genius evil

Chapter 947 Charming Goblin

Chapter 947 Charming Goblin
Hongji Building, Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company.

When Jiang Chen appeared at Feifei Medical Beauty Company, he found that the little beauty at the front desk had changed. It was no longer Jiang Shengnan beauty, but a cute little beauty with short hair and round face.

"Hello, beauty." Jiang Chen walked over and said with a smile.

"Hi sir." The round-faced little beauty looked at Jiang Chen and smiled.

"I'll be off work soon, right? Do you have time tonight?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Sir, do you want to ask me out?" the round-faced little beauty said boldly.

"If you don't have a boyfriend, little beauty." Jiang Chen said.

"But sir, you have a girlfriend." The round-faced little beauty blinked and smiled like a little fox.

"Jiang Shao, you're molesting the front desk again." Cao Xiaoshan walked over and said dumbfounded.

It used to be her, then it was changed to Jiang Shengnan, and now it is a round-faced little beauty. Jiang Chen counts one as the other, and they are all good at molesting, and he is not willing to let anyone go.

Cao Xiaoshan didn't know whether to say that Jiang Chen was too boring, or that Jiang Chen was too funny!
"Beauty Xiaoshan, this little beauty said that I have a girlfriend, what's going on?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"Jiang Shao, Mr. Liu ordered some time ago that all new employees, especially female employees, will be sent a photo of you during the induction training." Cao Xiaoshan explained.

Jiang Chen almost vomited blood, how could he do this, can he still play happily?This will make his life lack a lot of fun, okay?

A while later, in the general manager's office, Jiang Chen met Liu Yufei.

Seeing Jiang Chen, Liu Yufei was overjoyed and said, "Jiang Chen, when did you come back to Yilan City? It's really great."

"Big Feifei, I knew that you would miss me very much." Jiang Chen said with a smile, walked over, hugged Liu Yufei, buried his head, took a deep breath of the fragrance of Liu Yufei's body, and was intoxicated.

"No, it's my mother and aunt who want to see you." Liu Yufei said with a blushing face.

Lu Ying and Lu Hong mentioned this matter several times, but Liu Yufei always used Jiang Chen's business as an excuse and refused to agree.

Originally, Liu Yufei was thinking about calling Jiang Chen and calling him back, but Jiang Chen ran back without saying a word, which made Liu Yufei heave a sigh of relief, otherwise I don't know how to explain to Lu Ying and Lu Hong.

"We and our aunt want to see me, what's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"It's not the same thing as before." Liu Yufei was very shy.

Jiang Chen immediately realized that it was a matter of having a baby.

That's right, the time he and Liu Yufei have been together is not short, but Liu Yufei's stomach has not moved all the time. It's no wonder that Lu Ying and Lu Hong are not in a hurry. Maybe it's Liu Yufei's problem or his problem. .

"Da Feifei, I think this problem is very easy to solve, or tonight, we will solve it." Jiang Chen then said solemnly.

"Tonight? No." Liu Yufei hurriedly shook her head, blushing, and said in an inaudible voice: "Jiang Chen, I'm not feeling well, but you're not allowed to run away. You must follow me to see my mother and aunt. Nagging them both to death."

As soon as Jiang Chen came, Liu Yufei didn't have the mood to go to work anymore. She first called home and said that she and Jiang Chen would go home for dinner in the evening, and then she cleaned up a little before leaving the company with Jiang Chen and driving home.

"Da Feifei, I don't think I came at the right time." Jiang Chen said depressingly.

He managed to come back from the capital with great difficulty, even if Ding Lingling crossed the river and demolished the bridge, Liu Yufei could actually watch and eat.

"No, it's just in time." Liu Yufei giggled coquettishly.

If it wasn't for her physical inconvenience, she would have been bullied by Jiang Chen tonight. Her mother and aunt had been looking forward to her having a baby early.

But now, it seemed that Jiang Chen had been bullied by her, and Liu Yufei couldn't help but laugh.

"Da Feifei, is it really okay for you to gloat so much? In fact, it doesn't matter if you are inconvenient. We can find other ways to solve the problem." Jiang Chen reminded ambiguously.

"Ah—" Liu Yufei was taken aback, her pink face turned hot red.

When Liu Yufei and Jiang Chen returned home, Lu Ying and Lu Hong were busy preparing meals.

"Jiang Chen, you are finally here. No matter how busy you are, you still have to come back to see Feifei's mother." Lu Hong said to Jiang Chen.

"Auntie, it's my problem, I will definitely come here often in the future." Jiang Chen hastily promised.

"Jiang Chen, it's good if you can say that. In fact, it's not that we force you. The main reason is that having a baby is a big deal. It's not good for you and Feifei to delay it. We are still young. After the child is born, he can still help take care of it for a few years." Lu Hong said.

"Um, this is also my problem, I'll correct it." Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

In fact, Jiang Chen didn't mind having a child with Liu Yufei, but the relationship between the two hadn't reached this point before, and after this point, it was always delayed by one or another.

It's all right now, I can only be disciplined obediently.

What should be said was said by Lu Hong. Lu Ying didn't say anything over there. The meal was served soon. When the food was served, Jiang Chen was stunned when he saw the dishes on the table. .

There are a total of eight dishes, but except for one green vegetable, the rest are all supplementary dishes. There is no doubt that these dishes are all prepared for him.

"Could it be true that the suspicion is my problem?" Jiang Chen thought, almost bumping his head on the table to death.

Liu Yufei also saw the problem, her face blushed, she really wanted to laugh, but she could only hold back.

"Jiang Chen, eat more food." Lu Ying greeted.

"Okay, eat more." Jiang Chen nodded, and started to eat with a rather heroic mood.

In the end, because Lu Ying and Lu Hong kept adding food to him, nearly four-fifths of the food on the big table was eaten by Jiang Chen.

Lu Ying and Lu Hong were extremely satisfied, and they asked Jiang Chen to call in advance the next time he came to prepare meals. Jiang Chen naturally could only agree with tears.

After eating and sitting for a while, Jiang Chen left with mixed feelings, and Liu Yufei sent Jiang Chen off.

"Big Feifei, I have been miserably hurt by you." Jiang Chen said sadly and indignantly.

At this moment, Liu Yufei finally didn't need to restrain herself any longer, and said, "Okay, I'll make it up to you next time, right?"

"How to compensate?" Jiang Chen asked.

"That's...that's..." Biting her red lip, Liu Yufei hesitated several times, but couldn't say anything. Looking at Jiang Chen's smirk, she punched Jiang Chen bitterly, bit her lip and said: " Scoundrel, ask what you know."

"How can this be a question that is knowingly asked? I just think that some things must be explained clearly. Didn't you see the way we and our aunt looked at me just now?" Jiang Chensheng said without love.

"Anyway, I will definitely make it up to you. Go back first, and be careful on the way." Liu Yufei said with a hearty laugh.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Lan Xiu had taken a shower and walked out of the bathroom in a nightgown, a little coquettishly.

The hair that had just been washed was casually scattered behind her head, and her plain face was delicate and gorgeous, exuding a faint alluring aura.

Today, due to working overtime, I came back a little late, and I didn't eat dinner. Lan Xiu just wanted to go downstairs to drink a glass of milk.

But when Lan Xiu was going down the stairs, she immediately saw that there was an extra person on the sofa in the living room downstairs.

The young man with gentle eyebrows found a bottle of red wine and two red wine glasses from nowhere. Seeing Lan Xiu coming down the stairs, the young man smiled and said, "Xiao Xiuxiu, do you want a drink?" ?”

Lan Xiu looked at the young man, giggled as she watched, she speeded up her steps down the stairs, walked up to the young man, threw herself into his arms, and asked softly, "Aren't you in the capital?" Is it? When did you come back?"

"I just returned to Yilan City today. I guessed it was a long night. Xiao Xiuxiu, you don't want to sleep, so I came here to ask you to drink with Xiao Xiuxiu." The person who came was Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen lowered his head and looked at Lan Xiu. With a delicate profile, he said with a smile.

"Oh, just drinking?" Lan Xiu left Jiang Chen's embrace, took a glass of red wine, sat down on the sofa, stared at Jiang Chen, and said with a half-smile.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, as Lan Xiu sat down, she happened to reveal a section of her white and tender thighs, which almost dazzled Jiang Chen's eyes.

"This little goblin is becoming more and more seductive." Jiang Chen watched with a big movement of his index finger and said with a secret smile.

"Originally, I only planned to drink, but if you have other requirements, Xiao Xiuxiu, I can definitely satisfy them all." Jiang Chen pretended to be serious and said.

"No, I just want to drink." Lan Xiu smiled softly,

After finishing speaking, Lan Xiu brought the red wine glass to her lips, took a sip, and then the wine glass left her red lips, but she suddenly saw a drop of amber wine stain on the corner of Lan Xiu's lips.

That drop of red wine slowly slid down along Lan Xiu's small and delicate chin, and then sank into Lan Xiu's unfathomable chest.

Jiang Chen stared in stunned eyes.

"It was intentional, it must be intentional." Jiang Chen said bitterly in his heart.

He was not mistaken, Lan Xiu was indeed becoming more and more seductive, and it was unbearable every minute.

Originally thinking about pretending to be an upright gentleman once, Jiang Chen could no longer pretend. He raised his neck and drank the red wine in the glass in one go. Jiang Chen pounced on him like a lion in heat.

"Jiang Chen, didn't you say that you only plan to drink?" Lan Xiuqiao said jokingly with a smile.

This guy is obviously a pervert, but he pretends to be a gentleman in front of her. She thought that Jiang Chen could hold on for a while, but she didn't expect that Jiang Chen would be defeated so soon.

"Little Xiuxiu, I don't want to drink now, I just want to eat you up in one bite." Jiang Chen whispered viciously in Lan Xiu's ear. Xiu was under the pressure...

(End of this chapter)

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