genius evil

Chapter 919 Jiang Chen Was Injured

Chapter 919 Jiang Chen Was Injured

When Nangonghua looked at her watch and realized that nearly two hours had passed, she herself was a little taken aback.

When she was painting before, she had never lasted for such a long time in one breath, and the process of painting would always be interrupted for some reason.

Either because of the outside world, or because of oneself, in short, it is always impossible to concentrate for too long.

But this time, after drawing for nearly two hours at a stretch, she was still immersed in it and couldn't extricate herself. She didn't feel tired at all, but became more and more excited, as if she had inexhaustible energy.

This was a state of mind that had never been seen before. Nangong Hua was even a little startled, not understanding how she became so excited for no reason.

What's more, the only emotion she has now is excitement. When looking at Jiang Chen's beautiful body, she is not shy at all. She appreciates it purely from an aesthetic point of view. What I saw were all Jiang Chen's lines and nothing else, replacing all other emotions.

"Jiang Chen, are you tired? Why don't you take a break?" Nangong Hua didn't feel tired, but she was worried that Jiang Chen would be tired, so she asked.

"Miss Nangong, you are not tired, how can I be tired, don't waste time, go ahead, finish painting early, so we have time to do other things." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I didn't finish the painting so quickly, it will take at least half a month." Nangonghua subconsciously responded.

Even though this painting was drawn entirely at Jiang Chen's instigation, on a whim, without any preparation in advance, nor did he put too much enthusiasm into it.

But the painting process of nearly two hours before had already made Nangong Hua realize that this unfinished painting might be the best and unprecedented one in her history.

Nangong Hua intends to devote more time and energy to complete this painting, and there is no room for sloppyness. She is now very much looking forward to what effect this painting will have when it is completely completed.

Although, because of the sensitive subject matter, she will seal up this painting after it is completed and never see the light of day again, but Nangong Hua is still looking forward to it.

According to her estimate, this process will take at least half a month, but it doesn't matter, even if it takes a month or two, it is very worthwhile for Nangonghua, she is very happy and willing to do that Do.

As long as she is happy for herself and spends a little more time, what is it?

After saying this, Nangong Hua was about to continue, when she suddenly found that Jiang Chen was looking at her with a smile that was not a smile.

Nangong Hua was slightly taken aback, wondering what Jiang Chen was doing with such a weird smile, but suddenly he thumped, realizing suddenly that he himself would be wrong.

The point of Jiang Chen's words was not when she finished painting, but that after she stopped painting, the two of them would do other things together.

In the small rental house, there is nothing but easels, drawing boards and drawing paper. In this environment, there are too few things that lonely men and widows can do.

So little, there is almost only one thing to do.

That matter was Jiang Chen and her doing that man and woman thing.

After realizing this, Nangong Hua's face immediately turned hot red, and she stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes, shy and sad at the same time.

This damn guy, when he was with her, he only wanted to do that kind of thing and nothing else?
Can't you be a little more subtle and romantic?

Maybe, if Jiang Chen created a little romance, she would take the initiative to throw herself into Jiang Chen's arms, and let Jiang Chen get what he wanted?

"Miss Nangong, do you understand?" Seeing Nangong Hua blushing, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I'm having inspiration right now, so don't harass me." Nangong Hua said embarrassedly.

"Don't worry, I'm waiting for you to harass me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Nangong Hua glared at Jiang Chen again. Is it possible for her to harass him?

It is undeniable that Jiang Chen's figure is so good, and it is also undeniable that Jiang Chen is incomparably handsome, but she will not harass Jiang Chen.

It is said that in the matter of men and women, whoever takes the initiative loses. When she learned that Jiang Chen had many girlfriends, she also took the initiative to contact Jiang Chen and invite Jiang Chen to come here, which was already a half-lost.

Nangong Hua didn't want to lose the remaining half of the chip, and abandon her reserve as a woman.

"Then just wait." Nangong Hua pretended not to care.

Then, Nangonghua continued to paint. Anyway, Jiang Chen said he was not tired, but wanted to see how long Jiang Chen could endure before revealing his pervert nature.

Anyway, no matter what, she couldn't take the initiative to harass Jiang Chen, and she wouldn't do that even if she was killed.

With high energy and unprecedented concentration, Nangonghua quickly devoted herself to painting and fell into a state of selflessness when she continued to paint.

Nangonghua's emotional changes naturally cannot escape Jiang Chen's eyes. Although it is a bit regrettable, Nangonghua may have to draw for a long time before harassing him.

But from another point of view, I have to say that Nangong Hua, who is serious, has a different kind of charm, that kind of charm.That kind of charm made him feel his heart beat.

Nangong Hua was painting at the moment, and in Jiang Chen's eyes, such a scene was a flawless masterpiece, and he even disturbed Nangong Hua with a little bit of reluctance.

This is also the reason why Nangonghua had been painting for nearly two hours without saying a word. He was already very satisfied just admiring Nangonghua quietly.

Nangong Hua really planned to paint for several hours in a row. If energy allowed, the longer the better, the time passed quietly in the process of painting like Nangong Hua.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, Li's house.

Li Tianxing and Li Yiqun, father and son, sat face to face on the sofa in the living room. Both father and son had expressions of anxiety that could not be concealed.

"What time is it?" Li Yiqun stretched out his hand and unbuttoned a button of his shirt. Feeling an invisible pressure on his body, making him a little out of breath, he simply took off his tie and threw it on the sofa. Finally, I feel that my breathing is a little smoother.

"Three fifteen." Li Tianxing took the mobile phone on the coffee table, glanced at the time, and then put the mobile phone back.

In his current state, he doesn't even have the mood to play with his mobile phone, which makes it unimaginable for him to never leave his mobile phone at ordinary times.

"Is it this late already?" Frowning, Li Yiqun murmured.

"Dad, it's actually still early, but what do you think Jiang Chen is thinking? Why hasn't there been any movement until now?" Li Tianxing asked in a muffled voice.

The father and son didn't go out today. They made a special trip to Li's house, waiting for Jiang Chen's visit. Specifically, they were waiting for Jiang Chen to come to Li's house to make trouble.

Even, they have already figured out how to deal with it. It is nothing more than humble begging for mercy. At worst, just like the Zheng family, the Li family disappeared from the capital overnight.

However, after waiting for several hours from morning to afternoon, it was fine that Jiang Chen didn't come, and he didn't bother to find other families. There was no news at all, which made them very puzzled.

Both Li Yiqun and Li Tianxing felt that, anyway, the Li family was already a piece of fish on the chopping board. If Jiang Chen had a better time, he would be less miserable. Can't stand it.

"How would I know what he thinks." Li Yiqun said with a wry smile.

In the past, he had a lot of speculations about Jiang Chen, but in the end it all proved that those speculations were all his self-righteousness, and he couldn't understand Jiang Chen at all.

The fate of the Li family is at stake right now, so Li Yiqun doesn't want to make too many assumptions, he also understands that the initiative is not in his hands, and it would be a waste of effort to think about it.

"Well, we don't know what Jiang Chen is thinking, but this matter is indeed too strange. That guy Jiang Chen has always been very unscrupulous in his actions. It is impossible to leave us a chance to breathe unless he encounters something. Trouble." Li Tianxing said.

"Tianxing, what do you mean?" Li Yiqun looked at Jiang Chen.

"What happened last night, except for a few people, the rest of the people don't know what's going on. Tell me, is it possible that Jiang Chen was injured and that's why he didn't come to my Li family to make trouble? " Li Tianxing said in a deep voice.

"Injured?" Li Yiqun's eyes flickered immediately.

He felt that this possibility was not impossible, otherwise, this situation was too strange and did not conform to Jiang Chen's behavior style at all.

No one in the capital can cause trouble for Jiang Chen, unless Jiang Chen himself is in trouble, and the only reasonable explanation for this trouble may be that Jiang Chen was injured last night.

"Tianxing, ask someone to go to Capital University to check and see if there is any news." Li Yiqun said immediately after his heart moved.

Li Tianxing nodded, picked up his mobile phone and made a call. Twenty minutes later, there was a response... The investigators told them that Jiang Chen was not at the Capital University.

"Could it be that you're really injured?" Li Yiqun and Li Tianxing and his son looked at each other.

"Dad, do you want to do something next?" Li Tianxing then said, Jiang Chen was not at Capital University, which made Li Tianxing feel that Jiang Chen was more likely to be injured.

"That's right, it's time to do something. We can't just sit and wait for death." Li Yiqun nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Let someone spread the news of Jiang Chen's injury. If it's more serious, we'll see that Jiang Chen is about to die, and then send someone to Keep a close eye on the reactions of the Zhao family and the Wang family."

"Dad, don't you want them to deal with Jiang Chen again? Do they have the guts?" Li Tianxing asked in astonishment.

"Whether they have the guts or not, this may be the only chance to turn things around, and we must seize it." Li Yiqun gritted his teeth.

Then, Li Yiqun said to Li Tianxing: "Send someone to investigate Jiang Chen's whereabouts. If Jiang Chen is only slightly injured, it's fine. If Jiang Chen is seriously injured, hmph..."

At the end, Li Yiqun just snorted coldly and didn't continue, but the murderous intent in his words was self-evident. Li Tianxing nodded vigorously and began to make arrangements without stopping...

(End of this chapter)

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