genius evil

Chapter 922 I want to compete fairly with them

Chapter 922 I want to compete fairly with them

Nangong Hua was about to be pissed off by Jiang Chen.

When did she become dissatisfied with her desires? How could Jiang Chen slander her so casually?

If someone heard Jiang Chen's words without knowing it, they would probably think that she was that kind of casual woman.

Also, what did Jiang Chen take her back to the rental house for?
Jiang Chen didn't tell Nangong Hua what he was going to do when he took her back to the rental house, he just showed with practical actions what to do as a man when a woman is dissatisfied with her desires.

So, the moment the door closed, it was miraculous that a piece of clothing disappeared from Nangonghua's body, and miraculously, another piece of clothing disappeared from Nangonghua's body.

When she was stripped into a little lamb by Jiang Chen, Nangong Hua finally understood why Jiang Chen took her back to the rental house. This guy wanted to finish what he hadn't done just now.

Nangong Hua was like crying, but she couldn't understand why Jiang Chen was in such a good mood.

"Jiang Chen, I have something to tell you." Nangong Hua said when Jiang Chen picked her up and placed him on the cloth spread out on the ground.

"Let's talk." Jiang Chen took off his clothes.

"Wan Xi likes you, do you know?" Nangong Hua asked.

"It's normal for beauties to like handsome guys. After all, I'm so handsome, aren't I?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"I'm not talking about the kind of liking you understand, but the kind of liking between men and women, just like I like you." Nangong Huayou said quietly.

"Miss Nangong, you like me, of course I know." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Haven't you understood my words?" Nangong Hua was a little unhappy.

"I understand, but what kind of reaction do you want me to give you? Joy? Sadness? Or, pretend nothing happened?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's clear that you deliberately teased Wan Xi." Nangong Hua was furious.

"Obviously that's not the case. The reason why I want Miss Wanxi to find a boyfriend is because I don't want her to ruin our relationship for the third time." Jiang Chen lazily explained.

Nangong Hua was stunned for a moment, and after careful consideration, Jiang Chen's explanation was very reasonable. After all, if Gu Wanxi found a boyfriend, she wouldn't have so much time to run here.

That is to say, neither she nor Gu Wanxi had misunderstood the meaning of Jiang Chen's words.

"Something's not right." After thinking for a while, Nangong Hua said in her heart.

Maybe, Jiang Chen didn't tease Gu Wanxi, or maybe, she and Gu Wanxi really misunderstood... But what Gu Wanxi said in the end is absolutely impossible to be a misunderstanding.

Because Gu Wanxi told Jiang Chen that she would think about it carefully instead of rejecting Jiang Chen directly, which clearly means that Gu Wanxi likes Jiang Chen.

All of a sudden, Nangong Hua was a little confused.

They couldn't understand when this happened, could it be that Jiang Chen had saved Gu Wanxi, so Gu Wanxi had a certain complex with Jiang Chen, just like the so-called hero rescue in those old-fashioned novels. After the beauty, there is no way for a beautiful woman to repay her with her body?

Nangong Hua suddenly felt that it was almost like this, so she became more and more confused, and she didn't know whether to blame Gu Wanxi or Jiang Chen in this matter.

Every girl, especially a girl who has never been in a relationship, has different levels of heroic plots, just like she would dream of a princess.

Out of being rescued by Jiang Chen, he developed a good impression of Jiang Chen.Nangong Hua felt that this situation was not unusual at all.

On the contrary, it would be strange if Gu Wanxi didn't have any affection for Jiang Chen.

Therefore, no matter what, Gu Wanxi cannot be blamed.

And to blame Jiang Chen, Nangong Hua thinks that there is no reason to find it. After all, Jiang Chen saved Gu Wanxi after all. Jiang Chen couldn't save someone, but Jiang Chen was wrong, right?
However, it is always someone who is wrong, Jiang Chen and Gu Wanxi are both right, could it be that she is the one who is wrong?

"Oh my God, whose fault is it?" Nangong Hua almost went crazy.

"What are you thinking?" Jiang Chen stared at Nangong Hua and asked suspiciously.

"I suddenly felt guilty, as if I had robbed Wan Xi's boyfriend. After all, I wanted to introduce her to you in the first place." Nangong Hua murmured.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "You can definitely introduce another boyfriend to Miss Wanxi."

"Is there anyone better than you?" Nangong Hua said resentfully.

These words immediately scratched Jiang Chen's itchy spot, Jiang Chen felt relieved, and kissed Nangong Hua viciously.

"Wait, I still have something to say." Nangong Hua pushed Jiang Chen away forcefully, and said falteringly.

"Miss Nangong, if you have something to say, can't you finish it all at once?" Jiang Chen said depressedly.

Didn't Nangonghua know that at this time, no matter what she said, it was superfluous?
"I just want to tell you that I really mind that you are so fickle." Nangong Hua said seriously.

In the end, it seemed that she was worried that Jiang Chen might misunderstand something. Before Jiang Chen could reply, Nangong Hua said again: "But I, Nan Gonghua, am not the kind of woman who gives up easily. I want to compete fairly with them."

Regardless of her figure or appearance, Nangong Hua didn't feel like she was losing to anyone.

In her bones, she is a woman who refuses to admit defeat, and the same is true in terms of emotions.

She minded Jiang Chen being playful, but she would not let go, because she didn't feel that she was inferior to other women around Jiang Chen.

"Miss Nangong, are you sure you want to compete fairly?" Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

Ever since Nangonghua called him and asked him to rent out the house, Jiang Chen already understood Nangonghua's thoughts. It can be said that Nangonghua's approach was more active and direct than Jian Xiaoyu's.

Needless to say, this is not fair at all.

"Of course I'm sure." Nangong Hua snorted softly and said a little embarrassedly.

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "Well, I'll just treat it as fair."

"You bastard." Nangong Hua felt that she was about to hate Jiang Chen to death, so couldn't she pretend that she didn't understand anything?Why expose it?

"Then, this bastard is going to do some stupid things now, Miss Nangong, are you ready?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

Nangong Hua's thin eyebrows trembled slightly, her pretty cheeks seemed to be dyed with a layer of rouge, her plump breasts rose and fell, and she tried her best to suppress the shyness in her heart, and finally closed her eyes little by little.

Jiang Chen understood and started to act.Accompanied by Nangonghua's shallow moan, Jiang Chen sighed contentedly, and finally, his wish came true!

At around nine o'clock in the evening, the girls' dormitory was downstairs, and Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry as he watched Nangong Hua walk into the dormitory in a particularly awkward posture.

According to his idea, he was going to spend the night outside with Nangonghua tonight, but not in a rental house. He planned to take Nangonghua to the hotel.

Who knew that Nangong Hua insisted on going back to the dormitory, the reason being that if she didn't go back to the dormitory, her roommates would see the clues and would laugh at her.

Nangong Hua couldn't even walk smoothly, and it was clear at a glance what happened to her body. If she returned to the dormitory, her roommate would definitely notice it immediately.

As everyone knows, her way of doing this is indistinguishable from deception, leaving Jiang Chen speechless.

Nangong Hua entered the dormitory building, Jiang Chen turned around and walked towards the boys' dormitory.

But it was far away, just downstairs, a jeep and his Land Rover Range Rover were parked side by side.

Seeing that jeep, Jiang Chen felt happy, walked over quickly, and knocked on the window glass with his hand.

Following Jiang Chen's beating, the window glass was lowered, and a bright face came into Jiang Chen's sight.

"Ask Miss Yan, what's the matter with you coming to see me so late?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Qin Wenyan didn't speak, but looked up and down at Jiang Chen from head to toe, and asked with a frown, "I heard that you were injured, it seems to be very serious."

"Does it look like I'm injured?" Jiang Chen asked.

"There are rumors outside that your life is not long, so I just came here to take a look." Qin Wenyan said.

Rumors spread quickly, sweeping across the entire capital like a tornado.

Regarding the matter of Jiang Chen's injury, Qin Wenyan didn't quite believe it at first, but when he called Jiang Chen, he found that he couldn't get through at all. Qin Wenyan became suspicious, and wondered if Jiang Chen was really hurt. hurt.

Thus, Qin Wenyan came to Capital University.

Because Jiang Chen couldn't get through on the phone, Qin Wenyan had been waiting downstairs in this dormitory since he came to Capital University.

Jiang Chen appeared with a face full of spring breeze. Qin Wenyan noticed that no matter whether he looked at the feet from the head or the head from the feet, Jiang Chen showed no signs of injury at all.

Qin Wenyan couldn't help but wonder, since Jiang Chen was not injured, why did the news of Jiang Chen's injury come out?
"Damn, which bastard is spreading rumors, I'll kill him." Jiang Chen's face darkened, and he said angrily.

"Are you really not injured?" Qin Wenyan asked, although she couldn't see any signs of Jiang Chen's injury, she felt that it would be better to make sure carefully.

After all, there is nothing groundless, even if it is a rumor, it is impossible to have no basis at all, right?

"Of course not." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Then why did you turn off your phone? After the news spread, many people must think that you were injured. If you cannot be contacted, more people will believe that you are seriously injured." Qin Wenyan said.

Jiang Chen finally understood why Qin Wenyan was waiting for him here, took out his mobile phone, turned it on casually, and said embarrassingly, "It was turned off by accident."

Afterwards, Jiang Chen asked, "Where did the news about my injury come from?"

He wasn't injured at all, but there was news of his injury. It was obvious that someone had sinister intentions, and they wantonly fueled the flames. Otherwise, Qin Wenyan wouldn't have come to look for him.

"The Li family." Qin Wenyan said slowly.

"The Li family?" Grinning, Jiang Chen laughed out loud, and said in a low voice, "Are you so impatient to seek death? That's fine, then I'll be the first one, and I'll take you guys!"

(End of this chapter)

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