genius evil

Chapter 949 A Toad Trying to Eat Swan Meat

Chapter 949 A Toad Trying to Eat Swan Meat

The person who appeared was none other than Dong Dezhong.

At the beginning, when Dong Dezhong said that he would invite Tangyue to dinner, the restaurant he was referring to was precisely this restaurant.

Tangyue did not agree to her invitation, and Dong Dezhong came here alone, but what Dong Dezhong never expected was that after Tangyue rejected her, she turned around and ran to this restaurant for dinner with another man. .

This gave Dong Dezhong the feeling that Tangyue slapped him in public, making his whole face hot.

Therefore, even if Dong Dezhong greeted Tangyue with a smile at this time, anyone could tell at a glance how forced Dong Dezhong was when he smiled like that.

"Uh, may I ask, is your mouth cramp?" Before Tangyue could respond, Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Little white face, I didn't talk to you, please shut up, please?" Dong Dezhong said coldly.

He knew that when he was smiling, the corners of his mouth twitched constantly, which was definitely not good-looking. To Dong Dezhong, this question asked by Jiang Chen was like adding fuel to the fire. How could he give Jiang Chen a good look? ?

"It seems that not only your mouth is cramped, but your brain is also cramped." Jiang Chen's voice suddenly turned cold.

He and Tangyue were having dinner, so it was fine that this guy came over to strike up a conversation for no reason, but his face was still so ugly, which already made Jiang Chen quite displeased.

Dong Dezhong's attitude, in Jiang Chen's view, was very unsatisfactory.

If it wasn't for Tang Yue's face, Jiang Chen would have slapped Dong Dezhong with such an attitude.

"Little white face, did you hear what I said? As I said, I didn't talk to you. If you dare to talk too much, be careful that I'm not polite to you." Dong Dezhong said with a pale face.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled.

Fine, this is fun.

Jiang Chen was about to ask how Dong Dezhong was being rude to him, when he heard Tangyue's cold voice say, "Mr. Dong, please be more polite to my friend. As a teacher, don't tell me you don't even know how to be polite. Don’t even know how to write?”

Seeing Dong Dezhong here, Tangyue was quite surprised, but what surprised Tangyue even more was what Dong Dezhong said.

It was hard for Tangyue to imagine that Dong Dezhong, who was always known for his humor in school, would actually have such a side.

Or, this side is actually the most real side of Dong Dezhong, what he showed in school is just a perfect disguise?
If this is the case, this Dong Dezhong's scheming is too scary.

"Teacher Tang, you keep accusing me of being rude, but don't you think you are going too far?" Dong Dezhong scolded.

"Me? Too much?" Xiumei frowned slightly, Tangyue didn't know why.

"Teacher Tang, could it be that you don't know what you did wrong until now?" Dong Dezhong looked at Tangyue with a heartbroken heart.

Tangyue became more and more confused, so, did she do anything wrong?

"Teacher Tang, it seems that you really don't know at all, what's wrong with you, right?" Dong Dezhong said, the resentment in those words became deeper and heavier.

For Dong Dezhong, Tangyue's biggest mistake was that she was too lofty in school, so lofty that it made everyone feel unattainable.

Dong Dezhong also had such a feeling, so after being rejected by Tangyue again and again, he didn't give up.

But what he saw today can be said to have subverted Dong Dezhong's previous understanding of Tangyue.

It turned out that Tangyue was not elusive, but, to them, Tangyue was elusive.

Dong Dezhong didn't think that this was his own problem, but put all the problems on Tangyue. He believed that he was deceived by Tangyue.

Because of this, Dong Dezhong's resentment is so heavy.

"Are you talking about tongue twisters?" Hearing Dong Dezhong's question, Jiang Chen couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

In order not to let Dong Dezhong ruin his meal with Tangyue, after saying this, Jiang Chen picked up Dong Dezhong and threw him out of the restaurant.

"Teacher Tang, we can continue eating." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, you're not angry, are you?" Tangyue said worriedly, how could she be in the mood to eat now?
She didn't know what was going on with that Dong Dezhong, it seemed like she had changed into a different person, which made Tangyue very glad that she had always ignored Dong Dezhong before.

Otherwise, with Dong Dezhong's paranoid character, no one knows what terrible things Dong Dezhong will do.

But even though she had always shown no color towards Dong Dezhong, Tangyue was a little worried that Jiang Chen would misunderstand the relationship between Dong Dezhong and her. After all, no matter what, what happened today was all because of her.

"Teacher Tang, it's just a toad trying to eat swan meat. Presumably, there are many more toads like this. If I get angry, wouldn't it be the rhythm of making myself angry?" Jiang Chen sighed and said helplessly. .

Mingming's mood turned bad because of Dong Dezhong's appearance, but because of Jiang Chen's naughty words, Tangyue still couldn't help but chuckle.

After laughing, Tangyue finally felt at ease.

Jiang Chen's words were certainly a naughty one, but on the one hand, it showed Jiang Chen's confidence in his own strength, that is, he never took Dong Dezhong and his ilk seriously.

Naturally, he never paid attention to it, so how could he be angry?
The second aspect is that Jiang Chen thinks that Dong Dezhong and his ilk are just toads, they are completely worthless, and they will not be attracted to her at all.

A mischievous remark, by the way, praised both of them, which is why Tang Yuehui couldn't help but laugh.

After laughing, she felt a little better. Tangyue picked up her chopsticks, intending to eat something with Jiang Chen.

But just as Tangyue picked up the chopsticks, Dong Dezhong, who was thrown out by Jiang Chen, was furious and ran in from the outside.

"Damn little boy, you dare to do something to me, I think you are impatient." Dong Dezhong, who ran in, pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, and shouted loudly.

"Teacher Tang, is this guy really a teacher?" Jiang Chen wondered.

Those who don't know, almost think this guy is a local hooligan.

Tangyue shook her head and sighed, Dong Dezhong was indeed a teacher, but what Dong Dezhong did today meant that his self-cultivation was not worthy of being a teacher.

"Little boy, what's the matter if I'm a teacher, can't teachers beat people?" Dong Dezhong continued to shout, waving his fists, as if he wanted to beat Jiang Chen violently.

"You want to beat me up?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"That's right, I want to beat you up. I want to prove to Teacher Tang that I am the best, and you are not worthy of Teacher Tang." Dong Dezhong said honestly.


Jiang Chen, who originally wanted to play with Dong Dezhong, immediately punched Dong Dezhong on the nose, causing Dong Dezhong's nose to bleed.

"The best?" Jiang Chen sneered in his heart. He had no intention of fussing too much with this idiot, but if he dared to make Tangyue's idea in front of him, he would be seeking his own death.

After one punch, Jiang Chen kicked Dong Dezhong to the ground with a random kick, followed by another kick, and another kick, just inside this restaurant, kicking Dong Dezhong like a rolling gourd, crying like ghosts and wolves. Yes, that is, there is only qi going out, no qi coming in, and the appearance is as miserable as it needs to be.

"Jiang Chen, don't kill anyone." Tangyue persuaded, a little worried that Jiang Chen would kill someone.

"Teacher Tang, you can rest assured, I have my sense of proportion." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Naturally, he wouldn't kill this guy in broad daylight, at least, he couldn't kill this guy in front of Tangyue.

But when Tangyue is not around, what he will do is up to Dong Dezhong.

This Dong Dezhong is a teacher at Yilan Middle School, that is, Tangyue's colleague. It is impossible for Jiang Chen to let Dong Dezhong stay in Yilan Middle School. He must stay away from Yilan City, unless he wants to die.

After this commotion, Tangyue completely lost her appetite to eat, so Jiang Chen had no choice but to ask the waiter to pay the bill, and left with Tangyue under the slightly frightened eyes of the diners.

Right at Jiang Chen and Tangyue's front foot restaurant, back foot, Brother Dao led a few people and took Dong Dezhong away.

Since Jiang Chen got off the plane in Tiannan City, Brother Dao knew about Jiang Chen's whereabouts, but without Jiang Chen's order, Brother Dao would naturally not show up.

Today, Brother Dao saw Dong Dezhong's behavior thoroughly, and he knew very well how he should deal with Dong Dezhong in order to satisfy Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, it's all because of me that you didn't eat well." Tangyue said apologetically as she drove the car on the road.

Although Dong Dezhong's appearance and Dong Dezhong's behavior were beyond her control, Tangyue was still very sorry for this matter.

"Yeah, I really didn't eat well." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to touch his stomach, and said, "Teacher Tang, I think you seem to be very guilty, and you really want to make it up to me, or I'll give you something to make it up to me." How about the chance?"

"What chance?" Tangyue immediately looked at Jiang Chen nervously and vigilantly, lest Jiang Chen raise any excessive compensation demands while she was not paying attention.

"It's very simple, that's it, Mr. Tang, how about cooking for me yourself?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.


Tangyue was slightly taken aback, she thought that Jiang Chen would make some exaggerated request, but she never thought that Jiang Chen just made such a request.

Cooking a meal by herself to make up for what happened just now, Tangyue thinks that this kind of compensation is not too much.

And even though her craftsmanship is not very good, cooking a meal is not difficult for her.

Tangyue agreed, and Jiang Chen smiled narrowly, and said, "Then, Teacher Tang, shall we go to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables now?"

To cook, of course you have to buy vegetables. Tangyue knew that there was a vegetable market nearby, so she drove the car there.

It took about half an hour to buy the vegetables, and when she carried the vegetables into the car, Tangyue's heart skipped a beat, as if she had been fooled!
(End of this chapter)

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