genius evil

Chapter 943 Please Hurry Up

Chapter 943 Please Hurry Up

A few minutes later, in a reception room of the clubhouse, Jiang Chen and the others met the rumored third master as they wished.

There was no way, Baobao Lin's tone was too loud, and he was looking for trouble when he opened his mouth. Naturally, it was difficult not to alarm the third master.

The reception room was very large. Apart from Jiang Chen and the third master, there was also a thin middle-aged man. The middle-aged man stood behind the third master. A feeling that cannot be underestimated.

"You are the third master?" Tang Tian asked after looking at the third master.

"The title of the third master is just a friend on the road to save face. I really feel ashamed." The third master smiled loudly and said, "My name is Yan Sanping. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You are so hypocritical." Lin Baobao said with a curled lip.

"You know that we are here to cause trouble, but you still say that you are very happy to meet us. You have to be honest and know if you don't know. If you are not happy, you are not happy. Why do you pretend to be very happy? You are forced to smile It looks ugly, do you know that?" Baobao Lin said again, with sharp teeth.

There was no embarrassment on the third master's face, and he said with a smile: "My club is open for business. How can you say the four are all my guests. I am naturally very happy when distinguished guests come."

"Then if we smash this club, you will definitely not be happy." Lin Baobao rolled his eyes around and smiled like a little fox.

"Little friend, it seems that you must make me unhappy tonight, right?" The third master said slowly after staring at Baobao Lin.

"That's right, didn't you understand until now? You're really an idiot." Lin Baobao said with a smile, as if he didn't understand the potential threat in San Ye's words at all.

"Shut up, don't dare to talk nonsense again, be careful that I'm not polite to you." The middle-aged man who had been silent all this time said in a gloomy manner, his sharp eyes fell heavily on Lin Baobao.

From the extent of that cold gaze, no one would deny that in the next second, he would violently kill someone.

"Jiang Chen, he is fierce to me, you beat him up quickly." Lin Baobao complained to Jiang Chen with a full face of grievance.

"Old Tie, do you have to be gentle with girls, especially pretty girls?" But before Jiang Chen could respond, the third master said to the middle-aged man.

"Third Lord, these little fellows are clearly shameless. Why be polite to them? If you want me to tell you, just throw them out. If anyone dares to be disobedient, their legs will be broken." The middle-aged man said .

The third master smiled and said: "You, you are still so hot-tempered. After all, you are the guests. How can you be so rude to the guests? If this spreads, it will ruin my reputation. "

After a pause, the third master said: "Four children, if you don't dislike the shabby clubhouse of mine, you can eat, drink and have fun tonight. All expenses will be charged to my account. What do you think?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, not sure why the third master was so polite to Jiang Chen and the others.

You know, don't look at the third master who is always smiling and seems to be easy to get along with, but he is notoriously a smiling tiger!
Jiang Chen and the others came to make trouble. According to the style of the third master in the past, Jiang Chen and the others would have been swept out of the house long ago. How could they still ask for a treat?

"No." Tang Tian refused coldly.

Just kidding, who did this third master think of them as cheating food and drinking?

How can it be so easy to get rid of them for just one night's expenses?

"Little beauty, the third master is already very interesting to me, do you think so or not?" The third master said in a soft voice.

"But you haven't asked what we are here for." Tang Tian reminded.

The third master smiled and said, "Aren't you just here to make trouble? It's understandable that young people are prone to impulsiveness. After all, I was once young, so I won't care about you."

"Speaking is better than singing." Tang Tian rolled her eyes and said, "It's true that we are here to cause trouble, but your thinking is too simple. Now, I will give you two choices. First, From tonight, follow me, second, we will beat you up, and then you will follow me again."

"Oh, so the four of you are from the Tao?" The third master squinted his eyes and said.

Compared with Lin Baobao's words of asking for trouble, Tang Tian's words are undoubtedly more ruthless and more ruthless.

"Otherwise, what do you think we are here tonight?" Tang Tian said angrily.

"Everyone, do you have to do this? I have to say, this makes me very embarrassed. To be honest, from the bottom of my heart, I am very willing to make friends with you four young people." The third master sighed.

"I'll give you 2 minutes to think about it. After 2 minutes, if you don't give an answer, you will become even more embarrassed." Tang Tian said unceremoniously.

The third master laughed and said: "My little friends, you really don't give me any face. Is it because my third master has not been on the road for a long time? You little guys have forgotten my existence." gone?"

When the third master said this, even though he was smiling, that smile was very sinister.

The third master decided to cover Jiang Chen's four people's expenses for tonight in order to save face. It wasn't because he was afraid, but because he felt that he was a little bit blind to Jiang Chen.

After all, it's okay to come to the door so grandiosely to make trouble, and bring three beautiful women.

To be able to do such a thing is either an idiot, or has absolute confidence in one's own strength.

The third master didn't think that Jiang Chen would be an idiot, so, in the situation where Jiang Chen's details were not yet known, it was only the most prudent thing to do.

When Tang Tian said this, she intended to tear her skin apart. Even if his third master planned to make a big deal smaller, he couldn't do it.

"Smiling so ugly, you plan to do it, right?" Lin Baobao said with a smile.

"You guessed it right." The third master nodded.

"Then what are you still hesitating about? Hurry up and act like I'm begging you, please hurry up, can you?" Lin Baobao said with an impatient look on his face.

Lin Baobao's reaction quietly made the third master startled.

Ask him to do it?

Is this all about looking for death, or is he not paying attention to him at all?
"Do it." Immediately, the third master waved and said coldly.

Since Lin Baobao begged him to do it, if he didn't do it, where should he put his old face?
As for those who are on the road, what they care about most is face, and if the face is gone, then everything is gone.

The middle-aged man couldn't bear it any longer. Hearing the third master's order, without saying a word, he raised his hand and punched Jiang Chen.

The middle-aged man didn't care about Tang Tian's three daughters at all. He knew very well that as long as Jiang Chen was beaten to the ground, then tonight's matter would be settled.

Seeing the middle-aged man punching him, Jiang Chen didn't even look at it lazily. He slapped the middle-aged man on the ground casually, opened his mouth, spewed out several teeth, and passed out convulsively.

"Third Master, I don't have much time left for you, haven't you considered it yet?" Tang Tian said to the third master after glancing at the middle-aged man who passed out.

"Tang Tian, ​​you're just too petty, you care so much, let Jiang Chen beat him up, you'll be honest." Lin Baobao muttered.

Lin Baobao felt that if the third master accepted the inclusion soon, wouldn't this matter tonight be meaningless at all, and she still wanted to make a big fuss.

"I think what the baby said makes sense." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The third master's face was ugly, his face was ashen.

He had already thought that Jiang Chen might not be so simple, but he never thought that Jiang Chen would be so powerful, if he made a random move, Old Tie would be destroyed by Jiang Chen.

This kind of strength has never been seen before!

The third master knew that he had encountered a tough situation tonight, and whether he could get out of it was a big question.

With his right hand, he touched the pocket of his trousers calmly. The third master was about to take out the gun he was carrying with him, but when he moved his right hand, Baby Lin yelled: "Jiang Chen, pay attention, this old guy wants to Draw the gun."

"Jiang Chen?"

The third master has heard the word Jiang Chen a few times tonight, and he didn't think about it that much before, but at this moment, perhaps because he was too terrified, the name had no reason, and it made his heart ache. , cast a shadow.

"Why does it feel a little familiar?" The third master said silently in his heart.

After thinking about it for a while, the third master's expression changed drastically.

He finally understood why there was a familiar feeling.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree!
It is self-evident what the name Jiang Chen means in the big and small circles in the capital, and to the third master, it is also like a thunderbolt.

It's just that, from the very beginning, the third master didn't connect the Jiang Chen in front of him with the Jiang Chen who was famous in the capital, and that's all, Jiang Chen was generous every time, so how could the third master think that Jiang Chen would see it well? What about his little trouble?

After recognizing Jiang Chen's identity, the right hand of the third master who touched the pistol in his pocket suddenly retracted like an electric shock, and the depths of his pupils were clearly filled with a thick The color of horror.

That livid face became extremely pale, without a trace of blood, and even his body trembled uncontrollably. On his forehead, one after another, cold sweat the size of soybeans continued to flow. slide out.

"Jiang Shao, it's because my third child has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai, so I beg Jiang Shao to spare his life." The third master immediately trembled and exhausted all his strength to barely let himself fall to his knees.

"That's boring." Jiang Chen said helplessly, knowing that the third master had already recognized who he was.

With his identity exposed, even if he wanted to play tonight, it would be useless.

"Jiang Shao, I am willing to hang out with you, up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, without hesitation." The third master said again.

"It's not me, it's her." Jiang Chen pointed at Tang Tian.

"That's right, it's me." Tang Tian raised her chest and said proudly. She pointed at the third master and said proudly: "From tonight onwards, you will be my No. , you are the number one hero."

"Yes... yes..." the third master wiped his cold sweat and said awkwardly.

Unify the underground underworld in the capital?
The third master realized that he didn't understand Jiang Chen's way of playing, but since Tang Tian said so, then he can only follow Tang Tian's lead!
(End of this chapter)

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