genius evil

Chapter 941 Do a big thing

Chapter 941 Doing a Big Thing

The person who struck up a conversation was a man in his twenties, dressed in a different and exaggerated way, giving people a greasy feeling.

After speaking, after attracting the attention of Jiang Chen and the others, the man smiled slightly and introduced himself; "Handsome guy, beauty, don't mind my abruptness, my name is Nie Fan."

After finishing these words, the man who introduced himself as Nie Fan found that Jiang Chen and the others looked at him like that, quietly becoming weird.

Nie Fan thought about it carefully, and it seemed that the strange look in his eyes was called pity.

Nie Fan was confused and didn't understand why Jiang Chen and the others looked at him with pity. Did he look pitiful?

"Jiang Chen, what do you think?" Tang Tian asked.

"You don't need to ask, it's just him." Lin Baobao decided.

"What's the situation?" Nie Fan was stunned.

"There's nothing wrong with it, I just plan to take you to do a big event, are you mentally prepared?" Baby Lin said with a smile.

He chose to eat outside to wait for the fish to get the bait, and Nie Fan took the initiative to strike up a conversation. From Baobao Lin's point of view, it was the fish that got the bait.

"What's the big deal?" Nie Fan became vigilant, feeling that Baobao Lin had no good intentions.

"Don't worry about any big things, it's just big things anyway." Lin Baobao said, calling Jiang Chen: "Do it."

Jiang Chen nodded, indicating that there was no problem. He casually grabbed a beer bottle that had just been emptied and smashed it on Nie Fan's head.


The bottle shattered.

Along with the shattering of the wine bottle, there was also Nie Fan's head. Nie Fan shook, staggered back two steps, and fell to the ground with his buttocks. Jiang Chen smashed his whole body into a fool.

Nie Fan inexplicably wanted to cry, he was just trying to strike up a conversation, was it necessary to hit him with a wine bottle?

"He didn't pass out, Jiang Chen, hit another one." Baobao Lin said excitedly, his eyes were shining brightly.

"do not want!"

Nie Fan hurriedly said, one hit is already enough, if he gets another hit, his head will definitely explode.

"If you say no, then don't?" Lin Baobao snorted coldly, and directed, "Jiang Chen, smash it for me."

After saying that, Jiang Chen grabbed a beer bottle, threw it casually, and it exploded on Nie Fan's head without any mistakes.

"It's meaningless at all, it's too inexperienced." Rolling her eyes, Lin Baobao said unsatisfactorily. She was still thinking about playing with Nie Fan a few more times. She would let Nie Fan go when she made fun of him enough. a horse.

Who would have thought that Nie Fan was so weak that he was knocked unconscious after two blows.

"It's useless? Beauty, don't you think that what you say is too much? How about I try to hit you with a wine bottle?" It was Lin Baobao who said this, and a buzzing like thunder The sound rang out.

"Smash me, did I offend you?" Lin Baobao quit immediately.

Thinking of how ugly she would be if she had a scar on her head, a big beauty like a flower, she might as well die.

"Then I want to ask you, did this young man named Nie Fan offend you?" Buzzing voice said.

This is a strong man with a beard, his face is full of flesh, and he looks quite powerful.

"Didn't you offend me?" Lin Baobao smiled, directed Jiang Chen again, and said, "Jiang Chen, I'm too lazy to talk to this idiot, you come and tell him."

Jiang Chen said he was speechless, and Baobao Lin didn't want to talk to idiots, so did he just want to?

Can't you take care of his feelings a little bit?
"Little boy, tell me. I want to hear what tricks you can come up with... If you can't convince me, then I'm sorry, don't blame me for being rude tonight." The bearded man said.

"Are you trying to stand up for him? What's the matter, do you know him?" Jiang Chen pointed at Nie Fan, and said with a half-smile.

"When the road is uneven, we just draw our swords to help." The bearded man said arrogantly.

"It's interesting." The smile on Jiang Chen's face grew stronger, and he said, "Then do you know, have you offended me?"

"Me? Offended you?" The bearded man pointed at himself, then at Jiang Chen, and said inexplicably.

"That's right, you offended me, but it seems that you are not clear-headed enough to realize how you offended me, so next, I decided to wake you up." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen did what he said, and while he was talking, a beer bottle suddenly appeared in his hand, and then the beer bottle suddenly hit the bearded man's head.

A dull sound of "bang" came out, the bearded man followed in Nie Fan's footsteps, and was smashed by Jiang Chen's wine bottle and fell to the ground, confused.

"Looking for death, how dare you touch our bearded brother."

"Boy, you are dead tonight."

As soon as Jiang Chen made a move, two people stood up and surrounded him, shouting angrily at Jiang Chen, as if they wanted to tear Jiang Chen alive.

"Come on, let's do it." Jiang Chen waved at the two of them and said lazily.

The two looked at each other, as if they hadn't expected that Jiang Chen would speak like this. Afterwards, the two each picked up a wine bottle and rushed towards Jiang Chen quickly.



As soon as those two men rushed over, Jiang Chen stretched out his right hand and grabbed the wine bottles in their hands. He was lazy to look at the two of them, and smashed them on the heads of the two respectively.

"Boy, you are very arrogant." The bearded man covered his head, struggled to stand up, looked at Jiang Chen with a ferocious face, and said viciously.

"Then you understand now, where did you offend me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This—" the bearded man's pupils shrank slightly, and he was very worried that if he didn't understand what he said, Jiang Chen would say something to him again.

But if he admits that he understands, the bearded man doesn't know where he offended Jiang Chen. After all, he doesn't think he offended Jiang Chen.

"That's such a pity, you have to wake up your brain again." Jiang Chen said regretfully, looking around, he found that there was no wine bottle, so he grabbed a plate and slapped it on the bearded man's head On, he patted the bearded man until he passed out.

"Two little fishes, is that enough?" Jiang Chen said after bearded dizzy.

"Enough." Tang Tiantian nodded, and asked suspiciously, "Jiang Chen, did this bearded man and that Nie Fan really offend us?"

"Yeah, what offended us?" Lin Baobao also asked.

Even Shuang'er is very confused.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

In the final analysis, Nie Fan ran over to strike up a conversation, but it was the idea of ​​Tang Tian and the three daughters. It was just that he shot too fast, so that Nie Fan suffered a disaster before he showed his thoughts.

And this bearded man, on the surface, seems to be fighting for Nie Fan, but in fact, he is trying to stand out, deliberately finding fault, and it is still the idea of ​​Tang Tian and the third daughter.

And this is exactly where they offended him, Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen casually talked about this situation, and the three girls suddenly realized.

"Jiang Chen, you are so scheming, don't you often strike up girls like this?" Lin Baobao asked suspiciously.

"Baby Lin, can you be more serious?" Jiang Chen was also shot while lying down.

"I'm asking you this question very seriously. Look, you have seen through others before they show it. Doesn't this mean that you have deep scheming?" Baobao Lin said solemnly.

"Baby Lin, if you don't talk, no one will think you are dumb, eat quickly, and get down to business after eating," Tang Tian said.

It wasn't that she didn't let Baobao Lin talk, but that Tang Tian thought that Baobao Lin was just talking nonsense.

It's not that she doesn't know how good Jiang Chen is at picking up girls, so why ask why he knows it, it's really meaningless.

"Xiao Tiantian, I'm educating my man." Lin Baobao shouted.

"It's my man." Tang Tian reminded solemnly.

This kind of quarrel, of course, can't be resolved, so Tang Tian and Lin Baobao continued to eat for about half an hour. A pat on the body wakes the two of them up.

"Lead the way." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Where are you going?" Nie Fan and the bearded man looked at each other and asked strangely. There was a little more fear in the eyes they looked at Jiang Chen like that.

"Of course I'm going to see your leading brother." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." This time, the bearded man nodded quickly.

To see the lead brother?

The bearded man sneered endlessly in his heart, he felt that Jiang Chen's behavior was completely courting death.

Jiang Chen was good at fighting, yes, but he could knock down one, two or three, but what about ten?What about twenty?Or thirty?
If Jiang Chen left just like that, the bearded man thought it would be very difficult to get back on the scene, but it was fine if Jiang Chen didn't leave, and he even offered to see the leader brother.

This kind of self-seeking behavior, the bearded man naturally wants to be satisfied.

"I...I don't have a big brother..." Muttering, Nie Fan said.

"Why don't you have a big brother to join in the fun?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied, isn't this a waste of his time?

Nie Fan was crying, feeling ashamed and angry, feeling extremely ashamed that he didn't have a big brother.

"Boy, are you really going to see my elder brother?" The bearded man asked Jiang Chen at this moment, he wanted to make sure if Jiang Chen was joking.

"Are you also planning to waste my time?" Jiang Chen's expression darkened.

The bearded man thumped in his heart, patted his buttocks and got up, and said, "Then you come with me, it's not far away, it's about 5 minutes' walk."

While talking, the bearded man led the way, while Jiang Chen led Tang Tian and his three daughters to follow behind.

Five minutes later, the bearded man brought Jiang Chen and the others to appear at the door of a KTV.

"Boy, my elder brother is inside. Do you want to go in and meet him, or should I go to see your elder brother and call him out?" the bearded man asked, a little agitated in his heart.

Once here, it's his territory. Doesn't Jiang Chen like to help people wake up their minds?

Tonight, he will definitely use all means to wake Jiang Chen up...

(End of this chapter)

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