genius evil

Chapter 921 You Are Dissatisfied With Desires

Chapter 921 You Are Dissatisfied With Desires

The knock on the door was not loud, and it was obvious that the person who knocked on the door was quite reserved in character. However, when the sound of knocking on the door reached Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua's ears, it seemed that there was a thunderbolt. The ears of the two of them exploded, and the two of them were completely fried!

Jiang Chen's eyes turned black, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. He asked depressedly: "Miss Nangong, didn't you say that Miss Wanxi won't come?"

"How do you know it's Wan Xi?" Nangong Hua asked in embarrassment.

She wasn't sure if Gu Wanxi would come, she just felt that the probability of Gu Wanxi coming was not very high, but how could she have thought that such a small probability would happen?

Moreover, counting the last time, this time is already the second time.

Nangong Hua felt that if she had known this would happen early in the morning, she should have followed Jiang Chen's suggestion and called Gu Wanxi.Even if you don't say that Jiang Chen is here, it's good to find any reason.

"Don't doubt it, it's her." Jiang Chen said with incomparable certainty.

The method of knocking on the door, the frequency of the vibration when the door was knocked, and the rhythm of breathing, Jiang Chen didn't even need to open the door to see, he could conclude that the person standing outside the door was Gu Wanxi.

"Is it really Wanxi? Why did she come at this time?" Nangong Hua said in an extremely messy manner.

It was a coincidence that Gu Wanxi came here last time. I never thought that the exact same situation would happen twice. Nangong Hua couldn't help but wonder if Jiang Chen and Gu Wanxi were incompatible. Otherwise, it would be too weird up.

"This question is not important. The important thing is that Miss Wanxi has already arrived." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Do you want to open the door? Or don't open the door and pretend we're not here?" Nangong Hua asked.

"How did Miss Wanxi come in last time?" Jiang Chen said.

"Ah—" Nangong Hua exclaimed in a low voice.

Because Gu Wanxi often came here to play, she was equipped with a key. The last time she came here, she just took the key to open the door.

If you don't open the door, and wait for Gu Wanxi to open the door with the key, and see the two of them naked again, Nangong Hua feels that she will never have the face to see Gu Wanxi again.

Get up and get dressed, arrange your hair, and 2 minutes later, Nangong Hua went over and opened the door.

"Cousin, ah, Jiang Chen, you're here too." Gu Wanxi walked into the room and greeted Nangong Hua, and when she saw that Jiang Chen was here, her expression suddenly became weird.

"Cousin, did I disturb you and Jiang Chen?" Gu Wanxi asked a little nervously.

The last time she came over, Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua were both naked, and the scene was very embarrassing. This time, although both Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua were fully clothed, it took 2 minutes for Nangong Hua to come to open the door. Because of this situation, Gu Wanxi faintly realized that she seemed to have ruined Jiang Chen and Nangonghua's good deeds again inadvertently.

After realizing this, Gu Wanxi became uneasy.

Last time, she could explain it as an accident, she could pretend that she didn't understand anything, after all, it wasn't intentional, but this time, how should she explain it, would Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua believe it?Although it is true, this time is also an accident.

Gu Wanxi made up her mind that she would come to the rental house less often in the future, and even if she did, she had to call Nangonghua in advance, otherwise if this happened again, even if Nangonghua didn't blame her, Jiang Chen would not blame her. He would hate her too.

After all, no one would be able to bear her repeated bad and good deeds like this.

Putting herself in the shoes of others, Gu Wanxi felt that if others ruined her good deeds like this, she would be extremely angry.

"No, Jiang Chen and I are talking about something." Nangong Hua pretended to be casual.

"Talking about things?" Gu Wanxi expressed doubts.

"Didn't you tell me that you saw Jiang Chen and Zhou Mingzhu together in the cafeteria? I was talking about this with Jiang Chen today." Nangong Hua said with a straight face, even she almost wanted to Believe it.

"Then I'll go first." Lowering her head, Gu Wanxi said, turning around and leaving without waiting for Nangong Hua to respond.

She told Nangonghua that when Jiang Chen and Zhou Mingzhu were together, it was tantamount to suing Nangonghua. Gu Wanxi felt that she was going to be ashamed to death. If Jiang Chen thought she was the kind of woman who likes to make small reports Oh no.

"Don't go, we'll have dinner together later, I'm going to starve to death." Nangong Hua pulled Gu Wanxi back.

"Cousin, I've eaten it, you and Jiang Chen can eat it." Gu Wanxi said in a low voice, while talking, she quietly looked at Jiang Chen, wanting to see if Jiang Chen was angry.

"If you've eaten, you can just accompany me and Jiang Chen and eat something casually." Nangong Hua said, trying her best to pretend that nothing had happened.

"Then... alright." Hearing what Nangong Hua said, Gu Wanxi knew she couldn't refuse, so she had no choice but to agree.

Jiang Chen originally thought that he would eat Nangong Hua first, and then go to eat, but in this situation, he had to go to eat first.

Fortunately, this slowly long night has only just begun, so there is no need to rush for a while.

She didn't go far, and found a small restaurant beside the rented house. While eating, Nangong Hua remembered that she was going to introduce Gu Wanxi to Jiang Chen, but she turned out to be a different person by accident. Became Jiang Chen's girlfriend.

Fortunately, she just wanted to introduce Gu Wanxi to Jiang Chen, but she didn't tell Gu Wanxi about it, otherwise, how the two sisters should get along would be a big problem.

Different from Nangonghua's bold style when eating, Gu Wanxi took small bites when eating, like a bunny, with a kind of indescribable cuteness.

For the sake of Gu Wanxi's cuteness, Jiang Chen suddenly felt that even if Gu Wanxi made a mistake twice, it didn't seem unforgivable.

"Beauty Wanxi." Jiang Chen said.

"Ah—" Gu Wanxi raised her head and stared blankly at Jiang Chen.

"You have a very good relationship with Nangong Meimei, right? You see Nangong Meimei has already found me as her boyfriend. When are you going to find a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Ah—" Hearing these words, Gu Wanxi looked at Jiang Chen with that expression, and was even more stunned.

After a while, I don't know what I thought of, "Teng", Gu Wanxi blushed completely, as if she was about to catch fire.

"Beauty Wanxi, it's only natural for men's colleges to find girlfriends and women's colleges to find boyfriends, so you don't have to be shy." Jiang Chen only thought it was Gu Wanxi who was embarrassed, and said.

"I..." Gu Wanxi opened her mouth, as if she wanted to speak, but she hesitated, but she couldn't say it, she just lowered her head firmly, not even daring to look at Jiang Chen.

"Miss Nangong, did I say something wrong?" Jiang Chen asked Nangong Hua innocently.

"What do you think?" Nangong Hua gritted her teeth.

It wasn't that Jiang Chen said the wrong thing, but Jiang Chen's words were too ambiguous, what did she mean when she found him as her boyfriend, what did she mean when Gu Wanxi found a boyfriend.

How do you listen, when did Gu Wanxi ask him to be her boyfriend?

Nangonghua understood it in this way, and at the same time she believed that Gu Wanxi understood it in the same way, otherwise, it wouldn't be a shameful topic, how could Gu Wanxi react like this.

"I think it's quite normal." Jiang Chen called him innocent.

He mainly felt that if Gu Wanxi found a boyfriend, he wouldn't have much time to spoil his good deeds. Besides, Gu Wanxi is not too young, so it's time to find a boyfriend, right?
This is obviously an extremely normal topic. While thinking about Gu Wanxi, it is also fully thinking about myself. No matter how you look at the reactions of Gu Wanxi and Nangonghua, it is so abnormal.

If it wasn't for the fact that he said those words, Jiang Chen would have wondered if he had just molested Gu Wanxi.

"It's not normal at all, don't even think about it." Nangong Hua said with a grin.

"Eh—" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, and said, "Miss Nangong, I can't understand what you said. Could it be that you don't want Miss Wanxi to find a boyfriend?"

"It's not a matter of letting go or not." Nangong Hua said angrily, she felt that Jiang Chen was clearly pretending to be stupid.

How could Gu Wanxi not be allowed to find a boyfriend, just let Jiang Chen give up his mind, don't make Gu Wanxi's idea, okay?Now she finally realized how fiddly Jiang Chen was, and teased Gu Wanxi like this in front of her. If she wasn't here, wouldn't Gu Wanxi be eaten by Jiang Chen?
"Since you are asked to find a boyfriend, then is there any problem for beauty Wanxi to find a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen wondered.

"Jiang Chen, you still say it." Nangong Hua splashed water on Jiang Chen's face, and his heart was full.

"Okay, stop talking, since you both think it's wrong, then just pretend I didn't say anything." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Jiang Chen, I understand what you mean, I will think about it carefully, can you give me time?" Gu Wanxi said softly.

At the end, he glanced at Nangong Hua, said in a low voice, "I'm leaving first," got up quickly, and left the hotel.

"Jiang Chen, I'm leaving too." As soon as Gu Wanxi left, Nangong Hua said angrily, and stood up.

Jiang Chen grabbed Nangong Hua, and asked amusedly, "Why are you losing your temper? Didn't you say you were hungry? Sit down and eat quickly. I'll take you back later."

"No appetite." Nangong Hua said indifferently.

Jiang Chen's head was full of confusion. This woman's heart can change as soon as it is said. If this goes on, he almost doubts whether his IQ is not enough.

"Eat something if you don't have an appetite." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, don't you see that I'm very angry now?" Nangong Hua couldn't help asking, she felt that she had almost written the word "angry" on her face, couldn't Jiang Chen see it?

If Jiang Chen saw it, shouldn't he comfort her well and tell her that he didn't have any plans for Gu Wanxi, although she certainly wouldn't believe it, but it's still a statement, isn't it?

"I understand, you are dissatisfied with your desires." Jiang Chen suddenly realized, he stopped eating, asked the boss to pay the bill, and then, without further ado, took Nangong Hua's hand back to the rental house...

(End of this chapter)

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