genius evil

Chapter 926 A Woman Without Limits

Chapter 926 A Woman Without Limits
Is Jiang Chen a reasonable person?
Obviously, he is not.

Jiang Chen's so-called reason is nothing more than what he himself thinks is the reason.

When he thinks something makes sense, it makes sense.

When he thinks something is unreasonable, even if the whole world thinks it is reasonable, to him, it is still unreasonable!

Jiang Chen didn't doubt Mr. Zhao's sincerity, but his account with the Zhao family was not calculated in this way.

After dealing with it, Jiang Chen didn't stay in Zhao's house, and left soon.

Wang family.

Wang Mingjie was very depressed, as depressed as he could be.

When Wang Longxiang said he would leave the capital, he really left without any hesitation, and he was not attached to the wealth and splendor of the capital at all.

But Wang Longxiang could leave, but Wang Mingjie couldn't.

Because he can't be as desireless as Wang Longxiang, a guy who can smoke cigarettes worth a few dollars with relish, is himself a unique freak of the Wang family.

Even the cleaners inside Wang's house are usually very arrogant, not to mention smoking cigarettes worth a few dollars, and they won't bend down to pick up a few dollars if they are thrown on the ground!

Power, money, beauty...

He, Wang Mingjie, has too many desires, and these desires can only be satisfied if he stays in the capital.

Even if, in the end, only one of them can be satisfied, just because of that, Wang Mingjie has no way to leave the capital.

Wang Mingjie's father is Wang Guanghui, and he has a younger sister named Wang Baihe.

As for the old man of the Wang family, he returned to the west on a crane a few years ago.

Wang Mingjie called to buy a pack of cigarettes, the kind that Wang Longxiang often smoked. After buying it, he tore off the seal, took out one, put it to his mouth, lit it, took a puff, and coughed violently, barely The lungs were coughed out.

"What kind of cigarettes are you smoking? Hurry up and put them out. You won't be able to smoke some good cigarettes. What's wrong with learning, but just like Wang Long is like that idiot. Be careful when the time comes, you will become an idiot like him, then our Wang family will have to completely It's over." Wang Baihe slapped her nose in disgust and said with raised eyebrows.

"I just want to taste it." Wang Mingjie explained.

The cigarette was harder to smoke than he had imagined, and Wang Mingjie couldn't understand how Wang Longxiang could enjoy it like that when he was smoking the cigarette.

"Give me one." Wang Guanghui said.

"No." Wang Baihe stopped overbearingly, and said displeasedly: "Dad, what's the matter with you two, what's wrong with you?"

"It's not that any muscle is wrong, it's that every muscle is wrong." Wang Mingjie said with a bitter face.

"Crazy you." Wang Baihe scolded, took the mirror and looked at her own face.

"Brother, tell me, when will Jiang Chen come?" Looking in the mirror, seeing that there were no flaws in the carefully painted makeup on her face, Wang Baihe put it away contentedly, and asked Wang Mingjie.

"It's best not to come here in this life." Wang Mingjie said, trying to smoke again, coughing violently again, finally couldn't take it anymore, and put the cigarette butt out in the ashtray.

"Can you stop doing this, you just don't want to see me well." Wang Baihe said disapprovingly, "I still want to wait for Jiang Chen to come and let him take a good look at me."

"Look at you?" Wang Mingjie looked at Wang Baihe strangely.

"I'm so beautiful, aren't I? Didn't you say that Jiang Chen is a very caring guy? Guaranteed that Jiang Chen will immediately bow down under my pomegranate skirt as soon as he sees me. In that case, the crisis of our Wang family will naturally come to an end." It's over." Wang Baihe said confidently.

Wang Mingjie looked at Wang Baihe, and he admitted that Wang Baihe was indeed pretty, but if Jiang Chen fell under Wang Baihe's pomegranate skirt, Wang Mingjie thought that unless the sun came out from the west.

"Lily, Jiang Chen will come over in a while, so please don't talk." Wang Guanghui said, he took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and put it in his mouth. He tried the lighter several times, but he didn't have the courage to light it.

"Why, am I doing this for our Wang family? Otherwise, Jiang Chen is so fiddly, so I would be lazy to talk to him." Wang Baihe said with a groan.

Wang Guanghui and Wang Mingjie looked at each other, both dumbfounded.

In fact, they felt that there was nothing wrong with Wang Baihe's approach, just as the Zhou family had Zhou Jinse in order to preserve it.

If Jiang Chen can take a fancy to Wang Baihe, then the Wang family will have the opportunity to survive this crisis without any danger.

But the premise is that Jiang Chen must be able to take a fancy to Wang Baihe.Or let alone Jiang Chen, even the two of them, it is very unpleasant to see Wang Baihe everywhere, Jiang Chen would be strange if he could take a fancy to Wang Baihe.

This is not a matter of prostitution, after all, if there is a chance to sell Wang Baihe in exchange for the prosperity of the Wang family, they would be very eager.

It's just sacrificing a woman, what is it compared to the wealth of the family?

Don't say it's just a daughter, even if it's a wife, it's probably fine.

"It's true that you are doing it for the sake of the Wang family, but I'm worried that Jiang Chen will strangle you to death." Wang Mingjie warned.

"Hee hee, no, just wait and see my performance." Wang Baihe said confidently.

"Mingjie, don't worry about it. Whatever Lily wants to do, let her do as she likes." Wang Guanghui said.

The Zhao family was not far from the Wang family, so it didn't take much time on the road, and Jiang Chen appeared in front of the Wang family's gate.

There were already servants waiting there who saw Jiang Chen getting off the taxi, and hurriedly greeted Jiang Chen politely and entered.

Soon, Jiang Chen saw Wang Mingjie and Wang Guanghui, and of course, Wang Baihe who thought she was a little princess and dressed herself up like a princess.

As soon as Wang Baihe saw Jiang Chen, little stars were about to appear in his eyes.

She had never met Jiang Chen before, and she didn't care about what happened in the capital. What she wanted to do all day long was to drink coffee and afternoon tea with a group of good sisters, and shop around the world at home and abroad.

It was through Wang Mingjie that Wang Baihe got to know Jiang Chen a little bit. Wang Mingjie told her that Jiang Chen looks good and is a big carrot.

When finally seeing Jiang Chen in person, Wang Baihe thought that Jiang Chen was not only good looking, he couldn't be more handsome at all, okay?
Compared to Jiang Chen, her favorite idol from the Kimchi Country is not even worthy of carrying Jiang Chen's shoes.

For the sake of Jiang Chen being so handsome, Wang Baihe felt that no matter how hard Jiang Chen was, it could be tolerated and forgiven.

"Hi Jiang Chen, I'm Wang Baihe, nice to meet you." Before Wang Mingjie and Wang Guanghui could react, Wang Baihe jumped up from the sofa and appeared in front of Jiang Chen bouncing around. He happily introduced himself.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen asked Wang Mingjie very puzzled.

"Jiang Shao, this is my sister." Wang Mingjie touched his nose and said.

"Yes, I'm Wang Mingjie's younger sister, but you see, I don't look like him at all. He is so ugly, but I am so beautiful." Wang Baihe said happily.

"So is this a beauty trick?" Jiang Chen asked Wang Mingjie again.

Wang Mingjie laughed and said, "Young Master Jiang, don't get me wrong. As for my younger sister, I just like handsome guys. I guess I can't help it because you are so handsome, Young Master Jiang. She has no malicious intentions."

"So this is really a beauty trick?" Jiang Chen said angrily, "What do you mean this is an insult to my beauty and taste?"

"Jiang Chen, no one insulted you. I am so beautiful and have such a good figure. You must be very surprised when you see me, you like me very much, and you are about to fall in love with me, right?" Wang Baihe said sweetly, While talking, he showed Jiang Chen a pos that he thought was extremely seductive and seductive.

Jiang Chen saw that the leftovers he ate yesterday almost spewed out. This was not only an insult to his aesthetics and taste, but also seriously suspected of insulting his IQ.

Can it be called beautiful and in good shape just like this?Did he pretend that Jiang Chen had never seen a woman, or did he pretend that Jiang Chen was blind?
He has seen a lot of shameless people, but shameless to this extent, I have to say, this is the first time I have seen him. Wang Baihe's behavior completely refreshed his understanding of the lower limit, allowing him to see, It turns out that a person can have no lower limit to this level.

Jiang Chen felt that he was unable to communicate with Wang Baihe, so he planned to push Wang Baihe away, but saw that Wang Baihe closed his eyes.

"What?" Jiang Chen asked vigilantly.

"Jiang Chen, have you ever heard a saying that when a girl closes her eyes in front of you, you are asked to kiss her? Why are you still hesitating? Hurry up and kiss me, I'm ready What?" Wang Baihe said shyly.

"Ouch!" Jiang Chen really wanted to vomit.

Before spitting it out, Jiang Chen moved his finger and tapped Wang Baihe's body, turning Wang Baihe into an immobile puppet, lest Wang Baihe continue to scratch his head in front of him without self-knowledge.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen grabbed Wang Baihe and threw Wang Baihe on the sofa beside him. He walked over slowly and sat down opposite Wang Guanghui and Wang Mingjie and his son.

"May I ask, do you two have any brains? Even if you want to use a beauty trick on me, why can't you find a better one?" Jiang Chen asked wonderingly.

It is true that the beauty trap is very useful to him. Wang Mingjie and Wang Guanghui's actions can be said to have caught his weakness.

However, the strategy was right, but this person was wrong. It is not difficult to see how vulgar the taste of Wang Guanghui and Wang Mingjie's father and son is.

"Ahem, this is Lily's own idea, and it has nothing to do with us." Wang Mingjie was very embarrassed. He knew that Wang Baihe would not be able to accomplish anything at all. Now it's all right, screw it up completely, and you will lose your face up.

"Jiang Shao, please don't mind." Wang Guanghui also coughed twice and said.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to fuss with you about trivial matters." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said generously.

Then, Jiang Chen smiled slightly and asked, "You guys have received the news about the situation of the Li family and the Zhao family, right? What are your plans?"

"Jiang Shao, as long as you don't kill them all, you can say anything." Wang Guanghui said.

Eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Wang Guanghui, Jiang Chen said slowly: "What if I want to kill them all? So what?"

(End of this chapter)

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