genius evil

Chapter 951 How to Conquer a Woman

Chapter 951 How to Conquer a Woman

change clothes?
Tangyue was also shocked all of a sudden, she didn't need to think about it, she also knew that Jiang Chen must be thinking wrong.

Tangyue found that she couldn't understand Jiang Chen's brain circuit at all. She just wanted to change into casual home clothes, and she simply couldn't understand it. Just like this, Jiang Chen could be full of random thoughts.

How did this guy's brain grow?

Could it be that she thought she was going to change into a sexy outfit to seduce him?

Don't you think it's too beautiful?
Besides, even if she wanted to change, there was no need to change, because she didn't have that kind of clothes at all.

"Teacher Tang, I really don't think you need to be too anxious. We will talk about everything after we have eaten. After all, that kind of thing is quite exhausting. It doesn't matter to me. I am mainly worried that you will run out of energy." Jiang Chen persuaded with all his heart, so that Tangyue would not be confused.

Tangyue's eyes darkened, and she almost passed out.

Weakness?Can Jiang Chen say something more ambiguous and explicit?Do you really think she doesn't understand anything?

Gritting her teeth, Tangyue said bitterly: "Jiang Chen, it's not what you think, don't talk nonsense in front of me."

"Teacher Tang, you have no experience with that kind of thing. In fact, it's not what you think." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Don't you think it's a problem for me to dress like this and cook?" Tangyue said weakly, knowing that she couldn't argue with Jiang Chen at all.There is no way, Jiang Chen's ability to pretend to be stupid is too powerful.

What's more, when a non-existent thing comes out of Jiang Chen's mouth, it easily gives people a very real feeling.

"No problem, I think it's pretty good-looking." Jiang Chen stared at Tangyue, sized him up several times, and said solemnly.

In the end, Jiang Chen seemed to realize something, and asked belatedly, "Teacher Tang, could it be that you have better clothes."

"Yes, yes." Tangyue nodded angrily, it didn't matter whether Jiang Chen agreed or not, she turned around and walked out of the kitchen.

"Teacher Tang, is it really okay for you to deceive me like this?" A few minutes later, Jiang Chen was on the verge of crying when he saw Tangyue came out in casual clothes.

Originally, Tangyue was wearing a uniform, and her perfect figure was highlighted vividly under the outline of the uniform.

But this casual outfit is obviously too loose, not to mention covering up Tangyue's beautiful figure, it is also tightly wrapped from head to toe, no matter where it should be exposed or where it should be exposed. Where it should not be exposed, it is not exposed at all.

Although such a piece of clothing had a different sense of beauty when worn on Tangyue's body, it deviated too much from what Jiang Chen had expected, seriously making Jiang Chen feel cheated.

Jiang Chen was a regret, he felt that his willpower was too weak, if he knew it earlier, he should have persisted and should not have let Tangyue change clothes.

"Isn't it good-looking?" Tangyue blinked and said mischievously.

After changing into this outfit, Tangyue felt a lot more comfortable. As for whether it hindered Jiang Chen from admiring her, Tangyue didn't care at all, this effect was what she wanted.

"Teacher Tang, you are so beautiful, so you naturally look good in anything you wear." Jiang Chen said against his will.

Seeing Jiang Chen's deflated look, Tangyue giggled coquettishly, and said, "Hurry up and wash the vegetables, don't talk yet."

The apartment that Tangyue bought, the room is not very big, but the kitchen is ridiculously big, so naturally it is impossible to have any charming contact.

After Jiang Chen helped wash several dishes, Tangyue started cooking.

It took about half an hour to serve three dishes and one soup.

Taking into account Jiang Chen's appetite, the three dishes and one soup were very filling. In addition, Tangyue cooked a large rice cooker to prevent Jiang Chen from being full.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh, he felt that Tangyue was so kind to him, when the food was served, he couldn't wait, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

"How is it?" Tangyue hurriedly asked when she saw that Jiang Chen had stuffed the food with a large chopstick into her mouth.

"Um, it's so delicious." Jiang Chen said vaguely, sweeping the food with a pair of chopsticks quickly, and started to gobble it up.

"It's really so delicious?" Seeing Jiang Chen's delicious food, Tangyue murmured to herself in bewilderment.

It's not that Tangyue doesn't know how to cook, but even she herself wouldn't believe how delicious the dishes are.

But Jiang Chen ate so happily, it seemed like he couldn't stop at all, just like how delicious these few dishes were made by her.

Seeing that under Jiang Chen's round of raids, the three dishes and one soup on the table were almost bottomed out. Curious Tangyue picked up the chopsticks, picked up a little dish, and put it in her mouth to taste.

"Why is there no taste?" After taking a bite, Tangyue was stunned.

This is a very simple stir-fried pork with wild rice stems, because Tangyue doesn't know how to cook many dishes, and she likes to eat wild rice stems. When she was in the vegetable market, she bought a lot of wild rice stems.

Tangyue has cooked this dish of wild rice stem stir-fry meat many times, and she is quite confident in her craftsmanship. She feels that if the other dishes are not well prepared, it is better to say that this wild rice stem stir-fry pork , I think I can still do it in a decent way.

But this mouthful was beyond Tangyue's expectation.

Is it because she put less salt?

It does not seem.

Soon, Tangyue remembered that because it was the first time to cook for others, especially for men, when she was cooking, she was cramped and at the same time somewhat flustered. Forgot to add salt.

No wonder, when she asked Jiang Chen how he was, Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment, and Jiang Chen's first bite was this fried pork with wild rice stem.

Jiang Chen must have eaten it early in the morning. There was no salt in this dish, but he said it was delicious against his will because he was afraid of hurting her.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen probably ate so fast on purpose because he was afraid that she would see the clues, and wanted to eat all of these dishes before she moved his chopsticks.

If Jiang Chen ate all of them, then no matter whether the dishes he made were delicious or not, she would have no way of knowing.

Feeling inexplicably moved in her heart, Tangyue secretly glanced at Jiang Chen, seeing that Jiang Chen was still eating very happily, it seemed to be telling her that apart from this rice stem fried pork, the remaining three dishes, Tastes pretty good all the same.

Tangyue was well aware of her own craftsmanship, but because Jiang Chen's food was too delicious, this situation still made Tangyue a little suspicious, so before Jiang Chen swept away, Tangyue went one by one. Tried the other three dishes.

But one is too salty, one is too sweet, and the other is not cooked at all.

"Jiang Chen, eat slowly, and no one will grab you." Tangyue said in a heartbroken way.

"Teacher Tang, you don't know, I've never eaten such a delicious dish." Jiang Chen said with a smile, his cheeks bulging.

Finally, it took another three or four minutes for Jiang Chen to wipe out the three dishes and one soup, and after a full burp, Jiang Chen said with satisfaction: "Teacher Tang, I didn't expect you to be so good at cooking. If you have time, come and eat more.”

Tangyue smiled wryly, and said, "Jiang Chen, don't comfort me, I know that what I cook is terrible."

"Teacher Tang, are you going to tell me that you made it so unpalatable on purpose so that I will never come again?" Jiang Chen asked.

"" Tangyue said softly.

Even though Tang Yue was reluctant to bring Jiang Chen back to her apartment, she was very attentive when cooking, but she was too clumsy to do well no matter what.

"Mr. Tang, don't explain yourself. I know your intentions very clearly. Moreover, I said earlier that no matter what you do, Mr. Tang, I will finish it. I think you are very regretful now, Mr. Tang. , I regret that I should have made something more unpalatable." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Tangyue was speechless. When Jiang Chen said this, she almost suspected that she made it tasteless on purpose, instead of doing it seriously, and still made it tasteless.

"Jiang Chen, it's so unpalatable, how did you manage to eat it?" Tangyue couldn't help asking.

There was no salt and it was too sweet, Tangyue thought it was alright, but one was so salty and one was not cooked, Tangyue couldn't understand how Jiang Chen ate it.

"Because you made it yourself, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen said with a smile, got up and walked to the kitchen, and said as he walked: "Mr. Tang, you cooked a meal for me with your own hands, and I will cook it for you too. Order something to eat, after all, you haven't eaten anything yet."

Jiang Chen just wanted to finish eating quickly, so that Tangyue would not find out that there was something wrong with the dishes, but Tangyue is not so easy to deceive, so she easily discovered his tricks.

But such unpalatable dishes, let Tangyue taste it, Jiang Chen must be reluctant to let Tangyue eat it, this is why Jiang Chen will still force it after being seen through by Tangyue The reason for eating it up.

It just so happened that he ate all three dishes and one soup by himself, so he had a chance to show off and cook something for Tangyue.

There is a saying that to conquer a man's heart, one must first conquer his stomach.

This sentence is regarded by many women as the holy scriptures in the relationship between men and women.

But at the same time, many people subconsciously forget that this rule is also applicable to women.

To conquer a woman's heart, you must first conquer her stomach.

Once a woman's stomach is conquered, is it still far to conquer her heart?

Before Tangyue could answer, Jiang Chen got into the kitchen and got busy. Tangyue was sitting in the dining room, looking at Jiang Chen busy in the kitchen alone, it was a bit weird.

After all, it is really unimaginable for someone like Jiang Chen who is so unrestrained and unrestrained to cook. In other words, can Jiang Chen know how to cook?
But at the same time as being weird, to Tangyue, she was more moved. She suddenly looked forward to how Jiang Chen's skills would be.

Of course, while looking forward to it, Tangyue couldn't help but feel a little bit worried. If Jiang Chen's cooking was unpalatable, would it be possible that she would eat it all like Jiang Chen did?

(End of this chapter)

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