genius evil

Chapter 927

Chapter 927
So what if you want to kill them all!

When Jiang Chen said these words, Wang Guanghui was stumped.

How can it be?

Like the Zhao family, begging for perfection?Or, like the Li family, all jade and stone will be destroyed?

But no matter whether it is to compromise and seek perfection, or to burn everything together, it is destined to be of no use.

Because, their fate has already been firmly controlled by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen let them live, they can live, Jiang Chen let them die, they can only die without a doubt.

When Wang Guanghui asked Jiang Chen not to kill them all, it was not to threaten Jiang Chen, but to make a small request to Jiang Chen within the scope of what he thought he could do.

Wang Guanghui didn't think this request was too much. He also had full self-knowledge and knew that he was not qualified to negotiate terms with Jiang Chen.

Therefore, this sentence is not even a condition, it is just a trivial request.

This request, in Wang Guanghui's imagination, was only for Jiang Chen to leave him a place to stand in the capital for the Wang family, that's all.

But Jiang Chen still refused, ruthlessly, and not negotiable!

It's not that Wang Guanghui didn't think that Jiang Chen would refuse, he just didn't expect that Jiang Chen would refuse so directly.

Lost for a while, Wang Guanghui didn't know how to reply.

Wang Mingjie was in a hurry, and said solemnly: "Jiang Shao, I can assure you that we have no ambitions."

"Only dead people have no ambitions." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Shao, you didn't kill anyone in the Zhao family." Wang Mingjie murmured.

"So, I kind of want to kill a few people now." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

So what if he didn't kill someone in the Zhao family? Could it be that Wang Mingjie needs to teach him how to do things?What a joke!
Wang Mingjie's complexion changed drastically, and he shrank his neck subconsciously, and then he heard Wang Guanghui say: "Young Master Jiang, the old saying is good, you have to forgive others and forgive others. I hope you can carefully consider the request I just made."

"There's nothing to consider." Jiang Chen said without thinking.

What really needs to be considered is the Wang family.

The reason why he didn't come to the door immediately after solving Gui Yuanzong's troubles was because he wanted to see who would jump out first.

On the other hand, it actually left a buffer for these families.

The people of the Li family were too stupid, and the Zhao family was fairly smart. Jiang Chen didn't know how the Wang family would react, but soon, he would know.

Wang Guanghui was speechless again. Jiang Chen was too strong and aggressive, and there was no room for discussion at all. No matter how much he had to say, he couldn't say it.

"Jiang Shao, tell me, what do you want us to do?" Wang Guanghui said helplessly, the initiative was in Jiang Chen's hands, no matter how unwilling he was, he could only hand over the decision to Jiang Chen.

"It's very simple, the entire family property of the Wang family, and twenty lives... It doesn't matter whether you kill this person or me," Jiang Chen said.

"No." Wang Mingjie shouted.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Twenty lives are fine, but you have to save some of this money for me." Wang Mingjie said.

"Oh, don't worry, those twenty lives include you?" Jiang Chen sneered.

Wang Mingjie broke out in a cold sweat instantly. Yes, how could he have forgotten this point? If the twenty lives that Jiang Chen wants include him, what's the point of leaving him a little money?

His life was gone, even if Jiang Chen didn't want a single penny of the Wang family's property, he would have no part in it.

"Jiang Shao, let's kill people." Wang Guanghui said in a deep voice.

Money is very important, life is more important.

In the choice of money or life, there is no doubt that Wang Guanghui will choose the latter.

And only if they kill people, can they guarantee that they can survive, as long as they live, there will be hope, right?
"No problem, when you kill him, I will leave half of the Wang family property to you." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

When Wang Guanghui and Wang Mingjie heard this, their hearts jumped.

Perhaps Jiang Chen didn't know what half of the Wang family's property was, but as members of the Wang family, they knew it all too well.

Even if it is only half of the family property, it is still an astronomical figure that is incomparably rich.

They wanted to kill twenty people, that is to say, twenty lives in exchange for half of the assets of the Wang family. No matter how you calculate it, this would not be a loss-making deal.

Neither Wang Guanghui nor Wang Mingjie had any objections, but after hearing who Jiang Chen said he was going to kill, both of them were on the fence.

"Jiang Chen, you have already killed our sect master, is it necessary to kill them all like this?" A voice came to Jiang Chen's ears, and immediately, a short middle-aged man walked out with a sullen face.

Following the appearance of the middle-aged man, people rushed in from outside one after another, about 20 people.

"You made a mistake, it's not me who wants to kill you, it's the two of them who want to kill you... There are 19 people in total, which is a bit different from my requirements, but it doesn't matter, killing nineteen of you is almost the same." Jiang Chen didn't panic. Said calmly.

"Don't get me wrong, we were forced." Wang Mingjie said with a sad face, how could he know that Jiang Chen wanted them to kill these people.

There is no way to do this at all. If their father and son try to kill, they will be the first to die.

"Don't be fooled, Jiang Chen is trying to make our Wang family fight against each other." Wang Guanghui woke up and said angrily.

He finally understood that from the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen had no intention of giving them a way out, the so-called killing 20 people was just teasing them.

Jiang Chen is too ruthless and too poisonous, this clearly wants them to kill each other!
"How could it be a misunderstanding? Didn't you ask for the murder yourself?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Jiang Chen, do you think I wouldn't understand what you're up to?" The middle-aged man with five short stature said gloomily.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "You look like an idiot, why can't you be a little more idiot? Maybe I will spare your life when you kill Wang Mingjie and his son."

"If I believed you, I would be a real idiot." The middle-aged man with five short statures gritted his teeth.

Jiang Chen first asked Wang Mingjie and his son to kill them, and now he asked them to kill Wang Mingjie and his son. The reverse trick was perfect, but he would not naively believe Jiang Chen's words.

"That's really a pity." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said with a regretful face.

"call out!"

When Jiang Chen's voice fell, no one saw how Jiang Chen moved. They just noticed that Jiang Chen disappeared from the sofa. The next second, Jiang Chen appeared in front of the five short middle-aged men. He stretched out his hand, Clutched his neck.

"You said, it would be nice if you were an idiot, wouldn't you save me a lot of trouble?" Jiang Chen said displeased, and his fingers suddenly squeezed hard, crushing his neck bone.

"kill him!"


"Go on!"

The people who appeared with the five short middle-aged men all went crazy when they saw this, and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen killed one by one. One minute later, there were nineteen more corpses in the living room.

"You said just now that you are here to kill people." After killing 19 people in a row, Jiang Chen looked at Wang Guanghui and said slowly, "This is a chance for you to live, but you didn't seize it."

Wang Guanghui said in shock, "Jiang Chen, you know very well that I can't kill them at all."

"Otherwise, it's a chance. Whether you can kill it or not has nothing to do with me. Otherwise, I might just spare your life. Wouldn't it save you a lot of trouble?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Chen, why do you say such high-sounding words? I can see that you have no intention of leaving us a way out." Wang Guanghui said angrily.

"Congratulations, you got the answer right." Jiang Chen said with a slight smile.

Two minutes later, when Jiang Chen walked out of Wang's house, there were two more corpses on the floor of the living room. As for Wang Baihe, fortunately, her stupidity saved her.Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be one more corpse.

Essentially, Jiang Chen didn't think he was a bloodthirsty person, but some people could not be killed, and some people had to be killed.

The situation of the Wang family, whether it is with the Li family or the Zhao family, is completely different.

As one of the four major families in the capital, the Wang family possesses background and energy that the Li family and the Zhao family cannot match. Internally, new strength is urgently needed.

Jiang Chen would not allow such a threat to exist, so Wang Mingjie and his son must die, and the sect behind the Wang family must also be wiped out.

Can't leave a little room, we must put an end to any future troubles!

After walking out of Wang's house, Jiang Chen raised his head, glanced at the sky above his head, and murmured, "There is only one Wu family left."

For a long time, the Wang family was in a state of turmoil.

Gui Yuanzong supported Wu Mengdi to fight Wu Qingya in the ring, and then Wu Mengdi died. Wu Qingya's life was finally easier.

It's a pity that a rumor about Jiang Chen's plan to restore order in the capital once again involved the Wu family in the vortex of storms.

Finally, Chang Zhile died, and Wei Dashan also died...but the price the Wu family paid was not small, because Hua Yunfei also died.

After Hua Yunfei's death, although the Long Sword Sect would not be in turmoil, the Wu family, the name of the four major families in the capital, would become unworthy of its name.

Gui Yuanzong's account, no matter how it is calculated, will eventually be settled on Wu's head.

On this point, everyone in the Wu family has a consensus.

Jiang Chen went in and out of the Li family, the Zhao family and the Wang family one after another. It was the Wu family's turn to settle their accounts one after another. The atmosphere inside the Wu family was tense, and everyone was extremely uneasy.

However, at this time, everyone was surprised to find that Wu Qingya's behavior was extremely abnormal, because Wu Qingya, who had never touched the sun with her ten fingers, actually walked into the kitchen, and it seemed that she was planning to Make a meal yourself.

This situation, I have to say, left everyone dumbfounded, it was so unbelievable, and they couldn't understand at all what happened to Wu Qingya.

They even thought, Wu Qingya, is she crazy...

(End of this chapter)

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