genius evil

Chapter 957 Don't play tricks on me

Chapter 957 Don't play tricks on me
After dinner, Xu Anqi chatted with Mr. Xu for a while, Jiang Chen randomly chose a car from the garage, and drove to the cinema with Xu Anqi.

Although it was noon, the movie theater ticket hall was crowded with people, forcing Jiang Chen to queue for a long time before he could buy the tickets.

But after entering the movie theater, Jiang Chen was immediately delighted.

Probably because the movie Xu Anqi watched was too unpopular, there were only the two of them in the small VIP theater.

"I obviously heard that this movie is very good, why is there no one?" Xu Anqi muttered, not understanding what happened.

"It doesn't matter, just treat it as the two of us booking the venue." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Then you are not allowed to play tricks for a while." Xu Anqi vaccinated Jiang Chen in advance.

"What is trickery?" Jiang Chen asked innocently.

After a while, the movie started, and the lights in the cinema hall were turned off. Xu Anqi looked left and right, but did not see anyone else coming in. Finally, she was sure that this cinema hall was inadvertently reserved by her and Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, don't do bad things if you agree." But after a while, I heard Xu Anqi's shallow nasal voice, groaning, and said dumbfoundingly.

Since there were only her and Jiang Chen in the theater, what Xu Anqi was most afraid of was that Jiang Chen would play tricks and make her unable to watch the movie properly.

How could he know that Jiang Chen hadn't been honest for even a second, as soon as the light went off, he just touched her little hand and started to play with it.

The slightly itchy hands were scratched by Jiang Chen, which made Xu Anqi somewhat absent-minded when looking at the big screen, but fortunately, it was still within the tolerable range.

Who knew that Jiang Chen was going too far, and his hands were becoming more and more dishonest. Xu Anqi couldn't stand being teased by Jiang Chen, so she had no choice but to stop her.

"Squad Leader Xu, I understand what you mean." Jiang Chen chuckled, slipped one hand into Xu Anqi's clothes, and stroked the smooth skin on Xu Anqi's back.

"You understand that you still want to play tricks?" Xu Anqi said angrily.

It's been a long time since I watched a movie, and Jiang Yanyan went to the capital again, so it would be inconvenient for her to come to watch a movie alone.

It was rare that Jiang Chen was free, Xu Anqi really wanted to watch a movie, but Jiang Chen's appearance made it impossible for her to watch a movie.

"Squad Leader Xu, I did it because I understand what you mean so well." Jiang Chen said solemnly, while talking, with the other hand, he went to unbutton Xu Anqi's clothes.

Duplicity has always been a woman's patent.

Jiang Chen originally had no intention of playing tricks, but when Xu Anqi said that, he suddenly became distracted.

Furthermore, there were only him and Xu Anqi in this theater, so it would be too boring to watch movies honestly.

Moreover, Jiang Chen felt that if he accompanied Xu Anqi to watch movies like a piece of wood, he might never want to accompany Xu Anqi to watch movies again, right?
As an understanding man, Jiang Chen is naturally very clear about what to do under what circumstances, no, what he is doing right now is exactly what he thinks he should do.

"I'm serious." Xu Anqi whimpered as she felt Jiang Chen's hand covering the sensitive parts of her body as the buttons of her clothes were unbuttoned.

Unprecedented sensitivity swept across her whole body, like an electric shock. In an instant, Xu Anqi felt her body was unbelievably limp. She couldn't even sit still, and she was limp in Jiang Chen's embrace.

Xu Anqi stretched out her two hands, trying to push Jiang Chen away and prevent Jiang Chen from continuing to play tricks, but those two hands were as soft as noodles, and they couldn't use any strength, but instead gave people a feeling of The feeling of refusal and welcome.

"Squad leader Xu, I can tell that you are really serious, just watch the movie and leave me alone." Jiang Chen said with a smile as he played with Xu Anqi.

Xu Anqi was extremely ashamed. In this situation, she didn't have the heart to watch a movie. All her attention was attracted by Jiang Chen.

Limp in Jiang Chen's embrace, Xu Anqi couldn't help panting, her red lips fluttered like a goldfish leaving the water.

But it had to be said that this little goldfish was so beautiful and delicate that Jiang Chen's breath became unknowingly hot, and his heart was very restless.

In the darkness, looking for Xu Anqi's pink lips, she lowered her head and kissed them viciously.

Two hours later, when the movie screening was over, the lights in the cinema hall were turned on, and when Xu Anqi got up from her seat, she still found that the shivering feeling in her body had not completely disappeared.

The two legs were so weak that they needed Jiang Chen's support to walk.

"Bad guy." Xu Anqi said with a hint of tears, with such an appearance, once she went outside, it would be easy for people to see what happened, right?

But it doesn't matter if you don't go out, after all, the next movie will start after a while, and that will only make the scene even more embarrassing.

"Squad Leader Xu, I obviously followed your wishes, so why did I become a bad guy?" Jiang Chen said, with a look of grievance.

Xu Anqi's knees almost gave way, and she fell to the ground, wondering if Jiang Chen really thought that she was hinting at him when she said not to play tricks?
So, from the very beginning of the movie screening, Jiang Chen spared no effort to play tricks?
It is even possible that Jiang Chen thought so when she first invited Jiang Chen to watch the movie.

Coincidentally, for this movie, there were only the two of them in the theater, would Jiang Chen think that it was her intentional arrangement?
After thinking about it for a while, Xu Anqi was extremely shy, and felt that she was about to lose face in front of others.

"Anyway, you are a bad person." Xu Anqi said angrily. She felt that she had no idea at all, but Jiang Chen said that she seemed to have premeditated, and she was too wronged.

"Okay, I'm a bad guy, so class Xu is a beautiful girl, I'm a bad guy, do you like me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Really don't play tricks on me next time." Xu Anqi gave Jiang Chen a white look, so she wouldn't be stupid enough to say that she likes it, otherwise Jiang Chen might do bad things to her.

But if she wanted to say that she didn't like it, Xu Anqi couldn't say it because she liked Jiang Chen very much.

This attitude at this time is not angry or anything, it's just a little bit of annoyance.

After all, if she was really angry with Jiang Chen, no matter how much Jiang Chen did, she couldn't be angry.

"Squad leader Xu, are you hinting to me to watch a movie with you again?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"See you next time." Xu Anqi nodded.

"Why the next time? I saw that the environment of this movie theater is good. Otherwise, let's watch the next one right away. I don't know why, but I suddenly discovered that I like watching movies." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Ah—" Xu Anqi exclaimed in a low voice, blushing unreasonably.

Watching another movie immediately, doesn't that mean that Jiang Chen will bully him again soon?
"Squad leader Xu, your reaction means you agree, right? Let's go buy movie tickets now." Jiang Chen said, holding Xu Anqi's little hand and leaving.

Xu Anqi really wanted to say that she didn't agree, but she couldn't say it out of her mouth for some reason.

Inexplicably, Xu Anqi found that she really liked the feeling Jiang Chen played against her, and the joy of the body seemed to have infinite magic power, making people addicted.

Moreover, Jiang Chen played tricks, but he didn't do anything excessive. At best, he just took advantage of it.

"This guy's restraint is really good." Xu Anqi thought to herself.

Xu Anqi has never doubted her own charm, and Xu Anqi is also very confident about her figure.

Therefore, Xu Anqi knew very well what Jiang Chen's restraint meant.

And you must know that when things were difficult for her, Xu Anqi was even mentally prepared to hand over her body to Jiang Chen in this theater.

Jiang Chen seemed to really want to watch another movie. He held Xu Anqi's little hand and walked quickly. Xu Anqi followed behind Jiang Chen with a face of shame, and her refusal thoughts became even more subdued.

"Forget it, this bad guy must have endured a lot just now." Xu Anqi thought to herself.

Then, Xu Anqi thought to herself, should she take the initiative?
"Hmm... I seem to have gone bad." When the active thought popped up in my mind, it suddenly grew like wild weeds and could no longer be eliminated. Xu Anqi was shocked even by herself, not understanding, How could such an idea arise.

Jiang Chen really had the idea of ​​watching another movie, not to continue to take advantage of Xu Anqi, but this movie, because of his sabotage, Xu Anqi almost didn't watch it, and regarded it as compensation to Xu Anqi.

After all, seriously, the time he spent with Xu Anqi was too little, too little.

As for why he didn't go further, the reason is very simple, it's just that Jiang Chen thinks that the time has not come.

Another point is that no matter how beastly he is, it is impossible to give Xu Anqi the Fa-rectification on the spot in this theater.

It is necessary to leave a good memory for Xu Anqi at the most suitable time and place.

Jiang Chen led Xu Anqi out of the movie hall, back to the ticket hall, and was about to buy tickets, but he saw that the ticket sales chaos was a bit messy, and some people were arguing.

The quarreling boys, like old hens, protected their petite female companions behind them, filled with righteous indignation, and stared at the two men standing in front of them.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Just listen to the boy, asking loudly, with an extremely angry look on his face.

Hearing that voice, it was quite familiar. Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi followed the sound and saw an acquaintance.

"Jiang Chen, it's Bao Shifan, he seems to be in trouble." Xu Anqi reminded softly in Jiang Chen's ear.

Jiang Chen nodded. He recognized the angry boy as Bao Shifan at first glance, and seeing Bao Shifan's incomparably angry appearance, it was obvious that he had encountered a little trouble...

(End of this chapter)

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