genius evil

Chapter 958

Chapter 958
The two men standing opposite Bao Shifan were estimated to be around 23 or 1.8 years old, but both were nearly [-] meters tall, about half a head taller than Bao Shifan.

It can be said that even if there is only one person on the other side, no matter how you look at it, Bao Shifan has no advantage at all.

Not to mention, there are now two people on the other side. Comparing the two, Bao Shifan's side is even more suffocating.

But perhaps because of his extreme anger, Bao Shifan's momentum was full, and he was not at all afraid of facing two opponents alone!
"Boy, what did you do on purpose? Why can't I understand what you said at all?" Among the two, a man with a plane head said jokingly.

"My girlfriend and I just came out of watching a movie. The road is so wide, you don't go anywhere, but you just go to my girlfriend. If it's not intentional, what is it?" Bao Shifan said angrily.

It was Wen Jing who was guarded by Bao Shifan like a chicken.

Bao Shifan and Wen Jing established a romantic relationship at the final stage of their senior year of high school, and then discussed together about going to university in Tiannan City.

Originally, Bao Shifan's academic performance was slightly different from Wen Jing's, but during the college entrance examination, he performed exceptionally well and entered the same university as Wen Jing.

Because their universities start earlier, the military training starts earlier than other universities.

No, while other colleges and universities are still continuing their military training, the two of them have already finished their rigorous military training today.

Because it was hard to relax, Bao Shifan and Wen Jing discussed going out to watch a movie together. The movie was pretty good, and the two of them were in a good mood. They were talking and laughing as they walked out. Discussing where to go for a while, but never thought that such a bad thing would happen, and it would destroy the good mood of the two of them all at once.

This made Bao Shifan very depressed, feeling disgusted like he accidentally ate a fly.

Before, these two men kept leaning on Wen Jing, but Bao Shifan couldn't see that they were deliberately trying to take advantage of Wen Jing.

Fortunately, he was impatient and quickly pulled Wen Jing aside.

But even if Wen Jing wasn't taken advantage of, Bao Shifan was still very angry, and this was the reason to reason with him. He wanted to ask the other party to give an explanation, at least an apology, otherwise, this breath, It can't be swallowed no matter what.

"Boy, what you said is interesting. You said it yourself, the road is very wide, and you two can't go anywhere, but you bumped into us. Could it be a thief?" Among the two, the other A man with an inch-cut hair said teasingly.

"That's right, it must be a thief. Hurry up and check your mobile phone wallet, don't let it be stolen." The man at the head of the plane answered, touching his pocket exaggeratedly, as if he was checking his mobile phone and wallet .

Bao Shifan and Wen Jing are naturally not thieves, so the mobile phone and wallet are all on the man at the head of the plane.

After touching the mobile phone and wallet, the man at the head of the plane breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's a good thing we're vigilant enough, otherwise we probably won't even have the fare to go home today. Damn thief, you can't steal our things, and you actually beat us up." , so bold."

Listening to these two people talking about a thief, Bao Shifan's blunt face turned pale, and he said angrily: "You two stop talking nonsense here, why am I, Bao Shifan, a thief? It's obvious that you two have bad intentions. It even spurted blood."

"Are you a thief? I know it very well." The man with an inch-shaped head said leisurely, as if he was convinced of Bao Shifan, and then said: "Before the two of us call the police, hurry up Please apologize to the two of us, otherwise today's matter will not be over."

"Shut up." Bao Shifan was very angry and furious.

"Damn thief, it's you who should shut up. You're young. If you don't do anything right, you want to be a thief. It's fine if you don't succeed in stealing. This is planning to touch porcelain, right? Or, I'll ask the big guy to comment Comment?" The man at the head of the plane said coldly.

Bao Shifan almost vomited blood.

He was already stupid, so how could he have said anything about these two people?

Wen Jing, who was protected by Bao Shifan, turned pale and whispered, "Xiaofan, forget it, let's go."

Wen Jing didn't expect that there would be such unreasonable people in this world. It was their fault, but they pushed all the faults on Bao Shifan.

Although Wen Jing was very angry, she thought that she hadn't been taken advantage of, so she just let it go, otherwise Bao Shifan might suffer if things got worse.

In the final analysis, Wen Jing believed that this matter was caused by her, how could she let Bao Shifan get hurt because of her.

"Like I said, I'm not a thief. If you dare to slander me again, be careful that I'm not polite to you." Bao Shifan said through gritted teeth.

"You're welcome? Well, I want to see how you're going to be rude to the two of us." The man at the head of the plane said dismissively. It was obvious that he didn't take Bao Shifan seriously. .

"Boy, don't you mean to fight with us?" The man with a flat head also said cheerfully, looking at Bao Shifan like an idiot.

"Congratulations, you guessed it right, I just want to fight with you." Bao Shifan said coldly, clenched his fist, and smashed the nose of the plane.

Bao Shifan's attack was beyond the expectations of the two men. After all, Bao Shifan did not have the slightest advantage in terms of height or number of people.

The two of them didn't do anything, it was already cheap for Bao Shifan.

How could he have imagined that Bao Shifan would take the initiative.

But accidents were accidents, the reaction of the man at the head of the plane was not slow at all, when Bao Shifan's punch came, he quickly backed away to avoid it.

"Brother, this kid is going to make a move, the two of us, let's loosen his muscles and bones together." Sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, the man at the head of the plane said sinisterly to the man with the inch board.

The man with a flat head had this intention, and the two looked at each other, and with a tacit understanding, they outflanked Bao Shifan.

"Jiang Chen, Bao Shifan is going to suffer." Here, Xu Anqi reminded Jiang Chen.

"I saw it." Jiang Chen said lazily.

It has to be said that Bao Shifan's actions were a little bit unexpected by Jiang Chen. The seemingly inconspicuous young man also quietly changed.

You know, based on Jiang Chen's understanding of Bao Shifan's character, Bao Shifan would never have dared to say anything about this kind of thing in the past.

Now, Bao Shifan not only dared to speak out angrily, but also dared to take the initiative to fight in a situation of one against two.

This kind of behavior seems to be quite silly, but young people should have such blood, shouldn't they?

"Then won't you help?" Xu Anqi asked.

Xu Anqi knew that Jiang Chen and Bao Shifan had a very good relationship, and that the two lived in the same dormitory. Xu Anqi felt that Jiang Chen would help in such matters no matter what.

What's more, from Bao Shifan's words, it could be clearly heard that it was the man with the airplane head and the man with the inch board head who wanted to take advantage of Wen Jing, so Jiang Chen had no reason not to help.

However, Jiang Chen didn't react at all from the beginning to the end. Xu Anqi couldn't figure out what Jiang Chen was thinking.

"Squad Leader Xu, actually, I've already helped." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

Seeing the man with the airplane head and the man with the inch board head outflanking him, Bao Shifan knew that he would not be able to avoid a beating today, but from the bottom of his heart, Bao Shifan did not regret it at all.

As a man, if he can't give his woman a sense of security, if he can't even protect his own woman, then what kind of man is he?
Therefore, even if he was beaten violently, Bao Shifan would still be happy and fearless. Moreover, Bao Shifan made up his mind that even if he was injured, he would not make these two bastards feel better today.


The man with the airplane head lifted up and punched, and the sound of the wind rang in his ears. Bao Shifan didn't dodge or dodge, and rushed towards the man with the airplane head.

At the same time, Bao Shifan also clenched his fist and hit the man with the airplane head.

In the situation of one against two, it is obviously unrealistic to fight both of them. Bao Shifan planned to deal with the man with the airplane head first, and then slowly deal with the man with the inch board head.

When Bao Shifan punched out, he was already determined to be injured, and Bao Shifan even heard a quiet exclamation behind him.

But soon, to Bao Shifan's surprise, the man with the airplane head punched him, and after hitting his body, it felt like a tickle, without any feeling at all.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Bao Shifan's expression turned strange, and he punched the man at the head of the plane with as much force as he could.


A muffled sound came out, accompanied by the sound of flying nosebleeds and the scream of the man at the head of the plane.


The man with an inch-length head walked around behind Bao Shifan, raised his foot, and kicked Bao Shifan's back. His eyes were blazing fiercely, and he did not spare any strength in this kick.

However, when this kick was about to hit Bao Shifan, the man with an inch head suddenly turned pale with fright, because he found that the right foot he kicked was as heavy as if it had been filled with lead. Unable to control it, his body staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Such a scene, in the eyes of outsiders, will only be regarded as a man with a tight head who exerted too much force when he stepped out, causing his body's center of gravity to become unstable.

In fact, the man with a flat head thought the same way, and he didn't realize that there was something wrong with his body.

When he staggered backwards, the man with a flat head hurriedly tried to stabilize the center of gravity of his body, otherwise he would fall instead of kicking Bao Shifan, which would be too embarrassing.

At this moment, Bao Shifan, who had dealt with the man with the airplane head, kicked him sideways, and just hit the left calf of the man with the inch board head. The man with the inch board head could no longer control the center of gravity of his body, " With a bang, he fell headfirst to the ground, his butt almost broke in two, grinning in pain, screaming indiscriminately...

(End of this chapter)

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