genius evil

Chapter 936 Jiang Chen's Backhand

Chapter 936 Jiang Chen's Backhand

"Regret?" A trace of doubt flashed deep in Shen Shijing's eyes.

Jiang Chen said he regretted it, what did he regret?
Could it be that he regretted putting on shoes for her?
Thinking about it, Shen Shijing thought it was very possible, what a proud man Jiang Chen was, and had he ever worn shoes for a woman?
This should be Jiang Chen's first time putting on shoes for a woman, right?

On a whim, Jiang Chen put on shoes for her. He must have regretted it now!

"Yeah, I really regret it. I suddenly understood why Miss Shen, you don't like wearing shoes anymore. It turns out that you look the best when you don't wear shoes." Jiang Chen said with a heartbroken heart.

He had a strong urge to take off Shen Shijing's shoes.

But thinking about it, Shen Shijing would probably call him a pervert, so he could only hold back forcibly, regretting to death.

Shen Shijing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it was because she thought too much, it was not what she thought at all, but Jiang Chen thought she looked better without shoes than with shoes.

But is it really so?
Shen Shijing didn't know if this was the case.

She is just pure and doesn't like wearing shoes very much, not because she feels restrained when wearing shoes, but just doesn't like it, there is no other reason.

"Miss Shen, how about you take it off yourself?" Jiang Chen asked.

While talking, Jiang Chen thought, Shen Shijing looks better without shoes than with shoes, could it be that he looks better with clothes even without clothes.

It's a pity that he has already verified the former, but if he wants to verify the latter, he has to work harder.

There is a saying, don't take off a woman's clothes easily, that means you have to be responsible, Jiang Chen will definitely be responsible, but Shen Shijing may not be willing to let him take responsibility, this has to be said, it is a Quite an annoyance.

Pulling the long skirt calmly, covering both feet, Shen Shijing said: "When you come here today, what you want to talk about is whether to wear shoes or not?"

She herself wanted to take off her shoes, but she would not take off her shoes in front of Jiang Chen just to satisfy Jiang Chen's evil taste.

"Then, continue to talk about the invitation letter?" Jiang Chen asked tentatively.

"The invitation letter is fine." Shen Shijing said.

"The invitation letter is indeed fine. The one with the problem is Miss Shen... After all, it's still an old problem. Why didn't you just give me the invitation letter?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"I'm very busy." Shen Shijing still answered exactly the same.

"Busy about feeding the fish?" Jiang Chen asked anxiously.

The pink face blushed slightly, Shen Shijing said: "Are there any other questions, if not, you can go first."

"There is one last question. Of course, it is also the most important question...Why are you unwilling to see me, Miss Shen? Oh, don't tell me that you are busy. After all, I already know that you are very busy." Jiang Chen Said with a smile.

When Jiang Chen asked this question, Shen Shijing really subconsciously wanted to tell Jiang Chen that she was very busy. She didn't expect Jiang Chen to say that, and she was speechless for a moment.

Because of this, she didn't know how to answer Jiang Chen's question.

Why don't you want to see Jiang Chen?

Today, when Jiang Chen appeared in the Tianzu, Shen Shijing began to think about this problem. Until now, she still hasn't figured out why.

If you don't understand, it can be regarded as a reason after all, but this reason is too convincing, and it is difficult to say it.

"Miss Shen, if you need time to think, I'll give you 2 minutes." Jiang Chen said.

"There is still half a month until the ancient martial arts alliance meeting. The Tianzu will send some people there, but they won't be with you. What arrangements do you have?" Shen Shijing changed the subject.

"I definitely don't need special arrangements. Anyway, I'm a member of the Tianzu now, so the Tianzu must be responsible for me to the end. It must help take care of the people around me. There must be no problem." Jiang Chen Said.

Shen Shijing was overjoyed and said: "I will arrange this, you can rest assured."

"There is one minute and fifty seconds left." Jiang Chen said abruptly.

Immediately, Shen Shijing couldn't be happy again, and smiled wryly to himself, how could Jiang Chen be so perfunctory?
Thinking about it, Shen Shijing suddenly realized that something was not quite right.

She gave Jiang Chen a weird look, frowned and asked, "Jiang Chen, why did you join the Tianzu?"

"Hey, didn't you force me?" Jiang Chen asked even more surprised.

"I seem to have been fooled by you." Shen Shijing sighed.

When Jiang Chen joined the Tianzu, she really meant to be forced by her, but when Jiang Chen went to the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference, no one forced Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen received the invitation letter, and he didn't say no, he also said that the people around him should be guarded by the Tianzu.

This seems to be a matter of course, but Shen Shijing found that this is also the biggest problem.

The problem is that she was tricked by Jiang Chen.

Perhaps it should have been realized earlier that Jiang Chen has never been the kind of person who suffers from various deeds in the past. Seriously speaking, Jiang Chen is not willing to suffer at all.

She forced Jiang Chen to join the sky group, which was a big loss for Jiang Chen.

And considering Jiang Chen's personality, would he be willing to suffer such a big loss?
No, Jiang Chen won't.

On this issue, Shen Shijing felt a little tricky a long time ago, but now, he finally understands what Jiang Chen left behind.

Jiang Chen was clearly asking the Tian Group to do things for him on the premise that he himself joined the Tian Group, so it seemed that Jiang Chen had suffered a disadvantage, but in fact, it was the Tian Group who suffered the loss.

Shen Shijing was more or less dumbfounded, thinking that perhaps he should have understood this a long time ago, otherwise, if there were no other factors, no matter how hard Jiang Chen was forced, how could Jiang Chen compromise? Woolen cloth?

"Miss Shen, what you said is unclear, why can't I understand it?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

Jiang Chen already knew that Shen Shijing had seen through some things, but it was impossible for Jiang Chen to admit this kind of thing no matter what.

Besides, he joined the Tianzu and sacrificed himself so much, is there any problem with the Tianzu making a small sacrifice for him?
No, that's with any problem.

"You understand, don't you?" Shen Shijing couldn't laugh or cry.

"Miss Shen, let's not talk about this question for now, you have 1 minute left." Jiang Chen reminded.

"You want to know why I don't see you. I'll give you the answer now. I just don't want to see you." Shen Shijing said.

It was difficult for her to say this, but Jiang Chen tricked her once for no reason. Shen Shijing was so angry that she said it out of anger.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Miss Shen, I already knew that it would be like this, but it doesn't matter, I can understand you."

After Shen Shijing said those words, she felt a little regretful in her heart. She thought that Jiang Chen would mind and even get angry, but she didn't expect that Jiang Chen would say that.

"Miss Shen, you don't want to see me. Naturally, it's not because I'm too ugly. You can't bear to look at me, Miss Shen. On the contrary, it's because I'm too handsome, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It has nothing to do with this." Shen Shijing said angrily.

At this time, this guy is still so smug, can't you tell that she is in a bad mood?
"It's so relevant." Jiang Chen said shaking his head, "I'm so handsome, Miss Shen, every time you see me, you feel a lot of pressure, you are very afraid that you will fall in love with me uncontrollably, so you simply look at me. Not seeing is pure, choose not to see me."

"You—" Shen Shijing was speechless, and felt guilty for no reason.

Out of sight is pure, it can be regarded as a complete statement of her heart, Shen Shijing really planned this way, who let Jiang Chen molested her last time, making her a little unsure how to face Jiang Chen's embarrassment.

"Miss Shen, you don't have to feel guilty at all. In the final analysis, it's my fault. I shouldn't be so handsome." Jiang Chen said with a sigh.

"Get out of here!" Shen Shijing couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into a foul language. She felt that if Jiang Chen continued to speak, she would probably go crazy.

Jiang Chen laughed out loud, and Shi Shiran left.

As soon as Jiang Chen walked out, he saw Qin Wenyan. Qin Wenyan seemed to be waiting there for him, and when he saw him, he came over to greet him.

"Have you met Miss Shen?" Qin Wenyan looked at Jiang Chen and asked softly.

For some reason, she found that Jiang Chen looked very proud, like a cat that had successfully stolen fish, and she couldn't help but murmur in her heart.

"I've seen it." Jiang Chen nodded.

"But Miss Shen said she doesn't want to see you?" Qin Wenyan asked in bewilderment, but also didn't know how Jiang Chen met Miss Shen.

"Ask Miss Yan, did Miss Shen say she didn't want to see me? This must be a false rumor. I had a great conversation with Miss Shen just now. You don't even know how reluctant Miss Shen was when I left. Give up." Jiang Chen said braggingly.

Qin Wenyan smiled coldly and said, "It seems that it's not dark yet, you still have a lot of time to daydream."

"Ask Miss Yan, do you smell a strong sour smell in the air?" Jiang Chen asked, fanning his nose.

The small wings of the nose fluttered slightly. Qin Wenyan smelled it, but there was no smell at all. He suddenly realized that Jiang Chen was saying that she was jealous.

Stamping her feet, Qin Wenyan turned around and left.

Jiang Chen followed quickly, and said, "Ask Miss Yan, you must not be jealous, right?"

Qin Wenyan couldn't talk, so he walked faster, and after a while, he threw Jiang Chen away from Xu Yuan and disappeared.

"It's all my fault, my charm is too great." Jiang Chen muttered to himself and laughed out loud.

After Jiang Chen received the invitation letter, the reason why he wanted to meet Shen Shijing was to arrange for him to attend the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference.

Of course, although Shen Shijing is extremely trusted, there are some things that he has to arrange in person.

Fortunately, although half a month is not long, it is not short, enough for him to arrange.

Jiang Chen didn't stay in Tianzu for long. After leaving the base, he drove away directly, but it was very fast. A phone call came in. Seeing the caller ID, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile...

(End of this chapter)

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