genius evil

Chapter 938 You can do whatever you want to me

Chapter 938 You can do whatever you want to me

If there is no task to perform, Luzhi and Ziyu will go in and out together, inseparable.

The relationship between the two is not sisters, but it is better than sisters.

Ever since they got to know Jiang Chen, there was one more topic in their daily conversations, and that was Jiang Chen.

During this period of time, when the two got along, basically every topic was inseparable from Jiang Chen, but Luzhi found that what was different from before was that before, Ziyu was talking about Jiang Chen alone, but now, But she always asks her opinions and opinions.

Ever since that day, when Jiang Chen forced her to kiss her and revealed her heart, Luzhi was already extremely sensitive in this regard.

Plus today, Ziyu said good things for her several times, which made Luzhi even more sensitive.

Therefore, Luzhi thought that what Jiang Chen had said to Ziyu made Ziyu become like this, but after seeing Jiang Chen's reaction, Jiang Chen thought it was what she said to Ziyu, which made Ziyu become like this. Luzhi almost wanted to cry.

It's definitely not about crying with joy, but about being scared to cry. Doesn't this mean that Ziyu has discovered that her relationship with Jiang Chen is abnormal?
So, now that Ziyu said to take a bath, did she deliberately leave space for her and Jiang Chen to test the two of them?And what if something happens between the two of them accidentally, and Ziyu takes the opportunity to come out to catch the rape?

"Jiang Chen, don't touch me." After Xiao Xiao exclaimed, Lu Zhi whispered to Jiang Chen with a vigilant expression.

"When am I going to touch you?" Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Anyway, don't touch me." Luzhi said, her tone of voice was strengthened, lest Jiang Chen think she was joking.

"Miss Lu Zhi, I think you were quite normal just now, why did you start talking nonsense all of a sudden?" Jiang Chen was very puzzled, got up and walked over.

"Don't come here." Seeing Jiang Chen walking towards him, Lu Zhi's face turned pale.

Jiang Chen acted as if he didn't hear Lu Zhi's words, and covered Lu Zhi's forehead with one hand, felt it a little, and said to himself in doubt: "What's the situation? I don't have a fever."

When Jiang Chen's hand was covering her forehead, Luzhi's whole body was stiff, she suddenly pushed Jiang Chen back, and said with a mournful face: "I told you not to touch me, in case Ziyu sees me What should be done."

Jiang Chen smiled lightly, sat down beside Lu Zhi, and said, "Beauty Lu Zhi, have you ever heard of a story about stealing your ears and stealing your bell? If you haven't, I'll tell you this story."

"I'm not in the mood to listen to stories right now." Lu Zhi moved her body and sat a little further away.

After the words fell, Luzhi suddenly realized, nana said: "You mean, Ziyu really knows about us?"

"Otherwise, is Ziyu that stupid?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Then Ziyu went to take a bath, why?" Lu Zhi asked immediately.

"Naturally, I deliberately left some space for you and me," Jiang Chen said.

"And then?" Luzhi asked again.

"Then naturally you can do whatever you want to me." Jiang Chen said casually.

"I won't do anything to you." Luzhi became angry, ran over, sat on another sofa, pretending to be extremely disgusted.

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing, and said, "Beauty Lu Zhi, it turns out that you are not only good at deceiving yourself, but also deceiving yourself and others."

"Stop talking nonsense, that's not the case." Luzhi snorted coldly.

She would not do anything to Jiang Chen, if she wanted to do it, that would be what Jiang Chen would do to her.

Luzhi felt that she couldn't always take the initiative in this relationship, right?

She, Luzhi, is not the kind of woman that no man wants, so why should she take the initiative?

"Miss Luzhi, I have to remind you that if you don't hurry up and do something, Ziyu will be out of the shower in a while, and by that time, even if you want to do something, you won't be able to do it .” Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I want to do what you want." Luzhi huffed.

"Okay, I'll do it." Jiang Chen stood up again with a look of reluctance, walked over and sat beside Lu Zhi, and at the same time, stretched out his hand and hugged Lu Zhi's slender waist.

"Jiang Chen, didn't you lie to me when you said that just now?" Luzhi looked into the room and asked cautiously.

"Which sentence?" Jiang Chen said casually, rubbing his palms, even through a layer of clothes, he could feel how smooth the skin under Lu Zhi's clothes was.

"That's...that's why you said that Ziyu deliberately left space for us." Luzhi said embarrassingly.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can ask Zi Yu." Jiang Chen said.

Luzhi rolled her eyes speechlessly, thinking that this kind of situation was originally accepted by everyone, how could she ask directly, wouldn't it be embarrassing to death?

"It's not that I don't believe in Ziyu, but I can't believe what you say, who knows if you took advantage of me by taking advantage of Ziyu to take a bath." Luzhi said.

At the end, Luzhi said again: "If Ziyu finds out, I will definitely tell Ziyu that you forced me."

While talking, Luzhi covered her mouth and giggled coquettishly, she suddenly realized that this was a good excuse.

After all, Jiang Chen is so powerful, if he wants to force a weak woman, how can she resist?Shouldn't he just obediently obey?
Jiang Chen has black lines all over his head, is this kind of thing funny?Why didn't he find it funny at all?


Jiang Chen then laughed, since Lu Zhi had already said that, wouldn't he be embarrassed if he didn't satisfy Lu Zhi?
So, before Lu Zhi's laughter fell, Jiang Chen kissed her.


Being attacked by Jiang Chen, he was caught off guard and kissed right away. Lu Zhi groaned, and subconsciously pushed Jiang Chen, but those two soft and powerless hands turned into hugging Jiang Chen and responded enthusiastically. stand up.

A woman who seems to be bold and bold, but her kissing skills are extremely young, Jiang Chen had no choice but to temporarily act as a teacher and teach her with all her heart.

Fortunately, Lv Zhi learned very quickly, and after just a few minutes, she learned well, allowing Jiang Chen to fully enjoy the pleasure of being a good teacher.

"How long has it been?" Lv Zhicai pushed Jiang Chen away when she was about to suffocate, wiped her red lips with her hand, and asked.

"Looks like ten minutes." Jiang Chen said.

"Ziyu usually takes a bath very quickly, and usually comes out of the bathroom in about 10 minutes." Luzhi said.

"It'll be out soon." Jiang Chen said.

Sure enough, after a while, there was a creaking sound, the bedroom door was pushed open, and a figure came out of the bathroom with the smell of incense.

Zi Yu was wearing a pair of purple silk pajamas, but she was wearing nothing under that pajamas, her exquisite and delicate body was vividly reflected.

"Ziyu's figure is really good." Luzhi looked at her with envy.

"I felt it carefully just now, Miss Lu Zhi, you have a very good figure." Jiang Chen laughed.

Lu Zhi's face was slightly hot, is it necessary for this guy to speak so confidently about taking advantage of her?

But he got up, walked towards Ziyu, and said: "Ziyu, you came out just in time, I also want to take a bath."

While speaking, Lv Zhi got into the bathroom and closed the door smoothly.

Ziyu came out of the room, stretched out her hands to brush her hair, and her black hair was scattered behind her head, which was natural and freehand, with an indescribable beauty.

There was a faint smile on Zi Yu's face, adding a bit of seductive allure.

Jiang Chen almost couldn't bear to give Ziyu the Fa-rectification on the spot, but finally held back and said, "Miss Ziyu, do you know how attractive you are now?"

"I took a shower for 10 minutes, and the rest of the time, I was looking in the mirror." Zi Yu said with a smile.

"When you look in the mirror, you must be incomparably sighing, how can you be so beautiful, right? It's the same as I often lament why God makes me handsome." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Ziyu was teased by Jiang Chen and said, "Originally, I planned to give you and Luzhi more time, but I found that Luzhi is a little less courageous than I thought."

Jiang Chen sighed, grabbed Ziyu's little hand, and said, "Ziyu, you really don't have to be like this."

"I know Luzhi likes you, I knew it a long time ago." Ziyu said softly.

She looked into Jiang Chen's eyes, and then said: "It's not wrong to like someone, and I'm also very willing that Lu Zhi likes you."

"Huh?" Jiang Chen was quite surprised that Zi Yu would say such a thing.

"Before I knew you, Lu Zhi and I used to joke that the two of us would be good sisters for life, sharing happiness and suffering together, even if we were looking for a boyfriend or a husband, we should share it together..."

"At that time, it was really a joke. Later, when I realized that this joke might become true, I also hesitated, but I knew that if Luzhi liked you first, she would definitely not He hesitated a bit. Jiang Chen, do you understand what I mean?"

Jiang Chen let out a long sigh. How could he not understand what Ziyu meant when he said this?

That is, she is willing to accept that Lu Zhi likes him, and even, she is willing to create a chance for him and Lu Zhi to like each other.

Jiang Chen pulled Ziyu into his arms, picked him up, and walked towards the bedroom.

"Jiang Chen, you--" Ziyu asked in a low voice.

"I'm so moved right now, I have to express how moved I am." Jiang Chen said.

This night, Jiang Chen just stayed, expressing to Ziyu time and time again how touched he was.

In the next room, Lv Zhi spends the night like a year.

The sound insulation effect of the room was not bad, but Ziyu's cry was so loud that the walls couldn't stop it, and the sound rushed into her ears.

Several times, Lvzhi almost couldn't restrain herself from running out of bed and pushing open the door next door, but Lvzhi finally restrained the urge.

When she was in the bathroom before, she heard what Ziyu and Jiang Chen said. At that time, she was almost moved to tears.

It turned out that Ziyu really knew everything, but Ziyu was dedicated to helping her and Jiang Chen.

Lvzhi never thought that Ziyu would remember the little joke she made inadvertently at the beginning, and she really did it like that.

"Zi Yu, thank you." Choking up her sobs, Lu Zhi said softly...

(End of this chapter)

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