genius evil

Chapter 953 The Strange Nightclub Girl

Chapter 953 The Strange Nightclub Girl
Jiang Chen didn't have much time to leave the capital this time, so after leaving Tangyue's residence, Jiang Chen didn't stay in Yilan City, and went directly to Tiannan City.

Zhou Ji and Ji Feng knew that Jiang Chen had gone to Yilan City early in the morning, and had been paying attention to Jiang Chen's movements. No, the moment Jiang Chen appeared in Tiannan City, they were blocked by them.

Unable to refuse, Zhou Ji, who expressed that he would like to have all meals, drinks and entertainment all in one package, dragged Jiang Chen to the MINT bar.

"Young Master, you are not allowed to leave tonight, we will not go home until we are drunk." Inside the MINT bar, Zhou Ji raised his glass and said to Jiang Chen.

"Where is this a game?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"Young Master, haven't you noticed that the quality of beauties in the MINT bar has declined during your absence in Jiangnan Province?" Zhou Ji said with a sad face.

"Young Master Zhou, even if the young master comes, the quality of MINT beauties will improve, but it's not for you, right?" Ji Feng said with a smile.

The longer he knew Jiang Chen, the longer Ji Feng was able to let go and make some harmless little jokes.

"Hey, you don't understand that. Every time I see young girls picking up girls, I always feel a sense of enlightenment. Knowing that girls can still make love like this, I benefit a lot." Zhou Ji said with a hippie smile.

"Eldest young master, the three of you want to pick up girls, how could you do without me." After Zhou Ji's words fell, a voice sounded, and that guy Tong Zhi rushed over with a stride.

"Young master, do you mind if I have a drink?" Tong Zhi sat down with a smile on his face.

"Tong Zhi, you iron cock, do you have the nerve to drink and drink all day long? You can't take the initiative to invite the young master to drink, can the young master treat you badly?" Zhou Ji said angrily.

"Okay, I'll treat you tonight, and I'll cover all the expenses." Gritting her teeth, Tong Zhi said with heartache.

"Haha--" Zhou Ji and Ji Feng looked at each other, they both burst out laughing, and Jiang Chen also smiled.

The few people hadn't seen each other for quite a long time, and while drinking, Jiang Chen found it quite interesting to listen to Zhou Jina's bragging about his glorious history of picking up girls.

But he was drinking, when he saw at the door of the bar, a tall woman in a fiery red windbreaker walked in quickly.

Maybe it's because the fiery red windbreaker is too conspicuous, or maybe it's because the woman in the fiery red windbreaker is quite good in terms of appearance and temperament.

As soon as it appeared, it attracted the attention of many people.

Especially that bastard Zhou Ji, when he glanced at it, his eyeballs were about to fall out of his sockets, and he wiped his saliva and said, "Beauty, you are not allowed to grab me."

"Of course we have no objection, but are you sure you want to fight with the young master?" Tong Zhi asked with a strange smile.

"Tong Zhi, why don't you have any eyesight at all, that kind of woman, do you think the young master will like it? It's too demeaning for the young master's taste." Zhou Ji said.

Tong Zhi wondered why Zhou Ji would say such a thing, looked carefully at the tall slender woman, and he could see that there was a strong air of dust on that woman.

And this kind of woman is naturally impossible to be liked by Jiang Chen. No wonder Zhou Ji would say that. After all, in this huge bar, Jiang Chen doesn't like it, but other men who like this woman , but there are too many.

Even he was a little tempted, thinking to himself that this woman is a stunner, especially with her eyes, who wants to seduce many men out of their wits.

"Zhou Ji, this woman is not so simple." Jiang Chen looked away at the tall slender woman casually, and said calmly.

"Young Master, you may not know that I have a problem, that is, I like to challenge difficult ones the most." Zhou Ji said shamelessly.

While saying this, Zhou Ji stood up, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and planned to walk over to strike up a conversation with the tall slender woman.

At a glance, there are not a few men with such thoughts and intentions.

But when it comes to picking up girls, the key is to strike first.

Zhou Ji didn't mind at all, he was the first one to eat crabs.

But Zhou Ji had just got up, and before he had time to walk over, he saw that tall slender woman, and suddenly tore off the windbreaker coat.

As the windbreaker coat was torn off, revealing his close-fitting clothes, his delicate body was more and more outlined, which instantly triggered a scream like a frenzy.

"Damn it, I'm going to die." Zhou Ji touched his nose and almost spit out nosebleeds.

The tall slender woman tore off the fiery red windbreaker, seemed very satisfied with the reaction of the men, got up generously, walked towards the small stage,
As she walked, she twisted her slender waist like a water snake, making the eyes of all the men stick to her body as if they were glued together, and they couldn't move away.

Soon, the tall slender woman walked onto the small stage and danced alone to the rhythm of the music.

Obviously, I didn't expect that this woman would be so bold and pungent. It made countless men stunned, and naturally caused the female companions around those men to be coquettish.

"Ji Shao, Tong Shao, I want to emphasize again, this woman, I, Zhou Ji, will decide." Zhou Ji watched the tall slender woman dancing intently, wiped his saliva again, and said seriously, lest Ji Feng and Tong Zhi would meet him Rob.

"Haha, Young Master Zhou, can you handle this woman?" Tong Zhi joked.

"That's right, be careful of your old waist." Ji Feng also teased endlessly.

"What do you know, this kind of woman is only strong on the bed." Zhou Ji smiled, sat down again, and kept looking at the tall slender woman while drinking.

Jiang Chen had no interest in this at all.

He was drinking alone, casually looking at the environment inside the bar. As Zhou Ji said at the beginning, the quality of beauties in this MINT bar is getting worse and worse.

It's no wonder that the tall slender woman's coquettish show off made countless men's hormones fly.

The tall slender woman was dancing on the stage, winking wildly, interacting with the men below the stage, causing a cheer or two from time to time.

The tall slender woman, with eyes like silk, a pair of big eyes, looked around, suddenly, she didn't know what she saw, twisted her waist, and walked off the stage gracefully.

"Young master, I don't know why, but I feel like she's taken a fancy to me." Zhou Ji nana said.

"Young Master Zhou, can you stop being so smug?" Tong Zhi hit him mercilessly.

But after saying those words, Tong Zhi was stunned for a while, because he found that the tall slender woman was walking towards the table where several people were sitting.

"Could it be that this beauty really has a crush on Zhou Ji? Is there any reason for this?" Tong Zhi thought angrily.

The tall slender woman's goal was direct, and she went straight to the table where Jiang Chen and the four were sitting, which also made many people stare dumbfounded.

After all, there was no doubt that this tall slender woman did so because she fell in love with a certain man, and that man was among Jiang Chen and the others.

No matter how unreasonable the tall slender woman was, she still walked over step by step. Zhou Ji watched the tall slender woman approaching step by step, and suddenly felt as if she had reached the pinnacle of her life.

Zhou Ji picked up two wine glasses, thinking that when the tall slender woman came over, he would have a drink with the tall slender woman, and since the tall slender woman came for him, it would not be a problem to take it down tonight.

Thinking about it for a while, Zhou Ji's blood boiled with excitement.

But soon, Zhou Ji just felt that someone had poured a basin of ice water on him, and he couldn't get up anymore.

Although the tall slender woman walked towards the table where the four of them were, the target was not him, but Jiang Chen.

"Handsome guy, am I not pretty enough, and am I not good enough?" The tall slender woman appeared beside Jiang Chen, bowed her head, and said in Jiang Chen's ear, with an extremely sad look.

"Uh, beauty, you are naturally very beautiful and have a good figure." Zhou Ji said bitterly.

"Since that's the case, why didn't this handsome guy respond at all?" the tall slender woman said heartbroken.

From appearing in the bar, to tearing off the windbreaker, and then running to dance on the stage, all the men in the bar were provoked into commotion, except for Jiang Chen.

It was precisely because Jiang Chen was the exception that the tall slender woman noticed Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was drinking wine lazily by himself, while Zhou Ji and the others, the tall slender woman could clearly see Jiang Chen's attitude.

Even if she didn't know Jiang Chen's identity, the tall slender woman knew that Jiang Chen's identity was definitely not ordinary.

In addition, Jiang Chen was so handsome, so the tall slender woman took the initiative to come over and strike up a conversation.

"The reason why this kind of thing happened, there is no doubt that the young master's vision is too high." Tong Zhi Youyou said.

"It means that I'm not pretty enough, and I'm not good enough, right?" The tall slender woman said pitifully.

"It's good if you know, you can stay away now, or get out of here." After Ji Feng observed his words, he found that Jiang Chen really had no interest in this tall slender woman, and there was a faint disgust between his eyebrows and eyes. Feeling, is quite cold scolded.

"What kind of person, you don't understand style at all, it's like a piece of wood." The tall slender woman rolled her eyes, but she didn't give up, and said persistently: "Handsome guy, did I do something that disgusted you?" Otherwise, why are you so indifferent to me?"

Frowning slightly, he was about to signal Ji Feng to drive this woman away when he heard an indifferent voice: "You are under arrest."

Dressed in black, the woman with beautiful eyebrows floated over, like a stream of clear water in the bar, appearing abruptly, attracting only a lot more eyeballs than this tall and slender woman.

In comparison, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this tall and slender woman is a rouge vulgar fan.

The tall slender woman was stunned when she heard the words "you have been arrested". Immediately, after seeing the woman in the black skirt, her expression changed quietly, and she said coldly: "Damn woman, you are really a ghost!" It's so long, don't you think I'm really afraid of you?"

(End of this chapter)

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