genius evil

Chapter 914 One look is a natural pair

Chapter 914

"Heavenly Dao League?" Jiang Chen smiled, and said with a smile: "Although I have never heard of it before, it seems to be very powerful."

"On the surface, Tianzu supervises the world's ancient martial forces, but this is easier said than done. In the final analysis, it is the Tiandao League that supervises the world's ancient martial forces. Tianzu is just a group within the Tiandao League. Insignificant power." Shen Shijing said softly.

Some things, when Jiang Chen joined the Tianzu for a long time, in fact, Jiang Chen would know without her saying much.

But since the matter about the Immortal Association was mentioned and the Tiandao League was involved, it became quite natural. Simply, Shen Shijing also talked about it with Jiang Chen, which can be regarded as an early vaccination for Jiang Chen.

"So, what's the situation in the Heavenly Dao League?" Jiang Chen said with a slight movement in his heart.

"Hundreds of years ago, in order to fight against the Immortal Association, the world's righteous ancient martial arts sect formed an alliance of forces, and then gradually developed into a huge alliance. This is the origin of the Tiandao League." Shen Shijing patiently explained.

"Oh? So, the Heavenly Dao League and the Immortal Association are life and death enemies?" Jiang Chen asked thoughtfully.

"It can be said like this." Shen Shijing nodded, and said: "There have been several battles between the Tiandao League and the Immortal Association. I can wipe out the Immortal Association. The remnants of the Immortal Association have been hiding in the dark and making waves. In the past ten years, there is a tendency to make a comeback. It is estimated that it will not be long before there will be another big conflict between the Tiandao League and the Immortal Association , by that time, I don't know how many people, how many ancient martial arts sects, will be involved..."

When Shen Shijing said these words, his face was solemn, and at the end, he sighed softly, obviously worried about this situation.

"Um, can I ask, how did you come up with the word "justice" in your so-called world justice ancient martial sect?" Jiang Chen asked very curiously.

He was lazy to care about the grievances between the Immortal Society and the Tiandao League.Anyway, it had nothing to do with him.

What Jiang Chen was more interested in was what Shen Shijing said, that the world's ancient martial arts and justice sects form an alliance to form the Heavenly Dao League. Doesn't this mean that immortals are inherently evil?

Even though Jiang Chen didn't have a good impression of the Immortal Association after dealing with the forces of the Immortal Association several times, but is it really good for the Tiandaomeng to boast of being righteous?
"Immortals will do all kinds of evil, and everyone in the world will be punished." Seemingly a little surprised, Jiang Chen would ask such a question, Shen Shijing froze for a moment, and then said coldly.

"How come the Immortal Society does all kinds of evil?" Jiang Chen asked after him.

"This—" Shen Shijing was taken aback again.

In her inherent concept, due to the incompatibility of fire and water between the Tiandao League and the Immortal Association, she instinctively believes that the Immortal Association is evil.

As for why the immortal society is evil, or what evil things it has done, it is not very clear.

Shen Shijing was embarrassed, she wanted to speak several times, but found that she couldn't answer Jiang Chen's question at all.

"Haha, let me just say it casually, Miss Shen, don't mind, come, eat." It happened that the boss brought over the grilled food, and Jiang Chen took a skewer of roast mutton and handed it to Shen Shijing.

Shen Shijing took the mutton skewers but didn't eat them. She looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "Jiang Chen, you don't believe what I said, do you?"

"Actually, whether I believe it or not, it's irrelevant, isn't it?" Jiang Chen held a string of mutton in his hand, chewing it with great relish, his mouth full of oil.

"Jiang Chen, don't forget, you are from the Tianzu." Shen Shijing reminded.

"That's right, it seems that I receive my salary from the Tianzu, but even if I am a member of the Tianzu, what does it have to do with the Tiandaomeng?" Jiang Chen teased.

"I said before that there are other reasons for helping you this time." Shen Shijing reminded again.

Then, without waiting for Jiang Chen to speak, Shen Shijing went on to say: "This other reason is related to the Tiandao League. You are a core member of the Tiandao group, and you can also be regarded as the backbone of the Tiandao League. I recommend you with all my heart. Entering the Heavenly Dao League, I believe that by then, your cultivation will rapidly improve, and within a year or two, it is not impossible to break through to the innate realm."

Jiang Chen is too monstrous.

Even if she can be regarded as a genius, Shen Shijing knows that it is because she is backed by the Heavenly Dao League and has endless resources for cultivation.

Jiang Chen was only a mere person, and even, as far as she knew, Jiang Chen didn't even have a sect.

Jiang Chen was so amazing when he was practicing alone.

Shen Shijing felt that if Jiang Chen entered the Heavenly Dao League and received the training resources and famous teachers from the Heavenly Dao League, then Jiang Chen would definitely shine even more brilliantly.

By then, the so-called geniuses of the Tiandao League will probably become overshadowed by Jiang Chen's light.As long as Jiang Chen is given enough time to grow up, it is possible for Jiang Chen to become No.1 of the younger generation!
Shen Shijing was extremely looking forward to that day.

This is also the reason why she took advantage of the trend and absorbed Jiang Chen into the sky group in a semi-forced way, and this is also the reason why she will stand up for Jiang Chen today.

It has nothing to do with the relationship between a man and a woman, or even her personal feelings. All these things Shen Shijing did were purely for the consideration of Tiandaomeng!

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested at all." Jiang Chen shook his head, finished the mutton skewers in his hand, quickly grabbed a skewer of roast beef, and started to eat again.

"Jiang Chen, you are a smart person. I believe that you will make the right decision. Moreover, I can assure you that I have absolutely no selfishness in this matter." Shen Shijing said seriously, a little worried about Jiang Chen There will be redundant thoughts, and it is the rejection of her.

"Miss Shen, it is because of your selflessness that I am not interested." Jiang Chen also said seriously.

Shen Shijing was too glorious and upright, which made Jiang Chen very embarrassed.

Could it be that Shen Shijing didn't know that to deal with a man like him, he can't be hard or soft, and the only beauty trick is his fatal weakness?
Shen Shijing was devoted to the Alliance of Heaven, which made Jiang Chen very bored, and even lost the mood to moles Shen Shijing.

"Yo, handsome guy, are you arguing with your girlfriend?" Just after Jiang Chen's voice fell, a somewhat frivolous voice rang in Jiang Chen's ears.

A young man with long hair, about 25 years old, walked over at some point, breathing and belching alcohol, and said inarticulately.

"I'm not his girlfriend." Shen Shijing frowned and denied.

"Beauty, this is your fault. No matter how angry you are, why don't you even recognize your boyfriend? Handsome guy, I think you should quickly give in and apologize to the beauty. Maybe the beauty will be angry." It's gone." The long-haired man said to Jiang Chen with a well-intentioned look.

"He's not wrong, why should he give in and apologize?" Shen Shijing frowned even tighter.

She was talking with Jiang Chen when this guy came over out of nowhere, which made her very unhappy.

"Beauty, you really have a big temper. What's the matter? Could it be that this handsome guy is not your boyfriend, but I misunderstood? But how do I see it, this handsome guy and you are a match made in heaven?" Long hair said the man.

The long-haired man didn't know if he was talking about drinking, or he really thought that Jiang Chen and Shen Shijing were a good match, anyway, he said it very seriously.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen secretly smiled.

There are so many people without vision in the world, but there are also many people with unique vision. At least, this long-haired man's vision is quite good.

"Stop talking nonsense." The pink face flushed slightly, and Shen Shijing couldn't take it anymore.

She thought before that this long-haired man came here to strike up a conversation with an excuse, but how could she know that he was here to match her and Jiang Chen.

If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's random choice of this place, Shen Shijing would have thought that this long-haired man was an extra actor Jiang Chen had found.

Otherwise, this long-haired man would be too kind.

"Beauty, I'm not talking nonsense. I really think that this handsome guy is a good match for you. You look so beautiful, and the handsome guy looks so handsome. At first glance, they are a natural match. If you don't believe me, just find me. If anyone asks, they will definitely think that the two of you are boyfriend and girlfriend." The long-haired man said very sincerely.

"This handsome... buddy, Miss Shen and I are really not boyfriend and girlfriend, I appreciate your kindness." At this moment, Jiang Chen had no choice but to speak, because he was a little worried, if he didn't speak again , Shen Shijing will give this long-haired man a violent beating.

As for the long-haired man with thin arms and legs, if he was really beaten up by Shen Shijing, his life would be ruined. After all, he had witnessed Shen Shijing's terrifying strength with his own eyes.

The long-haired man was undoubtedly kind, and the words he said were extremely pleasing. Jiang Chen had a good impression of him, so he wanted to call him a handsome guy... But after seeing the appearance of this long-haired man clearly, Jiang Chen I found that I couldn't say the word "handsome guy" no matter what, so I had no choice but to call him a buddy.

"Handsome guy, I have to talk about you. This man is able to bend and stretch. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes. The important thing is to admit your mistakes with sincerity. No matter what the figure or appearance of this beauty, there is no one in a million. If I were you Even if you want me to kneel down and apologize, I will kneel immediately without saying a word." The long-haired man said earnestly.

Jiang Chen spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders and looked at Shen Shijing innocently, which meant he was telling Shen Shijing that he had tried his best to clarify, but this long-haired man didn't believe her words at all.

Shen Shijing was annoyed and funny at the same time, for some reason, she felt a little bit that Jiang Chen was acting good when he got cheap?

After a while, when Jiang Chen finished eating, paid the bill, and drove away, Shen Shijing was relieved, otherwise, letting the long-haired man babble, Shen Shijing felt that he would die of embarrassment.

"Miss Shen, what do you think of me?" Jiang Chen drove to the Tianzu base, the car was driving on the road, and suddenly, Jiang Chen asked aloud.

"Ah——" Shen Shijing's complexion was strange, and his face suddenly turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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