genius evil

Chapter 923 I seem to be in love with you

Chapter 923 I seem to be in love with you

"The first one to attack the Li family?" Qin Wenyan gave Jiang Chen a weird look, and said in a deep thought, "It just so happened that your cell phone was disconnected, and the news of your injury just came out. Could it be too coincidental?"

Qin Wenyan was very skeptical that Jiang Chen's cell phone hadn't been accidentally turned off at all, but he had intentionally turned it off.The purpose is to create confusion.

And obviously, Jiang Chen has successfully created a chaos, and the Li family is the earliest loser in this chaos!

"Maybe the mobile phone is too rubbish, next time we must change to a domestic mobile phone." Jiang Chen said without changing his face, refusing to admit it, otherwise what if Qin Wenyan thinks he is a scheming man?
While talking, Jiang Chen went around, opened the co-pilot's door, and got into the car.

"I'll leave after a few words with you," Qin Wenyan said.

"This male dormitory building is full of freshmen. Because they are going to participate in military training, so right now, I'm the only one." Jiang Chen said as if he didn't hear Qin Wenyan's words.

Turning his head, looking at Qin Wenyan's profile, Jiang Chen thought to himself, could it be that his spring has come, otherwise, how could the women around him become so active one by one?
First Jian Xiaoyu, then Nangong Hua, and now Qin Wenyan, Jiang Chen was looking forward to who would be next.

Therefore, Qin Wenyan also pretended not to understand what Jiang Chen was talking about, and she said, "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, but have you ever thought about a question, if the Li family, the Zhao family and the Wang family join forces again... ..."

Before Qin Wenyan finished speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted with a smile: "Lend them a hundred more courage, do they dare?"

"Since that's the case, what's your intention in doing this?" Qin Wenyan asked strangely.

The Li family, the Zhao family and the Wang family, the sect masters who were backed by them all died, which means that they have lost their biggest backer, but as Jiang Chen said, even if you lend them a hundred courage, it is not enough. He would be stupid enough to attack Jiang Chen.

That is to say, the members of the three major families will not take the initiative to jump out.

Qin Wenyan felt puzzled. She didn't think Jiang Chen's actions were pointless, but in this way, no matter what Jiang Chen's plan was, it would become meaningless, wouldn't it?
"Actually, I just have difficulty choosing. I need them to help me make a choice." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"That's it?" Qin Wenyan was stunned, she thought that Jiang Chen had other schemes.

"Of course that's it. Ask Miss Yan. Now that we're done talking, let's go upstairs to rest together." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I still have something to do." Qin Wenyan said with a glance at Bai Jiangchen.

Just like what Jiang Chen said, because other students are going to military training, Jiang Chen is the only one in this entire dormitory building. How stupid is she to go upstairs with Jiang Chen?

If she went upstairs, Jiang Chen probably wouldn't even have leftovers.

"You see it's so late, if there's anything to do, it's the same if we deal with it tomorrow." Jiang Chen said, and pulled out the car key.

"Jiang Chen, give me the key." Seeing Jiang Chen pulling out the car key, Qin Wenyan's heart skipped a beat. What is Jiang Chen doing to force her to stay?

"Don't worry, just rest, nothing else will happen unless you want to." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"I wouldn't think about it." Qin Wenyan said silently in his heart, taking advantage of Jiang Chen's inattention, he quickly reached out to grab the key.

How could Jiang Chen allow Qin Wenyan to get what he wanted? Almost as soon as Qin Wenyan moved, the car key was stuffed into his trouser pocket, and then he looked at Qin Wenyan with a smile.

"Damn it." Qin Wenyan cursed angrily with a slightly red face.

Jiang Chen stuffed the car keys into his pants pocket. If she wanted to snatch the keys again, she could only snatch them from Jiang Chen's pocket.
"Come with me." Jiang Chen then opened the car door and got out of the car, swaggering towards the bedroom.

Sitting in the car, Qin Wenyan saw that Jiang Chen didn't intend to return the car keys to him at all, and was very depressed... She was just thinking about what Jiang Chen's intentions were, but she fell headlong into it. There is no way.

Sighing secretly, Qin Wenyan had no choice but to get out of the car, followed Jiang Chen, and walked into the dormitory together.

Soon, the two entered bedroom 402.

"Miss Wenyan, that's my bed, you'll sleep there tonight." Jiang Chen pointed to a bed for Qin Wenyan to show.

"What about you?" Qin Wenyan asked subconsciously.

"I can sleep in any bed. Of course, if you want me to sleep with you, I don't mind at all." Jiang Chen said narrowly.

"You're dreaming." Qin Wenyan rolled his eyes.

Of course Jiang Chen wouldn't mind, but she cared very much, it was impossible to let Jiang Chen sleep with~, even if Jiang Chen wanted to, that wouldn't work.

"Okay, I can go to bed... Do you want to take a bath?" Jiang Chen said.

"No washing." Qin Wenyan said without thinking.

Firstly, he didn't bring a change of clothes at all, and secondly, the lonely man and widow were in the same room, so Qin Wenyan knew that it would be too dangerous to take a bath.

Although, even if you don't take a bath, it's just as dangerous.

Then, to Qin Wenyan's surprise, Jiang Chen found a random bed and fell asleep. Qin Wenyan hesitated for a moment, and lay down on Jiang Chen's bed.

She was a little surprised, never thought that Jiang Chen would actually sleep on another bed, and he didn't act rude at all... It seemed that he was inviting her upstairs, just letting her rest.

However, when Jiang Chen, a wolf with a big tail, changed to eat grass, there must be some other conspiracy, right?

"Ask Miss Yan, you must have waited in the car for a long time when you came to look for me. When I passed by just now, I saw you dozing off... The Tianzu base is a bit far from Beijing University, since you are tired , just sleep here and go back tomorrow morning." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

He really just wanted Qin Wenyan to rest, and he had no other intentions.

What's more, he was still with Nangong Hua before, no matter how beastly he was, he wouldn't be so smart as to bully Qin Wenyan.

Qin Wenyan listened to Jiang Chen's words, and finally felt relieved, feeling inexplicably moved.

It turned out that she had misunderstood Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen did it out of good intentions, but she was really tired. After she finally felt relieved, she fell asleep after a while.

When Qin Wenyan woke up the next day, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning, looking at the time, Qin Wenyan felt as if he was in a dream.

Due to performing tasks outside the home all year round, her sleep quality is very poor. Often, being able to sleep peacefully for two or three hours a night is already a great satisfaction.

Qin Wenyan never expected that in this strange environment and on a strange bed, he would sleep for nearly twelve hours.

And in the middle, I didn't wake up once, and I slept very soundly.

Qin Wenyan was surprised and thought, could it be because of Jiang Chen?

Because Jiang Chen was sleeping on the bed, there was Jiang Chen's aura faintly on the bed, Qin Wenyan took a light breath, turned his head, and looked at the bed Jiang Chen was sleeping on.

But with a glance, Jiang Chen was not seen.

The bed was empty, and Jiang Chen didn't know when he woke up.

Qin Wenyan then got up and searched around the dormitory, and indeed found that the dormitory was also empty, and there was no figure of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen." Unable to hold back, Qin Wenyan called softly.

Just as footsteps sounded, Jiang Chen held a few bags in his hand, pushed open the door and walked in from the outside.

Seeing Qin Wenyan, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Are you up? Take a bath first or eat first?"

The bag in his hand, the breakfast he bought, and the clothes he bought specially for a change of laundry made Qin Wenyan startled for a moment, never expecting that Jiang Chen would have such a considerate side.

She looked at Jiang Chen stupidly for a while, said thank you, took the bag of clothes, and went into the bathroom.

After taking a hot bath, Qin Wenyan found that the clothes Jiang Chen bought for her fit exceptionally well, and even the size of the bra was just right.

Even if she went to buy it herself, it would be difficult to buy such a suitable one. This made Qin Wenyan feel a little shy, as if her body had no secrets at all in front of Jiang Chen.

"I don't know how this pervert knows my size." Covering his face, Qin Wenyan whispered to himself, calmed down, and then walked out of the bathroom.

"Miss Wenyan, come here for breakfast, it won't taste good after a while. I don't know what you like to eat, so I just bought some." Jiang Chen opened the breakfast box and greeted Qin Wenyan.

Qin Wenyan was in a trance for a while, walked over blankly, stared at Jiang Chen blankly, and realized that this very familiar young man was actually a little strange at this moment.

In other words, how familiar she was with Jiang Chen before, but now, she felt how strange Jiang Chen was!

Taking a soup dumpling, Qin Wenyan asked, "Are you going to Li's house later?"

"Don't worry." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "I'll take you back first."

"There's no need to deliver it, I'll just drive there by myself." Qin Wenyan shook his head and said.

"Ask Miss Yan, why don't you even give me a chance to be courteous?" Jiang Chen said intentionally.

Qin Wenyan blushed and wanted to refuse, but he couldn't say it.

After breakfast, the two went downstairs together, Qin Wenyan was still a little distracted, it wasn't until Jiang Chen drove the car on the road that Qin Wenyan completely woke up.

Jiang Chen directly drove Qin Wenyan to the Tianzu base, and then he called a taxi and left.

Qin Wenyan stood by the side of the road, watching the taxi go away, his eyes quietly became a little blurred.

It was just one night, nothing happened, some things seemed to have not changed, and it seemed that everything had changed.

Qin Wenyan's thoughts were complicated and unspeakable. After the taxi disappeared from his sight, his legs seemed to be nailed to the ground, unable to move for a long time.

"Jiang Chen, I feel like I'm in love with you." Qin Wenyan muttered to himself, feeling a little palpitated, and the feeling of being in a dream returned. It was only one night, but it seemed like a long time had passed long time……

(End of this chapter)

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