

At that moment, he almost thought that he was about to suffocate to death. This was an experience he had never experienced before, which made him extremely at a loss, not knowing what happened.

It wasn't just Wei Dashan who felt this way, Yan Fengnian and the other three were also under Jiang Chen's low growl, their hands and feet were cold, and blood all over their bodies rushed uncontrollably from the soles of their feet to their foreheads.

The hearts of the three of them seemed to be hit hard by someone holding a hammer. Chu Yanlai, who was slightly weaker, almost passed out from the shock, and broke out in cold sweat, as if he had just emerged from the water. scoop it up.

The three of them, like Wei Dashan, stared at Jiang Chen, full of thoughts, not knowing why.

"Jiang Chen, you--" Shen Shijing stared at Jiang Chen's back in a daze, and asked in a daze.

"Miss Shen, are you okay?" Turning around, Jiang Chen grinned.

"I'm fine." Shen Shijing shook his head and asked softly: "Just now..."

"Isn't it very mighty and domineering, making your heart move? Wish you could make a promise to me right away?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Shen Shijing was immediately speechless. A second ago, Jiang Chen was indeed mighty and domineering. After all, if Jiang Chen hadn't acted in time, she might have been seriously injured.

But Jiang Chen's style of painting changed too quickly, which made her feel a little hallucinated by accident.I was very suspicious, was it Jiang Chen before, or was Jiang Chen possessed by something?
"Things that pretend to be ghosts." Wei Dashan said with a cold snort.

"Really? Then, do you want to experience it again? If you need it, I will definitely satisfy you unconditionally." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Jiang Chen's soul power is so powerful, even if Wei Dashan is an innate strong man with such awe-inspiring aura, in front of him, he can only be crushed in all directions.

But Jiang Chen also knew that he just caught Wei Dashan by surprise just now, that's all, if he did it again, the effect would definitely not be even one-tenth of the effect.

What he said at this time was just to tease Wei Dashan on purpose.

Wei Dashan snorted again, but did not speak.

Although he believed that Jiang Chen was playing tricks, he didn't want to experience the feeling just now again.

"What do you mean by not talking? Then, let me ask you another question. Do you want to fight alone, or do you want to fight in groups?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"It's up to you?" Wei Dashan snorted.

To him, the biggest threat was Shen Shijing, but Shen Shijing was already slightly injured, while Jiang Chen and Yan Fengnian didn't even have the qualifications for him to catch his eye.

If he wants to kill, he can shoot him to death.

"So you chose to fight in groups, right? Very good, I'll satisfy you." Jiang Chen said calmly, and immediately raised his voice an octave: "What's the matter, why haven't you shown up after watching the excitement for so long? "



Following Jiang Chen's words, several figures flickered and appeared in the main hall.

Among them was Hua Yunfei, and there were three other faces. Jiang Chen was quite unfamiliar, but thinking about it, they were from the Sun family, the Qian family and the Zhou family.

Today's matter involved the Wu family, and Jiang Chen was not surprised that Hua Yunfei would come.

Given Jiang Chen's relationship with the Qian family and the Sun family, Jiang Chen was not surprised that these two families would come. What surprised Jiang Chen was that the Zhou family would also come.

Jiang Chen remembered that Zhou Jinse asked Zhou Mingzhu to bring him a message, telling him to go to Zhou's house if he had time these two days. At that time, Zhou Jinse planned to intervene in this matter.

Jiang Chen's eyes swept across the two middle-aged men, and finally landed on a white-haired old woman.

The white-haired old woman, seeing Jiang Chen looking at herself, smiled back and nodded, as a greeting.

The four of Hua Yunfei had come earlier, but they never showed up. Instead, they stayed in the dark, quietly watching the development of the situation.

But Jiang Chen has said that, even if they don't want to show up, it's useless.

After all, they thought they were on Jiang Chen's side. If something happened to Jiang Chen, no one would be able to think about it in the future.

"Jiang Chen, is this what you call gang fights?" Wei Dashan laughed jokingly.

He originally thought that Jiang Chen had prepared other means, but that was all.

Killing one person is killing, killing two is killing, killing a group of people is still killing.

Wei Dashan didn't mind at all, he went on a killing spree!

"Are you afraid?" Jiang Chen also said with a smile.

"Afraid?" Wei Dashan seemed to have heard a joke.

As soon as the words fell, Wei Dashan moved at the foot and appeared in front of Chu Yanlai. With five fingers, he clasped Chu Yanlai's neck and lifted Chu Yanlai off the ground.

There was a sound of broken joints, it was the sound of Chu Yanlai's neck bone being crushed.

Chu Yan came deep in his throat, let out a few sharp roars, and tried his best to strike, but in Wei Dashan's hands, he was like a chicken caught by an eagle, unable to move at all.

With a random flick of Wei Dashan's right hand, Chu Yanlai was thrown out by Wei Dashan like a dead dog, and hit the wall so hard that his whole body was deformed and died.

"You, who else wants to die?" Wei Dashan said coldly.


There were several gasps of air, and the expressions of several people became extremely ugly.

They could see that Wei Dashan's attack on Chu Yanlai was to scare the chickens and monkeys. Although, among all of them, Chu Yanlai was the weakest, Wei Dashan crushed Chu Yanlai so easily. The shocking effect was achieved, making their scalps tingle and their hearts beating faster.

"You said the wrong thing. You are not looking for death, but to kill you." Jiang Chen said lightly, and said in a low voice, "Shoot."

"call out!"

Under the vibration of his right hand, the long sword pierced through the air, and the strong sword energy slashed towards Wei Dashan, and Hua Yunfei made a move.

"I don't know how to live or die." Seeing Hua Yunfei's attack, a look of surprise flashed in Wei Dashan's eyes.

When he killed Chu Yan, he really wanted to scare the chickens and scare the monkeys, but he did not expect that under such circumstances, Hua Yunfei actually took the initiative to attack, ignoring his shock.

Naturally, Wei Dashan didn't know that Hua Yunfei had a reason to make a move. Guiyuanzong and Changjianmen were incompatible. Although Chang Zhile was dead, Wei Dashan was even more terrifying.

If he wanted to exchange for the chance of Longjianmen's survival, Wei Dashan had to die.

Hua Yunfei didn't think he was Wei Dashan's opponent, but he couldn't hesitate, he had to set an example so that others could deal with Wei Dashan at the same time.

This is the only chance to kill Wei Dashan, Hua Yunfei doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

Without waiting for Hua Yunfei to approach with a sword, the white-haired old woman of the Zhou family also made a move. She swung a long whip in her hand, cut through the air, and rolled towards Wei Dashan's neck.

Due to the relationship with Jiang Chen, the Zhou family has always been independent in many disputes involving Jiang Chen. The old woman knew the relationship between Zhou Jinse and Jiang Chen, so she acted at this time for the Zhou family. To act for Zhou Jinse is also to act for Jiang Chen, the future son-in-law of the Zhou family.

As soon as the white-haired old woman moved, the Qian family and the Sun family made the same move and attacked Wei Dashan at the same time.

Whether it's the Qian family or the Sun family, they have never had a relationship with Jiang Chen. They don't need to incite them at all, and they naturally regard Wei Dashan as an enemy.

The four teamed up to attack Wei Dashan from four different angles.

Wei Dashan was furious, a pair of fleshy palms were flying, and he shot out in a rage, fighting with the four of them.

"Yan Fengnian, you three, why are you still hesitating?" Jiang Chen said coldly, turning his head and frowning at the three of Yan Fengnian.

All three of Yan Fengnian had ugly faces. They were first used by Chang Zhile, and later by Jiang Chen. They became pawns for no reason, but they couldn't break free.

This made the three of them very depressed, and they were unwilling to be used by Jiang Chen again, which was why they hesitated.

"With the seven of you working together, there may still be a possibility of killing Wei Dashan. If the three of you give up and wait until Wei Dashan kills the four of them, are you three delusional?" Jiang Chen said with a more serious tone.

He was using these three people from the beginning to the end, but the three of them were only used by him, it was the same before, and it is the same now.

This is the greatest value of the existence of the three of them.

Unless, they are not even afraid of death.

However, in this world, there are too few people who are not afraid of death, at least Jiang Chen does not think that the three of them, Yan Fengnian, have such courage.

The three of Yan Fengnian complained endlessly, but they also knew that what Jiang Chen said was correct, if the four of Hua Yunfei died, the three of them would never be lucky.

And if they choose to join hands with Jiang Chen, perhaps they still have a chance.

Gritting their teeth, the three of them had no choice but to bite the bullet and join the battle group.

"Jiang Chen, let's make a move too." Shen Shijing said to Jiang Chen.

Wei Dashan is a strong man in the innate realm, Hua Yunfei and the others can only contain Wei Dashan for a while at best, and it is impossible to be Wei Dashan's opponent.

"Don't worry, we won't make a move, just watch the show." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Watching a play?" Shen Shijing was extremely puzzled.

He thought to himself that even if Jiang Chen wanted to use Wei Dashan to get rid of Yan Fengnian and the three of them, wouldn't Jiang Chen know that this way would kill one thousand enemies and hurt eight hundred?For himself, there is no benefit at all.

Jiang Chen can completely get rid of Wei Dashan first, and then slowly settle the old accounts, can't he?
"That's right, it's just watching a play." Jiang Chen nodded and said calmly.

Shen Shijing was confused, and wanted to ask what Jiang Chen's plan was. Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't want to say more, he had no choice but to stop asking. He thought in his heart that if something happened, he would act immediately...

(End of this chapter)

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