genius evil

Chapter 917

Chapter 917

This night, for some people, is destined to be an extremely long night.

Night, around eleven o'clock.

Inside the Wu family, in a small villa, the lights are bright.

Wu Qingya held a glass of red wine in her hand and drank it one after another, looking distracted.

Opposite Wu Qingya, sat a pure-faced woman. The woman was wearing a long pink dress, so she looked a little more innocent.

"Qingya, you've already drank a lot, don't drink tonight." Looking at Wu Qingya, she drank more than half of the red wine in the glass after a while, the pure woman said with a little worry.

Wu Qingya started drinking two hours ago, and has been drinking until now, drinking several bottles of red wine in a row.

Although the alcohol content of the wine was not high, Wu Qingya drank so much that the pure girl could tell that Wu Qingya was about to get drunk.

But when the pure woman said this, Wu Qingya raised her neck and poured the remaining half of the wine into her throat.

"Pour the wine." Wu Qingya said lightly.

"Qingya, don't drink it." The pure woman looked embarrassed.

"I asked you to pour me wine, are you deaf?" Who knew, Wu Qingya suddenly burst into a rage, and said angrily.

The pure girl was startled, she didn't understand why Wu Qingya was so angry for no reason, but she also knew that even if she didn't pour wine for Wu Qingya, she wouldn't do, otherwise Wu Qingya would be even more angry.

The relationship between her and Wu Qingya is extraordinary, and she knows very well what the consequences will be if Wu Qingya turns his back on her. She can only obediently pour wine for Wu Qingya.

"Fill it up." Wu Qingya said coldly when she saw that this pure woman wanted to stop after pouring only half a glass.

The innocent woman smiled wryly without words, and poured her obedience.

After the glass of wine was filled, Wu Qingya picked up the glass, and instead of drinking it one sip as before, she drank the glass of wine in one breath in just one minute.


Perhaps it was because of drinking too fast, after drinking a glass of wine, Wu Qingya coughed violently, until her fair face was flushed red from coughing.

"Qingya, are you okay? I'll go get you some water." Seeing this, the pure girl stood up quickly.

"Sit down." Wu Qingya beckoned, stared at the pure woman for a few moments, and said, "Xiaochun, I have a few questions for you, you must answer me honestly, if I know you are hiding something If so, I will not forgive you lightly."

What Wu Qingya said was very serious, with a strong tone. The pure girl called Xiaochun was shocked, and she looked at Wu Qingya pitifully, not knowing what question Wu Qingya wanted to ask herself, but she had such a tone. Serious look.

Xiao Chun sat up straight, waiting for Wu Qingya's question.

"Tell me, am I pretty?" Wu Qingya then asked.

"Pretty." Xiao Chun said without hesitation.

This is not a compliment, but Xiaochun thinks Wu Qingya is beautiful from the bottom of her heart.

In other words, Xiao Chun would not think that anyone, especially a man, thought Wu Qingya was not beautiful, unless that man was blind.

"Tell me again, am I in good shape?" Wu Qingya asked again.

"Qing Ya, you have a very good figure, an incomparably perfect figure." Xiao Chun replied without hesitation.

She has seen Wu Qingya's figure before, it looks thin, but in fact it is plump, big where it should be big, and small where it should be small.

Although it is a bit of an exaggeration to describe it as too fat by one point, and too thin by one point, it is still lordotic and backward, with exquisite curves.

Xiaochun felt that if Wu Qingya's figure was not considered good, then unless the definition of a good figure was redefined.

Otherwise, no matter what, Wu Qingya's figure cannot be said to be bad.

"This means that I am both beautiful and have a good figure, right?" Wu Qingya murmured.

"Qingya, what's wrong with you, has something happened?" Xiaochun asked worriedly.

Wu Qingya asked two questions in a row, and the two seemingly inexplicable questions were clearly full of unconfident emotions.

Xiaochun couldn't understand why Wu Qingya was not confident?

In other words, who was it that made Wu Qingya feel unconfident?

"It's nothing, I'm just curious, since you think I'm so good, why does Jiang Chen look down on me." Wu Qingya asked.

Speaking of this, Wu Qingya's tone of voice changed suddenly, and she asked sharply: "Did you deceive me? In fact, I am not as good as you said."

Xiaochun's face changed drastically, and he said anxiously: "Qingya, don't get me wrong, how could I deceive you, you are really perfect."

"Really? Then tell me now why Jiang Chen doesn't like me?" Wu Qingya said angrily.

"Qingya, Jiang Chen doesn't like you, it's naturally his problem, it has nothing to do with you at all." Xiaochun said with a bitter face.

"Jiang Chen's question? What question will Jiang Chen have?" Wu Qingya continued to ask aggressively.

Xiaochun stammered and said, "It may be that Jiang Chen just doesn't like the type of you Qingya, or it may be that Jiang Chen has not discovered the advantages of Qingya in you."

"If you don't like my type, doesn't that still mean that I'm not good." Wu Qingya sighed.

Seeing this, Xiaochun was very depressed. She found that Wu Qingya had stumbled into a dead end unknowingly.

That is, what she was thinking about was that Jiang Chen didn't like her, but she never thought about it. In fact, besides Jiang Chen, she had other choices.

Xiaochun just said: "Qingya, why did you hang yourself on a tree? In terms of your conditions, as long as you are willing, it is not an exaggeration to say that a man who pursues you is like a crucian carp in a river, isn't it? ?”

"You mean, let me give up Jiang Chen and find another man?" Wu Qingya said, frowning.

"Qing Ya, the man who doesn't like you, no matter how much you do and how well you do, he will turn a blind eye to it. There is absolutely no need for you to wrong yourself because of Jiang Chen." Xiao Chun said.

"But in this world, is there a better man than Jiang Chen?" Wu Qingya asked in a daze.

"Qingya, the best may not necessarily be the most suitable for you, maybe you can find the most suitable man, right?" Xiaochun said seriously.

"Shut up, you bloody slut." For some reason, Wu Qingya suddenly became furious, grabbed the red wine bottle, and smashed it on Xiaochun's head.

"You don't understand anything at all. The man I, Wu Qingya, doesn't want is suitable for me, but the best one. You bitch, you keep asking me to find another man. What's on your mind?" Wu Qingya snapped. Said, looking gloomy.

Xiao Chun was so frightened by Wu Qingya's reaction that she shivered. She stretched out her hand and wiped it, and clearly found blood overflowing from the part of her head where the red wine bottle hit her.

But she didn't dare to find something to stop the bleeding, and looked at Wu Qingya in shock.

"Get out, stay away, don't die here." Wu Qingya was still furious, grabbed another wine glass, and threw it on Xiaochun's body.

Xiaochun was in a panic, hurriedly, staggering back.

"Jiang Chen, I know you don't like me, and you don't like me at all, but don't worry, I, Wu Qingya, will never go to another man if you don't want me in my life. You guard yourself like a jade." Wu Qingya said like a raving, as if she was dazed.

"Jiang Chen, I guard myself like a jade for you. Perhaps the Wu family can still be preserved. If I find another man, I am afraid that there will be no Wu family in the capital after the Zheng family. So, you understand what I mean. Is it?" Wu Qingya said again, stretched out her hand and rubbed her face vigorously, her face was gloomy.

Gui Yuanzong, together with the Zhao family and Li family among the four small families in the capital, and the Wang family among the four major families in the capital, dealt with Jiang Chen together.

However, including Chang Zhile, the heads of the sects behind these big families all fell, and everyone was in danger for a while.

Inside the Wu family.

Ever since Wang Mingjie received the news, his face had been livid, as if he had been frightened.

Indeed, Wang Mingjie had received a great shock. Before he could do anything clearly, Chang Zhile vowed that Jiang Chen would definitely die.

But judging from the current situation, what Chang Zhile said was simply farting.

"Wang Longxiang, tell me, what will Jiang Chen do next?" Wang Mingjie asked Wang Longxiang.

Wang Longxiang was smoking, a pack of low-quality cigarettes, puff after puff, endlessly, with a tendency to smoke forever.

Hearing the words, Wang Longxiang grinned, showing a mouthful of smoked black and yellow teeth and smiled, and said: "The winner is the king, and the loser is just a bandit. Why are you so nervous?"

"Aren't you nervous?" Wang Mingjie said angrily, almost yelling.

His ass is almost on fire, Wang Longxiang is good, he is leisurely and leisurely, as if nothing has happened, but don't forget, this guy is also from the Wang family.

If Jiang Chen wanted to trouble the Wang family, Wang Longxiang would definitely not be able to run away.

"Of course I'm not nervous." Wang Longxiang said lazily. At the end, he grinned again, took out two cigarettes from the crumpled cigarette case, and said, "There are two last cigarettes left, do you want one?" .”

"No." For Wang Longxiang's cigarette, Wang Mingjie was not even interested in taking a look at it.

"It's fine if you don't smoke, I'm still reluctant to give it to you." Wang Longxiang said, stuffing two cigarettes into his mouth at once, lighting it up, and smoking happily.

After a while, the living room was filled with smog, which made Wang Mingjie, who was already irritable, even more annoyed.

After finishing the two cigarettes quickly, Wang Longxiang got up, patted his buttocks, and walked outside.

"What are you doing?" Wang Mingjie asked in amazement.

"It's time to leave the capital, isn't it?" Wang Longxiang said lightly, and then disappeared from Wang Mingjie's sight without waiting for Wang Mingjie's response.

"Fuck!" Wang Mingjie was dumbfounded, completely messed up.

Naturally, it was not only Wu Qingya or Wang Mingjie who were in danger, but also countless people from the Li family and the Zhao family. For them, this night was destined to be a sleepless night.

After all, the sky in the capital has completely changed...

(End of this chapter)

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