genius evil

Chapter 920 The stingy man

Chapter 920 The stingy man

Good things don't go out, bad things pass thousands of miles.

Especially at such a sensitive stage, especially when it was about Jiang Chen's bad deeds.

After the Li family intentionally exaggerated the news that Jiang Chen was seriously injured and was on the verge of death, and spread it out, the Zhao family and Wang family received the news very quickly.

Just like the Li family and their sons sat there waiting for Jiang Chen to come to the door, the Zhao family and the Wang family were facing the same situation.

Rumors were circulating, as if someone saw it with their own eyes, and the evidence was conclusive, that Jiang Chen was seriously injured and was about to die.

This news, no matter for the Zhao family or the Wang family, was very sudden. After receiving the news, a small-scale earthquake was triggered within the two families.

Jiang Chen was in a rented house, completely unaware that he was injured once and almost died.

Time passed quickly, and by the time Nangong Hua stopped writing for a rest, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

Looking at the time, Nangong Hua stuck out her tongue mischievously. Even though she was delaying time on purpose, she never expected that several hours had passed all of a sudden.

"Jiang Chen, are you hungry?" Nangong Hua said apologetically, a little guilty, feeling that she had gone too far, which must have caused Jiang Chen's dissatisfaction.

If it made Jiang Chen angry, that would be bad. Would you think she is a very artificial woman?

But at the same time as guilty, Nangong Hua felt a little wronged, because she didn't mean to delay for such a long time, and before she knew it, she couldn't stop at all.

"What do you think?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"Jiang Chen, put on your clothes, let's go eat now, how about I treat you?" Nangong Hua then said.

"Hey, I don't know what happened, but I suddenly realized that I'm not hungry at all." Jiang Chen said in amazement.

I just want to dismiss him after just one meal. Is he, Jiang Chen, such an easy person to dismiss?

"But I'm hungry." Nangong Hua said.

From morning to evening, without a drop of water, Nangong Hua felt that she was about to starve to death.

"Miss Nangong, don't tease me, okay?" Jiang Chen sighed.

"I didn't lie to you, I'm really hungry." Nangong Hua said seriously.

"Miss Nangong, I think you are still teasing me." Jiang Chen also said seriously, and then sighed again.

Nangong Hua stared blankly at Jiang Chen, a little wanting to laugh, but it took a while to forcefully hold back, and how could she not know what Jiang Chen was up to?

It's also embarrassing, Jiang Chen actually endured it for so long, which made Nangong Hua feel quite incredible, because she felt that Jiang Chen didn't have to be like this.

After all, if Jiang Chen really wanted to do something to her, how could she resist it?
Nangong Hua knew that Jiang Chen was doing this for her own good, and didn't want to disturb her painting process.

Nangong Hua felt a little funny, but more moved, hesitated for a moment, walked over, bent over, lightly kissed Jiang Chen on the face, and said with a light smile, "Jiang Chen, is this okay for the head office? "

As she spoke, Nangong Hua was about to get up, but how could Jiang Chen make her wish come true, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he wrapped her in his arms, and the two of them rolled down on the cloth spread out on the ground together.

"Miss Nangong, do you still remember what I said before?"

"What?" Nangong Hua asked uneasily, feeling Jiang Chen's two hands moving restlessly on her body.

"Did I say that I was waiting for you to harass me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.


In an instant, her beautiful eyes widened suddenly, and Nangong Hua was stunned.

Of course she remembered that Jiang Chen had said this, and she swore to herself that she would never take the initiative to harass Jiang Chen, but what did she do just now?

It seemed like he didn't do anything, just kissed Jiang Chen.

But, would Jiang Chen think that she was harassment?
Nangong Hua immediately wanted to cry, but the reason why she kissed Jiang Chen was purely a small reward for Jiang Chen, and she had no other intentions.

But in the current situation, even if she explained it, Jiang Chen would not believe it anymore. Moreover, Jiang Chen had been waiting for her to harass him, so she took the initiative to send it to the door.

"Miss Nangong, you see that you have taken the initiative, should you wait a little longer for dinner?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

His two hands were walking on Nangong Hua's body through the clothes, and he obviously felt the girl's soft body trembling slightly as his two hands moved.

"We can't wait, let's go eat now." Nangong Hua buried her head in Jiang Chen's chest, her voice was inaudible.

"But, you've taken off all your clothes, how are you going to eat?" Jiang Chen said in a strange tone.

Then, Nangong Hua realized that the clothes on her body, unconsciously, one after another, were separated from her body, and she and Jiang Chen hugged each other naked.

Nangong Hua was filled with embarrassment and indignation. As expected, undressing can be done with practice. Jiang Chen took off his own clothes very quickly, and undressing hers was also incredibly fast.

Although this was not the first time Jiang Chen took off her clothes, the speed last time was much slower than this time.

This means that in just a few days, Jiang Chen's ability to undress people's clothing has greatly increased.

"I can put it on." Nangong Hua's voice became softer.

"Why bother, after all, even if you put it on now, I will take it off for you again. Undressing is fun, but there is another thing that is more fun than undressing." Jiang Chen smiled. said.

Nangonghua subconsciously wanted to ask what was the matter, but she had no time to say it, and her red lips were blocked by Jiang Chen, swallowing all her voice.


A shallow moan came from the depths of Nangong Hua's throat. Nangong Hua subconsciously wanted to resist, but her hands couldn't help but hugged Jiang Chen tightly, and responded clumsily.

Jiang Chen was domineering and wild. This kiss gave Nangong Hua the feeling that she was going to be swallowed by Jiang Chen in one bite. Whenever she was crushed by Jiang Chen, she was unconscious.

"Miss Nangong, this time, no one can save you." Jiang Chen said a little greedily, scanning Nangonghua's perfect and delicate body.

For the last time, Gu Wanxi ruined a good thing at a critical moment, Jiang Chen is not without complaints, but fortunately, now he can revisit the old place, finally let Jiang Chen's mood a little balanced.

Otherwise, with such a small matter, he could remember Gu Wanxi for the rest of his life!

Nangong Hua is so smart. When Jiang Chen said this, she wanted to die from the embarrassment of the last time. She chuckled and said, "Why are you still thinking about it? Wan Xi didn't do it on purpose. Besides, everyone apologized to you .”

"It's because she didn't do it on purpose that I'm thinking about it." Jiang Chen said.

If Gu Wanxi did it on purpose, he would have thrown Gu Wanxi out at that time, but because Gu Wanxi didn't do it on purpose, he had no place to vent his full stomach of resentment.

"A stingy man." Nangong Hua couldn't help but rolled her eyes, thinking that if it wasn't for being disturbed by Gu Wanxi last time, how could she take the initiative to call Jiang Chen here.

She just wanted to make up for Jiang Chen, that's why she chose to rent a house, otherwise, even if she wanted to ask Jiang Chen, she would have made an appointment elsewhere.

After all, the environment of this rental house is so bad that it doesn't even have a bed.

She is a conservative woman in essence, otherwise, Jiang Chen would not have even talked to her boyfriend until now, and Jiang Chen was just cheap.

For her first time, Nangong Hua cherishes it very much. She wants to leave a good memory for herself, a memory that she will never regret.

The last time she was here, she almost handed over her body to Jiang Chen. It was a small accident. Firstly, Jiang Chen could not refuse, and secondly, she had a very strong affection for Jiang Chen.

For Jiang Chen, Gu Wanxi's appearance ruined her good deeds, but for Nangonghua, it made her feel like reining in at a critical moment.

But this incident seemed to be a curse, and she couldn't escape no matter what. In order to make up for Jiang Chen, she finally wanted to give her body to Jiang Chen in this dilapidated small rental house.

After thinking about it for a while, Nangong Hua's mind was not uncomplicated.

Moreover, Nangonghua didn't know if Jiang Chen understood her painstaking efforts. If Jiang Chen understood, he would cherish her even more in the future.

And if Jiang Chen didn't understand, although Nangong Hua would not regret it, she would still feel a little pity.

Of course, even though she was hiding such thoughts, Nangong Hua just couldn't say these words if she wanted to tell Jiang Chen directly.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "If beautiful woman Wanxi ruins my good deed again, you will understand what real stinginess is."

Having said that, Jiang Chen suddenly became excited, and asked inexplicably nervously: "Miss Nangong, Miss Wanxi probably won't be here today."

"Probably... no." After thinking about it, Nangong Hua said.

It was a coincidence last time, this time, that kind of situation will not happen again, Nangong Hua thinks.

"If you're not afraid of [-], you're just in case. How about you call Beauty Wanxi and tell her not to come here today no matter what. If Beauty Wanxi asks you why, just say I'm here, presumably she I will understand." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"In that case, wouldn't it be telling Wan Xi that the two of us... two..." Nangong Hua blushed, unable to say what was going on behind her.

Jiang Chen was right when he thought about it. Originally, the matter between him and Nangong Hua had nothing to do with Gu Wanxi, but after making this phone call, wouldn't it mean that there is no silver 300 taels here, and he told Gu Wanxi clearly that he is going to harm Nangong Hua? ?
It was a bit too ostentatious, easily giving people a suspicion of showing off, Jiang Chen thought that this was not in line with his usual low-key style.

"Miss Nangong, what's wrong with the two of us?" Jiang Chen teased.

"Jiang Chen!" Nangong Hua gritted her teeth. At this time, this damn guy actually still has the intention to tease her.

Jiang Chen laughed, and kissed Nangonghua again. The two hot bodies were pressed tightly together, as if they were about to melt.

"Bang... bang bang..."

The sound of knocking on the door suddenly rang at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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