genius evil

Chapter 937

Chapter 937 is not serious at all

Half an hour later, in the urban area of ​​Beijing, Jiang Chen drove and appeared in an ordinary residential area.

Downstairs, Jiang Chen found a random place to park the car, and went straight up to the seventh floor.

Knock on the door, just one knock, and the door was opened from the inside, and a delicate and charming face was instantly caught in Jiang Chen's eyes.

Even if it wasn't the first time seeing him, it still gave Jiang Chen a sense of amazement.

"Jiang Chen, I thought you were dead?" The woman snorted coldly when she saw Jiang Chen, and said with raised eyebrows.

"Miss Lu Zhi, have I offended you again?" Jiang Chen is innocent and well-behaved, why should he curse him?

"Aren't you offended?" Luzhi sneered.

Last time, she had said that it would be good for Jiang Chen to take the initiative to contact them. She didn't know whether she listened to it or not. For several days, she didn't even make a phone call.

Luzhi can be sure that if she hadn't asked Ziyu to call Jiang Chen today, Jiang Chen probably won't remember the two of them until someday.

This situation naturally made Lvzhi very angry.

Lu Zhi was angry, on the one hand, she was angry for Ziyu, and on the other hand, she was angry for herself. She felt that she and Ziyu were too insignificant in Jiang Chen's heart.

Jiang Chen chuckled, winked and said, "Miss Luzhi, I don't know about you, I'm very busy."

"Sorry, I really didn't see where you are busy." Luzhi said sarcastically, but her face looked much better, and she was no longer so aggressive.

"Jiang Chen, you came just in time. Hurry up and wash your hands, you can eat." The two were talking when they heard Ziyu bring out a plate of dishes from the kitchen and greet them.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Chen smiled, walked in the door, squeezed Lu Zhi's waist, and walked quickly towards the bathroom.

"Damn beast." Luzhi's face was slightly red, and she cursed secretly.

For some reason, when Jiang Chen pinched her, she felt as if a small electric current passed through her whole body, and half of her body became limp.

Luzhi, who never knew she was so sensitive, has mist overflowing from her beautiful eyes.
When Jiang Chen came out of the bathroom, all the food was served on the table, Lu Zhi was in charge of arranging the tableware, and then Zi Yu went to bring a bottle of red wine.

"What day is it today? Why is it so rich?" Looking at the eight dishes on the table, Jiang Chen asked in a little surprise.

"Today, I went to the supermarket with Lv Zhi, and I bought some vegetables by the way. These few dishes, except for the last green vegetable, are all fried by Lv Zhi." Ziyu smiled lightly. road.

While talking, he opened the red wine and poured three glasses.

"Is the beauty Luzhi so virtuous?" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment and said in astonishment.

It has to be said that he has known Lu Zhi for a long time, but he has never seen the slightest IKEA temperament from Lu Zhi.

On the contrary, this woman is more like a coquettish vixen, the kind that brings disaster to the country and the people.

"I've always been virtuous." Lv Zhi muttered.

"Jiang Chen, hurry up and taste it. When Luzhi and I were shopping for vegetables in the supermarket, we said that it was specially made for you, so you should eat more." Ziyu smiled again. Said.

"I didn't." Lu Zhi hastily denied it.

"Miss Lu Zhi, you don't need to be shy, anyway, even if your cooking is terrible, I will finish it all, and I will give you enough face." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

That time, he ran away because of Zi Yu's words, and he had no contact during this period, not because he forgot, but because he did so intentionally, in order to give Zi Yu and Lu Zhi time to solve their internal problems.

Now hearing Ziyu say that Lvzhi bought vegetables specially to cook for him, Jiang Chen thought to himself that the internal conflict between the two daughters must be almost resolved.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling a little elated.

With food, wine and beauties, there is no doubt that tonight will be a wonderful night!

"I really don't have one." Luzhi said, looking at Ziyu in such a strange way.

Luzhi can be sure and sure, she never said that she would cook for Jiang Chen, let alone do so on purpose, but Ziyu would say such a thing, it seems to Luzhi that she intends to win over Jiang Chen She was with Jiang Chen.

"Miss Lu Zhi, if you deny it again and again, could it be that the cooking is really unpalatable?" Jiang Chen said suspiciously.

"My craftsmanship is very good." Lu Zhi said angrily, why did Jiang Chen not believe what she said was the truth?
Isn't this guy always smart?

Can't you hear that there is something wrong with her tone of voice?
"Really?" Jiang Chen became even more skeptical, picked up the chopsticks, and stuffed a mouthful of vegetables into his mouth.

After chewing a few mouthfuls, Jiang Chen looked at Lu Zhi in surprise. Lu Zhi did not lie. Her craftsmanship is indeed very good. From Jiang Chen's point of view, it is probably not much better than Sister Lan.

Like swallowing jujubes wholeheartedly, Jiang Chen ate the dish, picked up another dish and tasted it, it was also very delicious.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen couldn't stop at all, and continued to pick up and eat vegetables.

Luzhi saw it in her eyes, and she was happy in her heart. Jiang Chen didn't believe that he said that the craftsmanship was very good. Now, looking at it now, he almost swallowed his tongue.

An inexplicable sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously, Luzhi has the feeling that she has successfully conquered Jiang Chen.

It's like an old saying that to conquer a man's heart, one must first conquer that man's stomach. She has already successfully conquered Jiang Chen's stomach, hasn't she?
"Jiang Chen, eat slowly, and no one will snatch it from you." Ziyu said amusedly.

A long time ago, Ziyu knew that Lvzhi's craftsmanship was very good, but Lvzhi loves beauty very much, so she can't cook easily, and sometimes she would rather eat instant noodles than stay in the kitchen for a second.

According to Luzhi herself, oily fumes can easily damage the skin, and she doesn't want to age prematurely.

But this time, Lu Zhi not only cooks, but also cooks several big dishes. Of course, Lu Zhi didn't say that it was specially made for Jiang Chen to eat.

But when Lu Zhi asked her to call Jiang Chen over, Ziyu understood that Lu Zhi was made for Jiang Chen to eat, and that was why she would say such words.

Moreover, Ziyu felt that if he didn't tell Jiang Chen about these things, how could Jiang Chen understand Lu Zhi's intentions?

Seeing Jiang Chen eating so happily, Ziyu felt a little envious in her heart. Perhaps, she could also cook some dishes for Jiang Chen to eat, but her craftsmanship was much worse than Lu Zhi's.

It was only the simplest stir-fried green vegetables that could barely pass the test. If she was asked to prepare some big dishes like Lv Zhi, she would be unable to do it no matter what.

"Yeah, the way you eat is too ugly, like a starved ghost." Luzhi also said with a look of disgust, and Ziyu and Ziyu chewed and ate slowly while drinking red wine.

"Miss Luzhi, you can't blame me for this matter. If you want to blame, you can only blame your cooking for being too delicious." Jiang Chen sighed and burped a little.

"What's your reasoning?" Lu Zhi raised her eyebrows and questioned, could it be that the food she cooked was too delicious, or was it her fault?

"What I mean is, since your cooking is so delicious, Miss Lu Zhi, I naturally want to eat more for my face." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"Stop laughing, you're not serious at all." Lu Zhi said angrily, but she was really happy.

Because it was specially prepared for Jiang Chen, the portions of the meals were very generous. In addition to the eight dishes, there was also a large rice cooker.

When Jiang Chen successfully finished his meal and drank half a bottle of red wine, no matter how good his appetite was, he was a bit full. He leaned on the sofa and didn't even want to move.

"Jiang Chen, you've almost settled the matter here in the capital. When are you going to build a Jiang family?" Luzhi asked.

She and Ziyu were sitting opposite Jiang Chen, and under Jiang Chen's influence, the two girls unknowingly ate a little too much, and they were drinking scented tea for digestion.

Otherwise, eating so much would cause a strong sense of guilt for the second daughter who loves beauty more than anything else.

"It's not in a hurry." Jiang Chen said slowly.

With the current situation in the capital, it doesn't matter whether the Jiang family is established or not. Anyway, the Jiang family is just him, and the establishment of the Jiang family is just a name.

If it is not established, the Jiang family is also an existence that no one can avoid.

"Jiang Chen, do you have other plans?" Ziyu asked.

"I decided to buy a small island, that's all for now." Jiang Chen said.

Ziyu and Luzhi looked at each other, and the eyes of the two girls brightened. If they bought an island, wouldn't they be the owner of the island?

"Then build a big villa on the island?" Lvzhi asked.

"Miss Luzhi, you seem to be very interested." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"What does it have to do with me?" Lu Zhi pretended to be dismissive and said.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "I think the suggestion of building a big villa is quite good, so let's follow your suggestion, Miss Lvzhi."

"I said it has nothing to do with me, don't get involved with me, just ask Ziyu's opinion." Luzhi said with a bit of guilt, thinking that this should be regarded as molesting, right?Moreover, still teasing her in front of Ziyu, Jiang Chen is becoming more and more unscrupulous.

"Ziyu, what do you think?" Jiang Chen then asked.

"I also think Luzhi's suggestion is good." Ziyu nodded slightly.

"Lvzhi beauty, look, Ziyu also said she's pretty good." Jiang Chen said.

"Well, if you think it's good, it's good. I'm just talking casually." Luzhi said, feeling a little proud for no reason.

After chatting for a while, Ziyu expressed a little dizziness and wanted to take a shower first, so she got up and went to the bathroom, leaving Jiang Chen and Lu Zhi in the living room.

"Jiang Chen, what did you and Ziyu talk about?" As soon as Ziyu left, Lu Zhi hurriedly asked, looking impatient.

"What do you mean what I said to Ziyu, didn't you say something to Ziyu?" Jiang Chen asked with a strange expression.

"Ah——" Lu Zhi's whole person suddenly became unwell...

(End of this chapter)

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