genius evil

Chapter 959

Chapter 959

The battle started quickly and ended even faster.

Everyone, including Wen Jing, subconsciously thought that Bao Shifan would suffer a big loss when they saw Bao Shifan make a move.

Even Wen Jing couldn't bear to look more, her eyes were red, she almost shed tears looking at her like that!
But no one thought that such a result would appear in the end.

Bao Shifan wins instantly with one against two!
Whether it was a man with an airplane head or a man with a flat head, it was all at the moment of the shot, and he was knocked to the ground by Bao Shifan.

This is destined to be an ending that no one expected.

After all, considering the height and number advantages of the man with the airplane head and the man with the inch board head, they all thought that Bao Shifan would be beaten badly.

Even if Bao Shifan can defeat these two in the end, at least it will be a situation where both losers. How could it not be so easy for Bao Shifan to win?
This almost makes people wonder whether the man with the plane head and the man with the inch board head have let the water go.

It was not only the onlookers who were surprised, Bao Shifan himself was also very surprised.

Knowing his own situation, Bao Shifan never thought that he could defeat these two because of his anger and passion, so he had no choice but to make a move.

Otherwise, Bao Shifan would even look down on himself.

But for him who was ready to be beaten, it was easy for him. He just got rid of the man with the plane head and the man with the inch board head. When he saw the man with the inch board head fell to the ground, Bao Shifan was stunned. , are unable to understand what happened.

"Am I so powerful?" Bao Shifan thought silently in his heart.

Only Xu Anqi, who was standing in the distance, smiled slightly when she saw this scene.

No wonder Jiang Chen would say that he had already helped.

Jiang Chen had indeed helped, otherwise, how could Bao Shifan be the opponent of those two? However, what made Xu Anqi feel strange was that she was standing beside Jiang Chen, unable to see See, what did Jiang Chen do to those two people.

"Jiang Chen, are we going there?" Xu Anqi asked.

"Wait a little longer." Jiang Chen shook his head.

It's true that the battle is over, but today's matter is not over. Jiang Chen wants to see how Bao Shifan will deal with it next.

But when Jiang Chen said such words, Wen Jing rushed to Bao Shifan and asked nervously, "Xiaofan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Bao Shifan said with a grin.

"It's fine, let's go." Wen Jing said.

"Let's go now." Bao Shifan froze for a moment, frowned, a little reluctant, but he really wanted these two guys to apologize to Wen Jing.

Moreover, the guy with the jet-set head and the guy with the flat-headed apron look like habitual offenders. I don't know how many girls have been taken advantage of by this method. How can they let them go so easily? Wouldn't it be too cheap for them.

"Xiaofan, let's not cause trouble. I don't think the two of them are good people." Wen Jing said worriedly.

"Alright then." Helplessly, Bao Shifan nodded, took Wen Jing's little hand, and was about to leave.

"Boy, do you know who we are? How dare you beat us up? I promise, you're dead." Bao Shifan and Wen Jing were about to leave. Bao Shifan threatened loudly.

"Boy, we remember you. Unless you are lucky and don't let us touch you, we will kill you in minutes." The man with an inch-thin head also said in a sinister manner.

"You two are looking for death." Bao Shifan was still thinking about today's matter, so let it go, but these two people threatened him like this, which suddenly made him unbearable.

"Xiao Fan, listen to me, let's go." Wen Jing was extremely restless, wondering if she was frightened by the threat of the two.

"But..." Bao Shifan was a little reconciled. He felt that if he didn't give these two guys a good lesson, it would be a big or small hidden danger.

"Go, ignore them." Wen Jing didn't know where the strength came from, and pulled Bao Shifan hard. Now, no matter how reluctant Bao Shifan was, he could only follow Wen Jing.

"Haha, kid, you're about to pee out of fear, right? But it's not scaring you, you just wait for our revenge, and your girlfriend, hehe, we're all set." The man with the jet head said, Yin and Yang said strangely.

Bao Shifan didn't want to leave immediately when he heard the sound, but his quiet attitude made him very embarrassed.

"Bao Shifan, what are you hesitating for?" Seeing that the time was almost up, Jiang Chen led Xu Anqi and slowly appeared.

"Jiang Chen, Squad Leader Xu." Seeing Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi, Bao Shifan's eyes lit up and he was so excited that he hurriedly pulled Wen Jing towards them.

"Hi Bao Shifan, hello Wen Jing." Xu Anqi greeted with a smile.

"An Qi, how are you?" Wen Jing whispered, undecided.

"Jiang Chen and I have seen what happened just now, don't be afraid." Xu Anqi comforted.

Did Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi both see it?

When Bao Shifan heard Xu Anqi's words, he looked at Jiang Chen in surprise, and then remembered Jiang Chen asking him what he was hesitating for, and suddenly realized what he should do.

Now that you have fought, you have to scare the opponent once and for all.

After understanding this, Bao Shifan let go of Wen Jing's hand without hesitation, and walked towards the man with the airplane head.

"Boy, what are you going to do?" Looking at Bao Shifan who came over in surprise, the man at the head of the plane asked.

"Beat you." Bao Shifan said coldly, bent down, clenched his fists, and beat him crazily. In this way, I don't know how many punches he punched, until the man at the head of the plane was crying and howling, before he stopped. Then, Bao Shifan walked towards the man with the inch board head.

"Boy, I think you are crazy." Seeing the scene of Bao Shifan beating up the man with the jet head, the man with the inch head said in shock.

"You're right, I'm indeed crazy, you shouldn't threaten me, even if I'm a trash, you shouldn't threaten me like that." Bao Shifan said expressionlessly, kicking , kicked more than a dozen kicks in a row, and didn't stop until the man with the inch board head was kicked until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

"Is it cool?" Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile.

"It's so cool." Waving his fist, Bao Shifan grinned happily.

"Then remember this feeling." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, I will remember." Bao Shifan said solemnly.

Bao Shifan knew very well that his transformation was due to Jiang Chen, and it was entirely because Jiang Chen influenced him that he is what he is today.

This is a society where people are good at being bullied and horses are good at being ridden by others. Being cowardly and fearful will not solve troubles, but will bring more troubles to oneself.

Only by using your own fists can you defend your own interests.

Jiang Chen had taught him this a long time ago, and Bao Shifan is doing exactly the same today.

But Bao Shifan knew in his heart that he still lacked a bit of vigor after all, and what he had done was far from enough. Today, if Jiang Chen hadn't reminded him, he might have easily let the two of them go.

If the heart is not smooth, the anger will not be flat.

If these two people were let off so easily today, then for him, his life in the future would be greatly disturbed, and he would not be as happy as he is now.

Wen Jing listened to Bao Shifan's words, and for a split second, she felt that this young man she was very familiar with was so strange, but she was more moved.

Bao Shifan's fight was for her and him.

This seemingly ordinary young man, at this moment, burst out with a bright look. He looks so stalwart and trustworthy.

"Jiang Chen, have you guys finished watching the movie? How about Xiao Jing and I treat you to something to eat." Bao Shifan said at this time.

What happened today is very weird, and it can even be said to be completely unreasonable. At first, Bao Shifan couldn't understand what was going on, but after seeing Jiang Chen, Bao Shifan understood that it must be Jiang Chen secretly I helped him, otherwise he would be the opponent of the man with the plane head and the man with the inch board head, and it would be considered light to be beaten all over the ground by the two.

And in that case, Wen Jing might suffer disaster today.

However, Bao Shifan felt that, in terms of his relationship with Jiang Chen, it was too vulgar to say thank you, so he just thought, invite Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi to eat, this is a way to thank Jiang Chen.

"I just finished watching a movie, but Squad Leader Xu plans to watch another one, just eat or something," Jiang Chen said.

"It's okay, then let's watch another movie together. I'll buy tickets for which movie you plan to watch." Bao Shifan thought for a while and said.

Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and looked at Xu Anqi innocently.

Xu Anqi was overjoyed, knowing that Jiang Chen was hit by Bao Shifan's behavior, so she said, "It seems that there are no good movies to watch, so let's not watch them, and come back when there are good movies next time."

Bao Shifan was stunned, thinking that he promised to watch another show, why didn't he watch it again, but he didn't think much about it, and asked for a treat again.

Even if Jiang Chen didn't want to agree, that's too bad. A group of four walked outside the movie theater.

Not far from the movie theater, there is a good-grade dessert shop. Bao Shifan went there once when he was dating Wen Jing. At this time, he brought Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi to that dessert shop.

After eating a dessert, the four separated, Bao Shifan and Wen Jing went back to school, and Jiang Chen sent Xu Anqi back to Xu's home.

Jiang Chen ate dinner at Xu's house as usual. This night, Jiang Chen stayed in Xu's villa for one night. In the middle of the night, Xu Anqi sneaked into his bedroom. Jiang Chen hugged the girl and slept all night. , but it was the same as in the daytime and in the movie theater, just taking advantage of words and hands, and did not make substantial progress. Unexpectedly, it aroused the girl's coquettish anger.

The next morning, Jiang Chen accompanied the driver to send Xu Anqi back to school, and then asked the driver to take him to the airport, where he flew directly to the capital.

To Jiang Chen's surprise, on the capital side, Jiang Chen had just walked out of the airport when he discovered that someone had been waiting for him here...

(End of this chapter)

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