genius evil

Chapter 918 You Can Undress Now

Chapter 918 You Can Undress Now

Early the next morning, Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang appeared downstairs in Jiang Chen's dormitory, but they didn't see them until nearly ten o'clock. walk out.

Seeing Jiang Chen appear, Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang, one in front and one behind, quickly walked over.

"Uh, you two, why are you here?" Jiang Chen asked with a strange expression.

"Young master, are you joking? Yes, you must be joking." Qian Fugui said.

How they came, others may not know, but how can Jiang Chen not know?
Overnight, the backing of several big families collapsed, and the next time must be the time for Jiang Chen to reap the fruits of victory, and he and Sun Haoyang came to join in the fun, by the way, Jiang Chen ate meat, and the two of them got some soup food.

But Jiang Chen actually asked the two of them why they came here. If this is not a joke, what is it?

"I'm so hungry right now, I'm not in the mood to joke with you." Jiang Chen said lazily, and walked towards the cafeteria.

"Master...are you kidding me?" Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang looked at each other and quickly followed, Qian Fugui asked hesitantly.

"Speak directly, I'm not in the mood to guess riddles." Yawning, Jiang Chen said angrily.

Because of Jian Xiaoyu, Jiang Chen didn't sleep well last night. I have to say that Jian Xiaoyu was too irresponsible. Jiang Chen decided that next time he has a chance, he must teach Jian Xiaoyu how to be responsible.

Otherwise, if this kind of behavior of teasing him and running away happens again, it will kill him.

"But Young Master, why do I feel that you are still joking." Qian Fugui said in great bewilderment.

Entering the cafeteria, Jiang Chen ordered a lot of food, and he couldn't stop the trend. Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang saw it, and they were stunned. The two of them felt that Jiang Chen was too So heartless.

Could it be that Jiang Chen didn't know, because of what happened last night, the entire capital city was in chaos?

Under such circumstances, Jiang Chen was so calm and completely unaware of the perpetrators. This made Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang not know what to say.

"Young master, do you have any plans for today?" Qian Fugui grinned and asked.

"What arrangements do you want from me?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"Eldest Young Master, don't be like this, okay? I beg you, okay?" Qian Fugui is a hard worker, how dare he arrange Jiang Chen.

If he really dared to arrange Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen would definitely slap him to death.

Jiang Chen couldn't help smiling, and said, "I understand what you guys mean, but I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed today, I don't have time."

"Boss, you are naturally very busy." Qian Fugui said as a matter of course.

"No way, who made me handsome." Jiang Chen sighed and said helplessly.

The corner of Qian Fugui's mouth twitched, and he said, "Young Master, can I ask, what are you busy with today?"

"Picking up girls." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Ever since, the corners of Sun Haoyang's mouth, who hadn't spoken much, twitched.

Well, this reason is so strong that it is impossible to refute it.

Jiang Chen wanted to have breakfast, and his appetite was unbelievable, but Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang, who ran over early in the morning and had nothing to eat, had no appetite at all.

The two who originally planned to follow Jiang Chen to watch a lively scene had no choice but to leave in despair.

"Young Master Sun, is it true or false what Eldest Young Master said just now?" Qian Fugui asked.

"Which sentence?" Sun Haoyang said.

"Pick up girls." Qian Fugui reminded.

"I think it should be true." Sun Haoyang smiled wryly.

"Okay, I also think it's true, but is it really okay for the young master to do this? This is a rhythm that kills people every minute." Qian Fugui grinned.

Naturally, it wasn't him and Sun Haoyang who were going to be forced to death. The only loss for the two of them was that they couldn't see the excitement today.

But I can't see it today, there will always be lively and interesting ones, so there is no need to rush for a while.

The ones who will be forced to death are the Zhao family, the Li family and the Wang family.

The last backing of the three major families collapsed, and they were tantamount to the doomsday. Inside the family, people must be in panic, waiting for Jiang Chen's trial all day long.

If Jiang Chen came directly to the door, it would be better to say, anyway, they are already fish on the chopping board, they are left to be slaughtered by Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen can slaughter as he wants.

But Jiang Chen was fine, at this critical moment, he wanted to pick up girls.

It's nothing more than Jiang Chen picking up girls. For the three major families, it almost means that Jiang Chen is using a slow knife to cut their flesh. This kind of suffering while waiting is more painful than Jiang Chen directly killing them. More than ten thousand times.

"So you think Young Master Jiang did it on purpose?" Sun Haoyang pondered, trying to figure out Jiang Chen's thoughts and intentions.

"Who knows, maybe young and old think that picking up girls is more important." Qian Fugui smacked his mouth and said.

Sun Haoyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, thought for a while and said, "I guess Young Master Jiang has other intentions in doing this."

Jiang Chen didn't have any intentions at all, he just wanted to pick up girls, to be precise, he wanted to be picked up by girls.

Because he didn't sleep well last night, Jiang Chen originally wanted to catch up on sleep during the day, but was woken up by a phone call from Nangong Hua.

Fortunately, it was because of Nangonghua's call, otherwise, Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang would have to wait until the year of the monkey.

After breakfast, Jiang Chen swayed and walked towards the house that Nangong Hua rented outside.

Nangong Hua had already been waiting for Jiang Chen in the room. When she heard footsteps, she opened the door without waiting for Jiang Chen to knock on the door. She smiled sweetly and said softly, "Jiang Chen, you are here."

"Miss Nangong, do you have a fever?" Jiang Chen asked, without any explanation, one hand covered Nangong Hua's smooth and plump forehead.

After feeling it for a while, Jiang Chen said strangely: "The body temperature is normal, and I don't have a fever, but since I don't have a fever, why is your voice so weird? If you don't believe me, touch my arm, do you have goose bumps? gone?"

While talking, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand for Nangong Hua to touch.

Nangong Hua glanced at Jiang Chen, angry and ashamed, pushed Jiang Chen's hand away angrily, and said, "Jiang Chen, you can take off your clothes now."

"Could it be too fast?" Jiang Chen asked coyly.

Seeing Jiang Chen's incomparably contrived appearance, Nangong Hua suddenly felt amused, and said solemnly: "I'm having an inspiration, take off your clothes quickly, or you won't feel it for a while, and you shouldn't be able to draw today."

"Actually, I'm mainly worried. When I take off my clothes, even if you are full of inspiration, you won't be able to draw anymore." Jiang Chen also said seriously.

It’s fine if Jiang Chen didn’t say this, but when he said it, Nangong Hua just remembered what happened in this rental house last time, and she was so ashamed that she blushed and said, “Jiang Chen, don’t talk nonsense, a big man takes off some clothes. It’s just clothes, what are you doing? If you don’t want to take off your clothes, forget it, I won’t draw today.”

But almost following Nangonghua's words, Nangonghua realized that Jiang Chen standing in front of her became unshaven, and all the clothes on his body were clean in an instant.

It was as if Jiang Chen had no clothes on when he entered the door just now.

Even last time, I had experienced Jiang Chen's undressing speed, but this time, Nangong Hua was still dumbfounded.

Too fast, really too fast.

Not to mention her speaking speed, she couldn't keep up with Jiang Chen's undressing speed, even if it was the speed of her naked eyes, it couldn't keep up with Jiang Chen's undressing speed.

Nangong Hua really couldn't figure out how a big man could undress so fast.

Could it be that practice makes perfect?
I heard that Jiang Chen has many girlfriends. Apart from being good at undressing people's clothes, Jiang Chen is also very good at taking off his clothes in the shortest possible time.

"Miss Nangong, it's rare for you to have inspiration. Naturally, I have to cooperate well. Tell me, what post should I put up today?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Just kidding, he is just a big man taking off a few clothes, what is there to be shy about?

What's more, Nangong Hua is so generous, she took the initiative to ask him to come over, and even took the initiative to ask him to take off her clothes. How stupid would he be if he twisted Nini's clothes?

Jiang Chen realized that he was not only a man who is considerate but also a man who is considerate. Naturally, he would not make such a stupid mistake.

"It's the same as last time." Nangong Hua said, her small face was getting more and more red, and she didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen, but from the corner of her eyes, she looked at Jiang Chen quietly again.

Last time, Nangong Hua noticed that Jiang Chen's figure was so good that it exploded. This time, the visual impact Jiang Chen's figure gave her was still shocking.

Although she said she had inspiration, after Jiang Chen took off her clothes, Nangong Hua couldn't help but worry, very worried about whether she could paint smoothly today.

In addition, Nangong Hua was still very worried about whether Jiang Chen would cooperate. What if Jiang Chen bullied her like last time?Should she refuse?Or should I cooperate with the situation and finish the things that I didn't finish last time because of Gu Wanxi's interruption?
But if he cooperates with Jiang Chen, will Jiang Chen be too cheap? After all, Jiang Chen really has many girlfriends, and the fairy tale is like being brainwashed by Jiang Chen, knowing that Jiang Chen has many girlfriends He also kept saying good things for Jiang Chen.

If she cooperated with Jiang Chen, wouldn't it mean that she was also brainwashed by Jiang Chen without knowing it?

Nangong Hua thought a lot at once, and her thoughts were inexplicably complicated. Fortunately, Jiang Chen was quite honest. Like last time, he lay on his side on the cloth and did not make any other moves.

Taking a breath, Nangong Hua forced herself to hold back her restless mood, walked to the canvas, and began to paint.

I don't know if it's because of the previous experience. When Nangonghua started painting, she unexpectedly found that she quickly devoted herself to it without distracting thoughts, and even for a long time, she hadn't made any progress. The drawing skills seem to have improved a lot.

Nangong Hua was overjoyed, because she was more devoted, so, after meeting without knowing it, an hour or two passed...

(End of this chapter)

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