genius evil

Chapter 935

Chapter 935
"I really doubt that if they continue to be trained by you, will they become perverted murderers?" After a while, Qin Wenyan said with a sigh.

Is there something wrong with Jiang Chen's training method?
No, Qin Wenyan didn't think there was any problem. From the bottom of her heart, she was more inclined to Jiang Chen's training method.

The most effective way to protect oneself is undoubtedly to kill the other party, and the most effective way to kill the other party is undoubtedly to enjoy the thrill of killing, so that one can kill the other party in the shortest time and at the lowest cost!
But there is no problem, it does not mean that Jiang Chen is right.

Because, if you continue to train according to Jiang Chen's training method, there are too many uncontrollable factors, and it is very likely that bloodthirsty behavior will appear.

And this kind of situation is absolutely not allowed in Tianzu!

"It doesn't matter, it's not normal anyway." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Qin Wenyan was once again speechless, because she once again found that what Jiang Chen said seemed to make sense.Compared with those normal people, the members of the Tian group are indeed not normal people.

Their destructive ability is too large, but the effective constraints they receive are too small.

Well, abnormal people adopt abnormal training methods, Qin Wenyan was completely persuaded by Jiang Chen, although Jiang Chen had no intention of persuading her, because Jiang Chen had already done this, and no one could stop it , unless Jiang Chen is driven out of the Tianzu.

But is it possible to do that?
After all, they took great pains to recruit Jiang Chen into the Sky Group. Unless Jiang Chen made a principled mistake, otherwise, anyone could be driven away, except Jiang Chen, who has no chance at all!

"By the way, I called you here today, and there is another thing. Please take a look at this invitation letter." Qin Wenyan said, reaching under the table, took an invitation letter and threw it to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen took it casually, opened it, and couldn't help being stunned. He asked, "You need an invitation letter to participate in the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference?"

This invitation letter is the invitation letter of the ancient martial arts alliance conference, that is to say, not everyone can attend the ancient martial arts alliance conference, and they must receive the invitation letter to be eligible to go.

"It's like this." Qin Wenyan nodded, and said: "In the early stage of each ancient martial arts alliance conference, invitation letters will be distributed widely. Many ancient martial arts practitioners are proud to be able to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference. .”

"It's better not to have this kind of honor." Jiang Chen said dismissively.

Since it was the ancient martial arts alliance conference, in Jiang Chen's view, all ancient martial arts practitioners from all over the world could go there.But sending out an invitation letter just like superfluous things, wouldn't it be superfluous?
Hearing this, Qin Wenyan smiled and said, "Of course you don't need this kind of honor, but for some small ancient martial arts sects and some casual cultivators, participating in the ancient martial arts alliance conference is an eye-opener." It's a great opportunity, and they won't miss it."

"Since they are small ancient martial arts sects and loose cultivators, what's the point of them going to the ancient martial arts alliance conference? Cannon fodder?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Qin Wenyan glared at Jiang Chen, and really wanted to ask if this guy could speak well, even if he was really cannon fodder, why did he say it so directly?

"Remember the time and place, half a month later, Penglai Xiandao." Qin Wenyan said solemnly, not entangled with Jiang Chen on some insignificant issues.

Jiang Chen nodded, he would naturally remember it.

Originally, he had no plans to attend the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference, but now, he had to go there. He was going to see Wen Qingxin and Meng Xiyan. In addition, he hadn't seen Sleeping Beauty for a long time. I don't know how Sleeping Beauty is doing now.

However, Jiang Chen would not talk about these things with Qin Wenyan, and instead asked, "Miss Shen, is she there today?"

"You want to see Miss Shen?" Qin Wenyan glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "Miss Shen has no plans to see you."

"It's okay, I'll just go see her myself." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Jiang Chen soon left the Huozi Mobile Squad. Qin Wenyan watched Jiang Chen leave, wondering why Jiang Chen wanted to see Shen Shijing, and it was a matter of course, and he didn't mind that Miss Shen didn't see him. .

"Could it be that this guy is trying to convince Miss Shen?" Qin Wenyan thought to himself.

Thinking about it for a while, Qin Wenyan gasped. She felt that Jiang Chen was too courageous. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was daring, but he would not let Miss Shen off.

Because of Mo Lao, Qin Wenyan had some understanding of Shen Shijing's identity and background, and he knew how amazing Shen Shijing's background was.

Jiang Chen's idea of ​​sinking the Book of Songs, in Qin Wenyan's view, is no different from playing with fire and setting himself on fire!
Jiang Chen entered the interior of the Tianzu base, and just entered the place where Miss Shen lived, when a figure blocked his way, it was Li Pan'er.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing here?" Li Pan'er raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I came to see you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Humph, it's better to say than to sing, you are here to see Miss Shen." Li Pan'er said angrily, she would not believe that Jiang Chen came to see her.

It's just that for some reason, even though he knew that Jiang Chen was talking nonsense, he felt flattered and a little happy in his heart.

"Miss Pan'er, you are so smart. In fact, I came to see Miss Shen, but I made a special trip to see you, and to see Miss Shen by the way." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Li Pan'er chuckled and said: "Your virtue, you will be beaten to death sooner or later... Miss Shen is very busy and has no time to see you. You should leave early. If you are seen by Mr. Mo later, Mr. Mo will not I'm so talkative."

"Miss Pan'er, do you not believe my words or what's the matter? Or, the two of us, find a place where no one is around, and talk about life, talk about ideals?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

Li Pan'er rolled her eyes, and told Jiang Chen clearly that if she believed Jiang Chen's words, then there was something wrong with her.

"Pan'er, then you should accompany Jiang Chen to talk about life and ideals." But a figure came out, it was Gan Qing'er.

"No, I'm going to you. Don't think I don't know. You have a good impression of Jiang Chen. When you talk normally, you can't leave Jiang Chen in three sentences." Li Pan'er said.

"No way." Gan Qing'er blushed and refused to admit it.

"Stop arguing, both of you, simply, you two, go and talk about life with me." Jiang Chen kindly suggested.

"You think beautifully." Li Pan'er and Gan Qing'er said in unison.

What does Jiang Chen mean by these words, is he molesting the two of them together?

In the inner courtyard, under the old locust tree.

Shen Shijing is feeding the fish, and his graceful and delicate body gives people infinite beautiful reverie.

This is a woman who seems to have no flaws in her whole body. She is always so perfect, and she always maintains a perfect state.

"Miss Shen, Jiang Chen is here." Rao Min'er walked over and said to Shen Shijing.

"Oh, didn't you say you can't see him?" The right hand holding the fish food shook slightly, and a handful of fish food was sprinkled in the pool, and the water splashed and crackled, and a pool of koi boiled.

"Pan'er and Qing'er are preventing him from coming in, but it looks like they can't be stopped." Rao Min'er chuckled.

"How many people can stop what Jiang Chen is going to do, let him come over." After thinking about it, Shen Shijing said a little helplessly.

Rao Miner nodded.

A while later, under the leadership of Rao Miner, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Shen Shijing.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you?" Shen Shijing asked with his back to Jiang Chen.

"I have a question that I am very curious about, why the invitation letter for the ancient martial arts alliance meeting is in the Tianzu." Jiang Chen said.

"You are now a member of Tianzu, so this invitation letter was naturally sent to Tianzu." Shen Shijing said lightly.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Then why is it in Miss Wenyan's hands? In fact, Miss Shen, you can give it to me directly."

"I'm very busy." Miss Shen still said calmly.

"I can tell, Miss Shen, you are really busy." Jiang Chen chuckled narrowly, stepped forward, and walked in front of Shen Shijing.

As Jiang Chen approached, he clearly smelled that there was a faint smell of strange fragrance in the air. It was not the smell of perfume, nor was it the fragrance of flowers, but the smell of Shen Shijing.

The aroma is not strong, but after taking a breath, it lingers on the tip of the nose and never dissipates for a long time.

After Jiang Chen took a sip, he was a little greedy, and took another sip. Then, Jiang Chen suddenly bent down and grabbed Shen Shijing's tender and slender ankle.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Shen Shijing was taken aback. If it wasn't for her strong self-control, the moment Jiang Chen grabbed her ankle, she would have kicked Jiang Chen out.

"Put on your shoes." Jiang Chen said.

A pair of white embroidered shoes were neatly placed aside, Jiang Chen was speaking, grabbed a shoe, and put it on Shen Shijing's little feet.

Fingers touched Shen Shijing's bare feet slightly, even though Jiang Chen repeated in his heart that he was not a foot fetish, his mood was still a little agitated.

Shen Shijing explained perfectly what is meant by perfection. From head to toe, there is no flaw at all. In two lifetimes, Jiang Chen has seen many beauties, but he has never seen a woman who is so perfect as Shen Poetry to such an extent.

Jiang Chen's mood was agitated, Shen Shijing was never like this.

She remembered what Jiang Chen said last time when he came over. Jiang Chen said that if a woman doesn't like to wear shoes, it may be because she lacks a man to wear shoes for her.

She was the woman who didn't like wearing shoes, and Jiang Chen couldn't help but play the role of the man who put on shoes for her.

During this process, it seems that there is no ambiguous feeling, but in fact, that kind of ambiguity penetrates deep into the bone marrow, and even the air is filled with a strong ambiguous atmosphere.

The ubiquitous ambiguity easily enveloped Shen Shijing, and her mood became difficult to calm down. She subconsciously lowered her head and looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen started to put on the second shoe for Shen Shijing. He was so focused, as if he came here just to put the shoes on for Shen Shijing.

Looking at it, Shen Shijing's eyes gradually became a little blurred, but her strong self-restraint soon woke her up, and said coldly: "It's already dressed."

Jiang Chen sighed, and said, "I suddenly feel a little regretful."

(End of this chapter)

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