genius evil

Chapter 924

Chapter 924
Li family.

Li Yiqun, Li Tianxing and his son had been waiting for a follow-up response after releasing the news of Jiang Chen's injury yesterday.

To be precise, they were waiting for Jiang Chen's response.

From yesterday afternoon to this morning, for more than ten hours, there was no movement at Jiang Chen's side, which made the father and son secretly heave a sigh of relief.

Because they did not receive the exact news of Jiang Chen's injury, what the father and son were most worried about was that as soon as the news got out, Jiang Chen would run to the door and slap him in the face!

If that was the case, the faces of their father and son would definitely be swollen by Jiang Chen.

The father and son, who didn't sleep all night, even since yesterday afternoon, didn't even have the desire to eat, at this moment, they were finally able to sit in the dining room and eat some food with peace of mind.

"Dad, you said that Jiang Chen was really seriously injured, right?" Li Tianxing asked as he cut a piece of steak, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it.

"Jiang Chen didn't respond, so it doesn't necessarily mean that Jiang Chen must be injured, maybe something else happened." Li Yiqun pondered, picked up the water glass at hand, and took a sip of water.

From the bottom of his heart, he also hoped that Jiang Chen would be injured, and it would be better if he was seriously injured. But thinking about it, in fact, Li Yiqun had to be more cautious and cautious, not easy to be optimistic!
"Dad, it's not that you don't know Jiang Chen's character. He is notoriously arrogant. If he hadn't been injured, he would have jumped out a long time ago. I don't believe that something else happened." With a cold snort, Li Tianxing said.

In Jiang Chen's hands, he had suffered several big losses before and after. He was extremely profound about Jiang Chen's methods, and he thought he still had a little understanding of Jiang Chen.

"What you said is not unreasonable." Li Yiqun nodded.

"Unfortunately, it has been more than ten hours. The Zhao family and the Wang family have not moved at all. It was a waste of my energy." Li Tianxing said regretfully.

"The Zhao family and the Wang family checked the source of the news, and they knew it was my Li family. How could there be any movement?" Li Yiqun smiled wryly.

Then there were some things that he didn't say, that is, even if the Zhao family and the Wang family didn't find out the source of the news, they didn't dare to jump out.

Even if Jiang Chen was really injured, a skinny camel would be bigger than a horse. How could it be easy to deal with it?
Whoever jumps out will die.

No one is a fool, is not so gullible.

"I just feel that it's a pity. This is a rare and great opportunity. However, the Zhao family and the Wang family don't come forward. Our Li family can only endure it and not act rashly." Li Tianxing sighed.

"Wait a little longer, maybe there will be some clues." Li Yiqun reassured.

"It's not's not good..." It was Li Yiqun's voice, just as he finished speaking, he saw a figure rushing in from the door, shouting out of breath.

"What happened?" Frowning, Li Yiqun asked displeased.

"Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen is here." The man gasped heavily and said in shock.


Hearing the sound, Li Yiqun and Li Tianxing's father and son turned pale by the way. They glanced at each other, and clearly found that there was deep fear spreading deep in each other's eyes.

"How come?" Li Yiqun lost his voice.

He was just discussing Jiang Chen with Li Tianxing, why did Jiang Chen come to the door?

"You're lying." Li Tianxing pointed at the man with a finger and roared through gritted teeth.

"It seems that you are very surprised by my arrival." The lazy voice sounded at this time, and along with the voice of speaking, Jiang Chen Shi Shiran appeared.

As soon as Jiang Chenfu appeared, whether it was Li Yiqun or Li Tianxing, both of them stared at Jiang Chen without blinking, unable to take their eyes off.

The person who sent the message did not lie, it was Jiang Chen who came.

To Li Yiqun and Li Tianxing, the slightly mocking smile on Jiang Chen's face was as dazzling as it could be, because the two of them found out that Jiang Chen didn't show any signs of injury. Yes, the good ones can't be better.

It was in vain to arrange their calculations, and at the moment Jiang Chen appeared, it completely became a big joke!
Both father and son were a little powerless, they just stared at Jiang Chen, forgot to speak, and also forgot other actions.

"Although I know I'm handsome, I'll be very upset if you two men are staring at me like this." Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing here? Aren't you injured?" At this moment, Li Tianxing questioned.

"You really want me to get hurt, don't you?" Jiang Chen said lightly, and in the next second, he appeared in front of Li Tianxing, stretched out his right hand, grabbed Li Tianxing's neck, and lifted Li Tianxing off the ground. up.

His face flushed suddenly, and Li Tianxing coughed violently.

Li Yiqun was startled, and hurriedly said: "Young Master Jiang is merciful, if you have something to say, just say it."

"When the two of you were making arrangements for me behind your back, did you ever think about having a good talk with me?" Jiang Chen sneered, turning his head and looking at Li Yiqun.

"Jiang Shao, we didn't mean it, it was a misunderstanding." Li Yiqun stammered, fearing that Jiang Chen would strangle Li Tianxing to death.

"If I kill this idiot, let's say I didn't do it on purpose, would you be willing?" Jiang Chen jokingly asked.

"This—" In an instant, cold sweat broke out on Li Yiqun's forehead.

"Jiang Chen, there has been no news about you since yesterday. Isn't it reasonable for us to say that you were injured?" Li Tianxing wailed vaguely.

"So you're telling me that you two, father and son, longed for me to come and slap you in the face, right?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Very good, this is very interesting. Since this is the case, how can I fail to fulfill the reasoning of you father and son?" Jiang Chen then said.

While talking, Jiang Chen raised his left hand, and slapped Li Tianxing's face one after another, like a violent storm.

Dozens of slaps came out in succession, at a speed visible to the naked eye, Li Tianxing's face became swollen like a pig's head, with blood overflowing from the mouth, nose and ears, Jiang Chen casually threw Li Tianxing It was thrown to the ground like a dead dog.

After slapping Li Tianxing in the face, Jiang Chen's figure moved and appeared in front of Li Yiqun. How he slapped Li Tianxing in the face is how he slapped Li Yiqun now.

Doing it in the same way, it can be said that they are familiar with the way, very successful, and turned Li Yiqun into a pig's head.

The father and son, in front of Jiang Chen, were as humble as ants. Jiang Chen could step on it however he wanted, and there was absolutely no room for resistance.

Each received dozens of slaps. Both father and son were very dizzy, but their partial consciousness was exceptionally sober. I don't know how Jiang Chen did it. They couldn't even pretend to pass out. .

Jiang Chen dragged a chair, sat down, crossed Erlang's legs, and said calmly: "First, he united with Gui Yuanzong to kill me, and then he secretly slandered me, which undoubtedly caused damage to my body and mind. The irreparable damage, how to make up for it, you two should have a good discussion."

Li Yiqun and Li Tianxing looked at each other again, and then, rubbing his swollen cheeks, Li Yiqun said with difficulty: "Jiang Shao, it's all our fault, just ask for any conditions you have, as long as we can meet them, we will definitely Fully satisfied."

"What if you can't be satisfied?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Even if the family goes bankrupt, it will definitely satisfy you, Young Master Jiang." Li Yiqun gritted his teeth and said.

After receiving the news the night before last, Li Yiqun had made sufficient preparations in this regard. He knew very well that no matter what, the Li family was doomed.

The difference is just how the Li family ended up.

"It sounds very sincere, so let's go bankrupt." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Young Master Jiang, as long as you are satisfied." Li Yiqun murmured.

"Do not--"

Li Tianxing suddenly yelled, he got up from the ground in embarrassment, and stared at Jiang Chen's eyes like that, as if he was about to breathe out fire.

"Jiang Chen, you bullied me so badly, I have settled old scores with you." Li Tianxing said angrily.

"Welcome to settle old scores anytime and anywhere." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen, you are just relying on yourself as a powerful ancient martial arts cultivator, what's so great about it, but don't forget, you are still a human being after all, and you will die if you are a human being." Li Tianxing said in a dark voice.

"You want to kill me?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"I can't kill you, but I can die with you." Li Tianxing said, stretched out his hand and tore it off, and all the buttons of the coat he was wearing fell off, revealing a bomb tied to his body.

At the same time, Li Tianxing had a remote control on his right hand.

"Jiang Chen, show me clearly, as long as I press the remote control, no matter how powerful you are, you will definitely be buried with me today!" Li Tianxing said extremely ferociously, his face was distorted.

"Xing'er, you're crazy." Li Yiqun was taken aback. He didn't know about it beforehand, and he didn't expect that Li Tianxing would be so crazy that he even wanted his own life.

"Dad, I'm not crazy. On the contrary, I've never been so calm. Jiang Chen didn't leave a way for our Li family to live, so why should I leave him a way to live? The worst thing is to die, everyone don't live." Li Tianxing said seriously. Said loudly.

Li Yiqun's eyes flickered, Li Tianxing was right, since Jiang Chen didn't leave a way for the Li family to survive, why should they leave a way for Jiang Chen to survive?

For ordinary people, the most painful thing is death, but the loss of the Li family is definitely worse than death for their father and son.

If that's the case, it's better for everyone to die together, and no one can even think about living.

"Okay... good son..." Li Yiqun's eyes filled with tears, he never realized that his son had such a ferocious side.

"Dad, don't be so busy getting excited, leave this villa as soon as you have time, as far away as possible." Li Tianxing ordered.

It was enough for him to die alone, there was no need for Li Yiqun to die together, that would be meaningless.

Li Yiqun nodded, just wanting to leave, but just as he moved his feet, he heard a crackling sound. Turning his head to look, he saw that Li Tianxing's neck was broken by Jiang Chen, and the remote control in Li Tianxing's hand The weapon even appeared in Jiang Chen's hand...

(End of this chapter)

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