genius evil

Chapter 954

Chapter 954
"I don't need you to be afraid of me. You only need to know one thing, that is, you have been arrested. In addition, I advise you, it is best not to resist." The woman in the black skirt said coldly.

"You said that if I don't resist, I won't resist? Could it be that you are naive enough to think that I will be able to catch me without a fight?" The tall slender woman said with a smile, looking at the woman in the black dress with a provocative look on her face. , did not look down on the woman in the black dress.

The woman in the black skirt was not annoyed either, and said with a half-smile: "If I say it's for your own good, you won't believe it, or else, just try."

"For my own good?" The tall slender woman was slightly taken aback, thinking about the meaning of the words of the woman in the black dress.

She is not stupid, and she is very clear that when the woman in the black skirt said this, there was no threat in her tone, which was enough to prove that the woman in the black skirt said that she should not resist, it was indeed for her own good.

But this goodness is unacceptable to tall slender women no matter what.

After all, giving up resistance means being captured without a fight, and she knows what will happen then, so it is impossible for her to give up resistance and accept arrest.

"Handsome guy, do you like me?" While thinking about the meaning behind the words of the woman in the black dress, the tall woman suddenly smiled charmingly and looked at Zhou Ji with winking eyes.

"Are you talking to me?" Zhou Ji pointed to himself and asked with a puzzled expression.

I don't quite understand, what does this tall slender woman mean by saying this to herself at this time?
Furthermore, when did he like her?It's just that I want to play every night.

If he could even classify as liking every scene, then Zhou Ji liked too many women.

"Of course I'm talking to you, handsome boy. You haven't answered my question yet, handsome boy. Do you like me, or don't you like me?" The tall slender woman gave Jiang Chen a wink.

"Can I say that I don't like it?" Zhou Ji said.

"Little handsome guy, you are dishonest. This will scare the woman away, but it's okay, I will give you a chance, as long as you drive away this annoying woman, I will play with you all night tonight, how about it? "The tall slender woman said, especially biting the syllable of the word Wan on purpose.

This undoubtedly means that this night, Zhou Ji can play whatever he wants.

Zhou Ji's heart skipped a beat, he thought he was out of action, but he never thought that this tall slender woman would take the initiative to come to her door, and said that she could do whatever she wanted.

Zhou Ji's heart was filled with enthusiasm, but he didn't dare to agree right away. After all, Jiang Chen hadn't expressed his opinion yet. If Jiang Chen hadn't asked for his consent, if he had just agreed casually, it is estimated that from now on, he would never agree again. Can't play with women anymore.

Zhou Ji just looked at Jiang Chen pitifully, and asked Jiang Chen's opinion with his eyes.

"Promise her." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Okay, I promise you." After getting Jiang Chen's permission, Zhou Ji immediately said with a smile on his face.

Zhou Ji smiled brightly, and the tall slender woman also smiled, but that smile, no matter how you look at it, was insincere.

Even for things like picking up girls, Zhou Ji had to seek Jiang Chen's permission. How could a tall slender woman fail to see how influential Jiang Chen was.

This made the tall slender woman realize that she was not mistaken, Jiang Chen was indeed the leader among the four, but Jiang Chen didn't like her at all.

"Jiang Chen, why are you making trouble?" Hearing what Jiang Chen said, the woman in the black dress immediately became unhappy and yelled at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen stood up, pulled the woman in the black dress into his arms, lowered his head, and took a deep breath between the woman's hair, and said lazily, "Girl in red, I'm not making trouble, since she wants to Being played, then, just have fun, right?"

The woman in the black dress is exactly that plum red dress.

Mei Hongyi ran to the MINT bar to hunt down Jiang Chen. She was very surprised. She actually met Jiang Chen in the bar, and Jiang Chen was quite surprised to meet Mei Hongyi here.

You know, Jiang Chen had planned to go find Mei Hongyi when the party was over. Right now, Mei Hongyi took the initiative to send it to his door.

"You guys know each other?" Seeing Jiang Chen being so close to the woman in the black dress, the tall slender woman's expression changed drastically, and she stepped back, wanting to slip away.

"Woman, what you say is like pouring water, it must be counted." Jiang Chen glanced at the tall slender woman and said coldly.

For some reason, when Jiang Chen glanced over, the tall slender woman immediately sensed a great pressure, enveloping her imminently.

Under that kind of pressure, she was almost suffocated, even her heart skipped a beat unconsciously, and her face was quietly pale.

"What a terrible breath." The tall slender woman murmured to herself, but she didn't dare to move anymore, fearing that if she moved again, Jiang Chen would kill her immediately.

"Remember, tonight, you will spend a good night with him." Jiang Chen pointed at Zhou Ji and said calmly.

Zhou Ji felt happy, what is this, the legendary order to pick up girls?
"Jiang Chen, can you stop being so boring?" Mei Hongyi said weakly.

With Jiang Chen here, Mei Hongyi wasn't worried about the tall slender woman running away at all. To put it bluntly, even if she asked the tall slender woman to run away, she wouldn't dare to run away.

That's why she would advise this tall slender woman not to resist, otherwise if Jiang Chen was alarmed, Jiang Chen might slap her to death just like a fly.

"Girl in red, how can this be boring." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "It's just a one-night delay, don't worry, she will take the initiative to report to the police tomorrow."

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen said to the tall slender woman with a half-smile, "Is what I said right?"

"Yes." The tall slender woman said dryly, obviously, Jiang Chen didn't deliberately release her aura, but the tall slender woman didn't even dare to have the thought of disobeying Jiang Chen.

"That's enough, girl in red, let's go." Jiang Chen said, not allowing Mei Hongyi to refuse, he wrapped his arms around Mei Hongyi and walked outside the bar.

"Young Master Zhou, you're lucky." Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi glanced at each other, and Tong Zhi yelled with envy and hatred.

"Hey...hehe..." Zhou Ji couldn't stop laughing, the expression on his face was as rippling as he wanted.

Mei Hongyi drove over by herself, and the car was parked outside the bar. After walking out of the bar, Mei Hongyi pointed to the place where the car was parked, got into the car with Jiang Chen, and let Jiang Chen drive.

"The woman just now has a nickname called Huofeng. She came to Tiannan City some time ago. She can barely be regarded as an ancient martial arts practitioner. She has been extremely active. In a short period of time, she has already made several men, because she Because of this, the family went bankrupt." As the car was driving on the road, Mei Hongyi briefly introduced the situation to Jiang Chen.

Mei Hongyi happened to see Jiang Chen's attitude towards Huofeng when he walked in, so it had to be said that Mei Hongyi was a little surprised.

You know, before, she thought that Jiang Chen would always come to him, especially beauties, so the more the better.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen would act so impatient in front of Huofeng.

Of course, this point also made Mei Hongyi very gratified, otherwise, if Huofeng hooked up with Jiang Chen, then no one would be able to do anything to Huofeng.

"I can only say that there are too many blind men these days." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Could it be that the guy who looked lewd just now is also blind?" Mei Hongyi laughed.

"It's just letting that fire phoenix seek benevolence and get benevolence." Jiang Chen said casually.

That Huofeng, since he is not stingy at all in exchange for his beauty in exchange for benefits, he naturally wants to fulfill her, and the best way to perfect Huofeng is to let Huofeng plant her in the field she is most proud of. one head.

As for whether Zhou Ji could really touch Huofeng tonight, Jiang Chen knew that unless Zhou Ji was an idiot, otherwise, Huofeng wouldn't even be able to move a finger.

"What do you say so nicely? Don't think I didn't see it. In this huge bar, except for you, when the other men looked at the fire phoenix, their eyeballs were about to fall out of their sockets. .” Mei Hongyi said sarcastically.

"So, girl in red, are you complimenting me? In fact, you can praise me more directly, but don't worry, I will never be proud." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Mei Hongyi just giggled coquettishly, and said, "I'm not complimenting you, and besides, I don't believe that when you looked at that fire phoenix, your heart didn't move at all."

"The conscience of heaven and earth." Jiang Chen raised his hand.

With Huo Feng's beauty, wanting to catch Jiang Chen's eyes, it would be too contemptuous of him.

"Really?" Mei Hongyi looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously.

"Do you want to swear a poisonous oath?" Jiang Chen said distressedly.

"No, I believe you." Mei Hongyi just said it casually, there is no need for Jiang Chen to swear poisonously, and Jiang Chen is notoriously domineering, if he really has any thoughts about that Huofeng If so, how can it be discarded like a pair of shoes?

"I didn't expect this guy's eyesight to be quite high." Mei Hongyi thought to herself, she was inexplicably happy, and on a whim, she leaned over and kissed Jiang Chen's face lightly.

"Girl in red, what are you doing? Are you taking advantage of me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's a reward, thank you for solving a small problem for me." Mei Hongyi said with a blushing face.

The case of Huofeng was directly handled by Mei Hongyi. She had been following her for several days, and she finally confirmed Huofeng's whereabouts tonight. If it wasn't for Jiang Chen, Mei Hongyi didn't have much confidence that she could Successfully apprehended it.

"Girl in red, you are too insincere." Jiang Chen said rather dissatisfied, just saw a small park at the corner ahead, so he drove the car over, and as soon as the car stopped, Jiang Chen held Mei Hongyi's The small face, forcefully, kissed it viciously...

(End of this chapter)

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