genius evil

Chapter 942 We Are Here For Trouble

Chapter 942 We Are Here For Trouble
From the outside, this KTV gives people a feeling of smog.

If Jiang Chen was alone, it wouldn't be a problem to go in, but since Tang Tian and the three daughters were all there, Jiang Chen chose the latter and let the bearded man call out his elder brother.

The bearded man had no objection to this, and walked into the KTV quickly.

It didn't make Jiang Chen wait for a long time. After just 2 minutes, he saw the bearded man walking out of the KTV.

A tall and thin man, walking on the right side of the bearded man, looked about thirty, with a sullen look on his face.

And behind this tall and thin man, there are four people following, and each of those four people is full of hostility!
"Brother, this is the kid who wants to see you." After walking out of the KTV, the bearded man pointed at Jiang Chen and introduced to the tall and thin man.

The tall and thin man heard the words, his eyes fell on Jiang Chen, and he said coldly: "Boy, do you want to see me? What's the matter?"

But after such a voice fell, the tall and thin man noticed Tang Tian and the three women standing behind Jiang Chen at a glance, his eyes suddenly lit up, and there was a lustful gleam in his eyes.

"I'll beat you up, or if you dare to be dishonest, I'll kill you directly." Tang Tian rushed to say.

"Kill me?" The tall and thin man was taken aback for a moment, but he laughed out loud as if he had heard a big joke.

"Beauty, don't make fun of me, or if I, Pang Shuo, take your words seriously, it will be bad." The tall and thin man said.

"You look so wretched, who is in the mood to joke with you. I just ate, please don't make me vomit, okay?" Lin Baobao rolled his eyes and said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, listen Come on, this guy thought we were joking, so beat him up."

"Boy, do you dare to do it?" Pang Shuo looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer and said.

Looking at Jiang Chen's slender arms and legs, Pang Shuo felt that even if he stood still and let Jiang Chen beat him, it would still exhaust Jiang Chen to death.

What's more, it is impossible for him to stand still and let Jiang Chen beat him up. This is his territory. As long as Jiang Chen makes a move, he can chop Jiang Chen up in minutes.

"Brother, this kid is a bit evil, don't be careless." Hearing what Pang Shuo said, the bearded man hurriedly reminded him, lest Pang Shuo would suffer.

It's okay for Pang Shuo to suffer a little, but the bearded man knows Pang Shuo's temper well, if he accidentally suffers a disadvantage in Jiang Chen's hands, he will definitely vent his anger on him.

In order to avoid that situation, the bearded man could only sound a reminder.

"Shut up, it's none of your business here." Pang Shuo said coldly.

He, Pang Shuo, stood up for the bearded man, not because of the face of the bearded man, but because he didn't want to lose his own face because his younger brother was bullied.

Otherwise, who would be willing to hang out with him in the future?

However, things have developed to this point, which makes Pang Shuo very interesting.

In his opinion, if Jiang Chen finds faults, he should find faults, and there is still a woman by his side.

It would be fine if he only brought one woman with him, but he brought three, or three stunning beauties.

This is not finding fault, it is clearly to let others find fault with him!

The bearded man was embarrassed, and looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly, not daring to speak any more.

"Boy, let me ask you, do you dare to do it?" Pang Shuo said to Jiang Chen again, extremely provocative.


Jiang Chen didn't speak, he slapped Pang Shuo directly in the face, and knocked Pang Shuo to the ground.


Pang Shuo was furious. He thought that Jiang Chen didn't dare to do it. Who would have thought that Jiang Chen not only dared to do it, but also slapped him directly.

Feeling the burning pain on his face, Pang Shuo screamed angrily, and said angrily, "Are they all dead? Do it, beat me to death."

The four people who appeared together with Pang Shuo turned around and rushed towards Jiang Chen after hearing the sound.

These four people are agile, they are obviously Pang Shuo's thugs, they specialize in the next three ways when they make a move, they are very vicious.

But such a few bastards were naturally difficult to get into Jiang Chen's eyes. Jiang Chen was too lazy to look at them a few more times, and kicked them out a few times at random, and kicked the four of them to the ground.



Jiang Chen didn't control the strength of his kicks, each kick was accompanied by the sound of joints breaking, and behind the four feet, the four people were lying on the ground, howling like ghosts and wolves.

"This—" Pang Shuo's complexion was extremely gloomy.

Just now when the bearded man reminded him that Jiang Chen was a bit evil, he still didn't believe it, but now he finally believed that Jiang Chen was indeed very evil.

Jiang Chen was not mistaken, those four were his thugs. Normally, it would be no problem for one to fight against three. When the four teamed up, even if they faced twenty or thirty people, it would be no problem at all. fear.

But when these four people met each other, they were overthrown by Jiang Chen and destroyed directly.

Suddenly, a chill came out from Pang Shuo's spine, and he realized that this time he met a ruthless character.

"Do you have a big brother?" Jiang Chen didn't care what Pang Shuo was thinking, and asked lazily.

" want to see my elder brother?" Pang Shuo asked with a frown.

Jiang Chen beat up the bearded man, and the bearded man led Jiang Chen to see him. Now, Jiang Chen still wants to see his elder brother, what exactly is Jiang Chen going to do.

"Very good, so I can feel relieved." Jiang Chen nodded.

Pang Shuo looked at Jiang Chen puzzled, not understanding what Jiang Chen understood, but very quickly, Jiang Chen stepped on his neck.

"Since you have a big brother, then you can die with peace of mind." Jiang Chen said, before Pang Shuo could respond, he stomped hard and broke Pang Shuo's neck.


With a buzzing sound, the bearded man only felt his head buzzing, as if someone picked up a hammer and hammered it hard.

He looked at Jiang Chen absent-mindedly, his face was pale, and he couldn't restrain himself from trembling.

"Don't be nervous, I won't kill you for the time being. After all, I still want you to do something for me." Looking at the bearded man, Jiang Chen said lightly.

" have anything to do, just order it." The bearded man stammered, probably even if Jiang Chen told him to die, he would not dare to disobey Jiang Chen's order!
Who is Pang Shuo? That is the existence with bloody hands. I don’t know how many people are frightened by the news. But in front of Jiang Chen, Pang Shuo is like a child of one or three years old. He was easily trampled by Jiang Chen. died.

The bearded man saw that when Jiang Chen stomped Pang Shuo to death, he didn't even bat an eyelid. This undoubtedly showed that Jiang Chen had killed someone before!
"This guy's big brother, do you know where it is?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I know, I know." The bearded chick nodded like pecking rice, knowing that he was going to meet the elder brother who took the lead.

"Lead the way." Jiang Chen said more lazily, and ordered.

After a while, Jiang Chen drove his own car, followed a dilapidated Santana driven by a big beard, and headed for the place where Big Brother Pang Shuo lived.

"Jiang Chen, you are so cruel." Lin Baobao said.

"That guy is looking for death on his own." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Although that guy looks extremely obscene and looks disgusting, why did he seek death?" Lin Baobao asked.

"That Pang Shuo is indeed looking for death." Tang Tian said coldly.

If Jiang Chen planned to keep Pang Shuo alive, Tang Tian would shoot Pang Shuo himself.

She had noticed Pang Shuo's lewd eyes when he looked at the three of them, which undoubtedly meant that Pang Shuo had the idea of ​​the three of them.

If Pang Shuo is an ordinary person, he doesn't need to mind.

But Pang Shuo is a gangster, so being targeted by Pang Shuo will definitely not be a pleasant thing.

In order to avoid making yourself unhappy, you can only make Pang Shuo more unhappy.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen killed Pang Shuo, so she didn't need to do it anymore.

"Xiao Tiantian, why did you become so cruel?" Lin Baobao said in puzzlement. The carefree woman didn't notice what happened before.

Tang Tian rolled her eyes and explained lazily. It was Shuang'er and Lin Baobao who explained it, and Lin Baobao suddenly realized.

"Damn it, Jiang Chen, you did it so beautifully." Lin Baobao clenched his fists and said angrily.

It took about twenty minutes for Santana in front of him to stop.

The bearded man opened the door and got out of the car, but he didn't dare to walk around, and stood respectfully by the door.

Jiang Chen drove the car over and found that this was a clubhouse.

From the outside, the grade of this clubhouse is not too low, and the rows of luxury cars parked outside the clubhouse also show that the owner of this clubhouse is not simple.

"Here?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The third master is usually here." The bearded man nodded, and said anxiously, "But I only know that the third master is here. I can't enter this place."

"I can go in." Lin Baobao raised his hand and said cheerfully. While talking, he took out a card, which was clearly the membership card of this club.

"Jiang Chen, I've been to this clubhouse once, and it's quite nice inside, let's go in now." Baobao Lin said triumphantly.

Jiang Chen nodded. With the membership card, he can save some troubles, otherwise, he still wants to break in directly.

"Then I—" the bearded man said anxiously.

"Go away." Jiang Chen waved his hand.

"Yes... yes..." The bearded man got into the car and drove away without saying anything.

Lin Baobao had been to this clubhouse before, so he was very familiar with it. He led Jiang Chen and Tang Tianshuang'er inside. After passing through the gate, he could get a general overview of the internal situation of this clubhouse.

"Sir, miss, do you have an appointment in advance?" The waiters from the two clubhouses came over and said politely with smiles on their faces.

"There is no appointment, we are here to find someone." Lin Baobao said carelessly.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" The waiter was still very polite.

"Look for your boss, Third Master." Lin Baobao spoke very directly. At the end, it seemed that he was afraid that the two waiters would not understand what he meant, so he said more directly: "You go and tell Third Master, just say, we He is here to trouble him, if he doesn't want to die, get out quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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