genius evil

Chapter 948 Teacher Tang, Long Time No See

Chapter 948 Teacher Tang, Long Time No See

After the start of the new semester, Tangyue's work status can be summed up as busy and orderly!
This semester, Tangyue was no longer in charge of the third class, but took a class of the first year. She was still the head teacher and concurrently served as the math teacher for the three classes.

All of today's classes were concentrated in the morning. After the fourth class ended, Tangyue returned to the office, sorted out the lesson plans, and then left the school. She decided to give herself half a day off.

"Teacher Tang, do you have class in the afternoon?" It was Tangyue who had just walked downstairs to the office building, and a young man walked over to Tangyue with a smile on his face, looking at Tangyue and said.

"Mr. Dong, are you okay?" Tangyue asked.

This young man is the new teacher of Yilan Middle School this semester. His name is Dong Dezhong. Because of his humorous teaching style, he soon gained some fame and was welcomed by some students.Even the headmaster, it is said, appreciates it quite a lot.

"I'm fine. I mainly want to ask Teacher Tang if you're okay. If you're okay, Teacher Tang, how about I treat you to dinner at noon? I heard that there is a very good restaurant two days ago, and it's not far from our school. It's not very far, we can go and have a taste together." Dong Dezhong invited along the way.

"Thank you, no need." Tangyue said indifferently.

Dong Dezhong has not been in Yilan Middle School for a long time, but he has asked for dinner several times. How could Tangyue not know what Dong Dezhong was thinking.

As before, Tangyue still refused.

Dong Dezhong smiled wryly, and said with a little exaggeration: "Teacher Tang, aren't you? We are colleagues, aren't we? It's just asking you to eat. It doesn't seem like an excessive request, right? It's too much for you to refuse me repeatedly without giving me any leeway." Don't give me face."

It's really not too much to ask for.

However, it's just that I don't want to agree.

Why do you want to save face?

Are you embarrassing yourself because you want to save face?
She wouldn't do this kind of thing.

Tangyue was thinking this way in her heart, inexplicably, she thought of that guy who often smirked in front of him.

I don't know what happened to the bad guy after he went to the capital.

Speaking of which, that little bastard used to harass her from time to time when she was in Yilan Middle School, and she always felt annoyed, but she was no longer there, but she missed her a little bit.

"Mr. Dong, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Tangyue said.

"Mr. Tang, if you have a boyfriend, if I invite you to dinner, I can understand that you are worried that your boyfriend will mind, but you don't have a boyfriend, right? If that's the case, why don't you give me a chance? What about it?" Seeing that Tangyue was leaving, Dong Dezhong was immediately dissatisfied.

From the first day he entered Yilan Middle School, he discovered Tangyue, and he was shocked. After a few days, he collected some information about Tangyue, and when he learned that Tangyue had no boyfriend, he turned to Tangyue The pursuit of the offensive.

However, Tangyue didn't give it a chance.

"Then, just treat it as if I have a boyfriend." Tangyue said, walking towards the car park.

Dong Dezhong watched Tangyue go away, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, and he said silently: "Tangyue, don't you just look more beautiful, I don't believe there is anything so noble, and there are women that Dong Dezhong can't handle. "

It is impossible for him to give up pursuing Tangyue just because of this, but because of Tangyue's arrogance, his desire to conquer is even more aroused.

Moreover, Dong Dezhong had prepared for a protracted battle early in the morning. After all, there were many single teachers in Yilan Middle School, and there were also many single male teachers, but no one had ever entered Tangyue's sight. It is not difficult to imagine how much Tangyue is His pride, how high his vision is.

But the more this is the case, the more pleasure it will be if you can conquer it, won't it?

Tangyue opened the door to get into the car, drove away, and after the car drove out of the school, Tangyue suddenly found that there was an extra person in her car.

Seeing that man's smiling face through the rearview mirror of the car, Tangyue's heart skipped a beat.

"Jiang Chen?" Tangyue said slightly lost her voice.

"Teacher Tang, long time no see, how you've been doing lately." The man said with a smile, it was Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen stayed at Lan Xiu's place last night. Lan Xiu had to go to work, and Jiang Chen became idle again, so he ran to Yilan Middle School.

"I'm... fine. When did you go back to Yilan City?" Tangyue asked softly, realizing that she was overflowing with uncontrollable joy in her heart.

"It's not been long since I came back, and I just came to Yilan Middle School, but it seems that I accidentally heard a very important secret, Mr. Tang, what you just said means that you have a boyfriend, right? Then , can I know, Teacher Tang, who is your boyfriend?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, and took advantage of the trend, got into the co-pilot seat, turned his head, and looked at Tangyue.

"No boyfriend." Tangyue said.

Saying this, Tangyue was somewhat surprised in her heart.

Judging from the current situation, Jiang Chen should have been waiting for her in the car early in the morning. You must know that when she was talking to Dong Dezhong just now, she was still a certain distance away from the car.

Moreover, her voice was not too loud, so how did Jiang Chen hear it?

"Really? Teacher Tang, don't lie to me." Jiang Chen expressed his disbelief.

"It's true." Tangyue said a little annoyed.

She didn't plan to find a boyfriend at all, so where did she get her boyfriend?
What's more, even if you plan to find a boyfriend, how can you find a suitable boyfriend so quickly?
What he said just now was just an excuse to reject Dong Dezhong, so as not to stalk Dong Dezhong,

Thinking about it this way, Tangyue suddenly became a little annoyed with Dong Dezhong. If it wasn't because of Dong Dezhong, why would she explain this problem to Jiang Chen now? It seems that Jiang Chen didn't really believe it even if she explained it, would it? Leave a bad impression on Jiang Chen?
But Tangyue forgot that if she wanted to, she didn't need to explain to Jiang Chen whether she had a boyfriend or not.

It's just that she was accidentally drawn in by Jiang Chen, and she couldn't get out of this vicious circle.

Jiang Chen was deliberately guiding Tangyue. Looking at Tangyue's angry look, he thought to himself that Dong Dezhong should be completely out of the game. Even if he just appeared in front of Tangyue in the future, it would cause Tangyue's anger. Extremely disgusted, he couldn't help secretly laughing for a while.

"Okay, Teacher Tang, I naturally believe what you said, haven't you eaten yet? How about I treat you to dinner?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

This time, Tangyue did not reject Jiang Chen mercilessly like she rejected Dong Dezhong, but agreed.

As for the reason why she agreed, it was because Tangyue thought from the bottom of her heart that even if she refused, Jiang Chen would not give her the chance to refuse.

It has to be said that Tangyue really knows Jiang Chen very well.

I also have to say that after seeing Jiang Chen for a while, what Tangyue was thinking in her heart was no longer how to find reasons to convince Jiang Chen, but to keep finding reasons to convince herself.

Jiang Chen naturally liked Tangyue's change very much. He happened to see a car driving on the road, and there was a restaurant on the side of the road. It looked quite good, so he asked Tangyue to drive the car over.

This restaurant is not far from Yilan Middle School. After entering the restaurant, Tangyue was a little surprised.

She often drives by here, so why has she never noticed that there is a restaurant here? Not to mention the elegant decoration, judging from the fact that the lobby is almost full, the taste is quite good.

Jiang Chen didn't choose a private room, took Tangyue with him, sat down at a table near the floor-to-ceiling windows, took the menu, and ordered for Tangyue.

Tangyue randomly ordered a few dishes, then handed the menu back to Jiang Chen, asking if there was anything Jiang Chen wanted to eat.

But when she said these words, Tangyue's spirit was a little bit in a trance.

It was as if from this moment on, her psychological state quietly changed, she no longer regarded Jiang Chen as her student, but as a man who was dating her.

When this kind of thought came to her mind, Tangyue was slightly startled, her eyes flickered a few times quietly, she was a little afraid to look at Jiang Chen too much.

The few dishes Tangyue ordered were mainly vegetarian dishes, and Jiang Chen added two meat dishes, signaling to the waiter that the dishes could be served.

At a glance, Tangyue's face was slightly red, and she couldn't help jokingly said: "Teacher Tang, haven't seen me for a while, and found that I've become handsome again, so I'm sorry to see me more?"

"Smelly guy." Tangyue laughed and asked, "How many days do you plan to stay in Yilan City this time?"

"Teacher Tang, if you want to see me more, I can stay for many days." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, can't you be more serious?" Tangyue said pretending to be angry.

"Mr. Tang, please believe me. I am very serious now. After all, I really hope to see you, Mr. Tang, but if you don't want to see me, Mr. Tang, after this meal, I should I left Yilan City." Jiang Chen said seriously.

What Jiang Chen said was true and false.

The reason why he will return to Yilan City is because of the birthday of the little girl Ding Lingling on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is because the ancient martial arts alliance conference is about to be held, and he also deliberately arranges some things in Jiangnan Province .

He didn't have much time to stay in Yilan City, but if Tangyue wanted him to stay for a few more days, then Jiang Chen could stay.

Tangyue was a little flustered. She faintly realized that Jiang Chen hadn't lied. Whether she stayed for a few more days depended on her wishes, but how should she answer Jiang Chen?

He said that he really wanted to see Jiang Chen more. If that happened, what would Jiang Chen do if he pushed forward?
Said that he didn't want to see Jiang Chen, so Jiang Chen would definitely be disappointed.

Tangyue hesitated and remained silent, completely unsure of how to answer, but at this moment, a figure walked in at the entrance of the restaurant.

Because the business of the restaurant was too hot, as soon as the man entered, he searched for any vacant tables, and then, with a single glance, he saw Tangyue and Jiang Chen who was at the same table as Tangyue.

His eyes swept across Jiang Chen's body, and the man gave a cry, his face turned slightly cold, he walked over quickly, and said with a smile: "Teacher Tang, I didn't expect you to come here to eat, what a coincidence."

(End of this chapter)

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