genius evil

Chapter 952 You lack a boyfriend

Chapter 952 You Lack a Boyfriend
In the kitchen, Jiang Chen was washing and chopping vegetables, moving quickly. Fortunately, he bought a lot of vegetables today, which gave him plenty of room to play.

Tangyue asked for help several times, but Jiang Chen refused, so he could only let Jiang Chen do the work alone.

Tangyue was a little worried at the beginning that Jiang Chen would not be able to cook, but judging from Jiang Chen's smooth and flowing vegetable chopping technique, she found that her worries seemed a little unnecessary.

At least, judging from Jiang Chen's way of chopping vegetables, Jiang Chen's dishes should not be more unpalatable than hers.

Jiang Chen was very fast. In just twenty minutes, three dishes and one soup were served on the table.

Tangyue unexpectedly discovered that the four dishes Jiang Chen made were exactly the same as the four dishes she had made before.

However, just judging from its arrangement and color, it can be seen that these four dishes made by Jiang Chen are many times better than the four dishes made by herself.

Tangyue felt a strong sense of shame in her heart. She felt that as a woman, her skills were not as good as Jiang Chen's, and she should not have done so.

Then he was a little suspicious, whether Jiang Chen hit her deliberately in this way.

Otherwise, why didn't Jiang Chen cook other dishes after buying so many dishes, but why would he make four identical dishes?

"Teacher Tang, hurry up and try it while it's hot." Jiang Chen said courteously.

Jiang Chen cooked these four exactly the same dishes, and he did have a bit of a bad taste. After all, he still thought about coming to Tangyue's place to eat often in the future.

There must be room for Tangyue to improve a little in the future, right?

Otherwise, if he eats this kind of food every time he comes here, it will kill him.

How could Tangyue know that Jiang Chen would have such complicated thoughts when cooking this meal for her. She picked up the chopsticks at this time, but she really wanted to taste these few dishes made by Jiang Chen, how did they taste? .

Maybe it just looks good and smells good, but it's actually very unpalatable?

From the bottom of my heart, Tangyue really hoped that these few dishes Jiang Chen cooked would not taste good. It wasn't because she abused herself, but because these four dishes were exactly the same. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if Jiang Chen cooked better than her? ?
Relying on such a complicated thought, Tangyue picked up a piece of wild rice stem, slowly put it into her mouth, and chewed it lightly. When the taste and aroma of the food blossomed on the tip of her tongue, Tangyue's complexion suddenly became a little uncomfortable. Too beautiful.

"Teacher Tang, could it be that it's unpalatable?" Jiang Chen asked, thinking that it shouldn't be, how can it be hard for him with just a few side dishes?
But if it wasn't too bad to eat, why would Tangyue react like this?
"Jiang Chen, do you think I have failed?" Tang Yue asked with a sigh.

"Teacher Tang, what aspect are you referring to?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"The same dish, you make it so delicious, but I make it so unpalatable. If it's not a failure, what is it?" Tangyue said with a wry smile.

The dishes Jiang Chen made were not too unpalatable, but too delicious. Tangyue felt that the dishes she made herself were not even one-tenth of Jiang Chen's.

"Teacher Tang, do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Don't comfort me, I understand." Tang Yue said with a frown.

"Okay, not to comfort you, the truth is, Teacher Tang, you lack a boyfriend." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Lack of a boyfriend?" Tangyue stared at Jiang Chen dumbfounded, she was completely confused.

Cooking is terrible, what does it have to do with my boyfriend?

Tangyue thought about it, but couldn't figure out what the inevitable connection between the two was.

"That's right, it's the lack of a boyfriend. Specifically, it's the lack of a boyfriend like me who can cook." Jiang Chen said, becoming more and more serious.

"Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense." Tangyue said angrily, she was so nice, how did she become Jiang Chen's shameless self-boasting?
"Mr. Tang, don't rush to refute. I don't know if you have thought about a question, Mr. Tang. If you have a boyfriend like me who can cook, then, under my hand-in-hand teaching, your cooking level, Will it improve?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Actually, you can say that I lack a boyfriend who can cook." Tangyue corrected, it seems that finding a boyfriend who can cook is a good choice.

But can Jiang Chen be so shameless and define that boyfriend who can cook as himself?
"Teacher Tang, don't care about these insignificant details. After all, the point of what I said is that you lack a boyfriend, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

While saying this, Jiang Chen pointed at himself, the implication was nothing more than telling Tangyue that she was the best boyfriend candidate.

Because of her own failure in cooking, Tang Yue was still a little melancholy, but now she was amused by Jiang Chen.

Tangyue said: "Jiang Chen, according to what you said, if I don't find a boyfriend who can cook, I won't be able to cook well, right?"

"That's the way it is, but Mr. Tang, you are talented and intelligent, so you are naturally different from other women, but if you find a boyfriend like me who can cook, the speed of learning how to cook will be much faster. "Jiang Chen said.

Listening to Jiang Chen constantly hinting at herself, Tangyue said with a smile, "But I have a lot of time to slowly learn how to cook."

"No, Teacher Tang, you don't have much time at all." Jiang Chen said righteously.

"Huh?" Tangyue wondered, why didn't she have much time?
Although the work is relatively busy, in fact, compared to some white-collar workers, it is still relatively easy. What's more, as a teacher, she has winter and summer vacations, so she has a lot of time, doesn't she?

If she is determined to learn how to cook well, so much time is enough for her.

Just like what Jiang Chen said, she is talented and intelligent, so I don't believe that she can't learn to cook well when she is alone.

"Mr. Tang, why haven't you understood the situation until now? Today's Dong Dezhong is a good lesson, isn't it? Teacher Tang, a beautiful woman like you, if you don't have the protection of a handsome and powerful man like me, That is very dangerous." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

Hearing this, Tangyue was slightly taken aback.

"Teacher Tang, have you ever thought that once you have a boyfriend, those crazy bees and butterflies will naturally stay away, and things like today will never happen again." Seeing that Tangyue was a little moved, Jiang Chen continued to say, Can't spare enough to recommend myself.

Tangyue was dazed again, thinking secretly in her heart, could it be that she really should find a boyfriend?
In the final analysis, no matter how strong she is, she is still a woman who needs love and care.

"Jiang Chen, I think what you said is quite right." After thinking about it, Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, did you agree to let me be your boyfriend?" Jiang Chen said cheerfully.

"Don't think too much." Bai Jiangchen glanced at Tangyue and said, "I just suddenly realized that I'm not young, and it's really time to find a boyfriend, otherwise, in a few years, I probably won't be able to get married. .”

"Don't you promise me to be your girlfriend?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"I'm planning to find a boyfriend, and finding you as a boyfriend is two different things." Tangyue said angrily.

"No, that's the same thing. After all, Mr. Tang, you are such an excellent woman, only I can be worthy of you, right?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Jiang Chen's logic was so powerful that Tangyue was speechless.

But Tangyue could also tell that she should either not find a boyfriend, and if she wanted to, she could only find Jiang Chen as a boyfriend.

The underlying meaning of Jiang Chen's words is not a threat or anything, but a kind of extremely arrogant domineering, he has a kind of conceit about himself that others can't understand.

Of course, this is also a manifestation of personality charm. It has to be said that Tangyue seems to be angry on the surface, but deep down, she is not indifferent.

Suppose, Jiang Chen is not her student.

Suppose again, Jiang Chen is a little older.

Tangyue Qingzhi knew that even if she knew that Jiang Chen was extremely fickle, even if Jiang Chen had one or the other flaws, she guessed that he had already fallen.

Now, the reason why she has been persevering until now and has never fallen is precisely because of the relationship between the two parties, Tangyue has too many grudges and concerns.

She didn't have the courage to take a step forward, even though Jiang Chen encouraged her again and again, Tangyue still didn't have that kind of courage.

Tangyue didn't know very well whether she would have that kind of courage in the future, but right now, she really didn't have that kind of courage, so her anger was, on the one hand, angry at Jiang Chen's dominance, and on the other hand, she was angry at own cowardice.

"Jiang Chen, I admit that you are excellent." After a long silence, Tang Yue said in a low voice.

She plucked up her courage, looked into Jiang Chen's eyes, lowered her voice even more, and said, "I've always known your feelings for me, to be honest, it's not that I wasn't moved, and it wasn't that I wasn't tempted before, but, In the end, I hope that I am willing, so don't force me, okay?"

It was the first time for Tangyue to face her own feelings towards Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was a little surprised that Tangyue would speak so bluntly, with a grin and a slight smile, Jiang Chen said, "Teacher Tang, I will give you time. "

"What if it takes a long time?" Tangyue asked.

"How long is a long time?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's... very long..." Tangyue said softly after hesitating.

Jiang Chen walked over and hugged Tangyue into her arms. Tangyue didn't resist, nor pushed Jiang Chen away. Taking advantage of the trend, she snuggled into Jiang Chen's embrace.

Attaching to Tangyue's ear, Jiang Chen said, "Teacher Tang, I can assure you that this time will definitely not be very long."

Jiang Chen was aware of Tangyue's concerns, and also knew that Tangyue was conservative by nature, but since Tangyue had already faced her feelings for him, Jiang Chen would naturally not be indifferent. He knew very well that the relationship between the two was just lacking a suitable opportunity.

When the opportunity comes, it will naturally happen.

And the direction of his future efforts is to create such an opportunity!
Tangyue, he's going to make a deal!
(End of this chapter)

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