genius evil

Chapter 928 Buying an Island

Chapter 928 Buying an Island

Of course Wu Qingya wasn't crazy.

A lunatic definitely doesn't know how to wash and cook.

Wu Qingya, who was not insane, was busy in the kitchen alone, and the servants at the kitchen door were very frightened.

They were the only ones who knew that Wu Qingya was not crazy, but they all felt that if Wu Qingya continued like this, they would all go crazy.

You know, before this, Wu Qingya didn't even go into the kitchen a few times, let alone cooking, and what she wanted to eat and drink was delivered directly to her by the servants.

To put it in a more hypocritical way, it is to stretch out your hands to eat and open your mouth when you come to clothes, and you almost don't have to be bathed and fed.

I don't know what's going on today, but Wu Qingya actually wants to cook and cook. If there are only two dishes, it's okay to say, it's just fun.

But according to Wu Qingya, she was going to serve a large table full of dishes, and in that case, at least eight dishes were needed.

It is undoubtedly a fantasy and impossible for a person who has never cooked before to cook eight dishes.Several servants expressed their doubts, but Wu Qingya was very persistent and sure, and said that she wanted to cook eight dishes by herself, and there must be none of them missing.

It took more than two hours, and when several servants were on the verge of collapse, Wu Qingya finally cooked eight dishes, and then, plate after plate, served them on the table with her own hands, followed by bowls and dishes. Chopsticks.

"You guys leave first." Wu Qingya said to several servants.

After hearing the sound, several servants ran away quickly one by one, but Wu Qingya didn't take it seriously.

Not long after, under the leadership of his servants, Jiang Chen walked in.

"Jiang Chen, you came just in time, you can eat." Seeing Jiang Chen, Wu Qingya said happily.

She was also worried that if she waited for a long time, the food would get cold. Fortunately, Jiang Chen came very quickly.

"Eat?" Frowning, Jiang Chen asked strangely.

"Yes, I cooked eight dishes myself." Wu Qingya said as if asking for credit.

"Your brain is broken?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly, what's wrong with you?

Wu Qingya was not angry, but still smiled, and said, "I don't know if you are hungry or not, so just eat something casually, I guess it's not good, so don't be disgusted."

"I think your brain is indeed broken." Jiang Chen looked at Wu Qingya like an idiot.

"Jiang Chen, there is nothing wrong with my mind." Wu Qingya said seriously.

"Then, did you poison the food?" Jiang Chen said.

"No." Wu Qingya still said seriously.

"Could it be that my brain is broken?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Wu Qingya said.

"Some things, if they are meaningless from the beginning, there is no need to do them." Jiang Chen frowned even more tightly.

"Jiang Chen, do you really not want to eat?" Wu Qingya asked again, feeling a little begging for mercy.

"I promised Hua Clan Master, so you don't have to worry about what I will do to you." Jiang Chen said.

"I just want you to take a bite of the food I made with my own hands. If you really find it unpalatable, you can spit it out." Wu Qingya insisted.

Jiang Chen felt that if he continued to communicate with Wu Qingya, his brain would really go bad, so he turned around and left.

"There are too many abnormal people these days. There is no need to come to the Wu family in the future." Walking out of the Wu family, Jiang Chen said to himself, and stopped a taxi to return to Capital University.

The capital city has never been so lively as it is today.

After the rumors about the Li family, the Zhao family, and the Wang family got out, all the big and small circles in the capital were about to explode.

You must know that even though they were secretly waiting for Jiang Chen to settle the old accounts, Jiang Chen's method was too vigorous and resolute, he didn't give the other party a chance at all, and directly beat him to death with a stick.

Especially for the Li family and the Wang family, these two big families were almost wiped out of the capital by Jiang Chen.

If, before these things happened today, some people still had doubts about Jiang Chen's restoration of order in the capital, then, after today, no one would doubt this anymore.

Jiang Chen suddenly told everyone with practical actions that no one can stop what he is going to do!

The sky in the capital, after all, completely changed color on this day!

But Jiang Chen, who stirred up the situation in the city, didn't seem to have this kind of awareness. After returning to the Capital University, Jiang Chen rushed to the cafeteria immediately.

But Jiang Chen was destined not to be able to finish the meal peacefully. After a while, Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang appeared.

The two sat opposite Jiang Chen, even though they were already very familiar with Jiang Chen, the eyes they looked at Jiang Chen were still full of fear.

There is no way, what Jiang Chen did today, to some extent, has exceeded the expectations of the two of them. They never thought that Jiang Chen's methods would be so overbearing.

At the same time, this made both of them very lucky, especially Qian Fugui. If it wasn't for the fact that the Qian family had an interest relationship with Jiang Chen, he probably wouldn't have gotten so close to Jiang Chen.

The overthrow of the fate of the family, just in the first thought!
"Young Master, the two of us are here to ask, do you have any orders?" After sitting for a while, seeing that Jiang Chen was about to finish eating, Qian Fugui spoke.

"What order?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Young Master, aren't you planning to build a Jiang family? If there is anything you need, just tell me." Qian Fugui said.

Sun Haoyang also nodded, on this matter, no matter what Jiang Chen asked, he was obliged.

"Oh, how should we do this kind of thing?" Jiang Chen asked with great interest.

Jiang Chen still had some interest in establishing a super wealthy family. Although this matter was not his original intention, it was a matter of course for the development to this stage.

"What should I do?" Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang glanced at each other, and then Sun Haoyang said: "First of all, it should be to buy a piece of land or a house."

A family must always have a lintel. Buying land and building a house is undoubtedly too cumbersome. It is better to simply buy a house directly.

"How can one house be enough? Ten houses are not enough." Blinking, Qian Fugui said playfully.

There are so many women around Jiang Chen, and Qian Fugui doesn't know how many there are, but he can be sure that even ten houses are definitely not enough.

There is a saying that only by being prepared can there be no dangers. In terms of the speed at which Jiang Chen picks up girls, the more houses the better, so as not to mobilize people for such a trivial matter in the future.

Sun Haoyang suddenly understood the hidden meaning in Qian Fugui's words, smiled, and said: "Jiang Shao, the matter of the house is indeed a big problem, what do you think?"

After being told by Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang, Jiang Chen suddenly realized that the house is indeed a big problem. After thinking about it, he said, "Then let's buy a piece of land and build the house by ourselves."

"Okay." Sun Haoyang nodded, agreeing with Jiang Chen's statement.

Buying a ready-made house is simple, but there are too few houses that can meet Jiang Chen's needs. If you buy land and build a house yourself, it will be a bit troublesome, but there are many benefits.

"What land to buy, wouldn't it be better to buy a small uninhabited island." Qian Fugui suggested.

"It seems that buying an island is a very good idea." Sun Haoyang's eyes lit up.

Buying a house is not as good as buying land, and buying land is not as good as buying an island.

Ordinary people naturally cannot buy a small island with a good environment, but Jiang Chen is obviously not an ordinary person, and in terms of financial resources, let alone one island, even ten small islands are nothing to Jiang Chen down.

"It's okay." Jiang Chen has absolutely no experience with this kind of thing. Although Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang have no experience, they have never eaten meat, so they can be regarded as seeing pigs run away.

"Okay, then it's settled. During this time, Young Master Sun and I will pay attention to this news." Qian Fugui said.

Qian Fugui's personality was rather anxious, and before Jiang Chen finished his meal, he told Sun Haoyang to leave. They planned to finalize the purchase of the island in the shortest possible time.

After all, this was Jiang Chen's business, so there was no reason why he should not do his best.

When Jiang Chen finally finished his meal and just walked out of the cafeteria, Jiang Chen was a little surprised when he saw two women waiting for him at the door.

One of them is Zhou Mingzhu, and the other is Zhou Jinse.

"Mingzhu, have you told Jiang Chen to invite Jiang Chen to come home?" Seeing Jiang Chen coming out of the cafeteria, Zhou Jinse asked Zhou Mingzhu.

"I said so." Zhou Mingzhu said timidly.

Zhou Jinse looked at Jiang Chen, the implication was obvious, since Zhou Mingzhu said, why didn't Jiang Chen go to Zhou's house.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Beauty Jinse, you are worried that Miss Mingzhu's affairs will not be done well, so you came to invite me personally, right?"

"Do you have time?" Zhou Jinse asked.

"If it was someone else, they would definitely not have the time, but you are different, Miss Jinse, no matter what time it is, I have time." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Although he knew that what Jiang Chen said was definitely nonsense, Zhou Jinse still blushed when Jiang Chen said it, and said to Zhou Mingzhu: "Mingzhu, you go to class first."

"Okay, sister." Zhou Mingzhu glanced at Jiang Chen, then at Zhou Jinse, and walked away.

"Have you talked about our relationship with Miss Mingzhu?" Jiang Chen grabbed Zhou Jinse's little hand and played with it.

"Why did I say it?" Zhou Jinse asked.

"You want me to tell?" Jiang Chen asked in astonishment, and immediately realized that Zhou Jinse was planning to use strong medicine to make him stop thinking about Zhou Mingzhu completely.

"Alright, let me tell." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Do you really have time now?" Hearing Jiang Chen's reply, there was no perfunctory taste, Zhou Jinse felt a little relieved, and asked.

"Of course there is time, let's go." Jiang Chen said.

Zhou Jinse nodded, and led Jiang Chen towards the car park. Soon, the car left Capital University and headed towards Zhou's house.

"Miss Jinse, are you really planning to take me to Zhou's house, is it to meet the parents?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously as the car was driving on the road.

Zhou Jinse's expression was slightly sad, and he said, "You will know when you go..."

Next, Zhou Jinse didn't say anything anymore and concentrated on driving, but the sadness in the center of her brow was so strong that she couldn't get rid of it...

(End of this chapter)

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