genius evil

Chapter 956 Invisible pretending, the most deadly

Chapter 956 Invisible pretending, the most deadly

The feeling of suffocation in his heart even gave Zhang Ke the feeling of being splashed with a basin of ice water in the cold winter of March [-]th, which made his whole body cold from head to toe in an instant.

Such a sudden sense of suffocation made Zhang Ke very overwhelmed. He knew that Jiang Chen brought him such pressure.

However, Jiang Chen's words brought such terrible pressure, as if this seemingly docile young man in front of him had a ferocious beast lurking in his bones, which made people shudder.

Embarrassed, Zhang Ke couldn't say it anymore, but he was not willing to leave here, just like a pillar, stuck here.

Jiang Chen was really a little impatient, thinking in his heart whether to kick this guy flying, or to throw it out, but he heard footsteps behind him.

"Jiang Shao, miss, the master asked me to pick you up, the master said, let's have lunch together." A middle-aged man walked over lightly, and said meekly and respectfully.

"Uncle Liang, did Grandpa tell me to go there with Jiang Chen?" Xu Anqi looked at the middle-aged man and asked suspiciously.

The middle-aged man who was called Uncle Liang by Xu Anqi nodded with a smile and said, "That's what the old man said. The old man also said that you don't have to worry, Miss. He has already called the principal and will give you half a day off today. Come back to military training tomorrow."

Xu Anqi is not willing to give up military training, after all, she has persisted for such a long time, and in a few days, she will be completely liberated.If you give up now, wouldn't you give up halfway?

But firstly, Mr. Xu had already made arrangements for her, and secondly, she finally met Jiang Chen, if she continued to participate in the military training, she would have no time to accompany Jiang Chen, so she had no choice but to agree reluctantly.

"Young Master Jiang, please." Seeing Xu Anqi's agreement, Uncle Liang heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly invited Jiang Chen.

Speaking of which, because of Xu Anqi's participation in the military training, I don't know how much Mr. Xu was worried. Fortunately, Jiang Chen came back, and finally he was able to persuade Xu Anqi to go back.

It would be good to let Xu Anqi rest for half a day.

Of course, the most important thing is that Mr. Xu hasn't seen Xu Anqi for several days, and he really wants to see Xu Anqi.

Jiang Chen didn't say much, got up, took Xu Anqi's little hand, and left with Uncle Liang.

Not far from the edge of the playground, a black Bentley was parked there. Uncle Liang stepped forward quickly, and respectfully opened the door to let Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi get in the car. Then he trotted over and opened the door of the driving position. Get in the car and drive away.

From the beginning to the end, no one paid any attention to Zhang Ke, only thinking that Zhang Ke was a piece of air, but what he saw and heard about this scene shocked Zhang Ke beyond any doubt, and he felt bad all over.

"Then Uncle Liang said that Grandpa Xu Anqi called our principal to ask for leave for her. What is this Xu Anqi's identity?" Zhang Kenana said.

He didn't think that Uncle Liang was lying, because he was simply an irrelevant existence, and there was no need for Uncle Liang to fabricate such a lie to deceive him.

What's more, when Uncle Liang said this, his tone was so natural, as if it was just a trivial matter, Uncle Liang was afraid that he might not even take this trivial matter to heart.

"A character who looks like a housekeeper drove a Bentley to pick up Xu Anqi from the school. This Xu Anqi is really hidden." Zhang Ke said silently in his heart again.

After entering school, Zhang Ke found that he liked this girl with gentle eyebrows very much at the first sight. He thought to himself that it was the so-called love at first sight.

Xu Anqi has a special temperament, which Zhang Ke described as Xiaojiabiyu.

For a girl with Xiaojiabiyu's temperament, her family background is naturally not bad.

But before today, Zhang Ke had always believed that Xu Anqi should be a well-to-do middle-class family, far from expecting that Xu Anqi's family background would be so deep.

In vain, he thinks that his family is in a good family. Compared with Xu Anqi's family, I am afraid it is very different. Not to mention other things, it is just that Bentley and the license plate hanging on that Bentley. She really understands that the gap between herself and Xu Anqi is really too big.

And such a gap, I'm afraid no matter how hard you try, you can't make up for it.

If Zhang Ke had the intention to pursue Xu Anqi before, then now, he finds that he no longer has the courage to approach Xu Anqi in the future.

He thought that Xu Anqi had the temperament of Xiaojiabiyu, but he didn't know that she was a lady of everyone.

"That Uncle Liang, who called that Jiang Chen Young Master Jiang, could it be that that Jiang Chen also has an extraordinary background?" Zhang Ke thought with complicated emotions.

In terms of Xu Anqi's background, even if this Uncle Liang is just a mere butler, he is still a majestic figure. Even if he is polite to a person, he still has an air of indifference and alienation.

But Zhang Ke could tell that when Uncle Liang talked to Jiang Chen, he was very respectful and cautious. If Jiang Chen didn't have an unusual background, how could Uncle Liang have such an attitude?
"Then Jiang Chen is just a junior college student. If he really has an unusual background, why would he go to college?" Zhang Ke became puzzled, feeling that he couldn't figure out this question.

After all, if he has an amazing background, not to mention that he can go to a first-class university in China, how can he not be reduced to a junior college?

"Zhang Ke, who is that middle-aged man from Xu Anqi's classmate?" Just as Zhang Ke was thinking about these things, several boys came over, and one of them asked curiously.

"It should be the housekeeper." Zhang Ke said.

"Butler, there is actually a butler in Xu Anqi's house?" The boy who asked the question was very surprised.

"What's so surprising, don't you see that car? If I'm not mistaken, it's a Bentley." Another boy said.

"That's right, it's Bentley. I didn't expect that classmate Xu Anqi is so inconspicuous, and her family is so rich." A boy exclaimed.

"Stop expressing emotion here, classmate Xu Anqi not only has money in her family, she even has a boyfriend." A boy said mockingly.

"Yeah, what a pity. I didn't expect classmate Xu Anqi to have a boyfriend. I don't know what kind of shit luck that kid has. At least 50 years of struggle will be saved." A boy sighed and said, with an envious look on his face.

"Pull it down, you look so ugly, even if you want to save 50 years of hard work, you have no chance." Someone attacked Zhang Ke wantonly, and then asked Zhang Ke: "Is that guy a student of our school? What's his name?" coming?"

"His name is Jiang Chen. As for which school he is from, I don't know." Zhang Ke said in a muffled voice.

"Jiang Chen? Hey, why does this name sound familiar? Did I remember it wrong? I feel like I've heard it before." The boy who asked the question said suspiciously.

"I've heard of it too... Ah, no, I remembered that this year's top scorer in the college entrance examination in Jiangnan Province is a guy named Jiang Chen, he must be that kid." A boy rubbed his chin , said thoughtfully.

"Jiang Chen? Number one in the college entrance examination?"

He does not mean that.

After being heard by Zhang Ke, it seemed that a thunderbolt exploded in his ears.

After Zhang Ke heard this, he finally understood why he couldn't figure out why Jiang Chen went to university.

Because Jiang Chen is not a college student at all, and also because he, a so-called Jiangnan University student, does not deserve a sense of superiority in front of Jiang Chen.

Zhang Ke is also from Jiangnan Province, so he has heard of Jiangnan Province's top scorer in the college entrance examination.

If memory serves me correctly, Jiang Chen seems to have gone to Capital University.

Zhang Ke felt that this time, he was ashamed and humiliated. The words he said to Jiang Chen were like invisible slaps one after another, slapped on his face one after another, making him feel ashamed. His face was so hot that it was about to burn.

Jiang Chen was with Xu Anqi at this time, on the way to Xu's house, how could he know that he pretended to be coercive once invisibly, which brought almost fatal effects to Zhang Ke.

Uncle Liang was driving the car, driving steadily on the road towards Xu's house, while Jiang Chen was talking with Xu Anqi in the back seat.

"Jiang Chen, shall we go to the movies after dinner?" Xu Anqi asked Jiang Chen.

It just so happened that a new movie was released recently, and it had been a long time since I went to the movie theater. Originally, if Jiang Chen hadn't come back, Xu Anqi wouldn't have gone to see it alone.

Now that Jiang Chen is back, Xu Anqi hopes that Jiang Chen can go to the movies with her.

"Not spending more time with the old man?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Xu Anqi was a little shy, blushing and said: "When the military training is over in a few days, I will go home often."

"Well, let's go to the movies after dinner." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The car returned to Xu's house. Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi had just entered the villa when they heard old man Xu's hearty laughter: "Jiang Chen, you kid came back to Tiannan City, and you didn't come to see me, old man."

"This clearly shows that squad leader Xu is far more important to me than you, old man." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Old Master Xu smiled again, looked at Xu Anqi carefully, and said, "I'm a little darker, but also a little thinner, but fortunately, I'm in good spirits, and this military training is not a waste of time."

"Grandpa, don't mind me. I can already smell the aroma of the food. I'm starving to death. Let's eat." Xu Anqi said with a smile, holding Mr. Xu's hand and shaking it non-stop.

Mr. Xu didn't really mind, he just felt sorry for Xu Anqi's hardship, but at present, Xu Anqi's condition is very good, so she can feel at ease.

After a while, the three of them were seated in the restaurant. Xu Anqi seemed to be really hungry, and she hadn't been home for a while, eating very happily.

Seeing this, Old Master Xu felt very relieved, and asked Jiang Chen: "This is a plan to stay for a few days, do you want me to make arrangements?"

"No, I'll just accompany Squad Leader Xu." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Alright." Old Master Xu nodded and said no more, knowing that Xu Anqi is indeed more important in Jiang Chen's heart than this old man, but this is naturally what Old Master Xu would like to see, young man He won't participate too much in the matter...

(End of this chapter)

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