genius evil

Chapter 929

Chapter 929

Zhou Jinse's mood was undoubtedly not quite right, but Jiang Chen was well aware of Zhou Jinse's character, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Jiang Chen knew very well that if Zhou Jinse was willing to say something to him, he would naturally say it without him asking. On the contrary, if Zhou Jinse was unwilling to say it, it would be useless even if he asked.

Having nothing to say all the way, Zhou Jinse drove back to Zhou's house.



Entering Zhou's house, Zhou Jinse led Jiang Chen to the interior. Along the way, all kinds of greetings rang out non-stop. It was obvious that Zhou Jinse's prestige in Zhou's house was extremely high.

This kind of prestige does not make people feel afraid, but in a very natural state, it makes people feel loved.

Jiang Chen heard it with his ears and saw it with his eyes, and found it quite interesting, or, this can be regarded as a different angle, let's get to know another side of Zhou Jinse!

Then, to Jiang Chen's surprise, after entering one of the villas, Jiang Chen saw a person.

This person is none other than the white-haired old woman who had dealt with once before.

The white-haired old woman seemed to be waiting for him and Zhou Jinse to arrive, which also seemed to indicate that Zhou Jinse brought him back to Zhou's house today, not on a whim, but had been arranged in advance.

"Jiang Chen, this old man is Nanny Gu, you can call her Gu Gu or Nanny Gu." Zhou Jinse introduced to Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Shao, we meet again." The ancient mother looked at Jiang Chen and said kindly.

"Hi, Nanny Gu." Jiang Chen also responded with a smile.

For some reason, Jiang Chen noticed that the ancient mother looked at him with unusually kind eyes, the eyes that only elders would have when they looked at juniors.

Although in terms of seniority, he is indeed a junior.

But Jiang Chen felt that if he was any other old man whose seniority was similar to that of Nanny Gu, he would definitely not look at him like this.

The look in this old mother's eyes reminded Jiang Chen of Mr. Xu.

However, Mr. Xu regards him as the future grandson-in-law of the Xu family, and it is reasonable to look at him with such eyes. Then, how should this ancient mother understand him when he looks at him like this?
Moreover, Jiang Chen discovered that there was no one else here except the Gu Nanny, no Zhou Jinse's parents, and no other elders.

Zhou Jinse invited Jiang Chen to sit down, brewed two cups of tea and brought them over, one for Nanny Gu and one for Jiang Chen. After sitting down, Zhou Jinse said: "Jiang Chen, Nanny Gu watched me grow up, and I was with you. My grandma is about the same."

"Oh." Jiang Chen nodded, not quite understanding why Zhou Jinse said this to himself.

"Grandma Gu and my grandfather are old friends, which is why Gu Nanny has been helping my Zhou family for many years. Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away too early." Zhou Jinse said softly.

After saying these words, Jiang Chen clearly noticed that there was a trace of sadness in the eyes of Gu Momo.


Jiang Chen suddenly came to his senses, dare to say, the relationship between this old nun and Mrs. Zhou is extraordinary, it may even be a relationship between lovers.

However, due to some reasons unknown to him, Nanny Gu has no status, so Zhou Jinse called her Nanny Gu.

Zhou Jinse said that Nanny Gu is similar to her grandma, which means that in her heart, Nanny Gu is her grandmother.

The relationship is not complicated, it can even be said to be very simple.

This also made Jiang Chen understand why he didn't see anyone else today, but what he saw was Gu Nai, and he really meant to see his parents.

"Jinse, there's no need to talk about the past, I will naturally do what I promised your grandfather back then." Gu Nanny said.

Zhou Jinse said softly: "Nurse, you have worked hard all these years."

"There's no such thing as hard work." Gu Momo shook her head and said, "I like your temperament since I was young. If you don't dislike Momo, I'm getting old, so I'm very happy, Momo."

"No, I will continue to serve you, mother." Zhou Jinse said hastily.

After about ten minutes or so, Nanny Gu got up and left, about to rest, Zhou Jinse accompanied Jiang Chen to talk.

"Jiang Chen, you asked me earlier if I brought you to Zhou's house today to meet the parents." Zhou Jinse said.

"You have already given me the answer." Jiang Chen smiled.

"This is only part of it." Zhou Jinse said, and said to Jiang Chen, "Come with me."

Inside the villa, Zhou Jinse walked to a door, reached out, and slowly pushed the door open.

After the door was pushed open, there was a faint scent of sandalwood in the air. Jiang Chen took a look and saw that there were two spirit tablets enshrined in the room.

"Jiang Chen, this is the spiritual seat of my parents." Zhou Jinse explained to Jiang Chen.

After that, Zhou Jinse walked to the sink, washed her hands carefully, dried her hands, took out the sandalwood, lighted it carefully, and plugged it in.

Taking two steps back, Zhou Jinse knelt down on the mat and kowtowed three times respectfully.

After Zhou Jinse finished these, Jiang Chen went to wash his hands silently, and then burned incense. He didn't kneel down, put his hands together, and said a few words reverently. In this way, he had met Zhou Jinse's parents.

The two of them didn't stay in this room for too long, after offering incense separately, they walked out and returned to the living room.

Seeing that Jiang Chen's tea was cold, Zhou Jinse brewed another cup of hot tea, put it in front of Jiang Chen, and said softly, "Jiang Chen, I have a lot to say to you today, I don't know, will you impatient."

"I think I will be a very good listener." Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

"Actually, the reason why I chose to bring you here today is because today is the anniversary of my parents' death. I thought in my heart that I want you to worship them with me." Zhou Jinse looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"You can tell me about this kind of thing directly, and I won't refuse." Jiang Chen said.

Zhou Jinse smiled and said, "I thought about telling you something, but I don't know where to start. Just don't blame me."

"Meeting the future husband and mother-in-law is a matter of course for any man, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said deliberately narrowly, wanting to make the atmosphere a little more relaxed.

He could tell that Zhou Jinse was quite depressed.

It is not very clear whether this depression is related to the death date of the parents, or there are other factors.

"Do you still remember why we came together?" Zhou Jinse asked after hesitating for a while.

"Is this what you want to tell me today?" Jiang Chen said with a slight frown.

He naturally remembered why Zhou Jinse became his woman, it was destined to be not a pleasant memory.

Zhou Jinse is a smart woman, and a woman's smartness is largely reflected in not revealing her scars.

However, when Zhou Jinse mentioned this issue, he meant to uncover that scar.

"I'm not complaining or blaming you. On the contrary, I want to have a good talk with you about this matter. After the talk, you will know what kind of woman I am." Zhou Jinse bit her red lips Said.

Maybe it was because Jiang Chen didn't want to talk about this topic. After saying this, before Jiang Chen could respond, Zhou Jinse went on to say: "My parents passed away many years ago, and my grandfather passed away too early. All these years, Mother Gu has been helping my Zhou family."

"In the eyes of outsiders, the four major families of Zhou, Wu, and Zheng in the capital are ranked in no particular order. Each family has an extraordinary background, but in fact, for many years, my Zhou family has always been the weakest and least existing. There is a sense of existence, it's okay to have the ancient mother, if the ancient mother passes away in the future, no one will know what the Zhou family will do."

Having said that, the corners of Zhou Jinse's mouth became slightly bitter, and she continued: "In the beginning, on the surface, it seems that you forced me, but in fact, why didn't I use you? If it wasn't so, I How can the Zhou family survive to this day?"

"This is the main point you want to talk about? Is this a showdown?" Jiang Chen asked in a deep voice.

"Do you think it's disappointing?" Zhou Jinse said mockingly.

"If I told you that I already knew this, how would you feel?" Jiang Chen asked.


Jiang Chen thought that Zhou Jinse's use of this word was a bit serious.

Rather than using it, it's better to say that Zhou Jinse is using himself as a bargaining chip to gamble heavily. This kind of behavior seems to be very utilitarian, but in fact, how many women have Zhou Jinse's vision and courage?

Therefore, Jiang Chen would never take credit for the preservation of the Zhou family. All of this was fought for by Zhou Jinse, and Zhou Jinse deserved it.

As if he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would say this, Zhou Jinse was greatly surprised, lost his mind, and murmured, "Jiang Chen, you didn't lie to me?"

"If I lie to you, will there be any benefit?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Zhou Jinse's question, but asked back with a joke.

"Benefits?" Zhou Jinse was distracted for a while.

Yes, if Jiang Chen lied to her, what good would it be for Jiang Chen?

She was Jiang Chen's woman a long time ago, and Jiang Chen didn't need to lie to her about any issues, because such bullying was meaningless to Jiang Chen.

So, this is not lying to her, what Jiang Chen said is true.

But Zhou Jinse still didn't expect that she would get such an answer after struggling with a question for so long. She thought that Jiang Chen would blame her, and even Jiang Chen would destroy the Zhou family in a fit of anger.

And the reason why Zhou Jinse took such a big risk to have a showdown with Jiang Chen was that she believed that she could deceive Jiang Chen for a while, but she definitely could not deceive Jiang Chen for a lifetime.

Rather than being furious when Jiang Chen finds out, she might as well tell Jiang Chen herself.

"Jiang Chen, I want to know, since you already understood my intentions, have you ever been angry with me and blamed me?" Zhou Jinse asked uneasily.

"Why are you angry?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Do you think I, Jiang Chen, am the kind of man who lacks confidence?"

"What does this have to do with self-confidence?" Zhou Jinse was stunned, even though Jiang Chen had always been that kind of self-confident existence.

"As a confident man, the most unnecessary thing is to be angry. If you know one thing like me, that is, from the first time we met, you were destined to fall in love with me, and you would Understand, I don't need to be angry at all." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Ah—" Zhou Jinse looked at Jiang Chen in a daze, completely stunned by Jiang Chen's shamelessness!

(End of this chapter)

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