genius evil

Chapter 931 Sister's Boyfriend

Chapter 931 Sister's Boyfriend
If it wasn't for school holidays, even if Zhou's family was in the capital, Zhou Mingzhu would seldom go home.

A well-behaved girl, perfectly interpreting a poisonous chicken soup for the soul - she is better than 90.00% of the people in this world, she can be a unique little princess without any effort, but she is better than the world Above all, 90.00% of nine people have to work hard.

Chicken soup is poisonous, Jiang Chen felt that it is better to drink less of this kind of chicken soup, otherwise people will be poisoned to death.

Zhou Mingzhu didn't go home, so Jiang Chen went to Capital University with Zhou Jinse, and then called Zhou Mingzhu out.

"Sister, Jiang Chen." The girl trotted all the way with her long skirt in hand, causing many boys to stare at her.

"Mingzhu, walk slowly." Zhou Jinse said nervously, worried that Zhou Mingzhu would fall.

"It's okay, even if I'm about to fall, I can still hold it up." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

Zhou Mingzhu's face is nothing to say, neither is her figure, and her temperament is even more nothing to say. The well-deserved No. [-] campus beauty of Beijing University, she is panting and blushing when she runs, with a different kind of personality. charm.

But of course Jiang Chen would not admit his bad taste, he just expressed his attitude very simply.

"Sister, you asked me to come out, what's the matter?" The girl ran up and asked curiously.

"Mingzhu, have you eaten yet? If not, let's go eat together." Zhou Jinse said dotingly, reaching out to tidy up Zhou Mingzhu's wind-blown hair.

"No." Sticking out her tongue, Zhou Mingzhu said a little embarrassedly, she had been studying in the classroom before, and if she hadn't received a call from Zhou Jinse, she would not have noticed that it was getting dark.

"Where to eat, do you arrange or I arrange?" Jiang Chen asked Zhou Jinse.

"Sister Lan's restaurant." Zhou Jinse said with a half-smile, so Jiang Chen also laughed.

It was Jiang Chen who drove in the direction of Sister Lan Hotel, and soon, the car appeared at the entrance of Sister Lan Hotel, stopped, and Jiang Chen led Zhou Jinse and Zhou Mingzhu to the restaurant.

Even though it was past the meal time, Sister Lan's restaurant was still very lively, almost every seat was full.It gave people the impression that rich people from all over the country gathered together to eat at Sister Lan's restaurant.

I don't know if what Jiang Chen said last time had an effect, but he suddenly saw inside the restaurant. Although there are many customers, the waiters are all very leisurely. There are even two waiters who are secretly playing mobile games.

Zhou Jinse knew about the existence of Sister Lan Hotel since it opened. She was intentional that time and didn't ask anyone to bring her a gift. At that time, she didn't understand why she had such thoughts, but today, she understood.

She was quite surprised that the business of Sister Lan's restaurant was so good. You know, as far as she knew, the food at Sister Lan's restaurant was notoriously expensive.Compared with those well-known five-star hotels, they are all comparable!
"Jiang Shao." A waiter saw Jiang Chen and immediately ran over.

However, after greeting Jiang Chen, the waiter's eyes were involuntarily attracted to Zhou Jinse and Zhou Mingzhu.

"Are there any boxes?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Sister Lan has always reserved a box for Jiang Shao, which is not open to the public." The waiter responded.

Jiang Chen nodded, knowing that the box that Sister Lan had reserved for him last time was the one reserved for him by Sister Lan. He was a little moved by Sister Lan's intentions, and Sister Lan walked over.

"Jiang Chen, are you bringing friends over for dinner? Come with me." Sister Lan greeted.

"Sister Lan, hello, my name is Zhou Jinse." Zhou Jinse reached out to Sister Lan.

Sister Lan shook hands with Zhou Jinse, and said with a smile, "I'm Sister Lan, nice to meet you."

"I'm also glad to meet you. I don't know if Jiang Chen mentioned me before." Zhou Jinse asked with a smile.

Sister Lan subconsciously glanced at Jiang Chen. If she remembered correctly, Jiang Chen had never mentioned Zhou Jinse in front of her before.

In other words, it wasn't just Zhou Jinse, Jiang Chen didn't talk to her about the other women around Jiang Chen.Even if it was Jian Xiaoyu last time, it was only after Jian Xiaoyu visited Sister Lan's restaurant that she vaguely felt that the relationship between Jian Xiaoyu and Jiang Chen was a bit unusual.

Sister Lan didn't think she was a very smart woman, but when Zhou Jinse asked whether Jiang Chen had mentioned her before, she could vaguely sense that Zhou Jinse and Jiang Chen were almost a couple.

Otherwise, why would Zhou Jinse add to the liking, so to speak?

"Yes." After taking a look at Jiang Chen, Sister Lan then said, this bit of face should be given to Jiang Chen.

"Really?" Zhou Jinse smiled sweetly and said, "Then Sister Lan, you must know that I am Jiang Chen's girlfriend, right?"

"I know." Sister Lan said a little stiffly.

After a while, under the leadership of Sister Lan, Jiang Chen led Zhou Jinse and sister Zhou Mingzhu to the box. Zhou Jinse picked up the menu to order. Except for two meat dishes specially ordered for Jiang Chen, the rest were all vegetarian dishes.

Sister Lan still decided to cook for Jiang Chen herself, and soon left the box.

Zhou Mingzhu didn't notice what Zhou Jinse ordered. After entering the box, her big eyes were staring at Zhou Jinse all the time. The light flickered slightly, and she seemed to be preoccupied.

"Mingzhu, do you have something to tell me?" Zhou Jinse asked, pouring Zhou Mingzhu a glass of boiling water.

"Sister, when did you become Jiang Chen's girlfriend?" Zhou Mingzhu then asked, she was very curious about this question, because Zhou Jinse had never mentioned it to her before, she thought that Zhou Jinse and Jiang Chen Dust is just a very good friend.

"It's not long, the relationship has just been confirmed." Zhou Jinse said with a light smile.

"Oh." Zhou Mingzhu nodded.

Then, Zhou Mingzhu remembered the last time when Zhou Jinse asked her to bring a message to Jiang Chen, saying that he would invite Jiang Chen to visit Zhou's house, and that she could ask Jiang Chen for anything she had at school in the future.

Zhou Mingzhu thought, maybe at that time, Zhou Jinse had already established a relationship with Jiang Chen.

Otherwise, how could Zhou Jinse have invited Jiang Chen to Jiang's house, and how could she have asked Jiang Chen for something, clearly asking Jiang Chen to take care of her.

It's just that she was stupid and didn't understand the hidden meaning in Zhou Jinse's words.

"Jiang Chen, then will I not be able to call you by your name anymore, but I will call you brother-in-law?" Zhou Mingzhu said to Zhou Jinse again.

The elder sister's boyfriend is her brother-in-law as it should be. Zhou Mingzhu felt that Jiang Chen and Zhou Jinse had such a relationship. It would be very impolite for her to call Jiang Chen by his name directly in the future.

"Call it whatever you want, you can call it by name, you can call it brother-in-law." Jiang Chen smiled and gave Zhou Jinse a half-smile.

From Zhou Jinse saying that he wanted to have dinner with Zhou Mingzhu, Jiang Chen vaguely guessed that today, Zhou Jinse would also have a showdown with Zhou Mingzhu in addition to having a showdown with him.

But what surprised Jiang Chen was that Zhou Jinse would pretend to be his girlfriend in front of Sister Lan. Could it be that Zhou Jinse thought that there was an unclear relationship between him and Sister Lan.

So, that counts as an oath of ownership over him?

This point, I have to say, made Jiang Chen very interesting.

This always strong woman, after understanding her heart, is as strong as ever emotionally.

However, Jiang Chen didn't feel disgusted. Zhou Jinse had never been a vase, and he would not want a Zhou Jinse who was like a vase.

"Mingzhu, you will be called brother-in-law Jiang Chen from now on, you know?" Zhou Jinse urged.

After showing off to Jiang Chen herself, she chose to show off to Zhou Mingzhu, and even swearing ownership of Jiang Chen in front of Sister Lan was not showing off her might, but she wanted Jiang Chen to understand that she was his woman up.

Asking Zhou Mingzhu to call Jiang Chen's brother-in-law, Zhou Jinse thought, even if Jiang Chen had any thoughts about Zhou Mingzhu before, he probably won't in the future.

"Okay, I see." Zhou Mingzhu said obediently.

The ordered dishes were delivered quickly. Basically, Zhou Jinse and Zhou Mingzhu only ate vegetarian dishes, and all the meat dishes were Jiang Chen's.

Just after finishing the meal, Zhou Jinse received a phone call and asked Jiang Chen to send Zhou Mingzhu back to school before leaving.

"Jiang Chen, will I call you brother-in-law in front of others in the future?" Zhou Mingzhu asked after Jiang Chen and Zhou Mingzhu left Sister Lan Hotel and returned to Capital University.

"You can do whatever you like. Of course, if you feel uncomfortable calling my brother-in-law, you can always call me by my name when your sister is away." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

Zhou Jinse's thoughts, he is very clear, this call from brother-in-law, it can be said that his identity has been crucified.

"I don't know why, but I think it's better to call you by your name, it's weird to call you brother-in-law." Zhou Mingzhu said quietly.

"Then call me by my name. Just don't let your sister know about it. I'll keep the secret for you." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Is it possible?" Zhou Mingzhu was a little uncertain.

"Of course." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

His relationship with Zhou Jinse is one thing, but his relationship with Zhou Mingzhu is another.

Jiang Chen didn't think that Zhou Jinse could forcibly impose his own thoughts on Zhou Mingzhu, and he would not think about changing Zhou Mingzhu's thoughts.

"If that sister is not here in the future, I will call you Jiang Chen." Blinking, Zhou Mingzhu said with a smile, the pace of walking like that was invisible, and it became much lighter.

The girl seems to have been troubled by the problem of this appellation. After the problem was solved, there was an innocent and romantic smile on her face along the way.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, the restaurant closed, and Sister Lan packed up and went back to the house where she and Xiaodie lived.

Just as Sister Lan took the key to open the door, Xiaodie jumped up and down, ran up to her, winked and said, "Mommy, I heard that Brother Jiang Chen went to the restaurant for dinner today. Besides, I also heard that , Brother Jiang Chen brought two beauties with him..."

(End of this chapter)

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