genius evil

Chapter 915 The Fall of the First Beauty

Chapter 915 The Fall of the First Beauty

"Miss Shen, why are you blushing? Are you feeling unwell?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, that person was drunk just now." Shen Shijing said dumbfounded.

Up until now, she had been inexplicably very good. Somehow, she and Jiang Chen were a good match. It couldn't be just because she was beautiful and Jiang Chen was handsome, right?
Of course, if it was only because of this point, she would have nothing to say. After all, she was indeed very beautiful, and Jiang Chen was indeed very handsome.

From the point of view of looks alone, no matter how much he denied it, Shen Shijing would have to admit that when he was with Jiang Chen, he was quite right.

"Miss Shen, you must have misunderstood. I'm asking you, what do you think of me... well, let me be more direct. Do you think I'm handsome?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

Shen Shijing just glanced at Jiang Chen, saw Jiang Chen's extremely serious appearance, and thought to himself, could it be that he really misunderstood?

Jiang Chen asked her that question without any other meaning. He just asked her, what is his impression in her heart?

However, even if Jiang Chen meant this, couldn't he be a little more reserved?Is it necessary to ask so directly?In this case, how should she answer?

"It's okay." After thinking for a while, Shen Shijing replied.

"Miss Shen, I already look like this, yet you actually say that I'm okay, your vision of people is far worse than that buddy just now." Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

Shen Shijing said with a smile: "If you want me to praise you, I can meet your request."

"It's not like that, I just want you to face up to how good I am." Jiang Chen said.

"Huh? Then?" Shen Shijing glanced at Jiang Chen again and asked.

"No more, the rest depends on your own comprehension, as much as you can comprehend." Jiang Chen said in a mysterious way.

Shen Shijing was dumb, and wanted to ask a few more questions, but judging by Jiang Chen's attitude, he probably wouldn't want to say too much, so he chose to remain silent.

Jiang Chen sent Shen Shijing back to Tianzu without stopping for a moment. After the car door was closed, he drove away without delaying a second, leaving Shen Shijing standing alone on the side of the road, a little messy.

She found that Jiang Chen's attitude had really changed too much. At the beginning, it seemed to her that he was trying to tease her, but later on, it didn't seem to be the case, which made Shen Shijing extremely confused.

"What happened?" Shen Shijing murmured, alone, entered the Tianzu base, and returned to his residence.

"Miss Shen, you're back." A voice rang in Shen Shijing's ear, and then, a figure came out and looked at her with a smile. It was Li Pan'er.

Shen Shijing nodded, and Li Pan'er said again: "Do you want to prepare supper?"

"No need, I just ate a little with Jiang Chen." Shen Shijing said.

"Miss Shen, you've always been with Jiang Chen before? And you went to eat supper?" Li Pan'er's expression suddenly became a little weird.

"Is there any problem?" Shen Shijing said casually.

"Oh, I just feel a little strange, how could Jiang Chen send you back so early." Li Pan'er said.

Shen Shijing said helplessly, "Pan'er, why did you misunderstand the relationship between me and Jiang Chen?"

"Miss Shen, could it be that someone else misunderstood your relationship with Jiang Chen? Tell me who that person is, and I'll beat him up." Li Pan'er said with a playful smile.

Shen Shijing couldn't help being taken aback, a little uncomfortable, and said: "I'll go take a bath first, if you have nothing to do, go to bed early."

"Miss Shen, I'll put hot water for you." Li Pan'er faintly smelled gossip, how could she leave so soon, before Shen Shijing refused, she ran to the bathroom to put hot water.

After a while, Shen Shijing soaked in the warm water in the hot tub, and felt that every pore in his body was stretched.

Li Pan'er put the essence into the water and sprinkled the petals, and said with treacherous eyebrows, "Miss Shen, actually, I think Jiang Chen is pretty good in other places except for being a bit fickle."

"He is too careless." Shen Shijing said, agreeing with Li Pan'er's point of view.

"It turns out that, Miss Shen, you also think that Jiang Chen is too careless, so I am very surprised. How could a guy like him who is so careless send back a beautiful woman like you, Miss Shen, back so early? Opportunity, you are right to keep Miss Shen." Li Pan'er said.

Shen Shijing thought about Jiang Chen's weird attitude, and then heard Li Pan'er say such words, he became more and more confused. It seemed that Jiang Chen was really strange.

What else do you want her to comprehend by herself? What exactly is she trying to comprehend?

"Miss Shen, why don't you talk anymore?" Seeing Shen Shijing's thoughtful look, Li Pan'er said winkingly.

"It's okay." Shen Shijing shook his head, there are some problems, it's not easy to talk too much with Li Pan'er.

"Miss Shen, don't blame me for talking too much. If Jiang Chen wasn't so bothered, he and you are actually very suitable. After all, looking at the whole capital, I can't find another man who can match you." Li Pan son said.

The speaker may have no intention, but the words came suddenly, making Shen Shijing's heart skip a beat.

She suddenly understood what Jiang Chen meant when he asked her to face up to how good he was. The implication was that he was the best, not one of them.

And this kind of thing can only be understood by herself. After all, even if Jiang Chen praised himself wildly, in her opinion, it was just Jiang Chen's thick-skinned performance.

"The best? Why does Jiang Chen want me to understand this?" Shen Shijing was a little dazed, thinking about it.

Suddenly, Shen Shijing remembered again, when she said to let Jiang Chen enter the Heavenly Dao League, and said that she had absolutely no selfishness, Jiang Chen had said a word.

Jiang Chen said that it was because she had no selfishness that she was not interested.

Could this be implying to her that Jiang Chen might be willing to enter the Heavenly Dao League if she had selfish intentions.

However, if she has selfishness, what kind of selfishness should she have?

After all the details were linked together, Shen Shijing was slightly flustered, and she finally knew that Jiang Chen was indeed teasing her.

It's just that Jiang Chen's teasing technique was too subtle, and he completely handed over the initiative to her, and it was all up to her to make the decision.

"Perhaps." Shen Shijing responded with a wry smile.

"Perhaps, Jiang Chen will soon pursue you shamelessly, Miss Shen, you have to be mentally prepared, don't be captured by Jiang Chen all at once." Li Pan'er blinked and said.

Inexplicably, Li Pan'er looked forward to such a scene, but it wasn't out of bad taste, but she really felt that Jiang Chen was the most suitable match for Shen Shijing.

Even though, this is a little sorry for Tangyue, but after thinking about it, Jiang Chen is so bothered anyway, there are many places to be sorry for Tangyue, and it probably doesn't matter if I am sorry for Tangyue a little more.

Moreover, if Tangyue blamed it at that time, it would also blame Jiang Chen, and it had nothing to do with her.

Thinking about it this way, Li Pan'er was extremely calm.

"No, don't think too much about it." Shen Shijing shook her head and said, she already understood the hidden meaning in Jiang Chen's words, how could Jiang Chen treat her with shame.

Jiang Chen clearly wanted her to take the initiative. It has to be said that Jiang Chen was too shrewd and too bad, and inadvertently touched her heartstrings.

Let her peaceful and unmarked heart quietly stir up waves.

"Miss Shen, don't be so sure. I know exactly what kind of virtue that Jiang Chen is. Even if he can bear it for a while, it's definitely an act." Li Pan'er said firmly.

"Pretending to be?" Shen Shijing was thoughtful, then sighed secretly, "I hope so."

Seeing Shen Shijing's reaction like this, Li Pan'er's head was full of black lines. For some reason, she realized that Shen Shijing seemed to have no confidence in herself.

"Could it be that this is the reason why Miss Shen was sent back by Jiang Chen so early?" Li Pan'er said in her heart.

In her opinion, Shen Shijing's state is extremely unimaginable. A nearly perfect woman like Shen Shijing would actually show no confidence in front of Jiang Chen. How perfect is Jiang Chen to cause Shen Shijing to react like this?

"Eh, not good." After thinking for a while, Li Pan'er realized that something was wrong.

A woman who lacks self-confidence in front of a man has nothing more than two points. The first point is that the man is so good that she is ashamed of herself. The second point is that she has a good impression of that man but has not received any response. , so worry about gains and losses.

Li Pan'er didn't think it would be the first point. In her opinion, Shen Shijing had no reason to be ashamed, so it could only be the second point.

"My God, Jiang Chen, how on earth did you manage to make Miss Shen fall so quickly." Taking a light breath, Li Pan'er said in disbelief.

Even if she really thought that Jiang Chen and Shen Shijing were a good match, Jiang Chen's speed was a little too fast, right?
The words Jiang Chen said and the change in his attitude were naturally intentional. Jiang Chen also knew that once Shen Shijing understood the hidden meaning in his words, he would definitely be moved by him.

However, even if Jiang Chen intended to do this, he would never have imagined that because of Li Pan'er, Shen Shijing had thought through his mind in such a short period of time.

Whether Li Pan'er intended it or not, he completed an assist perfectly.

On Jiang Chen's side, he drove back to Capital University. The car drove to the downstairs of the dormitory. Just as Jiang Chen got out of the car, he saw a delicate figure walking over quickly.

Jiang Chen glanced at it, grinned, and asked, "Miss Xiao Yu, are you waiting here for me?"

"Jiang Chen, I have a few words to tell you." Jian Xiaoyu nodded, blushing and said.

(End of this chapter)

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