genius evil

Chapter 939

Chapter 939

At around ten o'clock the next morning, Jiang Chen drove to the Beijing airport.

Jiang Chen received a call from Tang Tian. Tang Tian told him on the phone that he would come to the capital today. As for what he would do in the capital, he didn't say anything. He just made a clear request that he must come to pick up the plane.

Then, just as he was about to hang up the phone, Lin Baobao yelled at the phone - if he didn't answer the phone, he would be at his own risk.

No, Jiang Chen can only come to pick up the plane, although he doesn't think there will be any consequences if he doesn't come to pick up the plane.

After waiting for about ten minutes or so, from a distance, Jiang Chen saw three delicate figures walking towards the exit along with the flow of people.

The three women have different amorous feelings, but they are all very charming in the same way. No, walking out all the way, I don't know how many men, women and children stopped and looked sideways.

"Hey, buddy, excuse me, you're blocking my sight." A man with several pimples on his face said to Jiang Chen.

There was a digital camera hanging around his neck, and he wanted to take a few photos of the three women, but Jiang Chen had the best angle of view, so he could only ask Jiang Chen to step aside.

The acne-prone man felt that if such a beautiful landscape could not be photographed in time, it would be a great loss.

"You want me to let me?" Jiang Chen said with a strange smile and glanced at the pimple man.

"Brother, look at those three beauties so conspicuous, don't they look the same wherever you stand?" said the acne-prone man.

"It's different." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"What's different?" the acne man asked suspiciously.

If Jiang Chen had camera equipment in his hand, or even if Jiang Chen took out his cell phone, the acne-prone man felt that he could understand Jiang Chen's words.

But Jiang Chen didn't intend to take pictures at all, which made him understand what was different.

"I don't know what's different, but it's definitely different." Jiang Chen said seriously.

The acne-prone man was speechless, but he also knew that since Jiang Chen said that, he would definitely not give up his space, so he had to settle for the next best thing and start shooting from other angles.

Tang Tian and the three daughters walked quickly, and after a while, they walked in front of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, have you been squeezed dry?" Just as he walked over, Lin Baobao looked at Jiang Chen and became startled.

"What?" Jiang Chen looked at Baobao Lin inexplicably.

"Look at yourself, your face is pale, your breath is like a gossamer, and your breath is weak. It looks like excessive indulgence. Come on, tell me, which woman has squeezed you dry." Lin Baobao moaned.

"It seems that there are some symptoms like this." Hearing what Lin Baobao said, Tang Tian stared at Jiang Chen, looked at him from head to toe, and said thoughtfully.

"Baby Lin, we haven't seen each other for a long time, is it okay for you to slander me this time?" Jiang Chen said with an innocent face.

Last night, perhaps because of letting go of the knot in his heart, Ziyu was extremely proactive. Naturally, the result was to make Jiang Chen happy like a fairy.If Tang Tian and the three daughters hadn't come to the capital suddenly, Jiang Chen would have planned to be a living god for a day today.

But how could a mere Ziyu squeeze him dry?
Therefore, for Lin Baobao's remarks, Jiang Chen didn't even believe the punctuation marks.

Even, Jiang Chen couldn't help but wonder if Baobao Lin said such things on purpose, so as to find an opportunity to squeeze him dry.

"It's not slander at all, okay? You can treat me as blind, but what about Xiao Tiantian and Xiao Shuang'er, can you also treat them as blind?" Baobao Lin rolled his eyes.

"Baby Lin, I can only say that you are not cute at all." Jiang Chen said angrily, stretched out his hands, one in each hand, and embraced Tang Tian and the silent Shuang'er.

"Jiang Chen, you fart, old lady, I'm so cute that I'm going to die." Lin Baobao quit immediately, with a weak and boneless body, he kept pushing into Jiang Chen's embrace, looking like he was burning with desire.

The pimple man who asked Jiang Chen to give up the place to take pictures before, felt something was wrong when he heard Jiang Chen talking with Tang Tian and the three women.

What's more, the most terrible thing is that the topic is still so hot that it's overwhelming every minute.

Seeing again, Jiang Chen hugged Tang Tian and Shuang'er one by one, Lin Baobao took the initiative to sneak into Jiang Chen's arms, and the acne boy couldn't help but slapped himself, trying to figure out who it was. It's not hallucinations.

Naturally it couldn't be a hallucination, so the man with acne was confused.

He finally understood what Jiang Chen meant when he said it was different.

Indeed, they are very different. If there is no accident, the three of Tang Tian are all Jiang Chen's women, and he is secretly photographing Jiang Chen's woman.

It was good that Jiang Chen didn't directly beat him up.

"Camera." Jiang Chen stretched out a hand when the acne-prone man continued to be confused.

The pimple man smiled wryly, thinking that this is going to be settled after the autumn. Subconsciously, he wanted to refuse. After all, he chose several angles before taking the photo. If Jiang Chen took the camera, the photo would definitely be was deleted.

But as soon as his gaze met Jiang Chen, he discovered that under Jiang Chen's seemingly gentle eyes, there was actually a force that could not be resisted.

The acne-prone man was slightly startled, quickly took off the camera, and handed it over.

"Master, what are you doing?" Shuang'er asked in a low voice.

With the camera in one hand, Jiang Chen rubbed Shuang'er's hair with the other, and said with a smile, "This guy just took a few photos secretly, let me see if they look good or not, if you accidentally take If it is ugly, I will be very angry."

As Jiang Chen spoke, he checked them one by one. The expression on his face was one of disgust: "Ugly... ugly... really ugly..."

As Jiang Chen spoke, the photos were deleted one after another, and the acne-prone man looked at Jiang Chen's action of deleting photos, which made him want to cry without tears.

Will it be ugly?
Acne men definitely don't think so.

Be it Tang Tian, ​​Lin Baobao and Shuang'er, they are all beauties who are unique in a million. The acne-prone man feels that even if he takes a card camera, it can still capture the natural beauty of the country.

What's more, his specialty is photography, and he knows how to capture the beauty, and it is impossible to make people ugly.

After deleting the photos, Jiang Chen threw the camera to the acne-prone man, and said earnestly, "Dude, don't take random photos next time, after all, you are so ugly, you can easily be beaten up, you know?"

The acne-prone man shrunk his neck subconsciously, and quickly answered, Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and left with the three girls.

The acne-prone man looked at the backs of Jiang Chen and the four leaving, and felt an urge to pick up the camera to capture a picture of the backs. After thinking about it, he decided to give up, otherwise he suspected that Jiang Chen would really beat him up.

"That guy secretly took pictures of us?" Tang Tian asked, pouted, and said, "Jiang Chen, I thought you would beat him up."

"That's right, Jiang Chen, you don't beat people anymore, you have changed." Lin Baobao said with a pouted.

Shuang'er pursed her lips and smiled, overjoyed.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "I also want to beat him up, but are you sure you want me to be an enemy all over the world?"

In this huge airport, it wasn't just the guy with acne that was secretly photographed, it was just the guy with acne who just happened to be in his hands.

And this situation cannot be prevented at all, unless Tang Tian and the others cover their faces every time they go to the street in the future.

However, even if the face is covered, the good figure cannot be concealed.

In that case, Jiang Chen wouldn't have to do other things, just beat people on the street all day long.

"Jiang Chen, why are you speaking so euphemistically? It seems that you have really changed. If you want to praise us for being beautiful, just say so." Baobao Lin said with a smile.

"Baby Lin, you are becoming more and more shameless." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"But, I was already beautiful, so cute, and in such a good figure." Lin Baobao brought his shameless style to the extreme.

After getting in the car, Jiang Chen drove directly along the airport expressway, returning to downtown Beijing.

Because Jiang Chen didn't buy a house in the capital, Tang Tian and Shuang'er could only live with Lin Baobao. Fortunately, Lin Baobao had a villa outside, so she didn't have to live with her parents.

After about an hour, Jiang Chen drove to the villa complex where Lin Baobao lived, and entered Lin Baobao's small villa.

The villa is not big, but the interior decoration style is quite kawaii. The eyes are full of pink, which is full of girlishness.

Undoubtedly, this kind of aesthetic taste is unique to Lin Baobao.

Undoubtedly, it must be based on Lin Baobao's personal aesthetics to decorate the entire villa in this way.

"Baby Lin, you are so vulgar." Tang Tian was so disgusted.

"Isn't it good-looking? I spent several million to decorate it like this." Lin Baobao said.

"You think you look good? I'm very suspicious now, how did Jiang Chen fall in love with you." Tang Tian was even more disgusted.

"Jiang Chen fell in love with me, of course because I'm beautiful." Lin Baobao said as a matter of course, and asked Jiang Chen unwillingly: "Jiang Chen, let me tell you whether it looks good or not. I warn you, if you dare to say It's not good, I'll fight you hard."

"It looks good." Jiang Chen gritted his teeth and said against his conscience.

"Hee hee, I know you are the best for me." Lin Baobao became happy, completely forgetting that he threatened Jiang Chen, hanging on Jiang Chen like a koala.

"Jiang Chen, hurry up and carry me upstairs to the bedroom upstairs, the bedroom is the most beautiful." Lin Baobao urged.

"Baby Lin!" Tang Tian gritted her teeth and raised her eyebrows. This damned woman is really too courageous. In broad daylight, she actually seduced Jiang Chen in front of her face.

"However, the bedroom upstairs is really beautiful." Baobao Lin said aggrievedly.

"Then I'll go up with you to have a look." Tang Tian said, she didn't believe Baobao Lin's nonsense.

"Shuang'er, you go too." Lin Baobao blinked and greeted Shuang'er.

After a while, Lin Baobao was hanging on Jiang Chen's body, and Jiang Chen took Tang Tian and Shuang'er by hand, and went upstairs to the bedroom.

The moment the bedroom door was pushed open, Jiang Chen's breathing suddenly became hot...

(End of this chapter)

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