genius evil

Chapter 940 The happiest man in the world

Chapter 940 The happiest man in the world

When Jiang Chen saw the decorations in other places inside the villa, Jiang Chen never thought about the decoration style of the bedroom and what surprises it could bring.

In fact, it was just as Jiang Chen expected.

The color in this bedroom is still mainly pink.

But perhaps because Baobao Lin turned on the lights, the patches of pink were a little more dreamy.

The most eye-catching thing is the big round bed placed in the middle of the bedroom. The round bed is too big. Even if five or six people roll around on the bed, it is more than enough.

The reason why Jiang Chen's breathing becomes dry and hot has nothing to do with the decoration style of the bedroom, nor does it have anything to do with whether the round bed is beautiful or not. It's just that it has something to do with how big the round bed is!
"How about it? Isn't it very different and beautiful?" Lin Baobao said to Tang Tian and Shuang'er triumphantly. The most proud masterpiece is the big round bed.

You know, that big bed was custom-made by her from abroad and then pulled back. It took a lot of thought.

"You have no taste, that's all you have to do." Tang Tian said dismissively, with a look of contempt.

Shuang'er's small face was slightly hot, she covered her slightly hot face with her hands, she remembered something, she was very shy.

"Jiang Chen, there was a question before, and you were fooled by it. You haven't said which woman you were fooling around with, and you were almost squeezed out." Lin Baobao said to Jiang Chen again.

"It's nothing at all." Jiang Chen said lazily.


Lin Baobao prolonged the tone on purpose, and said to Tang Tian and Shuang'er with a half-smile: "You two beauties, do you hear the meaning of Jiang Chen's words clearly? He is telling us that his energy is very strong. , and it just so happens that the bed in my room is huge."

"I'm going to take a shower." Tang Tianxin understood and acted.

According to what she said before, if she didn't see Jiang Chen for so long, she was about to be burned to death by the fire of lust.

Since Jiang Chen said nothing, it means that Jiang Chen still has energy, right?

Whether it's right or not, anyway, she has decided that this is what she meant.

Tang Tian has always been an actionist, and never twisted Nini when it comes to matters between men and women. She went into the bathroom while talking.

Smiling, Lin Baobao cast a wink at Jiang Chen, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Jiang Chen, just wait, you're doomed."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "So that's why you let me go upstairs?"

"Who told you to be dishonest?" Lin Baobao sneered and said, "The women in the capital are all tigers. If you came to the capital alone, you would have been eaten up long ago."

"Baby, you are also from the capital." Shuang'er reminded.

Lin Baobao said with a smile: "So I am also a tiger, a man-eating tiger."

Perhaps to prove that he was indeed a little tigress, Lin Baobao also went to take a bath soon, leaving only Jiang Chen and Shuang'er in the bedroom.

"Little Shuang'er, what about you?" Jiang Chen said anxiously.

"Master..." Shuang'er blushed and stammered, "I'll go take a bath too."

Jiang Chen was alone, lying on the bed and waiting for about half an hour, and the three girls showed up just after taking a shower.

The three women are all wearing nightgowns, but the colors and styles are different.

Lin Baobao seems to have a soft spot for pink, even the nightgown is pink, full of girly and cuteness.

The nightgown on Tang Tian's body is red, so red, just like her personality of daring to love and hate, it is flamboyant and has a coquettish charm.

The nightgown Shuang'er was wearing was black, revealing a pair of slender and white long legs, exuding a faint wild atmosphere, which was extremely charming.

"Jiang Chen, do you feel that you are the happiest man in the world?" Lin Baobao put on a pos and giggled coquettishly.

"Are you serious?" Jiang Chen pretended to be a little scared and said.

"Of course it's for real." Lin Baobao snorted and said, "Why can others squeeze you and me, but we can't?"

"Baby Lin, are you talking about us?" Tang Tian asked.

"I'm talking about the three of us," Lin Baobao said.

"Can you please get rid of yourself?" Tang Tian said angrily. What she hates the most is that Lin Baobao regards herself as Jiang Chen's woman, although Lin Baobao is already Jiang Chen's woman.

"Xiao Tiantian, it's already this time, so let's stop fighting among ourselves, okay? We have to be consistent with the outside world, otherwise, wouldn't it be an opportunity for other women to sneak in?" Lin Baobao murmured.

"I believed in your evil back then, and that's why I let you sneak in." Tang Tian said unhappily.

"Xiao Tiantian, why are you so stingy? It's been so long, I've even forgotten about it." Baobao Lin pretended to be stupid.

As he was talking, it seemed that he was afraid that Tang Tian would not let go of this question, so Lin Baobao jumped up and rushed towards Jiang Chen, throwing Jiang Chen onto the big bed.

"Baby Lin, stay far away, let me come." Tang Tian said not to be outdone, and rushed over quickly.

Soon after, the big bed swayed, and at some point, Shuang'er joined the battle group, making the battle even more exciting and intense.

This kind of fighting lasted for nearly two hours before it was time to rest.

The three women on the bed were so tired that they didn't even have the strength to move their fingers. Jiang Chen, who was enjoying the blessing of being equal to others, realized that he was indeed the happiest man in the world. one.

"Xiao Tiantian, you're so good, why would you want to come to the capital?" Jiang Chen asked casually. At this moment, he had the opportunity to talk about something serious.

Tang Tian came here very suddenly this time, without saying hello in advance, Jiang Chen felt a little weird about this situation, knowing that Tang Tian's visit this time must not be as simple as just coming to see him, presumably There are other things to deal with.

"Jiang Chen, remember what I said back then? I want to give you a surprise." Tang Tian said with a smile.

"Surprise?" Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback.

Soon I remembered that after Tang Tian ruled the underground underworld in Jiangnan Province, she did say such things to him. At that time, it was a small trick, and she didn't make it very clear.

"Are you planning to come to the capital to develop?" Jiang Chen said quickly.

"Smart." Tang Tian said happily, "Jiangnan Province is too small, and there is no challenge at all, so I will send troops to the north now to conquer the capital."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Having a goal is a good thing."

"I'm not joking, I'm serious." Tang Tian said seriously.

She could have come to the capital earlier because she had to arrange things in Jiangnan Province, so it was delayed until now. Tang Tian didn't want Jiang Chen to think that she was joking.

"Master, Miss is very serious. She wants to stay in the capital and spend more time with you." Shuang'er said softly.

"Jiang Chen, you now know how good Xiao Tiantian is to you." Baobao Lin said with a smile, and it was rare to say a good word for Tang Tian.

Jiang Chen was a little surprised. He knew very well that Tang Tian wanted to come to the capital to develop, not because of Tang Tian's great ambitions.

Taking it a step further, that is to say, when Tang Tian decided to unify the underground underworld in Jiangnan Province, she was actually preparing for this day.

After all, Tang Tianxiong intends to retire, and Tang Tian must take over.

However, Tang Tian's succession to Tang Tianxiong's position does not mean smooth sailing, and Tang Tianxiong has not dominated the underground underworld in Jiangnan Province before.

Tang Tian unified the underground underworld in Jiangnan Province in one fell swoop, which can be said to cut off future troubles and allow her to come to the capital to develop with peace of mind.

It can be said that such an arrangement did not take great pains, Jiang Chen was moved in his heart.

"Xiao Tiantian, you really touched me." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Be nice to me from now on." Tang Tian said a little shyly.

Jiang Chen nodded seriously, and for the reason that no amount of talking is as good as doing, he threw Tang Tian onto the bed again, and the big bed swayed accordingly. Then, he and Tang Tian singled out and turned into three people The melee, and then turned into a four-person melee.

Such Hu Tian Hu Di, until it was dark, the three women really didn't have any strength to toss around, so they got up and dressed, and urged Jiang Chen to go out to eat, otherwise, they doubted that they would starve to death on the bed.

Jiang Chen put on his clothes, drove the three girls out, and originally wanted to find a big restaurant for dinner, but Tang Tian and Lin Baobao said in unison that they wanted to eat in a small restaurant on the street, and they also said that there were so many people.

"What's the reason?" Jiang Chen asked Shuang'er.

Shuang'er smiled and said, "Miss and Baobao are planning to start grabbing territory today, and want to see the situation of some gangs in the capital."

Jiang Chen understood instantly.

Where there are many people, there will naturally be a mixture of fish and dragons, and there are all kinds of people.

If you want to know what's going on in a place, going to that kind of place is undoubtedly the best choice. If you just grab a couple of gangsters, you can see some of the gang's situation at a glance.

So Jiang Chen gave up his plan to eat at a big restaurant, and after ten minutes, he found a roadside food stall that had not been out for a long time.

When Jiang Chen was alone, he was already very conspicuous, what's more, there were Tang Tian and the three daughters sitting beside him, which made their group even more conspicuous.

The food stall had just opened, and there weren't many people there, but as the four of Jiang Chen sat down to eat, within a short while, the dozen or so tables were filled, which made the boss very happy.

"Jiang Chen, I will show you my charm soon." Baobao Lin said narcissistically while eating pickled fish.

"Baby Lin, I still have to eat, please don't make me vomit?" Tang Tian hit mercilessly.

"Xiao Tiantian, if you are jealous that I am prettier than you and have a better body than you, just tell me, don't be eccentric all the time, okay?"

Tang Tian smiled coldly and said, "I would only be jealous of you if I were an idiot, obviously you are jealous of me."

"I'm jealous of you if I'm crazy." Lin Baobao said angrily.

"Oh, it's very lively,, three beauties, what are you talking about?" But soon, a guy came over and said familiarly.

(End of this chapter)

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