genius evil

Chapter 944 Happy Birthday to Me

Chapter 944 Happy Birthday to Me
To Jiang Chen, this incident tonight was just a trivial matter, mostly playful in nature.

But to Tang Tian, ​​it has an extraordinary meaning.

This is Tang Tian's first shot to unify the underworld in the capital, and it will play a vital role in Tang Tian's future development in the capital.

But Jiang Chen only did so much.

His influence in the capital is too great. If he intervenes too much, there will be nothing wrong with Tang Tian at all. The major underground gangs are guaranteed to move upon hearing the news and join in one after another. Without any effort, they can be unified The underground underworld in the capital.

In that way, although a lot of trouble can be saved, but it also loses a lot of fun, doesn't it?
In particular, Tang Tian vowed to unify the underground underworld in the capital, so he was full of enthusiasm and ambition. If he overstepped and did all the things that should have been done by Tang Tian, ​​Tang Tian would not be pissed off. No wonder.

This night, Tang Tian was in a good mood.

When she was in a good mood, she made Jiang Chen feel better.

Coincidentally, Lin Baobao and Shuang'er were also in a very good mood, and the two of them spontaneously joined the ranks of making Jiang Chen feel better.

Under the diligent service of the three girls, Jiang Chen's mood couldn't be any better.

Tang Tian has always been an activist, and Lin Baobao is famous for joining in the fun. On the second day, Tang Tian's plan to dominate the underground underworld in the capital was officially launched.

Jiang Chen didn't have to join in the fun, and suddenly became idle.

After Tang Tian and the three daughters went out, Jiang Chen drove alone and returned to Capital University.

But on the way back to Capital University, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Chen touched the phone and saw that the caller ID was from Yilan City, he was slightly taken aback, but still picked it up.

At around 11:30 in the morning, in the office, Ding Lingling stretched lazily.

She doesn't have to go out on duty today, so she seems extra free.

But Ding Lingling is not the kind of person who can be idle, so she doesn't like to sit in the office, especially, today is a special day for her, sitting in the office is even more difficult for Ding. Lingling has a feeling that the whole person is bound.

Looking up, it seemed that everyone was busy, but she had nothing to do. Ding Lingling curled her lips, looked at the time, and began to plan what to have for lunch.

It was finally twelve o'clock, and it was time to serve dinner. Ding Lingling was the first to stand up from her seat.

"Lingling, wait a moment." A policeman stopped Ding Lingling.

"Bi Wei, what's the matter?" Ding Lingling asked.

"Wait a minute, wait two minutes." The policeman named Bi Wei said with a smile.

Ding Lingling felt that Bi Wei was a bit weird, but she didn't think too much about it. Since she was asked to wait for 2 minutes, then wait 2 minutes.

Anyway, I haven't decided what to eat for lunch yet, so I just think about it carefully while there are still 2 minutes left.

2 minutes passed quickly, but Ding Lingling still hadn't figured out what to eat for lunch, she stood up listlessly from her seat, and was about to tell Bi Wei that 2 minutes had passed.

But before she could say anything, she saw a group of people swarming outside the office, each of them laughed and said loudly: "Lingling beauty, happy birthday!"

Ding Lingling was completely stunned, and said: "You all know that today is my birthday?"

"Of course, if I forget whose birthday it is, I won't forget your birthday, Lingling beauty." A policeman said.

"Well, hurry up and hand over the presents. I warn you, you must not miss any of them." Ding Lingling stretched out her hand and urged.

A group of policemen was in a mess immediately. How could anyone ask someone for a gift like this? Fortunately, they all prepared presents, and they all sent them to Ding Lingling.

Ding Lingling didn't even go to the cafeteria for lunch, and unwrapping presents in the office alone was a joy.

At the same time, because today is her birthday, the bureau specially granted her a half-day vacation, which means that she doesn't have to work in the afternoon, which makes Ding Lingling's mood even better.

Ding Lingling is very popular in the bureau. Many people know that today is her birthday, and a lot of gifts have been prepared. When Ding Lingling brought the gifts back, she had to use two cardboard boxes and run separately. After two trips, it was moved to the car.

Ding Lingling drove home, and made another two trips before moving the gift home.

Picking up the remote control and turning on the TV, Ding Lingling lay on the sofa and watched boredly. After watching for a while, she remembered that she hadn't had lunch yet.

Touching her stomach with her little hand, she could clearly hear her stomach rumbling in protest, so Ding Lingling had no choice but to get up and go to the kitchen to cook noodles for herself.

Ten minutes later, a bowl of egg noodles was cooked. Ding Lingling took two bites, but found that she had no appetite at all.

"It seems that the mood is not very good." Ding Lingling murmured.

Received a lot of gifts, and still have a half-day holiday, logically speaking, Ding Lingling felt that she should be in a good mood.

But the situation is a little different from what she thought.

Not only was I not in a good mood, but the noodles were also unpalatable, too hard, and even the eggs were not cooked.

"Could it be because I am 23 years old today, one year older?" Ding Lingling said to herself.

Thinking of this, Ding Lingling got up quickly again, ran towards the bathroom, got into the bathroom, Ding Lingling stood in front of the mirror, looked at herself up and down in the mirror.

"It's not getting old, it's still as beautiful as before." Ding Lingling was satisfied when she looked at her for 5 minutes and found no signs of aging.

The stomach is still very hungry, even though the noodles are unpalatable, Ding Lingling decided to eat more or less, otherwise, what should I do if I am hungry?
And this bowl of noodles has an unusual meaning, this is the longevity noodles that she personally made for herself, and she wants to eat it to save face.

However, it was obvious that Ding Lingling overestimated herself. It tasted terrible, even if she pinched her nose, she couldn't eat it at all.

"Maybe, I should go out to eat, after all, today is my birthday, I have to treat myself better." Ding Lingling said to herself.

"That's right, I want to be nice to myself." Waving her fists, Ding Lingling convinced herself with this flawless reason.

She spent half an hour changing clothes and putting on makeup, and then drove to a fairly famous western restaurant. In the western restaurant, she ordered a lot of things she had long wanted to eat.

The western restaurant is very famous, and the food is exquisite and delicious, but Ding Lingling found that her appetite has not improved much. She usually likes to eat steak, but after two bites, she can't eat anymore.

Moreover, I don't know if it's because of today's birthday, which makes my mood a little sensitive. Seeing many couples in the western restaurant in groups, laughing and whispering, Ding Lingling has the urge to burn them to death.

"It's too wasteful, too prodigal." Ding Lingling was very entangled.

In addition to being very famous, this western restaurant is also famous for its expensive food. The price of what she ordered was more than one thousand, which was one-third of her monthly salary.

It would be fine if he could finish it, but he had no appetite at all, and Ding Lingling didn't want to pack it, so he could only waste it all.

Ding Lingling asked the waiter to pay the bill, walked out of the western restaurant alone, looked up and found a shopping mall not far away.

Seeing that shopping mall, Ding Lingling suddenly felt a strong urge to go shopping.

"No, today is already a prodigal." Ding Lingling said to herself.

But this time, Ding Lingling didn't succeed in convincing herself that it's true that she's a prodigal today, but her birthday only comes once a year, that is to say, she only has one chance to prodigal every year.

There are 360 ​​five days in a year, and only one day of prodigal, even if it is extravagant and wasteful, it is nothing, isn't it?

Ding Lingling soon entered the shopping mall. After swiping her card to buy her first piece of clothing, Ding Lingling surprisingly found that her mood was a little better.

After swiping the card to buy the second piece of clothing, Ding Lingling found that her mood was a little better.

Ever since, in order to improve her mood, Ding Lingling frantically bought in this shopping mall, and in the end, she couldn't stop at all.

Two hours later, Ding Lingling realized that she was too impulsive when she walked out of the shopping mall with more than a dozen large and small bags in her hand.

Shopping was a pleasure, but paying back the credit card would kill her.

In just two hours, she maxed out her two credit cards and spent nearly [-] in total.

"I'm going to die." Ding Lingling said to herself with a mournful face.

She still couldn't understand why she became so impulsive just now, as if there was a backlog of depressed emotions deep in her heart that wanted to be vented.

There is no other channel to vent this depressed emotion, so Ding Lingling can only vent it through shopping.

But now, Ding Lingling is still depressed, and has become even more depressed.

"I'm really screwed, I think I'm crazy." Ding Lingling sighed, carrying the big and small bags with great difficulty, and walked towards the parking place of the car.

After walking a few steps, Ding Lingling stopped suddenly, and she saw a person.

When seeing that person, Ding Lingling almost thought that she was hallucinating, she blinked hard and looked again.

This time, did she see clearly? It was not a hallucination, but a real person.

The young man stood there with his hands in his pockets in an extremely lazy posture, with a very familiar smirk on his face.

Looking at the smirk on the corner of the young man's mouth, Ding Lingling was inexplicably aggrieved, and finally understood why she was in such a bad mood.

In her heart, she said countless words to herself to wish her a happy birthday, and her colleagues also wished her a happy birthday, but there was one person missing who said a word in her ear, wishing her a happy birthday.

"Jiang Chen, you bastard!" Ding Lingling, who was aggrieved and almost crying, yelled at the young man...

(End of this chapter)

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