genius evil

Chapter 945 I've Always Been Generous

Chapter 945 I've Always Been Generous
The young man was none other than Jiang Chen, and the one who responded to Ding Lingling's scolding was Jiang Chen's loud laughter.

Jiang Chen smiled, strode towards Ding Lingling, and said, "Little girl, it looks like you're in a pretty good mood today."

"That is, very, very good." Ding Lingling said, rolling her eyes.

"Could it be because of a windfall?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"What windfall?" Ding Lingling was puzzled.

"Little girl, this is your fault, we are so familiar, why hide it, I will not be greedy for your money." Jiang Chen expressed his dissatisfaction, and said, "Look at these shopping bags in your hand , add up to nearly [-], if this is not a windfall, where did you get so much money to buy these things?"

"Is the credit card I swiped not good?" Ding Lingling said bitterly.

She felt that it was because of Jiang Chen that she was in a bad mood. She accidentally bought so many things, and now she was about to regret it to death. Damn it!

"Okay, of course. After all, you worked so hard to get the credit card. You can swipe it however you want." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, can you stop laughing so nastyly, don't you see that I'm carrying a lot of things in my hand?" Ding Lingling said bitterly, this guy is really not a gentleman at all.

Naturally, Jiang Chen would not think that he was not a gentleman, so he took advantage of the situation and brought the shopping bag in Ding Lingling's hand, and asked, "Where is the car parked?"

"Over there." Ding Lingling pointed in a direction and asked strangely: "Aren't you in the capital? When did you come back?"

"Just now." Jiang Chen said casually.

Hearing this, Ding Lingling glanced at Jiang Chen furtively, wondering if Jiang Chen knew that today was his birthday and rushed back from the capital, right?
But how did Jiang Chen know that today is her birthday?
She didn't tell Jiang Chen which day her birthday was, and Jiang Chen never looked at her ID card.

And that is, if Jiang Chen came back specially because of her birthday, how could Jiang Chen not even buy a birthday present?

Furthermore, even if Jiang Chen forgot to buy her a birthday present, it would be okay to say happy birthday to her face to face, right?
Jiang Chen didn't buy a birthday gift, and he didn't even say happy birthday, which made it hard for Ding Lingling to believe that Jiang Chen came back to Yilan City because of him.

Ding Lingling felt strange, and asked tentatively: "Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you running back from the capital today?"

"There is something to deal with." Jiang Chen said.

"What's the matter?" Ding Lingling broke the casserole and asked.

"Little girl, when did you become so curious?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Huh, I just think that you are a person who is not doing business all day long. You say you have something to deal with, and you specify that there are girls who want to hang out." Ding Lingling snorted coldly.

"Little girl, you are the one who understands me best." Jiang Chen was filled with emotion.

Ding Ling was so angry that he was dying, thinking what Jiang Chen meant, could it be that he really traveled all the way to Yilan City to pick up girls, this damn bastard!
"Then go pick up girls, what do you want me for?" Ding Lingling was extremely upset.

"It doesn't matter, it won't waste much time." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Ding Lingling gritted her teeth, what do you mean it won't waste much time?It means that Jiang Chen will soon throw her away and go pick up girls, right?
In an instant, Ding Lingling made a decision in her heart, that is, no matter what, even if she was tied up today, she must tie Jiang Chen to her side, absolutely not giving Jiang Chen time to pick up girls.

After making this decision, Ding Lingling smiled coquettishly, and winked at Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, I'm hungry, can you have a meal with me?"

Jiang Chen was so cold that he said, "Tell me, what do you want to eat, I'll treat you."

"Look over there, there is a western restaurant." Ding Lingling pointed to the western restaurant she had eaten before and showed Jiang Chen.

"No problem, let's go there." Jiang Chen said grandly.

So, after stuffing the large and small bags into the trunk of the car, Ding Lingling walked into the western restaurant again.

Ding Lingling has never been the kind of woman who would treat her badly, let alone Jiang Chen's treats, and she doesn't need to spend her own money. I ordered all the dishes, and then took a bottle of the most expensive red wine.

"Little girl, have you ordered so much, can you finish it?" Jiang Chen said cautiously, seeing Ding Lingling's posture, he was going to bankrupt him.

"I'm very hungry, okay? You'll know when you watch me eat later." Ding Lingling said.

At this point in time, there was no one in the western restaurant, and the ordered food was delivered quickly. Ding Lingling started to eat. Unexpectedly, she found that her appetite had improved unconsciously. A steak was soon served. Finished.

Ding Lingling was a little strange, you know, she ordered so many things on purpose, thinking to eat slowly, so as to delay the time.

Telling Jiang Chen that she was hungry was just a sophistry.

"Could it be that your appetite has improved because of Jiang Chen?" Ding Lingling said in her heart.

But as soon as his appetite improved, Ding Lingling really realized that he was very hungry, he didn't have so much time to think, and couldn't stop eating at all.

In the end, Ding Lingling drank more than half of that bottle of red wine.

"Little girl, can you tell me that I haven't eaten for a few days?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"Jiang Chen, can you stop being so stingy, and you didn't spend much money." Ding Lingling rolled her eyes and said, thinking that Jiang Chen said that she spent too much money on this meal.

"What I mean is, if you're not full, we can order some more food, or go to another place to eat." Jiang Chen laughed.

"If you don't eat, you'll die if you eat any more." Ding Lingling muttered, thinking about where to pass the time next.

"Jiang Chen, you can go shopping with me." Soon, an idea flashed in his mind, and Ding Lingling said.

"You still want to buy it?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I spend my own money." Ding Lingling said.

Ding Lingling said that he wanted to spend his own money, but as a gentleman, Jiang Chen naturally couldn't allow this to happen, so after entering the mall again, Jiang Chen took the initiative to hand over his card Gave it to Ding Lingling.

"There is no password, just swipe and buy whatever you want," Jiang Chen said.

"Something's not quite right." Ding Lingling took the card quickly, lest Jiang Chen regret it, and looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously, "Hey, when did you become so generous?"

"Little girl, this is your fault, I have always been very generous." Jiang Chen was not happy.

"Then why haven't I seen you treat me so well before?" Ding Lingling said.

Saying this, Ding Lingling began to wonder whether Jiang Chen returned to Yilan City because of his birthday, otherwise, why would Jiang Chen give her the card and let her buy it casually.

Doesn't Jiang Chen know that women are born shopaholics?

Once you have a card with unlimited overdraft, you can buy it for three days and three nights without any problem.

"Little girl, if you want me to treat you worse, I don't mind." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"You gave me the card, and you let me buy it casually, so don't regret it later." Ding Lingling said hastily.

Ding Lingling didn't quite understand why Jiang Chen became so nice all of a sudden, but to Ding Lingling, it was naturally extremely joyful. How stupid was she to make Jiang Chen treat her worse?

After leaving these words, Ding Lingling slipped into a counter.

Ding Lingling just came to this store, and she fell in love with a piece of clothing, but that piece of clothing was too expensive, she hesitated again and again, but couldn't make up her mind.

At this time, of course, there is no need to hesitate any more, and you don't even need to try, just ask the clerk to pack and swipe the card to buy it.

"No wonder so many women love money in this world." Holding the dress in her hand, Ding Lingling murmured, she had to say that spending a man's money was different from spending her own money.

Ding Lingling found that she liked this feeling, so in order to make this feeling stronger, Ding Lingling took Jiang Chen's card and kept buying it.

It wasn't until Jiang Chen, who was following behind, had nearly twenty shopping bags more, that Ding Lingling felt that it was almost done.

It's one thing for Jiang Chen to use the card for her, but if she keeps using it without restraint, then it's her own problem.

It would be bad if Jiang Chen thought she was the kind of money-worshiping woman.

"I've bought everything I want, what do you want to buy?" Ding Lingling asked Jiang Chen, deciding to buy something for Jiang Chen, anyway, it was Jiang Chen's money.

Taking Jiang Chen's money as a favor, Ding Lingling felt that she was too witty.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "There's nothing to buy right now, but since you've finished shopping, let's go."

"Okay, but I'm tired, you drive me home." Eyeballs flickered, Ding Lingling said, trying to find a way to delay the time.

As for what to do after being sent home by Jiang Chen, let's take it one step at a time.

"No problem, let's go." Jiang Chen agreed.

The two walked out of the mall, and Ding Lingling led Jiang Chen to the car park.

"Little girl, look over there, it seems to be your car." Not far from the car park, Jiang Chen motioned.

"Ah—" Following Jiang Chen's pointing, Ding Lingling immediately yelled after seeing it.

Impressively, I saw a guy who looked like a thief prying the trunk of the car with a tool. Thinking about it, all the things I bought for about 10 yuan were put in the trunk. In an instant, he went crazy, shouted, and rushed over.

"Damn thief, stop it." Ding Lingling yelled as she rushed over.

The thief was prying the trunk, and he was about to pry it open. He was shocked when he heard Ding Lingling's yell, but when he saw that Ding Lingling was alone, the thief also He smiled, stretched out his hand and patted the trunk, and said narrowly, "Beauty, is this car yours?"

(End of this chapter)

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