genius evil

Chapter 930

Chapter 930

Destined to fall in love with Jiang Chen?

Zhou Jinse believes that this has nothing to do with self-confidence, it is purely shameless.

After all, no matter how confident a person is, it is probably difficult for a person to say such a thing. Who would say such a thing as Jiang Chen, who is so reasonable.

The meaning of those words seemed to be telling her that if she hadn't fallen in love with Jiang Chen, it was because she had committed a huge mistake that was unforgivable.

"Beauty Jinse, what's your reaction? Am I wrong?" Jiang Chen said very unwillingly.

"Aren't you right?" Zhou Jinse couldn't help asking.

"Of course I'm not wrong. Could it be that Jinse Beauty, you haven't realized how much you love me?" Jiang Chen asked in great bewilderment.

Zhou Jin Su was speechless, did she love Jiang Chen deeply?

No, to be precise, does she love Jiang Chen?

From her own point of view, whether she was with Jiang Chen, whether she was forced by Jiang Chen or initiated by herself, they all had a very strong purpose.

Just like what she said, she was using Jiang Chen.

Since it is using Jiang Chen, how can it be called love?

Jiang Chen sighed, and said helplessly: "Beauty Jinse, you don't know yourself at all, there is no way, then I will help you, let you understand yourself deeply."

"What are you going to do?" Zhou Jinse asked subconsciously, looking at Jiang Chen vigilantly.

Jiang Chen did not answer Zhou Jinse's question, but told Zhou Jinse with practical actions what he was going to do. He got up from the sofa, picked Zhou Jinse up, and Jiang Chen strode upstairs.

"You—" Zhou Jinse was dumbfounded, Jiang Chen was going to harm her again, right?
Is this what Jiang Chen called, the way for her to understand herself deeply?

But why did she feel that Jiang Chen was just looking for an excuse to take advantage of her?

Jiang Chen hugged Zhou Jinse, appeared on the second floor, and asked, "Which room."

"On the left, the second one." Zhou Jinse said in shame and indignation, but he could only tell Jiang Chen which bedroom he had. What should I do if I harmed her on the sofa in the living room?
It's not that Zhou Jinse is hypocritical, no matter what, she is already Jiang Chen's woman, and she doesn't resist doing that kind of thing with Jiang Chen. On the contrary, Jiang Chen can be said to be a very good boyfriend or lover, either in bed or in bed. On the sofa, there is not much difference.

But this place is in Zhou's house after all, if she is accidentally seen by a servant, where will she put her face?

In that case, the prestige she had built up with great difficulty will disappear overnight!
Jiang Chen pushed open the door of the second room on the left, entered with Zhou Jinse in his arms, closed and locked the door, and then put Zhou Jinse in his arms on the bed.

"Beauty Jinse, after all, I am helping you understand yourself, so take off your clothes yourself." Standing at the head of the bed, looking at the blush on Zhou Jinse's cheeks, Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

Zhou Jinse was very angry, why should she let her take off her clothes?
Jiang Chen was simply bullying too much. She couldn't cooperate with Jiang Chen when Jiang Chen was clearly going to bully her, so that Jiang Chen could bully her easily.

"Don't take it off?" Jiang Chen gave a half-smile.

Seeing that Jiang Chen's smile was narrow and evil, and the eyes that looked at her like that were full of danger, Zhou Jinse suddenly thumped, bit his teeth lightly, and finally took off a piece slowly. clothes.

I don't know if it's because there is not much difference between taking off a piece of clothing and taking off all the clothes on your body.

After taking off the first piece of clothes, Zhou Jinse quickly took off all the clothes and pants on her body, then pulled off the quilt, curled up her soft body, and lay down on the bed.

"Beauty Jinse, have you noticed a problem?" Jiang Chen silently admired Zhou Jinse's undressing action, and sighed in his heart that a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, even the undressing action is extremely elegant.

Moreover, a beautiful woman like Zhou Jinse, whether she wears clothes or not, is extremely beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Of course, for him, it would be more pleasing to the eye if Zhou Jinse didn't wear clothes.

"What's the problem?" Zhou Jinse asked with a frown, not realizing that there was a problem.

"Miss Jinse, you appear to be quite angry at the act of undressing, but in fact, your act of undressing betrayed your heart inadvertently." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

His face flushed suddenly, and Zhou Jinse asked with raised eyebrows, "Jiang Chen, do I have any other choices in front of you? If so, you can tell me, what other choices do I have?"

"You can naturally choose to let me undress you, but you didn't make such a request, which just means that you have a certain desire in your heart, but that desire is deeply buried in your heart. If there is not a suitable time to activate it, you will not know about it until now." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Zhou Jinse couldn't help but startled, is it like this?

Or, Jiang Chen was just using his superb conversation skills to hypnotize her?

After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Jinse felt that the latter was undoubtedly more likely.

After all, if she really has a desire, no matter how deeply she hides it, if she can deceive others, how can she deceive herself?

"No, you made a mistake." Zhou Jinse said then.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will verify them one by one."

While talking, Jiang Chen quickly undressed, got into bed and got under the quilt, pressing Zhou Jinse under him.

Even though this wasn't the first time or the second time, when Jiang Chen was pressing on him and feeling Jiang Chen's body temperature, Zhou Jinse's heartbeat still inevitably accelerated.

She didn't know if it was because of her nervousness, but she felt that her blood was flowing much faster, and her body temperature rose rapidly.

"Beauty Jinse, are you ready? I'm going to start the verification." Jiang Chen whispered in Zhou Jinse's ear.

"Jiang Chen, you are messing around." Zhou Jinse said tremblingly.

"Beauty Jinse, this is just the beginning. I said, don't worry." Jiang Chen shook his head, stared at Zhou Jinse's fluttering red lips, and slowly covered them.

Feeling Jiang Chen's warm breath sprayed on her face, Zhou Jinse's mouth was inexplicably dry, her eyes slowly closed, she couldn't help sticking out her tongue, and licked her slightly dry lips.

An unintentional movement had a fatal allure, Jiang Chen's movement became wild in an instant, and viciously kissed Zhou Jinse's red lips.


Zhou Jinse sobbed. At the moment when Jiang Chen kissed her, she felt as if she was going to be eaten by Jiang Chen in one bite. She hugged Jiang Chen tightly with both hands unconsciously.

What's more, under Jiang Chen's inducement, he clumsily responded proactively.

The temperature in the room climbed as the two rubbed their ears and temples together, and after Zhou Jinse uttered a moan that seemed painful but also joyful, the temperature climbed to the highest point.

It was clear that Zhou Jinse's eye corner, there was a crystal teardrop, slowly sliding down along the cheek.

Zhou Jinse finally understood what Jiang Chen meant by helping her understand herself deeply.

That's right, before that, she really didn't know much about herself, at least, when it came to Jiang Chen, she didn't know herself at all.

She thinks she is using it, even if she has some other feelings, but under the premise of using it, those feelings are not worth mentioning at all, and can be completely ignored.

Little did they know, it turned out that deep down in her heart, she really longed for it. She didn't understand how she had deceived herself before, but when the desire in her body burst like a flood, she could no longer hide it.

Before getting to know Jiang Chen, Zhou Jinse never thought that one day, she would have such a small woman. After getting to know Jiang Chen, her self-cognition is just the transformation from a girl to a real woman. .

However, it wasn't just her body that transformed, but also her psychology!
If it wasn't for falling in love with Jiang Chen, how could Jiang Chen be brought to Zhou's house on the day of his parents' death to pay homage to his parents?

If it wasn't for falling in love with Jiang Chen, how could he be so serious and introduce Gu Nanny to Jiang Chen?

If it wasn't for falling in love with Jiang Chen, why would he be so nervous and care about the relationship between Jiang Chen and Zhou Mingzhu?
If it wasn't for falling in love with Jiang Chen, how could he not hesitate to take such a big risk to reveal his thoughts to Jiang Chen?
Bit by bit, seemingly inconspicuous, but those seemingly inconspicuous little thoughts, after being connected together, become the most direct portrayal of Zhou Jinse's state of mind.

She really fell in love with this man, not only the extreme physical pleasure that Jiang Chen brought her, but also the unprecedented satisfaction in her heart.

Feeling unacceptable, going deeper.

She said she didn't need it, but her body betrayed her soul with incomparable honesty!

Zhou Jinse's tears were not because of grievance or excitement, but because she felt that she was too stupid, Jiang Chen could see such obvious thoughts clearly, but she herself didn't know about it, it was too embarrassing.

The way Jiang Chen helped Zhou Jinse understand himself was very unique, but because it was very useful, Jiang Chen continued to help Zhou Jinse understand himself in this way in the next few hours.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen is a very good teacher, and Zhou Jinse is also a very good student. The two of them kept discussing and verifying, until it was dark, and Zhou Jinse's understanding of himself could not go any further. is to stop.

"Jiang Chen, do you have time at night?" Like a goldfish leaving the water, Zhou Jinse breathed heavily, and after a while, he felt that he had come alive, and asked.

"Jinse beauty, do you want it?" Jiang Chen glanced at Zhou Jinse, his eyes lit up, sure enough, helping Zhou Jinse understand himself is still very beneficial, Zhou Jinse is good, he is also good, no, Zhou Jinse is always so active, To keep him overnight.

"Let's have dinner with Mingzhu tonight." Zhou Jinse said hurriedly, interrupting Jiang Chen's wild thoughts, she didn't dare to keep Jiang Chen overnight, otherwise she felt that she would be tossed to death by Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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